Mini symposium : Ecology and Genomics of Insects – What can we

Mini symposium : Ecology and Genomics of Insects –
What can we learn from from social insects and butterflies?
Thursday 10th September 2015 - Room 1015 in Biocenter 2
Registration: [email protected] 13.00-13.05
MSc Claire Morandin, opening words
Centre of Excellence in Biological Interactions, University of Helsinki
Dr Seirian Sumner - Molecular basis of simple social behaviours University of Bristol, UK
Dr Alexander Mikheyev - Using population genomics of social insect evolution
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Dr Jes Søe Pedersen - What is special about ant supercolonies?
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
15.00- 15.30
Coffee break
15.30- 16.10
Dr Christopher Wheat - Butterfly population genomics
Stockholm University, Sweden
16.10- 16.50
Dr Dalial Freitak - Trans-generational immune priming in insects: Vitellogenin
and honey bees
Centre of Excellence in Biological Interactions, University of Helsinki