From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 1995 86: 4323-4330 Pyruvate kinase deficiency of mice associated with nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia and cure of the anemia by marrow transplantation without host irradiation M Morimoto, H Kanno, H Asai, T Tsujimura, H Fujii, Y Moriyama, T Kasugai, A Hirono, Y Ohba and S Miwa Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency of Mice Associated With Nonspherocytic Hemolytic Anemia and Cure of the Anemia by Marrow Transplantation Without Host Irradiation By Masahiro Morimoto, Hitoshi Kanno, Hidekazu Asai, Tohru Tsujimura, Hisaichi Fujii, Yasuhiro Moriyama, Tsutomu Kasugai, Akira Hirono, Yuzou Ohba, Shiro Miwa, and Yukihiko Kitamura Mutant mice with splenomegaly and nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia were found in an inbred colony of the CBA/N (hereafter CBA) strain maintained in the Japan SLC Haruno farm (Shuchi-gun, Shizuoka, Japan). The activity of pyruvate kinase (PK) in red blood cells (RBCs) of the anemic mutants decreased to 16.2% of normal (+/+l CBA mice. Because the mutant CBA mice showed a remarkable reticulocytosis (41.6Y0)and because the PK activity of reticulocytes is much higher than that of mature RBCs, the PK activity in mature RBCs of the mutant CBA mice was calculated to be 2.840 that of mature RBCsof CBA-+I+ mice. Because RBC type PK is encoded by theP&-llocus of the mouse (chromosome 3). we designated the mutant locus as P&-l””. The anemia P (H.A.) found spontaneous development of splenomegaly in a litter derived from the inbred colony of the CBA strain. All mice of the second litter from the same parents exhibited splenomegaly, and the offspring ofthe third litter from the parents was maintained by brother-sister mating. All CBA mice belonging to this colony showed significant splenomegaly from 3 weeks of age. Mice with splenomegaly appeared to be healthy, and their life span was comparable to that of CBA-+/+ mice without splenomegaly. Recently, we recognized that the splenomegaly was accompanied with a severe anemia, andin the present study we show thatthe splenomegaly and anemia resulted from the PK deficiency. Because the PK activity inredblood cells (RBCs) is controlled by the Pk-l locus of the mouse (chromosome 3),” we designated this mutation as Pk-l”‘. Tissue sampling. Mice were weighed, anesthetized by ether, and killed by exsanguination from the heart. Fresh blood was used for determination of hematologic and biochemical parameters, enzyme activities, glycolytic intermediates, adenine nucleotides, and reduced glutathione. Blood films were prepared and stained with May-Griinwald-Giemsa. The spleen, liver, lung, heart, and kidney were removed and weighed. In some cases, the spleen was embedded in paraffin; sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H & E) or with Berlin blue and nuclear fast red to show the deposition of iron. Hematologic parameters. Three-month-old mice were used to assess hematologic parameters. The number of RBCs, hematocrit, hemoglobin level, and osmotic fragility of RBCs were measured YRUVATE KINASE (PK, EC catalyzes the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate in the glycolytic pathway. In humans, deficiency of PK activity is the most common cause of hereditary nonspherocytic anemia due to deficiency of glycolytic enzymes.’ PK deficiency was first demonstrated in 1961 by Valentine et al.* Thereafter, more than 300 cases with PK deficiency have been de~ c r i b e d In . ~ Japan, Miwa and associates found 75 PK-deficient families (Miwa S , Fujii H, Hirono A, Kanno H, unpublished data, 1995). Because some PK-deficient patients show severe sympt0ms,4,~therapy withnew techniques such as transfer of normal PK genes into patients’ hematopoietic stem cells are being considered.6Animal models of the target diseases are useful to investigate new therapeutic methods. As PK-deficient animal models, Basenji and captured wild mice’”,” have been reported, but both of them are not easily available. Approximately 6 years ago, one of us (H.A.) found hereditary splenomegaly in an inbred colony of the CBA/N (hereafter CBA) strain maintained in the Japan SLC Haruno farm (Shuchi-gun, Shizuoka, Japan). The mutant CBA mice with splenomegaly were segregated from normal (+/+) CBA mice and have been kept by brother-sister mating without further studies. Recently blood cell counts of the mutant CBA mice with splenomegaly were done, and the presence of a severe anemia was recognized in these mutant mice. Because we characterized it as the deficiency ofPK with hereditary nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia, we describe here the spontaneously developed PK mutant mice as a potential animal model that may be useful to investigate the pathophysiology and new therapeutic methods of PK deficiency. The anemia of the mutant was cured by bone marrow transplantation (BMT) without the prior irradiation of the hosts, suggesting that the homing of transplanted stem cells and their differentiation to mature erythrocytes may be easy in hematopoietic tissues of anemic hosts. MATERIALSANDMETHODS Mice. The CBA strain was originally obtained from the National Institute of Health (Bethesda, MD) and has been maintained by brother-sister mating at the Japan SLC Haruno farm (Shuchi-gun, Shizuoka, Japan) since 1984. Approximately 6 years ago, one of US Blood, Vol 86, No 11 (December l ) , 1995: pp 4323-4330 and PK deficiency of CBA-Pk-lhlPk-lh mice were cured by bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from CBA-+I+ mice. Prior irradiation was notnecessary for the curative BMT. On the other hand, the BMT from CBA-Pk-lh/Pk-l” mice to nonirradiated CBA-+/+ mice did not result in the decrease of RBCs and the reduction of PK activity. The present results indicate that CBA-Pk-ls’C/Pk-l*’cmice are a potentially useful animal model for studying pathophysiology of PK deficiency and for developing new therapeutic methods to correct PK deficiency. 0 1995 by The American Societyof Hematology. Fromthe Department of Pathology. Osaka University Medical School, Suita, Osaka; Okinaka Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Toranomon Hospital, Minato-ku, Tokyo; Japan SLC CO Ltd, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka; the Department of Blood Transfusion Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical College, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; and the Department of Laboratory Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan. Submitted February 17, 1995; accepted August 3, 1995. Supported by grants from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Address reprint requests to Yukihiko Kitamura, MD, Department of Pathology, Osaka University Medical School, Yamada-oka 2-2, Suita, Osaka, 565 Japan. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/95/8611-0037$3.00/0 4323 From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 4324 MORIMOTO ET AL with standard techniq~es.'~ Reticulocytes were counted on blood marked difference in hematologic values, no difference was films stained with brilliant cresyl blue, and thepercentage of reticulodetectable in 16 biochemical genetic markers between anecytes was determined by counting 1,000 RBCs. mic and nonanemic CBA mice (data not shown), suggesting Analysis of hemoglobin. Blood samples were stored frozen as that the splenomegaly and anemia were ascribed to a new hemolysates. The heat denaturation test,I4isopropanol test," isoelecmutation in the original nonanemic CBA colony rather than trofocusing,I6and anion exchange high-performance liquid chromato the contamination of the colony by mice of other strains tography on a DEAE-3SW column (Tosoh, Tokyo, Japan)" were with a mutant gene. A11 F, hybrid mice obtained by the cross performed to study the structure of hemoglobin. of normal and anemic CBA mice were not anemic (Table Enzyme activity and contents of reduced glutathione, glycolytic 1). When F, hybrids were mated together, the ratio of normal intermediates and nucleotides. Three-month-old mice were used to assess these biochemical parameters. Heparinized whole blood to anemic offspring was approximately 3: 1 (Table 1). When was washed three times with ice-cold saline andpassed through F, hybrids were mated to anemic CBA mice, the ratio of a column of a-cellulose and microcrystalline cellulose to deplete normal to anemic offspring was approximately 1:1 (Table leukocytes and platelets.'' Enzyme activities and contents of reduced 1). The crossing data suggested that the anemia was caused glutathione in RBCs were measured by the methods recommended by a mutation of an autosomal recessive gene. by International Committee for Standardization in H a e m a t ~ l o g y . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ The number of RBCs, hematocrit, and concentration of Contents of glycolytic intermediates and nucleotides were deterhemoglobin decreased in the anemic CBA mice (Table 2). mined with the methods described by Minakami et Reticulocyte counts in the anemic CBA mice were 41.6%, Survival of RBCs. Packed RBCs obtained from CBA-+/+ or whereas the values in normal CBA mice and the F, hybrids CBA-Pk-1""/Pk-l'" mice were diluted three times with Hanks' Balwere 2.2% and 2.4%,respectively (Table 2). The mean celluanced Salt Solution (HBSS) and were incubated for l hour at 37°C lar volume increased significantly in the anemic mice, and with1,110 kBq/nL Na;'CrO,(DuPontlNJZN Research Products, Boston, MA; 0.071 pg/mL; specific activity, 15.6 MBq/yg).22The this increase appeared to result from the increased proportion labeled RBCs were washed twice with HBSS solution and injected of reticulocytes. The increase of mean cellular hemoglobin to CBA-+I+ mice via the lateral tail vein in a volume of 0.5 mL. in the anemic CBA mice was attributed to the increase of Blood samples of 0.1 mL were obtained from the tail tip on various mean cellular volume, because no significant difference was times after the injection, and the radioactivity was measured with a detectable between anemic and nonanemic CBA mice in the MINAXI y 5550 gamma counter (Packard, Meriden, CT). To correct mean cellular hemoglobin concentration (Table 2). the spontaneous reduction of radioactivity, blood samples that were Blood films from anemic CBA mice were compared with obtained 2 hours after the infusion were kept and usedas the control. those of nonanemic CBA mice under the microscope. No The radioactivity of each blood sample was expressed as a percentabnormalities were detectable in the RBC morphology (data age of the control. not shown). When the osmotic fragility curve of RBCs from Proportion of erythroblasts. BM cells and spleen cells were suspended in Eagle's medium (Nissui Pharmaceutical CO, Ltd, Tokyo, anemic CBA mice was compared with that of RBCs from Japan) as described previously?' Nucleated cells were counted with nonanemic CBA mice, the former showed a slight shift toa hemocytometer. The proportion of erythroblasts was determined ward lower NaCl concentrations (data not shown). Because by classifying 1,000 nucleated cells in cytocentrifuge specimens young RBCs from normalhumanRBC populations have which were stained with May-Griinwald-Giemsa. been reported to be more resistant to hypotonic salt solutions Spleen colony-forming unit (CFU-S). Mice of CBA-+/+ were than old RBCS,*~ the alteration of osmotic fragility curve in used as recipients and subjected to lethal whole-body irradiation (9.0 anemic mutants appeared rather to be a result of reticuloGy) with an RF-350 x-ray apparatus (Rigaku, Tokyo, Japan). Marcytosis than to be a direct consequence of the mutation. row and spleen cells of CBA-Pk-1''/Pk-Ish and the control CBA-+/+ Structure of hemoglobin from the anemic CBA mice was mice were suspended in Eagle's medium as mentioned above; marcompared with that of normal CBA mice by the heat denaturrow cells (5.0 X lo4) and spleen cells (5.0 X lo') were injected into the lateral tail vein of a recipient within 3 hours after the irradiation. ation test, isopropanol test, isoelectrofocusing and anion exThe recipients were killed 8 days after the transplantation, and the change high performance liquid chromatography on a spleens were procured. Spleens were fixedin Bouin's fluidand DEAE-3SW (Tosoh) column, but no apparent abnormalities colonies measuring more than l-mm diameter were counted under were detectable (data not shown). the dissection micro~cope.~~ Enzyme activities in RBCs. The activities of RBC enBMT. Various doses of BM cells obtained from CBA-+/+ mice zymes involved in the glycolytic pathway, pentose-phoswere injected into the tail vein of CBA-Pk-l""/Pk-I"" mice with or phate shunt, glutathione metabolism, and nucleotide metabowithout theprior whole-body irradiation (6.0 Gy). In one experiment, lism were assayed. The PK activity in the anemic CBA mice IO' BM cells of CBA-Pk-IS''/Pk-I'L mice were injected into the was 16.2% that of the normal CBA mice and the value of tail vein of nonirradiated CBA-+I+ mice. Numbers of RBCs were F, hybrids between anemic andnormalCBA mice was measured at various days after the transplantation. In some cases, the activities of PK in RBCs of recipients were measured 15 weeks 3 1.2% (Table 3). The activities of hexokinase and glucoseafter the BMT. 6-phosphate dehydrogenase were significantly higher in the RESULTS Hematologic data. Two distinct inbred colonies of the CBA strain have been maintained in the Japan SLC Haruno farm; all mice of one colony showed apparent splenomegaly and anemia, and all mice of the other colony had the spleen of normal size and normal hematologic values. Despite the anemic CBA mice than in the normal CBA mice (Table 3). This may result from the reticulocytosis observed in the anemic CBA mice. Because the PK activity was specifically deficient in the anemic CBA mice and F, hybrid mice (Table 3) and because the PK activity of RBCs is controlled by the Pk-l locus of the mouse (chromosome 3),12 we designated the mutant locus as Pk-l"". From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. MICE PYRUVATE OF 4325 Table 1. Segregation of Mutant Mica Wkh Splenomegaly and Anemia No. of Mice With Each Phenotype (Genotype)' ~~ Parents and Cross Presumed Genotype of Parents Anemic x anemic Normal x normal Normal x anemic F1 X FI F1 x anemia pk- ls'c/pk-Isic x pk- ISrc/pk-Is'c +It x +l+ +l + X Pk- I"'/PkPk- l'lcf + X Pk- 1"'lf Pk- 7"f' + X Pk- Iaic/Pk-IS" 217 Nonanemic (Pk-lmrc/+or Anemic l'k/Pk-l*lc~ (Pk- 256 0 0 0 359 118 67 75 79 +/+l Mice approximately 3 months old were used. * Mice with RBC number <600 x lO'*/L were considered to be anemic, and mice with RBC number >g00 x 101zlLto be nonanemic. Male and female mice were pooled because no significant difference was detectable between them. Levels of glycolytic intermediates, reduced glutathione, and nucleotides. The effect of PK deficiency on the energy metabolism of RBCs was evaluated by measuring the concentrations of intermediate metabolites. The concentration of pyruvate, the product of PK, decreased significantly in RBCs of CBA-Pk-I"'/Pk-I"" mice, but the concentrations of other glycolytic intermediates, which are proximal to pyruvate, increased significantly (Table 4).These findings were compatible with the fact that the glycolysis was blocked at the step catalyzed by PK. Reduced glutathione content was increased in homozygotes, probably because of the young mean RBC age. Despite severe blocking of glycolysis, the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content increased in RBCs of CBA-Pk-I""/Pk-I"" mice. In severe PK deficiency, RBC ATP is produced almost exclusively by the oxidative phosphorylation." Therefore, the increased ATP levels may be explained by the predominance of reticulocytes in CBA-Pkls~c/Pk-ls~c mice. Increased contents of the upstream glycolytic intermediates such as 2,3-diphosphoglycerate and 3phosphoglycerate were observed in CBA-Pk-I""/+ mice (Table 4),suggesting that the extent of PK deficiency was severe enough to impair the glycolysis in the heterozygotes. In contrast to the increase of ATP contents in CBA-PkI""/Pk-l"[" RBCs, the ATP content of CBA-Pk-I""/+ RBCs decreased significantly when compared with the value of CBA-+/+ RBCs (Table 4).This is consistent with the result reported in human cases; the ATP levels are lower in mild PK deficiency than in severe PK deficiency." RBCs of heterozygous CBA-Pk-I""/+ mice, as those of patients with mild PK deficiency, may survive long enough to show the impaired production of ATP by glycolysis. On the other hand, mature RBCs of CBA-Pk-I""/Pk-I"" mice maynot survive by glycolysis as in the case of severe form of human PK deficiency. Inaddition, the content of nicotinamide dinucleotide was significantly decreased in heterozygous CBAPk-l""l+ mice, as reported in human PK deficiency." Demonstration of RBC destruction. CBA-Pk-1"''/Pk-1"" mice exhibited hyperbilirubinemia because of the increase of indirect bilirubin (Table 4). To show the accelerated destruction of RBCs in CBA-Pk-l"'c/Pk-l"'cmice, we labeled RBCs obtained from either CBA-+l+ or CBA-Pk-I""/PkIs' mice with"Cr. The labeled RBCs were injected into CBA-+'+ mice; the disappearance of RBCs derived from CBA-Pk-I""/Pk-I"" mice was much faster than that of RBCs from CBA-+/+ mice (Fig 1). In some cases, blood samples were obtained immediately after the injection. The recovery rate of labeled RBCs was calculated on the assumption that total bloodvolume is 10% of bodyweight. Because the Table 3. Activity of Various Enzymea in RBCs of CBA-+I+. -Pk-l*/ +, and -Pk-l*/Pk-lmkMice Activity in Mice of Each Genotype (univgram hemoglobin)* Enzymes Table 2. Hematologic Data in CBA-+/+, -Pk-l*'c/+ and -Pk-lak/Pk-l*Mice Values in Mice of Each Genotype* Hematologic Parameters RBCs (x lO"/L) Hematocrit (%) Hemoglobin (g/dL) Mean cellular volume (fL) Mean cellular hemoglobin (pg) Mean cellular hemoglobin concentration (gldL) Reticulocytes (%) l"'/Pk- +I+ Pk- Pk- lek 1,020 f 64 (10) 48 f 1 (10) 15 f 1 (10) 999 f (18) 6 50 f l ( 1 8 ) 16 f 1 (18) 536 f 11 (10)t 33 f l (10)t 10 f 1 (10)t 51 t 3 (10) 50 f 1 (18) 61 f 1 (10)t 16 f 1 (10) 16 2 l ( 1 8 ) 19 31 2 l ( 1 0 ) 2.2 f 0.2 (101 32 f l ( 1 8 ) 2.4 t 0.3 (10)41.6 c 1 (10)t 31 f 1 1101 f 1.5 (10)t Mice 3 months old were used. Mean f SE. Number of mice is shown in parentheses, t P < .01 when compared with values of CBA-+I+ mice by the t-test. Hexokinase Glucosephosphate isomerase Phosphofructokinase Aldolase Triosephosphate isomerase Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase Phosphoglycerate kinase Monophosphoglyceromutase Enolase Pyruvate kinase Lactate dehydrogenase Glucose-&phosphate dehydrogenase BPhosphogluconic dehydrogenase Glutathione reductase Glutathione peroxidase Adenylate kinase Adenosine deaminase +I+ 3.0 f 0.1 140 f 2 11 f 1 2.9 f 0.1 1,200 f 28 202 f 4 1 8 81f 8- 26 f 2 6.3 f 0.7 12 f 1 25.3f 0.4 271 f 2 P&- l*"/+ Pk- lak/Pk-l" 3.0 f 0.1 153 f 1 10 f 1 3.2 ? 0.1 1.400 f 22 8.5 f 176f 2t lo? 1 6.5 f 1,984 f 53t 218 f 6 340 f 13t 223 2 4t 16.2 f 1.2t 26 f 2t 4.1 f 427 f l l t 8.0 c 0.4 12 f 1 7.9 f 303 f 5 24 f 1 29 t 1 47 f I t 7.2 f 0.1 10 f 1 381 f 1 1 5.7 f 0.2 2.9 ? 0.1 8.1 f 0.1 102 1 3 8 9 2 12 4.8 f 0.1 2.8 f 0.1 10.6 f 0.2t 18 f I t 441 + 3 7 17.8 f 0.8t 3.9 t 0.2t Mice 3 months old were used. Mean f SE of 5 mice. t P < .01 when compared with values of CBA-+I+ mice by t-test. From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 4326 MORIMOTO ET AL Table 4. Levels of Glycolytic Intermediates, Nucleotides, Reduced Glutathione in RBCs and Bilirubin in Plasma of CBA-+I+. -Pk-lWk/+, and -Pk-l"c/Pk-l*" Mice Values in Mice of Each Genotype* +/+ Biochemical Parameters Glucoset Pk- 9,380 t 338 (8) 79 t 5 (10) 46 t 5 (10) 17 2 2 (10) 34 2 5 (IO) 15 t 2 (10) 9,460 2 368 (10) 47 ? 4 (10) 17 t 1 (10) 22 +- 2 (10) 106 2 5 (10) 4,300 t 220 (7) 70 2 1 (5) 1,430 t 26 (10) 218 ? 49 (4) 255 2 8 (8) 0.45 ? 0.13 (IO) 0.32 t 0.02 (10) 0.13 i 0.04 (10) Glucose-6-phosphate* Fructose-6-phosphate* Fructose-1.6-diphosphate* Dihydroxyacetone phosphate* Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate* 2.3-DiphosphoglycerateS 3-Phosphoglycerate* 2-Phosphoglycerate* Phosphoenolpyruvate* Pyruvatet Lactatet Reduced glutathione* Adenosine triphosphate* Adenosine diphosphate* Nicotinamide dinucleotide* Total bilirubin§ Direct bilirubin§ Indirect bilirubin§ 9,730 t 319 (9) 70 t 6 (9) 33 t 3 (9)1/ 18 2 1 (6) 39 i 2 (9) 19 t 3 (9) 11,090 t 181 (9)Il 90 t 5 (9)lj 18 t 1 (9) 40 +- 4 (9)11 87 t 3 (9111 4,000 2 207 (9) 72 t 1 (91 950 t 22 (9)11 220 2 19 (9) 177 t 7 (9111 0.45 ? 0.08 (10) 0.35 2 0.03 (10) 0.11 2 0.08 (10) Pk- l"'/Pk. l"' 10,130 2 349 (10) 212 t 7 (9)ll 116 i- 6 (10)11 112 t 9 (10) 185 ? 7 (lO)/l 69 i 11 12,490 t 576 (10)/1 504 -c 20 (10)/1 75 2 4 (10)/1 261 t 12(1O)ll 70 2 5 (1O)Il 4,060 i 276 (IO) 109 t 1 (5111 2,100 ? 32 (10)/1 449 t 25(10)1! 300 t 16 (10)11 0.92 -C 0.08 (10)/1 0.31 2 0.03 (10) 0.61 t 0.06(1O)Il Mice 3 months old were used. * Mean 2 SE, number of mice is shown in parentheses. t Data expressed in nmol/mL whole blood. * Data expressed in nmol/mL RBCs. § Data expressed in mg/dL plasma. I/ P < .01 when compared with values of CBA-+/+ mice by t-test. 1000 Pk- 7'"/pk- 7'" 80- 60- 4020 0- I I I 1 30 20 Days after RBC Transfusion 0 10 Fig 1. The fasterelimination of CBA-Pk-l&/Pk-F RBCI from the circulationof CBA-+I+ mice.RBCsfrom CBA-P&-FP&-l" (01and CBA+I+ (0) micewerelabewwith 6'Crandtrandud intoCBA-+/+ mice. The radioactivity retained in RBCs was measured at verious times after the transfusion. Each point the mean of Gght mice. arB the standard error. In some points the standard error was too small to be shown by bars. recovery rate was approximately 90%, the RBC survival curve shown in Fig 1 appeared to reflect the behavior of the majority of labeled RBCs. When half-life of RBCs was calculated according to the method recommended bythe International Committee for Standardization in Haematology,22 the value for CBA-+I+RBCs was approximately 13.3 days, whereas that of CBA-Pk-I"'~/Pk-I""' RBCswas approximately 2.2 days. Reaction to hemolysis. CBA-Pk-I""/Pk-I"' micegained body weight normally at least upto 10 weeks of age; no significant difference was detectable in body weight between CBA-Pk-l""/Pk-I"" and C B A - + / + mice of both sexes. The spleen weight of male CBA-Pk-I""/Pk-I~"" mice was 4.6 times as great as that of male C B A - + / + mice and that of female CBA-Pk-1""/Pk-1"'' mice was 6.4 times as great as that of female C B A - + / + mice. Despite the significant enlargement of spleen in CBA-Pk-I"'/Pk-I"" mice, no significant change was observed in the weight of the liver, lung, heart, and kidney of CBA-Pk-i""/Pk-I"' mice (data not shown). When the enlarged spleen of CBA-Pk-l""/Pk-I"" mice was examined histologically, marked hemosiderosis was observed in the red pulp (Fig 2, A and B ) . In addition to hemosiderosis, erythropoiesis was remarkably enhanced in the red pulp of CBA-Pk-1"'/Pk-I"'' mice (Fig 2, C through E). The total number of nucleated cells inthe femur and spleen, the proportion of erythroblasts andthatof C W - S were compared between C B A - + / + and CBA-Pk-I""/Pk-I"' mice. The total number of nucleated cells and proportion Of erythroblasts were significantly greater in CBA-Pk-I'"/Pk- From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. PYRUVATEKINASEDEFICIENCYOFMICE 4327 Fig 2. Deposition of iron and enhancederythropoiesis in the spleen of the CBA-Pk-T*/Pk-T* mouse. (A) The spleen of a CBA-+I+ mouse stained with Berlin blue and counterstained with nuclear fast red, original magnification (OM) x 80. (B) The spleen of a CBA-Pk-T*/Pk-pk mouse stained with Berlin blue and counterstainedwith nuclear fast red, OM x 80. The deposition of iron isapparent. (C) The spleen of the CBA-+I+ mouse stained with H & E, OM x 150. (D) The spleen of the CBA-Pk-pk/Pk-7* mouse stained with H & E, OM x 150. Enhanced erythropoiesis in the red pulp is shown. (E) A higher magnifmtion of (D), showing increased erythroid cells in the red pulp, OM x 1250. Asterisks in (A-D) indicate white pulps. I"" mice than in CBA-+/+ mice (Table 5). The difference in both parameters was much moreremarkable in the spleen than in the femur. Although the proportion of CFU-Sin the femur was comparable between CBA-Pk-I"'C/Pk-IS" and CBA-+/+ mice, the total number of CFU-S was greater in CBA-Pk-IsfC/Pk-Isfc mice than in CBA-+/+ mice because of the increase of the nucleated cells. Because both the number of nucleated cells and the proportion of CFU-S increased in the spleen of CBA-Pk-~sfc/Pk-ls'c mice, the total number of C m - S was much p a t e r in the spleen of CBA-Pk-Y'PkI"" mice than in the spleen of CBA-+/+ mice (Table 5). Cure of anemia with BMT. Because severe hereditary hemolytic anemia in Basenji dogs related to PK deficiency is cured byBMT from nonanemic histocompatible lit- Table 5. Numbers of Erythroblastsand CFU-S in the Femur and Spleen of CBA-+/+ and -Pk-T.k/Pk-l" No. of Nucleated Cells Organ Femur Genotype +l+ l'"/PkPk- Spleen +I+ l*"/PkPk- * Mean 2 l'" l*" (X109* 15 2 1 23 2 l § 8 312t12 321 2 54 195 Proportion of Erythroblasts (%)* No. of Erythroblasts (X109* 36 2 2 53 2 12.3 35 5.4 6.32 0.3 t 5.9 0.85 0.49 2.6 2 0.2 2172 35 t 101 Mice Proportion of CFU-S (per 5 x lo4 cells)t 1.89t 0.7 t 2.7 01 .6 0.302 0.05 1.78 t 0.100 11.43 SE of 5 mice. t Mean t SE of 8 recipients. *The value was calculated from the numberof nucleated cells and the proportion of CFU-S per 5.0 x 5 P .01 when compared with values of CBA-+I+ mice by t-test. lo4 nucleated cells. No. of CFU-S ( ~ 1 0 3 ~ t 0.21 2 0.275 t 0.04 2 0.650 From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 4328 MORIMOTO ET AL term ate^:^^^' BMT was carried out from CBA-+/+ to CBAPk-I""/Pk-l"~'mice. Transplantation of 2 X lo7 BM cells from CBA-+/+ mice normalized the number of RBCs in sublethally irradiated (6.0 Gy) CBA-Pk-I"'"/Pk-I"'' mice (Fig 3). Even in genetically normal recipients, irradiation is not prerequisite for the successful engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells."~'* When huge numbers ofBM cells were injected to nonirradiated normal mice, homing and differentiation of the donor cells were observed. In CBA-Pk-I""/PkI"" mice, the spleen enlarged and many CFU-S were present in the spleen. Because transplanted stem cells appeared to settle more easily in the spleen than in the BM," we transplanted various doses of +/+ BM cells to nonirradiated CBA-Pk-I"'c/Pk-I"'cmice. Normalization of RBCnumber and PK activity was observed in nonirradiated CBA-Pk-l""/ Pk-l"" mice that received 5 X lo7 or lo8 BM cells from CBA-+/+ mice (Fig 3, P < .01 when compared with nontreated CBA-Pk-I""/Pk-I"" mice). The BMT of the opposite direction was also attempted. The transplantation ofBM cells (lo8)from CBA-Pk-I"''/Pk-1"" mice to CBA-+/+ mice did not result in the decrease of RBCs and the reduction of PK activity in the recipients (Table 6). DISCUSSION The mutant CBA mice with remarkable splenomegaly showed nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia. Iron deposition and enhanced erythropoiesis were observed in the enlarged spleen, suggesting that the cause of the anemia was hemolysis. RBCs of the anemic CBA mice showed an accelerated 121 I 7 25. 8 - 8 'c 6- 0 o 2x107 Cells with Rad 1x1 O8 Cells without Rad m 5x107 Cells without Rad A 2x1 O7 Cells without Rad 0 0 1 A Control t -//m 0 1 2 5 10 20 50 Weeks after Transplantation Fig 3. Cure of anemia in CBA-Pk-l.h/Pk-l"c mice after BMT from CBA-+I+ mice. Various numbers of BM cells were injected into the irradiated or nonirradiatedCBA-Pk-ldc/Pk-l"c mica. Each point represents the mean of eight mice. (0). BM cells, 2.0 x lo', were injected to sublethally (6.0 Gy) irradlated hosts; (01,1.0 x lb BM cells were injected to nonirradiatedhosts; (m), 5.0 x IO' BM cells were injected to nonirradiatedhosts; (A),2.0 x IO' BM cells were injectedto nonirradiated hosts; (A), control CBA-Pk-T*/Pk-7* mice without irradiation and BM cell transplantation. Bars are the standard error. In some points the standard error was too smell to be shown by bars. Table 6. Number of RBCs and PK Activity 15 Weeks Aftor BMT Mice Nontreated CBA-Pk-18'c/Pk-Is" Nontreated CBA-+/+ CBA-Pk-I"'/Pk-7'" transplanted from C B A - t / t CBA-+I+ transplanted from CBA- Pk- leIc/Pk-l'" No. of RBCs' ( X 1O ' V U PK Activity' (unitJgram hemoglobin) 554 f 15 (9) 1,025 f 28 (9) 4.7 f 0.1 (8) 25.2 t 0.5 (8) 1,016 f 16 ( 7 ) t 21.5 -+ 1.1 (6)t 1,031 f 14 (7) 25.1 f 1.9 (7) BM cells (1.0x lo8)were transplanted without the prior irradiation of hosts. * Mean f SE. Number of mice is shown in parentheses. t P i.01 when compared with values of nontreated mice of the same genotype by f-test. destruction even in the circulation of normalCBA mice, indicating that the accelerated destruction of mutant RBCs was not ascribed to an extrinsic but to an intrinsic defect. RBCs of the mutant CBA mice showed neither the abnormal RBC morphology nor the increase of osmotic fragility. No abnormalities of hemoglobin were found in RBCs of the mutant CBA mice either. Examination of RBC enzymes revealed that the PK activity of the homozygous mutants decreased to 16.2%and that of heterozygous mutants to 31.2% that of normal CBA mice. The PK activity of reticulocytes is 16.7 times as great as the PK activity of mature erythrocyte~.'~ Since , ~ ~ proportion of reticulocytes was very high in anemic CBA mice (41.6%),only 13.2%of the PK activity was ascribed to that of mature RBCs in these mutant mice. On the other hand, 74.3% of the PK activity was ascribed to that of mature RBCs in normal CBA mice. As a result, when the PK activity of mature RBCs was compared between anemic and normal CBA mice, the value in the former mice wasonly 2.8% that of the latter mice. The content of pyruvate inRBCs decreased inboth homozygous and heterozygous mutants, but the content of glycolytic intermediates located to the upstream of PK increased. Taken together, the cause of the hemolytic anemia in the mutant CBA mice was considered to be the PK deficiency. Because PK of RBCs is encoded by the Pk-I locus of mice (chromosome 3),'* we designated the present mutant allele as Pk-l'". The PK activity of the heterozygous Pk-l%/+ mutants decreased to 31.2% that of normal CBA mice. Because the Pk-I"" gene was a single loss-of-function mutation, the enzymatic activity might be 50% of normal. Because PK is a tetrameric protein with allosteric domain interdependence,'.' there is a possibility that the 30% activity may be related to defective interactions of the protein. However, the Pk-l"" is an active site mutation as shown by Kanno et in the accompanying report, suggesting that the tetrameric conformation might not be interfered severely by the mutation. We speculate that the mutation diminishes the PK activityof both the mutant homotetramers and heterotetramers in RBCs of Pk-l""/+ mice and that only homotetramers of the normal peptides show the normal activity. Symptoms of CBA-Pk-I"'/Pk-l"" mice are similar to those of human PK defi~iency'~ and those of Basenji dogs with PK defi~iency.~.~ In humans, PK deficiency is the most common From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. PYRUVATE KINASE DEFICIENCY 4329 OF MICE hemolytic anemia caused by the defect of glycolytic enzymes, and more than 300 cases have been reported. In the most severe form, death might occur during perinatal and neonatal periods.38Most of all CBA-Pk-ls'c/Pk-lsk mice appeared to survive to adulthood because segregation of homozygous mutants in adult population was consistent with the Mendelian law. Adult CBA-Pk-Islc/Pk-Is'' mice appeared to be as active as CBA-+/+ mice throughout the observation period (up to 9 months after birth), probably because the oxygen dissociation curve of hemoglobin was shifted to the right bythe elevated 2,3-diphosphoglycerate level in the affected -CS? The molecular characterization of the PkIStc mutant gene and the biochemical characterization of its product are described by Kanno et in the accompanying report. Because CBA-Pk-ISiC/Pk-IS" mice developed as a mutant in an inbred colony of the CBA strain, transplantation between anemic and nonanemic populations of CBA mice is easy. In fact, BMT from the CBA-+/+ mice cured the anemia of irradiated CBA-Pk-I""/Pk-I"' mice. Moreover, transplantation of BM cells from CBA-+/+ mice cured the anemia even in nonirradiated CBA-Pk-I"''/Pk-I"'' mice. The PK activity of RBCs increased to the level observed in CBA+/+ mice. On the other hand, the transplantation of BM cells from CBA-Pk-Is''/Pk-IS" mice to CBA-+/+ mice did not result in development of anemia; the PK activity of RBCs did not decrease after the BMT. There are two possibilities that may explain the different effect of BMT between CBAPk-ls'c/Pk-l''c and CBA-+/+ hosts. ( l ) The homing of transplanted stem cells to hematopoietic tissues may be easier in CBA-Pk-Is'C/Pk-l"'cmice than in CBA-+/+ mice. The increase of CFU-S pool in the spleen and BM of CBA-Pklslc/Pk-ls~c mice may facilitate the homing of the transplanted stem cells. (2) The efficiency of homing may be comparable between CBA-Pk-I""/Pk-I"' and CBA-+/+ hosts. However, the life span of CBA-+/+ RBCs is much longer than that of CBA-Pk-I"c/Pk-I"'c RBCs. As a result, RBCs of CBA+/+ donor origin may accumulate inCBA-Pk-l''c/Pk-Is'c hosts. On the other hand, RBCs produced by CBA-Pk-I"'/ Pk-I"' stem cells disappeared soon after the differentiation and therefore the RBC number and the PK activity did not decrease in CBA-+/+ hosts. These two possibilities are not mutually exclusive, and bothmay occur after the BMT. However, the second mechanism appears to be more probable than the first mechanism because the present data supported the shortened RBC survival and did not necessarily support the facilitated engraftment. The mechanism of the curative BMT in nonirradiated CBA-Pk-I"'/Pk-1"" mice remains to be studied. Especially gene marking studies of hematopoietic precursors could be used to assess stability over time of the nucleated erythroid lineage specific progenitors and could provide some answers. Y chromosome-specific sequences may be used as a genetic marker. 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