October Melee 2014 MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!!!! The Denver/Boulder Chapter Annual AWARDS BANQUET Sunday, November 9th At the Wildgrass Community Clubhouse 14425 Sheridan Ave. Broomfield, CO 80023 (This is located just North of 144th and Sheridan) from 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM This will be a relaxed and fun event! A great way to spend a quiet Sunday afternoon! Not just for handing out the awards for the 2014 season there will also be a Thief’s training scenario (see if you have what it takes to play a thief, or if you already have a Thief come learn how to become a better one), other games (board-‐type), discussions on IFGS topics, and conversations galore! And there will be food! Dinner will begin at 5:00 PM and is being prepared by Izzy Veldhuis. If you have not experienced his cooking, you will be in for quite a treat! Izzy would like to know if you have any food allergies or restrictions Please contact him privately at: Izzy @ frii.com Directions: Take your best route to I-‐25 and 144th street (Exit #226) and head west on 144th until you reach Sheridan Avenue. Turn right on Sheridan and go north to the third left onto Silver Feather Circle. The clubhouse is on the right on the corner of Silver Feather Circle and Snowcrest Drive. SEE THE MAP HIDDEN IN THIS ISSUE DENVER/BOULDER ELECTION RESULTS The election results are in and were announced at the Annual Meeting on October 11th. The Elections Committee, newly chaired by Liana Sanders, submitted the following results: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014 Elections Summary: 55 people invited 28 responded, 27 did not 2 year terms: Ray Michel - 25 votes Lisa Manglass - 10 votes 1 year terms: Bret Halford - 9 votes Canon Alexander - 7 votes Norman Moore - 5 votes There were no write in nominations. Liana Sanders Also at the Annual Meeting, Dia Campbell submitted her resignation from the Board. So after all of the dust has settled, the new Board consists of the following people: Ray Michel Lisa Manglass Brad Evenson Norman Moore Canon Alexander Izzy Veldhuis Bret Halford (until 2016) (until 2016) (until 2015) (until 2015) (until 2015) (until 2015) (until 2015) If you have pictures from any games you can share them with our IFGS Shutterfly site. https://ifgsdb.shutterfly.com If you’d like to see pictures of IFGS events, you can try the IFGS’s Shutterfly site. https://ifgsdb.shutterfly.com If you want to be added to or taken off the IFGS Melee notification list, please email Dan Frazier dfrazier at earthnet.net The next Denver/Boulder BOARD MEETING Will be held on: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15th 1:00 PM At the: ERIE LIBRARY COMMUNITY ROOM These meetings are open to everybody who is interested. The Board encourages the membership to attend and become involved in the chapter. Directions The Erie Community Library is located in Erie, Colorado at 400 Powers Street, Erie, CO 80516 Northeast of the intersection of E. County Line Road and Erie Parkway (Exit 232 from I-25) http://www.mapquest.com/?version=1.0&hk=1-‐4rifm6cu COMMITTEE NEWS The Board is currently taking nominations for the PR Chair position. If you have a background and/or interest in coordinating PR activities and would like to serve the D/B Chapter in this capacity, please let the Board know that you would like to be considered for this exciting position. Email the Board at: Board @ dbifgs.org Board Meetings are always open to the general membership no matter how strange they are. If you are interested in helping sanctioning games or need some input maybe on writing your first game, you can contact DB sanctioning committee here -‐ http://www.dbifgs.org/email-‐the-‐sanctioning-‐chair/. Thanks! Mike Paxton – DB SC Chair Gamers Guild Specializes in PC, Console and Table Top Gaming in a friendly livingroom style environment. Heroclix on Sundays at 2:30 pm Warhammer every Sunday Magic Tournaments weekly Gamer’s Guild 4550 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 997-6496 Follow us on Twitter and Foursquare [email protected] The IFGS Society web page is www.ifgs.org. Contact the D/B Board [email protected] Find old Melees http://www.dbifgs.org/category/melee/ IFGS FACEBOOK Check us out on Facebook! Look for page name IFGS Denver Boulder. If you are a member, don't forget to sign up for our forums too at http://forum.ifgs.org/- See you there! Please check us out at:www.facebook.com Page Name IFGS Denver Boulder This is an OPEN group, so come on by! Look for announcements and keep up with friends. PR Chair Dia Campbell, [email protected] D/B OFFICERS & CHAIRS Ray Michel, Board President and Registry Chair Brad Evenson, Board Vice President and Safety Chair Izzy Veldhuis, Board Member Bret Halford, Board Member and Secretary Canon Alexander, Board Member Norman Moore, Board Member and QM Chair Lisa Manglass, Board Member Sheryl Baltzer, Treasurer√ Committee Heads Sanctioning: Mike Paxton Registry: Ray Michel Newsletter: Dan Frazier Quartermaster: Norman Moore Elections: Liana Sanders Safety Officer: Brad Evenson PR: Vacant Membership: Vanessa Michel Tech Committee: (website) John Edwards I Foresee, Relations with your team will be strained when you come out of the closet with your love for all things Zombie. I Foresee, As a lover of all things Zombie, your dreams will come true at least until the 5th encounter where one eats your brains. Awards: Archives: Treasury: Events: Contact Information IFGS - D/B PO Box 372101, Denver, CO 80237 Brandon Slaten Lisa Manglass Sheryl Baltzer Deanne Edwards Contact the D/B Board [email protected] I Foresee, Your new fashion line will debut in a thrilling manner during the Night Zombie Encounter. I Foresee, Due to a chronic skin condition, you will not need any make-‐up for the Zombie encounter. I Foresee, It will have been a good life, but you always knew the day would come when the jogging zombies would finally catch up with you. Emails to committee chairs are as follows: Archives Chair [email protected] Awards Chair [email protected] Elections Chair [email protected] Events Chair [email protected] Membership Chair [email protected] Newsletter Chair none PR Chair [email protected] Quartermaster Chair [email protected] Registry Chair [email protected] Safety Chair [email protected] Sanctioning Chair [email protected] Tech Chair [email protected] Treasury Chair [email protected] Sanctioning Committee Members Chair Animal: Mike Paxton Vermin: Brad Evenson, Brandon Slaten, Bret Halford, Jeff Loats, Michelle Lonsinger, Mike Paxton, Norman Moore, Ray Michel, Tom Baltzer, Seth Magle, Nissa Osheim PRESIDENT’S COLUMN By Ray Michel Let me start this month’s column by thanking everybody who attended the Annual Meeting for the chapter. For me it is always very helpful to hear from our membership to get a sense of where their thoughts are at; and this year was no exception. I think that I can safely state the Board obtained a very good understanding on the current mentality of our membership, which has helped us in our resolve of knowing what actions that we need to be looking at taking over the upcoming year. And for those who were unable to attend, no worries. The Board meets every month and you are always welcome to attend and give us your thoughts and concerns. Of course, the Annual Meeting also marks the beginning of the new term of directors and I want to welcome Bret Halford to the Board! Bret brings a lot of experience and knowledge to the Board and I have no doubt his addition will help the Board greatly. Less enthusiastically, I must also announce that Dia Campbell has submitted her resignation from the Board, vacating her seat for the remaining year of her term. Dia has provided a great deal of insight and perspective to the Board during her tenure and her contributions will be missed. I also want to take a moment to thank our new Elections Committee chair and to introduce her to some of you. Liana Sanders is still considered a novice because she is just leaving her first year of activity in the IFGS. But she has jumped in with both feet and at the beginning of this year she filled the vacant chair position for the Elections Committee. She undertook this responsibility with enthusiasm and great attitude! Not only did she have to learn the process (and all the rules) surrounding the conducting of an elections but she also moved the elections to an electronic format. If you keep up with the backstage of the chapter you will already know that we have been undertaking an effort to move everything to an electronic format; a new website, the registry, the awards evaluations, and now our elections. And this is just for starters! But I am extremely proud of the great job Liana did in getting everything organized and conducting the elections without a hitch. This year’s elections saw a better than 50% return on members voting. That is a historically high number for D/B, where in the past 25% returns were considered successful. This is an important improvement because it means that the membership is able to become more involved. In an all-‐volunteer group like IFGS the administration cannot “make” people do things, the best we can hope for is to facilitate things so that people can do more things more easily if they desire. This much higher percentage of voting indicates a success in that respect; the people who wanted to vote were able to do it more easily. And we owe that success to Liana. Also, I want to publically thank Danny Dupree. He was the producer for Sweet Cecille, the game that ran in September. This was his first experience as a producer. And he knocked it out of the park! Production is no trivial task and it is our most crucial task. Without producers, IFGS runs no games. That would make our purpose just a bit less than unclear. Danny not only stepped into the world of production, but he did so under less than ideal circumstances. He had intended to “learn the ropes” and run a game “maybe next year” sometime but instead stepped up and produced this game in about six weeks. Even an experienced producer will tell you that is an optimistic production schedule. But this brand new, inexperienced producer managed to pull it off. And if I may say so, he pulled it off better than some more experienced producers might have managed. These are just two of the many incredible people who are members of the Denver/Boulder chapter. I remind everybody who is reading this right now that this chapter -‐ and the IFGS in whole -‐ is only as good as the people who belong to it and who volunteer to get the work done. I am so impressed with so many of our members … and I personally thank you for your continued (or new) efforts. And now we look toward the annual Awards Banquet (November 9th!) and the planning for next summer. I hope to see many of you over the winter months helping to make IFGS the special place it is to game. Rulebooks are always available for sale at DB Chapter games at the check-in desk, and often available at other DB Chapter events such as Chapter Board meetings, workshops, etc. If a rulebook is needed via mail, please contact the DB Chapter Treasurer via email at [email protected] for further options. Prices are currently $25 for the newest version of rules, edition 7.0; and $5 for the older version of rules, edition 6.8. Edition 7.0 rulebooks can also be found on Amazon.com and other such bookstores, but the DB Chapter would not receive any monetary benefit from those sales. Currently, the DB Chapter recognizes both rules sets as viable, and allows games to be written and produced based on either set of rules. Sheryl Baltzer [email protected] IFGS Websites The 7.0 Quick Start Rules are The Society Website: http://www.ifgs.org/ available online, right here. The Denver/Boulder Website: http://www.ifgs.org/files/97/ http://www.dbifgs.org/ 7.0QuickStart.pdf IFGS Shutterfly: http://ifgsdb.shutterfly.com/ Game Background Information: http://wiki.ifgs.org/index.php?title=Main_Page Forums discussing IFGS topicshttp://forum.ifgs.org The Melee: http://www.dbifgs.org/melee/index.html I Foresee, You will feel like a hamster on a treadmill. You kill the undead and they go down. They get up and you kill the undead and they go down. Repeat until you’re dead. I Foresee, The insurance company will refuse to pay your widow, insisting that since you are a zombie, you’re really not all that dead. MINUTES FOR DENVER/BOULDER BOARD MEETING 9/18/2014 Attending: Board members: Ray Michel (P), Izzy Veldhuis (VP), Brad Evenson, Lisa Manglass Other Attendees: Bret Halford, Brandon Slaten, Sheryl Baltzer (T) Board Members absent: Dia Campbell (no proxy), Canon Alexander (no proxy), Norman Moore (no proxy) Meeting convened: 7:15 PM Awards Determination – The Board discussed nominations for Novice of the Year and Silver Service awards. Recipients were chosen, the results to be revealed at the annual Awards Banquet. Awards Banquet – It was decided that the Awards Banquet will be held on Sunday, November 9, in order to accommodate the availability of the event staff. Sheryl Baltzer has offered her clubhouse as a site option, and the staff likes this option. She reported the need to pay for the clubhouse as well as provide a security deposit, the latter to be returned after the event if the clubhouse is left in good shape. MOTION: To authorize the Treasurer to give a check to Sheryl in the amount of $325 for reservation of her community clubhouse. It is understood that $250 of this is a refundable security deposit. Michel-‐Evenson 4-‐0-‐0 Awards Committee – Awards committee reported on the preparation of this year’s awards and has asked for an amount not to exceed $150 for the purchase of special awards. MOTION: To authorize the Awards Committee to spend up to $150 for the purchase of special awards to be presented at the awards banquet. Veldhuis – Michel 4-‐0-‐0 Safety Officer – The SO reported that one game had run since his last report, and that there was one minor injury that occurred. The injured party did not seek additional medical services. Also a carport was blown over in the wind and the GSO determined that it had not been tied down as required by policy. The carport suffered no damages and there were no injuries resulting. Lastly, the SO asked for additional funds in the amount of $170 for the purchase of additional radios that had already been made. MOTION: To authorize the Treasurer to give a check to Brad Evenson for the reimbursement of the purchase of radios. Manglass – Veldhuis 4-‐0-‐0 Annual Waiver – Society has authorized the use of annual waivers for participants of all IFGS games. This policy will allow a member to sign just one waiver annually which will be in effect for all games during the next 12 months. It is the responsibility of the chapter to have these waivers on file and to verify that each member has a waiver in effect at each game. Society has left the decision to each chapter as to whether or not they wish to adopt this policy in their own chapter. MOTION: To adopt the Society policy allowing a member to sign just one waiver annually for participation in D/B sanctioned events. Michel – Manglass 4-‐0-‐0 Next Meeting – The next meeting will be the annual chapter meeting. It is set for October 11th. The meeting will be held at the Erie Community Library and will begin at 1:00PM. Meeting Adjourned: 9:45PM Society Election Deadline fast approaching. Let me know if you plan on running or if you know a great candidate I should contact. In 2012, the Society mailed out 200+ ballots and less than 40 were returned.In 2013, we utilized the online voting service ElectionBuddy dot com and had a whopping 53% of the membership cast a vote!For the 2014 Society Election we will continue to use ElectionBuddy dot com, which brings me to my point: please email Janice with any email address updates right now while it's top of mind...every fully paid up member should have the opportunity to cast their vote in the election this year. Please email her at: [email protected] Are you qualified? Want to nominate someone else?We need to have at least one qualified candidate on the ballot for each of the four Society Board position to be filled. A qualified candidate is a currently paid up voting member who is over 18.You may self-nominate by sending an email to [email protected] before October 10, 2014, or call me at 512 350 3002. Email is best. 2014 SOCIETY ELECTION DEADLINES: OCTOBER 10, 2014: Nominations and campaign statements due. NOVEMBER 1, 2014: Ballots and online voting information will be emailed to members on or before this date. DECEMBER 1, 2014: Voting closes. JANUARY 2015: New Society Board members installed at the January Society Board meeting. And just in case you don't know: 2013-2014 Society Board Members with positions expiring at the end of 2014: Dane Lyon John Jones Brett Paul David Wood------------------------------------------------------------------Society Page Northern Alabama Provisional Chapter now joins Southern California Provisional Chapter as another resurrected historic IFGS chapter. Congratulations to both chapters! SoCal ran their first game and doubled their membership, making them the third largest chapter. Both chapters are comprised of both new and old members. Best wishes to them both. There will be a Membership Survey going out to each IFGS member with an email address on file, asking members about various issues concerning rules versions, rulebooks, and pricing preferences. It will be distributed through ElectionBuddy, the same service as the Society Election ballot. Look for it soon. Also look for your Society voting ballot soon, if you are a Regular or Life member in good standing. Ballots go out November 1st, and you have until December 1st to take a few minutes to vote. NOW FOR THE BIG NEWS There is a new Society-wide policy in place to protect minors at games from inappropriate sexual situations. Please read through the policy, it will affect how you act in games when in the company of minors, as players and as staff. The policy is modeled on the Boy Scout "Two Deep" policy. The Board has been working on this policy after the example of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), who was sued for allowing an unfortunate incident to occur at one of their overnight events. [Note to Dan - you can place this here or separately, it is long] IFGS Minor Participation Policy About This Policy The IFGS takes the responsibility to protect itself and its members seriously. Recent events within other organizations have brought to light the necessity for the IFGS to have and to strictly enforce this Minor Participation Policy. Definition of Terms Junior Member -‐ Any person under the age of 18 who holds an IFGS membership. This is mentioned for information purposes only, as the policy concerns minors, whether or not they are members of the IFGS. Minor -‐ Any person under the age of 18, whether holding an IFGS membership or not Adult -‐ All members and registered guests 18 years of age or older Supervising Adult -‐ All members or registered guests who are 21 years of age or older, and are not a parent or legal guardian of the minor(s) to be supervised. Persons of authority such as licensed or certified fire department personnel, police, or paramedics, regardless of age, count as supervising adults if on duty. When providing active supervision to one or more minors, two such supervising adults are required at all time who are not related to each other by by blood or by relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend, spouses, family members, etc), and who do not live in the same household as each other. In addition, any parent or legal guardian of the minor(s) to be supervised qualifies as a supervising adult. Society Safety Officer (SSO) -‐ (From Safety Handbook, Volume I, v3.1) -‐ The Society Safety Officer (SSO) is responsible to the Society Board of Directors and the membership for the establishment and promulgation of safety rules and guidelines that engender a safe gaming environment, and for transmitting those policies to the Chapter level for implementation. Chapter Safety Officer (CSO) -‐ (From Safety Handbook, Volume I, v3.1) -‐ The Chapter Safety Officer (CSO) is responsible for all safety matters within their chapter. The CSO must answer to his/her own Chapter Board, and to the Society Safety Officer (SSO); mostly, however, they must answer to their fellow members who rely on them to keep them physically safe during IFGS events. Game Safety Officer (GSO) -‐ (From Registry Handbook v3.17) The Game Safety Officer (GSO) for a game is the individual who is responsible for seeing that the game is executed in a safe manner. The GSO checks all weapons and encounter sites before a game starts to make sure they are safe. SOs additionally serve as first aid support if any should be needed during the game. When it comes to safety, their word is law. The GSO has the authority to stop a game or an encounter at any time for reasons of safety. They can issue warnings to individuals and eject a person from a game for reasons of safety, as defined in the Society Safety Officer's Policy. A GSO must qualify as a supervising adult. Event Coordinators (EC) -‐ any member hosting a non-‐ game event, such as a work party, weapon making workshop, prop locker clean up, etc. If there is no GSO for a given event, the EC takes the place of a GSO for the purpose of minor participation policy provided they qualify as a supervising adult; and if they do not, a separate GSO must be assigned. Game Master (GM) -‐ (From Registry Handbook v3.17) Game Masters (GMs) are an essential part of every team. GMs are the judges who accompany each party of adventurers, and they provide information to the PCs and to the NPCs when required. The GM must know the rules as well as the design of the specific game, because the GM will have to answer all questions during the game. GMs must be able to make snap decisions and stand by them. They must also be able to improvise when something new happens. The GM will give the benefit of the doubt to PCs and the GMs word is final on the course. GMs should not be argued with on the course. The GM makes the game run smoothly for the team, and makes the game run as intended by the GP. The GM does not have the authority to change the game in any way without the approval of the WD. Scorekeeper (SK) -‐ (From Registry Handbook v3.17) Scorekeepers (SKs) assist the GM with all of the GM's responsibilities. They are responsible for keeping track of each PC's spell/ability points during the game. They also serve as extra eyes and ears for the GM. Probation -‐ A period of time during which the chapter is under increased scrutiny to ensure compliance with this policy. Compliance Officer -‐ The Supervising Adult responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy during an event. The Compliance Officer may NOT be the SSO, CSO, a member of the Society board, nor a member of the chapter board. A Compliance Officer must be appointed for all games and events run while a chapter is on Probation. Report of Suspicious Behavior -‐ If any member of the game staff is informed of possible inappropriate behavior of any participant with a minor, it constitutes an official report of suspicious behavior. Violation of Policy vs. Report of Suspicious Behavior Non-‐compliance with this Minor Participation Policy in any IFGS event is a violation of IFGS Society policy. There is a distinction between a violation of policy and a report of suspicious behavior. The former must be investigated in light of this policy. The latter may require police intervention and investigation. A violation of policy, while considered a window of opportunity, is not as severe as a report of suspicious behavior. A violation of policy is still a serious offense that can open a chapter, its board of directors, and Society to legal and financial liability. Any report of suspicious behavior must be investigated by the GSO and/or CSO. If the report is substantiated, it constitutes a violation of policy, even if the chapter claims to be following policy. If the Safety Officer cannot investigate due to conflict of interest, and the report is received during the event, the Game Producer will designate another member of the game staff to investigate. If the report is received after the event, the Chapter Board will appoint someone to follow up on the report. For the purpose of this document, when referring to a “violation of policy,” this includes reports of suspicious behavior unless a clear distinction is made otherwise. Compliance Officer, SSO, CSO, and GSO The game Compliance Officer is responsible for reporting adherence to this policy while a chapter is on probation as part of the official game safety report for the CSO. He or she shall coordinate this reporting with the GSO. All violations of the Minor Participation Policy, whether corrected or not, are included. Report of any violation of this policy must then be reported to the SSO in writing. SSOs who receive chapter reports of minor participation policy violations, must give official warning to the chapter in writing due to the potential legal liability. SSOs must report all violations to the Society Board in writing as part of their monthly report. Any chapter with one or more violations may be reviewed by the Society Board for severity and action taken accordingly. (See Chapter Probation and Status.) Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Any reasonable good faith belief that a minor has been a victim of sexual abuse, physical abuse, gross neglect, or child pornography must be reported to local authorities and a report must be given to the GSO or EC in writing. Minors Found Alone at an Event or Game It is strictly prohibited for any participating minor or group of minors to be alone and unsupervised. If a minor or group of minors is found alone, it shall be immediately reported to the GSO by the person who discovered the unsupervised minor(s), even if it’s another minor. If a parent is present at the game or event, the parent will be found and given a verbal warning by the GSO or the Encounter Coordinator. A second violation will result in barring both the minor and the parent(s) from the game or event. If the minor’s parent is not present, the GSO will escort the minor to where the minor belongs for the game or event, adhering at all times to the two-‐deep and one-‐on-‐one contact rules defined below. Further, the GSO will ensure that these rules are followed at the minor’s designated location. One-on-one Contact Rule No minor shall be alone with an adult who is not their parent or guardian. This is referred to as one-‐on-‐one contact and is strictly prohibited. (example: a minor and an adult walking together in the woods, using the restroom together, being the only two people in an encounter, etc.) Adults who violate this rule, will be given one verbal warning. A second offense will result in the adult being removed from the game or event. Any event, including an emergency situation, where this rule is violated must be reported to the GSO. The Two Deep Rule For every minor or group of minors together, either the parent or parents of all of the minors in the group, or two supervising adults, or a parent and a supervising adult, must be present with the group at all times during the entire game or event. However, in the case where a supervising adult is the parent or legal guardian of ALL of the minors in the group, that single parent or legal guardian shall be sufficient to satisfy the Two Deep Rule. If an adult must leave the minors, even temporarily, another qualifying adult must be sent to relieve the adult before he or she may leave. Any event, including an emergency situation, where this rule is violated must be reported to the GSO. Strategies for Compliance with This Policy While these seem like simple rules to follow, the reality of how an IFGS game runs presents unique challenges. The situations below address some of these issues. This list is not comprehensive. When in doubt, refer to the rules above. Minor Teams Every team of minors must have two adults as per the Two Deep Rule. The two adults can fill the role of GM and SK as both roles remain with the team for the duration of the game. No one-‐on-‐one contact still applies. When minors are on a team of PCs, a minimum of two supervising adults are always required. Mixed Teams A mixed team includes both adults and minors. Attention must be paid to the Two Deep Rule. Any two qualifying adults among the team members, GM and SK can satisfy the rule. Any adult team with a minor(s) must also remember the no One-‐on-‐One Contact Rule. GMs and GPs need to think about this before game day. If the game script calls for a player to be taken from the team, and it happens to be a minor, the two deep rule still applies. Two qualifying adults will need to take the minor to the specified encounter as per game script and may not be left alone or only in the company of only one adult unless that adult is the parent or legal guardian. Minor Privacy Adults must fully respect the privacy of minors, such as costume changes, bathroom breaks, and showers on the game site. The only time an adult may enter is for health or safety reasons and that must be reported to the safety officer. In turn, adults must also be prudent with their own privacy and not open themselves to a situation where a minor is accidentally privy to a private adult situation, like changing clothes, showering, etc. Daycare and Daycare Encounters Daycare encounters are a way of allowing young children to participate in games under the supervision of adults while still providing a service to the parents who need someone to care for their children while they participate elsewhere in the game. These encounters are often linked to visiting a town, or finding a group of lost orphans as part of the story, thus giving the children some fun participation in the game in addition to daycare. Daycare and daycare encounters must comply with all minor policies and, like minor teams, must have a minimum of two supervising adults at all times. If one of the two attending adult must leave temporarily, another qualifying adult must be sent to the daycare or daycare encounter before the attending adult may be relieved. (This applies even if the restroom in only 10 feet away.) Having three or more qualifying adults at daycare or at a daycare encounter makes compliance with the above rules easier. Minors in NPC Encounters Many IFGS encounters take place in isolation from other people on the game course. If such an encounter includes minors, the Two Deep Rule must be followed. Appropriate Touching in Encounters From the Safety handbook: “The NO PHYSICAL CONTACT rule refers to violent contact and not casual physical interaction. I.E., you cannot hit, tackle, trip, throw, or violently grab a person. You can still touch someone in a non offensive manner in the course of role-‐playing.” However, contact of a sexual nature, whether implicit or explicit, is to be avoided at all time with minors. Minor Participants at Overnight Games The organization cannot dictate, nor is responsible for, participant behavior outside of game time. However, it is strongly recommended that minor participants who wish to camp at a game site only do so with the minor’s parent or guardian. Minors are advised not to share a tent, camper or other sleeping facility with any adult other than the parent or guardian of that minor. Consequences of Policy Violation Adherence to this policy cannot be emphasized enough. Minor participants must be protected at all times. As such, there are strong and immediate consequences for policy violations. Probation If violations of these rules are found a chapter may be placed on probation as defined below. Probation requires a chapter to appoint a Compliance Officer for all sanctioned games and events. Compliance Officer When required, a Compliance Officer must be on course from the arrival of the first minor participant until the last minor participant leaves the game course or event. Minors must check in and check out with the Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer must know the whereabouts of minor participants at all times, and must periodically, throughout the game or event, ensure that the Two Deep and One-‐on-‐One Contact rules are adhered to. As such, the Compliance Officer must be able to access and reach all parts of a game course or event location where minor participants are to be present. The Compliance Officer has the authority and responsibility to shut down any game or event where the Two Deep or One-‐on-‐One Contact rules are being violated. It is at the Compliance Officer’s discretion whether the game or event may resume after the violations have been addressed and measures taken to ensure no further violation occurs. The Compliance Officer may have NO OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES on game day than those defined in the previous paragraph. At the end of each event for which a Compliance Officer was required, the Compliance Officer will send a written report to both the Chapter Board and to the SSO listing any and all violations of the Minor Policy that occurred in the game and note which violations were corrected; if no violation occurred at the event, that shall be reported, as well. Schedule of Consequences for Policy Violation When a policy violation is reported and verified, additional consequences may be imposed on the offending Chapter based on the chapter’s track record as follows: If the chapter has no active written warnings or censures (defined below), the chapter will receive a written warning from the Society Safety Officer or Society Board. This warning remains in effect for three calendar months or until the end of the next game or event, whichever is longer. If the chapter already has a written warning in effect, the chapter receives written censure for repeated policy violation from the Society Safety Officer or Society Board. This censure remains in effect for six calendar months or until the end of the next game or event, whichever is longer. While the censure is in effect, the chapter is on probation. If any violations are reported and verified while a chapter is on probation, the chapter must immediately suspend running games until the chapter board is replaced with new members. Once the new board is seated, probation resumes until the six month probationary period expires. If any violation is reported and verified while the chapter is on probation after the new board is seated, the chapter immediately loses its charter and my not run games under the auspices of the IFGS. Game Sanctioning and Minor Participation Rules In light of the seriousness of the policy above and the potential consequences for non-‐ compliance, the sanctioning committee may in its review of a game designate that a game is inappropriate for minor participants. This can be further subdivided into games that are appropriate for minor participants as Player Characters (PCs), or Non-‐Player Character (NPC) roles that cannot make use of minors. To allow for flexibility, individual encounters may also be rated as “No Minors” in the game script. As such, no minors will be allowed to view or participate in any encounter so designated. IFGS Denver/Boulder P.O. Box 372101 Denver, CO 80237 FOR INTERNAL USE Check # ____________ Member # ___________ Memb Exp ___________ PER YEAR FEES: REGULAR $10 ASSOCIATE or JUNIOR $2 INTERNATIONAL FANTASY GAMING SOCIETY (IFGS) MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Regular Memberships are $10 per year, and entitle you to participate in all ways at IFGS games, to vote in elections for Society and your designated Chapter, and to hold office in the same. If you are under 18 yrs of age, the $2 Junior Membership entitles you to participate in all ways at IFGS games, but not to vote or hold office. A $2 Associate Membership for adults entitles you to NPC or Staff in IFGS games, but not to PC at IFGS games, vote, or hold office. Please specify which Chapter you prefer, or a st st default Chapter for your geographical area will be assigned. Membership year runs April 1 thru March 31 and is not pro-rated. NAME: _________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ________________ EMAIL: ________________________________________________________________ Chapter Affiliation ________________ STREET: ______________________________________________ PHONE: ( ) _____________ CITY: ___________________________________________ STATE: _______ ZIP: ______________ Is this a Renewal? YES NO What type of membership is it? (Circle one): REGULAR JUNIOR ASSOCIATE # yrs paid for now _____ X $______ (per year fee) = Total Enclosed / Paid $ _________ May we publish your contact information within the IFGS? YES NO Send check or money order in U.S. Dollars to one of the following: For Denver-Boulder chapter memberships: IFGS-D/B, P.O. Box 372101, Denver, CO 80237. For membership in any chapter other than Denver-Boulder: IFGS, P.O. Box 36555, Cincinnati, OH 45236. For more information, please e-mail [email protected] or visit http://ifgs.org/.
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