ELDERS Jim Alexander Thurman Alexander Jerry Barker John Orr Russell Scott Jim Stigers James Withrow Waterview MINISTERS Robert K. Oglesby Robert G. Taylor Myron Bruce Warren Shepherd Dustin Jones MISSION EFFORTS Canada Camrose, Alberta CHURCH OF CHRIST Mexico Cuernavaca Africa Gospel Chariot Missions Nicaragua Breakfast for Children Denver, Colorado Bear Valley Institute for Biblical Studies Honduras Baxter Institute 1409 North Waterview - Richardson, Texas 75080 972-238-4700 [email protected] http://www.waterview.org OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Castleton, Vermont SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Kirk Israel Sunday Bible Classes - 9:00 a.m. Worship - 10:00 a.m. Bible Classes - 5:00 p.m. Worship - 5:45 p.m. Media, Pennsylvania Russell DiGiorgio Harding University Center for Preaching Strengthening Mission Churches Wednesday Devotional - 7:00 p.m. Bible Classes - 7:20 p.m. VOLUME 52 OCTOBER 26, 2014 PIECE-MAKERS? One day in South Dakota a mother of four children was preparing a talk on “Unity” to give to her ladies Bible class. She worked on the speech until breakfast time, and then she could not concentrate. Her four children had found a Pop Tart, and they were arguing which child should have it. When the mother could stand the noise no longer, she tried to quiet the kids down by scolding them. It didn’t work, so she took a verse out of her speech and quoted Matthew 5:9 to them at the top of her voice. “BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS FOR THEY SHALL BE CALLED SONS OF GOD.” Then she said, “Would somebody in there please be a peace-maker”. Suddenly the kitchen grew quiet, and then she heard the voice of her 6 year old say, “I’ll be the piece-maker, Mom.” To each brother and sister the 6 year old said, “Here’s a piece for you and you and you and one for me”. P.S. Isn’t it interesting how little children twist the scripture to fit their own understanding? And isn’t it amazing how often adults do the same? We can see clearly how others need to repent, but we don’t see the same obligation laid on us. (Matthew 18) We are quick to quote the words of Jesus about how others should not “judge us” but we feel no duty to return the favor. (Matthew 7) Like the Pharisees, we demand “mercy” for ourselves, but inflict “the letter of the law” on others. RKO The 5% Solution November 2nd is Great Commission Sunday. Many questions swirl around the mind as we survey current and potential mission works. One is personal. What do I give on Great Commission Sunday? While the answer is ultimately a personal choice, here's some thinking from the Missions Committee. The committee hopes to reach at least the $100,000 mark . That sounds like a lot of money, but it really has a 5% solution. Here's how it works. Give 5% of your annual 2014 contribution (over and above your regular giving) on Great Commission Sunday. For instance, if you give $1000 per year, the 5% solution yields a contribution of $50 in addition to your regular contribution. Some families can give and want to give much more. If every family at Waterview gave only 5% of their annual contribution, the minimum target of $100,000 will be met. Prayerfully consider how you can help Waterview extend its reach. 30 Days with Jesus Saturday is the big day when we start spending 30 Days with Jesus. Dustin Jones has produced a calendar/bookmark that will help you read through all four of the gospels in 30 days. If you start Saturday, you finish right after the turkey of Thanksgiving wears off. Join the walk with Jesus and pick up a bookmark and commit to spending the next 30 days with Jesus. Our Prayer Concerns The Sick Growing Closer to Each Other New Member Bill Vaught did not have surgery this week and is in Remington Medical Resort, room 306. Dick Nichols has been moved to Remington Medical Resort, room 228. Mike Tovar’s father, Tony Tovar, had successful surgery on October 17 to remove two brain tumors. However, the prognosis is not good. Cha Cha McGrael’s husband, David, will be undergoing an experimental treatment in Dallas for his balance problems. Pat Clevenger had surgery on Monday to remove her parathyroid. She is now home. Kim Maxwell is scheduled to have knee surgery tomorrow. Have A Prayer Request? Email [email protected] or [email protected] Mason Camp, 2101 N. Haskell Ave. #4110, Dallas, 75204, 214-304-0153, placed his membership at Waterview last Sunday. Congratulations! Abbey Seale and Eric Faucett were married yesterday. Abbey is the daughter of Greg and Kim Seale. Thank You Notes A thank you note from Kirk and Karen Israel is on the bulletin board in the foyer. 66 Club Corinne Lipp and Dillon Bruce have completed the requirements for Pearl Level 2. Ella Jarman has completed Ruby Level 2 Save the Dates Phone Call Jann Jerner or Virginia Vaught Giving Last week’s contribution: $ 41,273 Above/(below) budget: $ 8,998 YTD above/(below): Weekly Budget: $ $ (3,124) 32,275 The Veteran’s Day Prayer Breakfast will be Saturday, November 15. Waterview’s Family Holiday Fellowship will be held on the evening of December 12. Serving God Through Serving Others Sisters in Service The Sewing Sisters in Service will meet tomorrow from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Bring your lunch and come help us get ready for the holidays! All ladies are invited. Now Available Copies of the most recent Primetimers newsletter and the November birthday list are available on the transaction counters. YP Potluck Luncheon The Young Professionals will have a luncheon next Sunday after morning worship in the north end of the building. All Young Professionals are invited to bring a dish and enjoy lunch with friends. If you have any questions, contact Allison Yeaman or Alison Porter. Bible Bowl It's time to start getting ready for LTC. The convention will be April 3-5. This year’s theme is "Give It Up" and will focus on the book of Luke. The 7-12th grade will start meeting Sunday, November 9 at 4:00 p.m. in the high school classroom. The 3-6th grade will also kickoff their Bible Bowl training that Sunday in the 4th grade classroom from 4:30 p.m. to 5:40 p.m. Please accept the challenge to learn this wonderful part of God's Word either in your personal study or by joining us for LTC Bible Bowl. Ladies' Bible Class Ladies, please join us Wednesday morning as we continue to grow and learn together. This week we will study lesson 4, Impossible Faith ~ days 1 & 2. Come and bring a friend! Coffee Devotional Class 9:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:05 a.m. Childcare is available. A Quick Look at Waterview’s Calendar Today College Adoption Program Luncheon November 2 YP Potluck Luncheon November 4 Mothers of Young Children Class November 9 New Members Luncheon November 15 Veteran’s Day Breakfast November 16 Primetimers Luncheon October 26, 2014 CONNECT Football Today CONNECT is next Sunday evening, November 2. Leaders should be contacting you this week with the details about where your group will meet, what to bring, etc. Connect groups will be over at 8:30 p.m. Come out and play today with the youth group. We will be at one of the Pearce High School fields from 2-4 p.m. Bring a friend! Bible Bowl Practice for Bible Bowl 7-12 grades will begin November 9 at 4 p.m. in the high school room. 3-6 grades will begin on November 9 at 4:30 p.m. in the 4th grade room. We will be studying Luke’s account of the gospel using the NIV 2011. Remember you can start work on: Bulletin Board Challenge anytime - see Becky Kirby and Mrs. Little is always ready to help with Teaching Challenge. Flag Football Trip The annual flag football trip to Nacogdoches will be December 5 & 6. More details and sign ups will be coming soon. Sign Up for the Mavs Game On Saturday, November 15, we’ll meet at the building at 5:00 p.m. for an areawide youth rally. After the rally, we’ll head to the Mavs game. Tickets are $30 each and include the all you can eat buffet. Tickets with our group are limited, so get yours from Warren asap. Future Dates Mavs game - November 15 Teen Devo - November 16 @ building Flag Football - December 5&6 Youth Retreat - February 20-22 Work Camp - June 7-10* Camp Ichthus - July 12-17* *Only some dates. major event could change these Daylight Savings Time Ends Daylight Savings Time ends early next Sunday morning. Be sure to "fall back" by setting your clocks back one hour on Saturday night. (The blessing you get for remembering is an extra hour to sleep.) And The Winners Are . . . This year’s Trunk and Treat once again enjoyed perfect weather. Several Waterview members opened and decorated their trunks and put on costumes to greet our children, neighbors and guests. We had a good turn out from the neighborhood and preschool and a good time was had by all. The winners of the Best Trunk and Best Costume Awards were: Honorable Mention Trunk 2nd Place Trunk 1st Place Trunk Honorable Mention Costumes 2nd Place Costumes 1st Place Costumes Barbara Jackson Young Professionals Group Laura Beck and Vince Havard The Huddleston and Jones Families The Chappell Family The Weiss Family Check out pictures of all the winners on the bulletin board in the foyer. Mothers of Young Children Class The next Mothers of Young Children class will be on November 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the south wing. This month’s class, Farsighted Parenting, will be presented by Wilena Grigsby. These monthly classes teach how to serve God in a dynamic way by being an effective parent and a loving wife. Classes focus on subjects relevant to those who someday want to become a mother, expectant mothers, and mothers of children up to 12 years old. Childcare and a light dinner are provided. Please RSVP to Linda Rolandt at (972) 562-3792. October 26, 2014 Announcements Psalm 103: 1-5 Soldiers of Christ, Arise - 647 In Moments Like These - 239 Prayer When My Love to Christ Grows Weak - 350 The Bread When My Love to Christ Grows Weak - 350 The Fruit of the Vine When My Love to Christ Grows Weak - 350 Contribution Sweet Adoration - 253 Prayer My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less - 538 (Stand) READING YOUR OWN FUTURE One Step at a Time I Know Who Holds Tomorrow - 463 Prayer SUNDAY EVENING: TANGLED AND TRIPPED Worship the Lord with gladness—Psa. 100:2
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