Pope Paul VI Declared Blessed LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR,

Volume 20 Issue 43
Bulletin Edition
Pope Paul VI Declared Blessed
Pope Francis Concludes Synod of Bishops With
Beatification of Predecessor
Vatican City/10/19/14/Zenit.org/Junno Arocho Esteves
“By our apostolic authority we declare that the Venerable
Servant of God Paul VI, Pope, shall henceforth be called
With these words, Pope Francis beatified Paul VI at the
closing Mass of the Synod of Bishops. The celebration comes
at the conclusion of a two week meeting where the Pope,
along with Bishops and Cardinals from around the world,
discussing the challenges of the family.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who was made a Cardinal
by the newly Blessed in 1977, was present at the beatification.
He was greeted warmly by Pope Francis at the start of the
Mass. Benedict XVI had declared Paul VI ‘Venerable’ in
December 2012.
Pope Francis wore a gold chasuble that belonged to
Blessed Paul VI as well as the newly beatified’s, pastoral
The Holy Father reflected on the Synod, noting that
pastors and lay people worked together “in order to help
today’s family walk the path of the Gospel with their gaze
fixed on Jesus.”
“It has been a great experience, in which we have lived
synodality and collegiality, and felt the power of the Holy
Spirit who constantly guides and renews the Church,” he said.
“For the Church is called to waste no time in seeking to bind
up open wounds and to rekindle hope in so many people who
have lost hope.”
The Pope expressed his hope that the Holy Spirit would
continue to “guide the journey which, in the Churches
throughout the world, is bringing us to the Ordinary Synod of
Bishops on October 2015.”
Paul VI: A Prophetic Witness of Love
Referring to Blessed Paul VI as a “tireless apostle,” Pope
Francis recalled his predecessor’s establishment of the Synod
as a way of adapting to the “growing needs of our times.”
Continued page 4
Oct. 24, 2014
True disciples of Jesus respond with
fruitfulness when they love God and
neighbor as they love themselves.
WORD: Ex 22:20-26/Ps 18:2-3,3-4,47,5
1 Thes 1:5-10/Mt 22:34-40
ORDER: You shall love the Lord your God.....You
shall love your neighbor as yourself.
“If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ but hates his
brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love a
brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom
he has not seen. This is the commandment we have
from Him: whoever loves God must also love his
brother.” (1John 4:20-21)
Our love for our neighbor must be more than our
natural affection. Drawing from God’s love through
prayer and the sacraments gives us the ability to look at
our neighbors through our Lord’s eyes. The most perfect
prayer is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. By participating
in the Mass, as we renew our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross
and unite ourselves with His self-offering to the Father,
we express our love for Him. Only when we love God
with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength can we love
our neighbor as ourselves.
In front of the Holy Eucharist, in our frequent
adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, we recognize our
love for God and God’s love for us. This drives us to live
with compassion and love for others. “The Spirit compels
us to encounter our brothers and sisters, even those most
distant from us in every way, to share with them the love,
peace, and joy of the Risen Lord.”(Pope Frances
Continued on page 3
If he cries out to me, I will hear him for I am
compassionate” (Ex 22:26b)
I g n ora n ce o f t he B ib le is i gn ora n ce of C hr is t . Re a d you r Bib le da ily !
God’s Handiwork
Are You Ready?
Why me? That’s the
first question that I asked
when I was discerned to
write this article for the
Covenant News. I was
hesitant. For the past 15
years, I always refused
invitations from every BLD
relative and friend to join this community. I was always
afraid to speak up, pray in front of other people, or open
up about myself. I knew that I would need to share about
deep, personal things from my life experiences. I felt like
I was the worst speaker and writer in our ME class. So,
why me?
“For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus
for the good works that God has prepared in advance,
that we should live in them.” (Eph 2:10). A part of me
told me that God chose me for a reason. This part of me
did not exist in the past when I was spiritually dormant.
However, the Encounters, LSS’s, teachings, and worships
that the community offers have revitalized my spirit.
They allowed me to see Jesus’ light; and gradually, I
started thinking more positively about myself. Through
my renewed faith, I now believe that He chose me, not
for who I am or what I am able to do, but rather for what I
would become under His direction and power.
During the prayer healing workshop, I expressed how
much I wanted to serve Him despite how incapable I
felt. I had focused on what I did not have instead of on
what I already have. However, God made me see my
flaws and weaknesses, so I could testify to growing and
maturing through Christ’s power. Now, I realize that each
of us is unique and important. Each of us is needed in our
church, in our community, and in this world to do good
works and to spread the good news. We have worth
because of what God has done for us and in us.
Now, whenever I ask myself, “Why me?” the answer
is clear: my imperfections are all part of God’s plan for
me to reach other people who may also doubt their own
capabilities. When the Lord calls us, we must respond to
Him, and we should not think we have nothing to offer.
Even before He created us, He knew what we could do.
The Lord takes what we can offer and enables us to
accomplish great things for Him.
Preparation. A word that comes with many negative
connotations, especially when we ourselves have to deal
with it. Why? Preparation often means much waiting and
hard work. When an exam is coming up, it requires hours
of studying, sitting and learning. Preparation. If a
Christmas party is being held at your house, you will
need to commit to hours of cleaning, planning and
cooking. Preparation. We do it because we know that
only those who are willing to sacrifice will reap the
rewards of their hard labor.
What success then will be attained by those who
prepare in faith? The heaviness that this word
preparation bears prevents us from remembering the
ultimate gift that comes to those who sacrifice: eternal
life. Our God is so good, that He has promised
everlasting life to those who prepare for His coming with
love, obedience and faith. How beautiful is this? THIS is
how much he loves us. Yet, the conditions to attain the
ultimate goal appear daunting to the human mind. For
what love requires is to respect our enemy. What
obedience requires is that we follow the Lord’s
commandments. What faith requires is to trust not in our
own instinct, but in the Lord’s plan. When we say, “Yes,
Lord, I love you,” how far must we go to prove this with
our words, actions and character?
”Be sure of this: if
the master of the
house had known the
hour when the thief
was coming, he would
not have let his house
be broken into.” (Lk
12:39). Having been
assured of the Lord’s
return, it is up to us to remain strong in faith and not be
distracted by the things of this world. Let us not be
disheartened by the negative connotations that the word
preparation so often carries with it. Instead, let us rejoice
in the truth that we are being welcomed into the kingdom
of heaven to be with our Heavenly Father. For the
happiness we know on Earth is nowhere near what our
Lord has prepared for us in His kingdom. Let us walk by
love, obedience and faith, knowing very well that Christ
is coming, and He wants us to be with Him. Preparation.
Are you ready?
“God is perfect, He is faultless. And so, when Divine love becomes manifest in us in the fullness of Grace, we radiate this
love --- not only on the earth, but throughout the entire universe as well… It is God’s all-encompassing love that manifests
itself in us. When this happens, we see no difference between people: everyone is good, everyone is our brother, and we
consider ourselves to be the worst of men --- servants of every created thing.” - Elder Thaddeus
Christian Authenticity
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
One concept that appeals to many Christians today is
the notion of being authentic. By authentic I mean being
Christian in a way which reflects the reality of the
gospel. We want to be authentic Christians who are
members of authentic churches pursuing authentic ministry.
Yet what does this really look like? 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
paints a portrait that reveals Christian authenticity from
several aspects.
The first aspect of Christian authenticity is a
community that is aware of the Father, Son, and Spirit.
Note how in verse 1 and 2 Paul, the author of 1
Thessalonians, is aware of both the Father’s and Son’s
contributions to his relationship with his readers. Note also
in verse 5 that he references the third member of the Trinity,
the Holy Spirit. Do our lives and communities reflect similar
awareness of each member of the Trinity? If not, who is
missing, and why might this be? If so, do we sense the same
kind of energy pulsing through our community that is
pulsing through chapter 1 of this letter?
A second aspect of Christian authenticity is service
characterized by faith, hope, and love. Paul says, “We
continually remember before our God and Father your
work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love,
and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus
Christ” (v. 3). The most exciting church experiences I’ve
had have come from being part of a dynamic community in
which faith, hope, and love are present together. Father, let
me work, labor, and endure with the faith, love, and hope of
these Thessalonian believers.
A third aspect of Christian authenticity is proclamation
framed not only by words, but also with power, the
Spirit, and deep conviction (v. 5). Is our community
proclaiming Christ not only in word, but also in power, the
Spirit, and with deep conviction? If not, what is God calling
me to do toward moving in this direction?
A fourth aspect of Christian authenticity is leadership
marked by incarnation, modeling, suffering, joy, and
reproduction (vv. 6,7). A fifth aspect of Christian
authenticity is faith characterized by repentance, service,
and waiting on the Lord (vv. 8-10).
Let’s examine each of these aspects of Christian
authenticity - our experience of community, our service, our
proclamation, our leadership, and our faith. May these
verses affirm our own Christian authenticity where it exists
and point the way ahead where we are deficient, that we
might know and rejoice in the genuineness of the authentic
(from page 1)
In Proverbs 3:1&5, we read: “My son, do not forget my
teaching, take to heart my commands....Trust in the LORD
with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely.”
Our dear God so loved us, that He provided us with His Ten
Commandments (not just suggestions), to teach us how to
live as His sons and daughters (in the first four), and to live
with our brothers and sisters in the community (in the last
six). Our Lord Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, gave us
the eight Beatitudes, not as commandments, but as teachings
of humility, charity, and brotherly love to transform our inner
person, our mind and heart. And our Holy Catholic Church
provided us with the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
which illustrate the way to show charity toward others. These
are God’s social laws for living for Him and with the others.
When we did not know God, we were slaves to sin, to
ourselves, the world, and the devil. As Christians, we know
that to love God and our neighbor is worth more than gold
and silver because it leads us to the Kingdom of God.
Loving God is more than a creed or an attitude, more
than a teaching or a doctrine or an article of faith. When our
Lord Jesus said that we should love the Lord our God with all
our heart, soul, and mind, He meant we should love God with
our whole life. Loving God is more than praising and
worshiping Him. Just as the Thessalonians turned from
idolatry to serve the living and true God, we must turn from
our evil ways. The Catechism says: “Christ died out of love
for us, while we were still ‘enemies.’ The Lord asks us to love
as He does, even our enemies, to make ourselves the
neighbor of those farthest away, and to love children and the
poor as Christ himself.” (CCC1825) When St. Paul learned
that the Christian community he founded in Corinth was
displaying divisions and moral disorder, he wrote them letters
in which he gave an incomparable description of love. He
taught that the practice of all virtues (human, cardinal, and
theological) is animated and inspired by love, the greatest
virtue of them all... and that without love, we are nothing.
In Luke 6:46, Jesus asks, “Why do you call me ‘Lord,
Lord’, but do not do what I command?” Jesus commands us
to love our neighbor as ourselves. Love is an essential part of
our obligation to God. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we
ask that He forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us. Where we Christians can, and frequently
do, fail is in our effort to forgive and love our neighbor. When
we fail to love our neighbor, we fail in our love for God,
because we refuse to carry out our sacred duty. If we do not
recognize our neighbor as our brother, we do not recognize
God as our Father, and we do not love Him. We must always
remember that whatever spiritual or material help we give to
a neighbor in need out of true charity, is given to God; and
whatever is given to God is invested in heaven. Our God pays
bountiful dividends.
Continued page 4
(from page 3)
1. Be quick to forgive and reconcile with each other.
2. Avoid prejudice and bias.
3. Care for the needy and the oppressed.
(from page 1)
“When we look to this great Pope, this courageous Christian, this
tireless apostle, we cannot but say in the sight of God a word as
simple as it is heartfelt and important: thanks!” he exclaimed as the
faithful applauded. “Thank you, our dear and beloved Pope Paul
VI! Thank you for your humble and prophetic witness of love for
Christ and his Church!”
Tithe/Love Offering
Mission Collections
Walk Fundraising
Fr. Paul’s SOH
Financial details are available to all members through
[email protected]
Thank you for your continued support!
Stewardship – It’s a way of life!
During his pontificate, Blessed Paul VI led the Church during
the sexual revolution of the 60s. It was in that time that he wrote his Oct 24 - Intercessory Immersion – ME 41, SPE 15
Service Immersion – ME 42
famed encyclical “Humanae Vitae” (Human Life) which
New Creation Realities/Growth in Prayer – LSS 1-43
reaffirmed the Church’s stance on conjugal love, parenthood, and
- Christian Maturity Program 2, Part 1 – LS 1-38
the Church’s stance on contraception. Though facing opposition
Nov 21 - Intercessory Immersion – ME 41, SPE 15
from both outside and within the Church, Paul VI staunchly
- Service Immersion – ME 42
defended “the design established by the Creator.”
Venue: Divine Mercy Parish School Classrooms, Rahway, NJ
It was his humility, Pope Francis concluded, where “the Time: Friday after worship, *Saturday 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
grandeur of Blessed Paul VI shines forth.
“Before the advent of a secularized and hostile society, he
could hold fast, with farsightedness and wisdom – and at times
alone – to the helm of the barque of Peter, while never losing his joy
Date: November 7-9, 2014
and his trust in the Lord.”
Location: Graymoor Spiritual Life Center
Garrison, NY
St. Mary’s Church, Rahway NJ
Officiated by Fr. Frank Pavonne, National Director, Priest for life
February 16-19, 2015,
Koronadal City, So. Cotabato, Philippines
Volunteers needed.
If interested, please sign-up on or before December 15th
For details contact: Mel/Remy Hernandez [email protected]
Contacts: Jojo/Adelle Orosa ~ [email protected]
Jutt Bustos ~ [email protected]
Date: November 14-16, 2014
Location: Hotel Executive Suites
30 Minue St. Carteret NJ
Contacts: Mosty/Ling Garcia ~ [email protected] or
ME 43 class members
PASTORAL HOUR ~ Oct. 28th @ 8 pm
FOR: DLC (DCS/Ministry Coordinators/Class Shepherds)
CCR Leaders Day entitled
“Coming Together to Serve Each Other/
Encourage, Educate and Empower.”
Saturday, November 15, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm,
Holy Family Parish in Nutley
To all Charismatic Prayer Group and Ministry Leaders
Please mark your calendars, register between now and Nov. 1, and pray for this
special event. Together let us seek the Holy Spirit for a fresh anointing upon our
CCR in the Archdiocese of Newark. Registration fee: $10
Every last Friday of the month
from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm at
St. Mary’s Church (DMP).
Oct 31
Nov 7
Nov 14
Nov 21
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