Alphabet and Orthography Statement For Fulfulde [FUB] Ajamiya (Found in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Central African Republic) By Scott Clark, MA SIL B.P. 1299 Yaoundé, Cameroon 2007 Alphabet and Orthography Statement For Fulfulde [FUB] Ajamiya By Scott Clark, M.A. Language: Fulfulde [Ethnologue code: FUB] (Spoken in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Central African Republic) Introduction: The alphabet described in this document is the result of many years of research, which began in the early 1960’s by Dr. Kristian Skulberg of Norway (in Ngaoundéré, Cameroon). Ron Nelson and the Sawtu Linjiila staff (a Fulfulde media and radio organization) continued his work in the 1980’s. By 1990, the orthography was well established. The orthography in the present statement has not significantly changed since that time. In 1998, at the JCMWA/MICCAO conference in Ngaoundéré, Cameroon; over 100 representatives from 14 West African countries agreed that this orthography would be a good standard for writing the Fulfulde language with Arabic script (called Ajamiya). One of the first Roman script orthographies for Fulfulde was developed by F.W. Taylor in the 1930’s (see his dictionary, 1932). In 1966, a unified Roman script orthography was recommended by UNESCO at the ‘Meeting of Experts for the Unification of Alphabets of the National Languages’ held at Bamako, Mali. The orthography proposed in this paper is based on the phonology statement for Adamawa Fulfulde [FUB] found in Stennis, 1967. In 2002 a computer program was developed by Mark Rogalski and myself to “transliterate” the Roman script Fulfulde into Ajamiya script Fulfulde. It is still not 100% accurate and needs to be proofread for mistakes. The following Alphabet and Orthography Statement is presented in order to make the most accurate transliteration possible while maintaining as much as possible indigenous Ajamiya conventions of the [FUB] Fulfulde dialect (abbreviations are on page 18). The Consonants: (The vowels will be introduced on page 14) Arabic alphabetical order (Abjadi) is adopted here showing the Ajamiya grapheme, Fulfulde name and ,bee [a],-tee [s]+ ,camamlu [], ,jiimi [d]+-haa baaluul [g], Zw\+ -deeli [c], ذ-zaali [\+ ,arre [], -zayra [y], -siini [r], -ciini [s]or[]or[r], -saadi [s ], ض-baadi [d ], … + ظ-zaadi [ ], ayni , f ,fee [e], -gaafu [ঀ], -keefu [j], -laamu [k], -miimi [l], -nuunu [m], ھ-hakabeere [g], -waawu [v], -yah [i],-hamaza -- ِIn addition, five Non-Arabic phoneme1: -aliifi [`9]+ g``sn¬¬tœfnk ,…``chZ \ – [ ], `œf`mhZ \+ [] phonemes are found in Fulfulde; the symbols chosen to represent these sounds are: ,¬ddln…tZ∫\+ ,›`gln…tZx \+ -pee [o], ,nya ¯ and Z \+ ,œttmtd`œf`mhZœ\-These five characters are still under discussion. However, they have been used with good understanding for the last twenty years in Cameroon, with the exception of the p. The p has been recently adopted after a thorough search of the contemporary use of Ajamiya in Northern Cameroon (see Orthography Report of Special Letters, March 2006 by myself). Several Arabic sounds and their corresponding consonants are NOT used in 1 See Appendix 1 for the chart of these letters in Abajada order (Warsh Qur’anic tradition). See Appendix 2 for the Summary Chart that is in Arabic Alphabetic order (Abjadi order). 2 everyday Fulfulde. However, they are included in this list because when writing a borrowed word from Arabic, some Fulbe will use these letters to spell them. The majority, however, spell the letters as they sound in Fulfulde (non-Arabic letter-to-sound correspondence), except in Arabic names. Ognmdld Ognmdld ld Qnl`mFq`ogdldFq`ogdld'3enqlr( Fq`ogdld'3enqlr( Dw`lokdr Dw`lokdr (Beginning, middle, final and isolated) .`9. rdbnmc_`& m``md Tmhbncd9/516 I`vlhq``vn EtketkcdM`ld9`khheh (This letter is only used to elongate the ‘a’ vowel) s`` mc`` Special Forms: with [laamu] in the intitial postion v`k`` bilaa with [laamu] in the medial positon " !# oqduhntrkx * # Knqc ) # &'( $% !+# cnm&sÔ ,# gdqd #-# mnsghmf #.%/ vhsgnts Sghrbnmrnm`mshrmnstrdchmsgdhmhsh`konrhshnmdwbdosenqbnllnmanqqnvdc@q`ahbvnqcr9 @kl`rhhgt @`c`lt 10 2%3#45* Bgqhrs 0## @c`l ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .a. a * # `tsgnqhsx " !/ ) # * snrg`jd chla``fn !6&% bta 70* 8 d`qkx mi``ad :" !9 # `mrvdq 'ok( a``v…d Tmhbncd9/517 EtketkcdM`ld9add ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .s. s sdcctœf`k Tmhbncd9/51@ EtketkcdM`ld9sdd m`rstfn fhsd e`j`s sn * # =,+" fknqx ;< 0) >3* # sndmsdq " ?%@ dxdr * # # sqtd :?AB ) he 3 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .. sg CDE 0 # &dw`lokd !D% lhsg``kt Tmhbncd9 EtketkcdM`ld9b`l`lkt hrtrdcnmkxenqvnqcranqqnvdceqnl@q`ahb`mchrmnstrdchm Sghrkdssdqb`l`lkt, EtketkcdZETA\@i`lhx`khsdq`stqd-Hshrhmsdqdrshmfsnmnsdsg`ssgdrhhmhhrnesdmtrdchmsgd ok`bdneb`l`lkthmhmchfdmntrEtketkcd@i`lhx`khsdq`stqd-Rn+sgdvnqc`anudhr oqnmntmbdclhr``ktaxsgdEtkad`mctrdr` rhhmhq`sgdqsg`m`b`l`lkt- ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .d. i F9( Tmhbncd9/51B xdiihstfn EtketkcdM`ld9ihhlh mchx`lih rnna``in ) H ( !G% 0) >9% J " I snenqfds F4I% % * # , v`sdqr ) # ) eqhdmc !/'K ihoo``fn snbnldcnvm ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .g. g 1LM Tmhbncd9/51C x`gtfn EtketkcdM`ld9g``a``kttk x`g lhr``gh )0(!M# sndmux )0L#I snfn :1I*# fn !3% % # &Hf`ud g``itfn 'eqddkx( HmEtketkcdZETA\+sgdg``a``kttkhroqnmntmbdc`r`unhbdkdrrfknss`keqhb`shudZg\- Sghrhrbnmsq`qxsnLncdqmRs`mc`qc@q`ahb'LR@(`mchmsgdPtq&`m+vgdqdsgdkdssdqÊg`` a``kttk, hrmnql`kkxoqnmntmbdc`r`unhbdkdrrog`qxmfd`keqhb`shudZ᭢\-Hsltrsadmnsdc sg`ssghrunhbdkdrrog`qxmfd`keqhb`shudZ᭢\rntmccndrmnsdwhrshmsgdEtketkcdk`mft`fd ھ ZETA\-HmLR@+sgdg``oddsdk, qdoqdrdmsrsgdunhbdkdrrfknss`keqhb`shudZg\rntmc- Gnvdudq+hmhmchfdmntrEtketkcdZETA\tr`fdsgdg``a``kttk, kdssdqqdok`bdrsgdLR@`mc ھ.Okd`rdrddsgdrdbshnmsg`sdwok`hmrsgdtrdne Ptq&`mhb@q`ahbrntmcnesgdg``oddsdkÊ ' ھo`fd0/(. sgdg``oddsdkÊ 4 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .w. 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vd`ksg % '( H`lrhbj % '%# & Hb`m'`akd( n9sghrmddcraqdud/54Anudqoqduhntrbnmrnm`ms- innmcd lhvnnv` " , '() qdfhnm+ '% # ) & H`ltrdcsn--- khuhmfok`bd t9sghrmddcrc`ll`/53Enudqoqduhntrbnmrnm`ms- itt…d lhvttv` " '0(g`mcr 0 # '%& Hrvddo 10 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* xdssnnqd gnxmtfn m`xh lttxn " '>I"u sg`mjfhuhmf .i. x Tmhbncd9/53@ EtketkcdM`ldr9x`g+`mcx`gx`q`enqsgdehm`k`mchrnk`sdcenqlr- Zh9\'vqhssdm`rhh(sghr`krnmddcr`j`rq`'l``rhkdr(tmcdqsgdoqduhntr bnmrnm`ms- xhhcd lhxhhknxh 0) V*2M) snadd`rx U% # entq ) & vhkk'neFnc( '0 " ,2%I knud Uf2% % ) 2%& Huhrhsdceqnlchrs`mbd ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .БNqnsgdq._ Tmhbncd9/510 EtketkcdM`ld9g`l`y` Hrq`&hhk` ! " # Hrq`dk `mcx`g,snhmchb`sdsnsgd Sghrkdssdqhrtrdchm`rl`kkdqenql`anudsgdkdssdqadd, qd`cdqsg`ssgdrdkdssdqrg`udrhlhk`qÈfknss`kqdrsqhbshudÍrntmcr-Sghrkdssdqhmhsrk`qfdqenql hrmnql`kkxtrdcnmkxenqvnqcranqqnvdceqnl@q`ahb`mcrgntkcnmkxadtrdchmkhsdq`stqd enqm`ldrsg`s`qdentmchmsgdPtq&`m- Sgdenkknvhmfehud Sgdenkknvhmfehud hudbnmrnm`msr`qd bnmrnm`msr`qdmnsentmchm `qdmnsentmchm mnsentmchmLncdqmRs`mc`qc@q`ahb'LR@(9 LncdqmRs`mc`qc@q`ahb'LR@(9 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* $ %&' .x. › Tmhbncd9Mns`u`hk`akd xds EtketkcdM`ld9›`gln…h ›`lnk ›h›`l ghl›` ¬nn›d * ) # ptdrshnm ;4v mw%* # v aknnc x4% # * M vhmj 'y " ) jhcmdxr This letter, the›`gln…h, always takes a vowel marker (or sukuun) and is therefore never confused with the yah (without dots - sometimes called alif maksura) that has a hamza over it (found in MSA). 11 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ¬ Tmhbncd9Mns`u`hk`akdxds EtketkcdM`ld9¬ddln…t ¬h¬¬d gttvnn¬d ezy .¬. ¬`mct g`¬qd ,0 Vy# ancx * # ehfgs " $zM " e%J y neeroqhmf ) Mvnqjdqr " '0 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* o Tmhbncd9/65/ EtketkcdM`ld9odd'hrnk`sdcoddftcnk( r`oon {Gk .o. otj`q``in ihoo``fn knnod ) # # krstcdms $A0 ) H ( !G% {K u # sdm " '5) ltc snbnldcnvm ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ( )* .. mx Tmhbncd9bknrdsn/656 mx``lct EtketkcdM`ld9mx` kdmxnk rnmxn lhsnnmx` nc`mxh ,+ * ennc . / - e`lhkx. ! |)K) bk`m rntmc ('>%) &Hodqrdbtsd , % # )R she gave birth ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .œ. œ :; :<=<=; œ`qnk Tmhbncd9bnlahmdc /535*/52@ v`œfhmfn EtketkcdM`ld9mttmtd`œfhmh ¬hœfdk lha`œfh Nv`œf` * ) # ad`tsx $< )V%* < # snrgnv ;*" <*<V%y bghkc %*<V6%# &Hl`qqhdc #*< 'R # ) gdrgnvr :; The_œ, &is distinguished from the ‘n’ in that it does not take a sukuun (hownde). Note the word 12 :; v`œfhmfnabove: that the first _œ, &does not take a sukuun, but the second ‘n’ does take one. The _œ& is rarely found at the beginning of a word and is thus NOT confused with the prenasalized ng- :;sound (see page 13) which is normally only found at the beginning of a word. Oqdm`r`khy`shnmr9 Oqdm`r`khy`shnmr ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* F FV9V9 .mi. mi Tmhbncd9bnlahmdc /535*/51B lhr`mi` lhv``mi` mi``qddmch ,% V` !9 " # r`mc FV3% # # & Hbg`mfd F# '%# &H ontqnts ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .la. la >>> la`qtfn Tmhbncd9bnlahmdc /535*/517 enlahm` 0) $#6& o%# 64B) snjhkk rntsg ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* mf Tmhbncd9bnlahmdc /535*/52@ :; :<=<=; .mf. mf`xm``j` x`xm`mfn !V2< # # * # o`rstqd ) # * # snrghmdsn VV2I ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ,; ,<,<,; .mc. mc mchx`l Tmhbncd9bnlahmdc /535*/52@ rdmctfn gdmct innmcd * # , v`sdq mI% 0) ,VK " snrdo`q`sd 0,VM" vhmc " , '() ok`bd 13 SgdUnvdkr SgdUnvdkr9'EtketkcdM`ld nvdkr9'EtketkcdM`ldr 9'EtketkcdM`ldr9l` 9l`r…d<l`qjr` r…d<l`qjr`anudnqadknvsgdbnmrnm`msr-s <l`qjr`anudnqadknvsgdbnmrnm`msr-sn¬d<cnsr(anudnqadknvsgdbnmrnm`msr-sn¬d<cnsr(- n¬d<cnsr(- ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .`. ? ` Tmhbncd9/53D `kj`v`k EtketkcdM`ld9l``rhcnv j`kg`kch qdds` * # AfR ' # * # oqnlhrd ,% *fLfW # * # atkk ?` # " g`ke ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .d. d }" dm…`l Tmhbncd9/54B idll` EtketkcdM`ld9x`l`kddqd cdesdqd * # * " ldqbx m^VR Hm(" mhfgs " $>B " * " annj ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ? .h. h hsstfn Tmhbncd9/54/ jhqjd EtketkcdM`ld9l``rhkdr kdjjh >%) = R sns`jdnts " $%* W r`cckd j%J " 5 sqdd ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* .n. n }) noodqd Tmhbncd9/54A cnjj`k EtketkcdM`ld9stqm…dn'drnncd( gnjjtfn " $GR " J ) edudq * H ) fhes ;W ) = ) snfhud AM ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* EtketkcdM`ld9stqmcd.snnstqh t +? .t. 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The Deftere Allah, The Bible in Fulfulde [FUB], 1994, Deftere Habaruuji Masiihinko’en, p. 140. 17 Abbreviations: [FUB] – The Ethnologue designation for the Fulfulde Dialect discussed in this document. [FUV] – The Ethnologue designation for the Fulfulde Dialect found in central Nigeria. MSA - Modern Standard Arabic JCMWA – Joint Committee for Ministry in West Africa Ajamiya Bibliography Literature in Present Orthography: ) ) V9#= & ]u %/ ¢h……nL`iinn…n+The Lost Son (Cameroun: Sawtu Linjiila, 2003) 24pp.. ' n.n., U # % 0 ?3# % * " jJ M G`jjdm`rshctmhx`+Sin has entered the world (Ngaoundéré: Église Évangélique n.n., Luthérienne du Cameroun, 1988) 4pp.. 0 '0 Mttgt, Mn`g (N’gaoundéré: Église Évangélique Luthérienne du Cameroun, 1988) 11pp.. H " ?B* " : Cdesd@mm`an&dm9@mm`ahX`jttat+L’histoire du Prophète Jacob en n.n., 0'0 hb#I 7V5 % H o*" b) 6V5 n.n., langue foulfouldé, écriture arabe (Ajamiya) (Yaoundé: Alliance Biblique du Cameroun, 1993) 36pp.. n.n., H " ?B* " :Cdesd@mm`an&dm9@mm`ahXttrtet+ L’histoire du Prophète Joseph en 0c0K'0I 7V5 % H o*" b) 6V5 langue foulfouldé, écriture arabe (Ajamiya) (Yaoundé: Alliance Biblique du Cameroun, 1993) 46pp.. n.n., H " ?B* " : Cdesd@mm`an&dm9@mm`ahLttr`+L’histoire du Prophète Moïse en ~#K'0& 7V5 % H o*" b) 6V5 langue foulfouldé, écriture arabe (Ajamiya) (Yaoundé: Alliance Biblique du Cameroun, 1993) 115pp.. n.n., * : Qtts+l``l`C``vtc`+Qtsg+k`Fq`mc&ld∆qdcdC`uhcdmk`mftd # 0 # # !#& 0 entkentkcd, écriture arabe (Ajamiya) (Yaoundé: Alliance Biblique du Cameroun, 1993) 12pp.. n.n., ) % #- u" ?# 3R * % : @rs`9Cdaank`lhh…n+Esther, la Femme du Roi en langue foulfouldé, écriture ]2& arabe (Ajamiya) (Yaoundé: Alliance Biblique du Cameroun, 1993) 26pp.. n.n., # % % : Khmihhk`Hhr`@kl`rhhgt¬hhL`qhx`l`a`m`Ktj` * 0 , m_ % % % j# 05 o# #/ m# #I$#% & U/% 10 23#% 45* ~3# 2R% ;29V5 vhmchqh…tl+L’Évangile selon Luc en Foulfouldé écriture arabe (Ajamiya) (Yaoundé: Alliance Biblique du Cameroun, 1990) 150pp.. n.n., H 0#I ~3# 2R% " ,= " + " ]VR * % : Hmm…dSdcct…d9Hhr`@x`st`kk`gh+Les Grands Noms: Jésus, Signe de %qf5 Dieu (Yaoundé: Alliance Biblique du Cameroun, 1993) 18pp.. n.n., ~؟#32R% 7V5 % H oI!# % * & ): Jnl`xmh@mm`ahHhr`>+Qu’est-Ce Qui a Fait Mourrir le Prophète Jésus? en langue foulfouldé, écriture arabe (Ajamiya) (Yaoundé: Alliance Biblique du Cameroun, 1993) 9pp.. nn., * # % m#* I,% $# #2#R # V`q`x`q`mchx`lcttlhh&c`l, Come and drink the eternal water, m^2&0 (Ngaoundéré: Sawtu Linjiila, 2001) 10 pages. n.n., ' % ) !#+#-: K``s``mnnih+Fdmdrhr9SgdEhqrsAnnjnesgdS`vq`s (Yaoundé: Alliance Biblique du Cameroun, 2003) 177pp. 18 Health Literature in Present Orthography: n.n., m0* & ;* " <V %/ # " o* )_ ?# V#* B: E`ms`…nmqddm`¬hmfdkltl+Fanta attend un Bébé en langue fulfuldé, écriture arabe (Église Évangélique Luthérienne du Cameroun: Projét de Santé des Femmes, 1993) 38pp.. n.n., # % " # jVI * " u k # " !^I * % +Ghrmtxnmjhl`dxh&c``&adl`+o`ccnsdmmx`vRHC@, ,# 2K% '#* 2 o+,# % * ) o0 3M Save yourself and those you love, lets drive away the sickness AIDS, (Ngaoundéré: Sawtu Linjiila, 2001), 2pp..(10,000 copies distributed). n.n., * " UK :#,2K% ;u 9# * oR " #'#* W oR " Rdxdmj`vs`dmmi`kknRHC@.@HCR,Let us come together and win over SIDA/AIDS, (Yaounde, SIL Cameroon, 2006), 2pp.. (24,000 copies distributed). Similar Ajamiya to that Proposed in this Orthography Statement: n.n., ' % ) !#+#-: Laataanooji, La Genése En langue Foulfouldé Yaoundé: Sociétés Bibliques au Cameroun, 1962. 158pp.. n.n., # % * %9Linjiila fodde Matta, L’Évangile selon Matthieu en langue Foulfouldé Yaoundé: ?#H & " J,) B ;29 Sociétés Bibliques au Cameroun, 1961. 94pp. n.n., # '06(# : Jabuura, Les Psaumes en langue foulfouldé, Ngaoundéré: Centre de Duplication de l’EELC, 1975, 201pp. Other Literature on the Subject of Ajamiya: Alkhuli, Muhammad Ali, A Dictionary of Islamic Terms: English-Arabic & Arabic English, (Swaileh: Jordan, 1989). 230pp.. Amudani, Y., Koyi da Kanka Harsuna uku: Turanci da Hausa da Larabci, Teach yourself three Languages: English, Hausa and Arabic (Kano: Ayab General Enterprises, 2001). Amudani, Y., Teach yourself three Languages: French, Hausa and Arabic (Kano: Ayab General Enterprises, 1996). Awde, Nicholas & Samano, Putros, The Arabic Alphabet: How to read & write it, (New Jersey: Lyle Stuart, 1986). 95pp.. Chtatou, M., Using Arabic script in writing the languages of the peoples of Muslim Africa (Rabat: Institute of African Studies, 1992). Eguchi, Paul Kazuhisa, An English-Fulfulde Dictionary, (Institute for the Study of Language and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo, 1986). Eguchi, Paul Kazuhisa, The Poem of Repentance, (Institute for the Study of Language and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo, 1976). Malik, S.H.A., ‘The Impact of Arabic on the Linguistic and Cultural Life of the Yoruba People’ (FS Bamgboɗe; Ibadan: Group Publishers, 1995) 424-39. Nelson, R.W., Etk¬dBtkstq`kDkdldmsr`rBnms`bsOnhmsrenqsgdFnrodk ( diss. Fuller, 1981). Nelson R. W., Ekkitinol Ajamiya, (Lessons on Fulfulde Arabic Script). Revised by Scott Clark and Carolin Huber in 2007. Nelson R. W., The Situation and Need for a Standardized Ajamiya Orthography for Fulfulde, unpublished paper presented at the 1998 JCMWA meeting in Ngaoundéré, Cameroon. Noye, Dominiquel., Dictionnaire Foulfoulde-Francais: Dialect Peul du Diamare Nord Cameroun, Librairie Orientalist Paul Geuthner, S.A. 12, ru Vavi, 75006 Paris, 1989. Skinner, N., Hausa Readings: Selections from Edgar’s Tatsuniyoyi (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1968). 19 Stennes, Leslie H., A Reference Grammar of Adamawa Fulani, African Language Monograph No. 8, African Studies Center, Michigan State University, 1967. Taylor, F. W., A Fulani-English Dictionary, (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1932). Philips, J., Spurious Arabic: Hausa and Colonial Nigeria (University of Wisconsin African Studies Center, ). Van Gerpen, E., Ka Koya wa Kanka Ajami (SIM, n.d.) 28pp.. n.n., Koya wa Kanka Karatun Ajami (NNPC Ltd.; © Wusasa: CMS; Printed Kaduna: Baraka Press & Publishers Ltd., 1971) 30pp.. n.n., * % * % 7#* >%W Kitab Injil (Manila: PBS, 2001). [Roman script to Arabic script]. ;9 Indigenous Ajamiya Literature for [FUB] Fulfulde * % M !#M " !#R): (Meiganga, Cameroun: Tidjani, Adib), 38pp., no date. CI,# ) % # " $B n.n., ~Vb# % * & " 'V< " " : ! (Meiganga, Cameroun: Tidjani, Adib), 76pp., 2001. ) #.0 " S[#u ( o43I !>W ,#s:"#$% &'() (Yola, Nigeria: n.n., '_ n.n., Tidjani, Adib), 76pp., 2001. (However, Saad with two dots is used for the implosive * (where the feh with an extra dot is used for the ‘p’ sound) ) H+ $# #s'#* ( !A# Doriidu, M., :+,&* (Kano, Nigeria: Northern Maktabat Press LTD.), no date. This is one of at least 10 books written in Maroua. Eguchi, Paul Kazuhisa, +-. /, (Institute for the Study of Language and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo, 1976). 20 Fulfulde Ajamiya – Appendix 1 U# % 4#9#R" ,f0* d*f0 B The transliteration of letters and vowels from Roman script to Ajamiya in Abajada order Abajada Warsh Order -- xGzn ! }# F9( ,, p qrs SS 1LM ]^_ ;f5 #. # m4& oV Z[\ abR ,# 9# #/# ا بجد هوز حطى کلمں صعڢض ڧرست ثخذ ظغش Aa, aa ‘a’ cdB F, f B, b ضضض ض D, d J, j ڧڧڧ ڧ Gh, gh or Qh, qh $$ T3K R, r Z, z ثثث ث H, h خخخ خ ذذذ ذ ظظظ ظ Th, th or S, s or C, c Kh, kh D, d H, h W, w ©+… Y, y K, k L, l -laa laa M, m N, n S, s ‘ <@ XY8 ( )* {Gk ezy $ %&' S, s T, t ◌َ }" ? }) +? ! }# Zh, zh Z, z G, g C, c Sh, sh Mx+mx P, p ¢+¬ ‚+› E, e I, i O, o U, u Aa, aa ‘a’ Q} }" Ee, ee U ? '}) ' +? Ii, ii Oo, oo Uu, uu :; :<=<=; F FV9V9 7& 7464646& :; :<=<=; ,; ,<,<,; }* A, a }J Ø+œ Nj, nj Mb, mb Ng, ng Nd, nd Hownde: walaa masde. Siddere: sembiɗina harfeere. Letters used rarely in Ajamiya Fulfulde: ، ض، ص، ز، ذ، خ،ث ء، ھ، ق، ڧ،ظ 21 Appendix 2 Summary Chart of the Fulfulde Alphabet For [FUB] Ajamiya ------------------------------------------Examples------------------------------------------Ajamiya Grapheme Roman Grapheme Phoneme Second ‘a’ /a:/ * +! 1 23 6 6 8 90 ? @A CDE H IJB %#( K LM7 B, b /b/ T, t /t/ J, j /d/ H, h /h/ D, d /d/ R, r // S, s /s/ C, c /t/ or // or /s/ ©+… .…. ‘ /Б/ G, g /g/ F, f /f/ K, k /k/ Initial Medial only for Arabic names: / $ "# - , %3 4 56 :0 5 %EE $ %#B "( NO7 5M5= %& / %&!. . %2 %!0 ;<= $ %AB %D5. %J. #0 %M $ <P3 Final Isolated '( +. . 5 !7 9( @3 / CF I / %B L& / Q3 ! ) *0 1 0 56 >8 ?2 = G H K7 G Appendix 2 4 "O S U ; V Y< ` Na_ b c,R )* )+,+,* + +<!<! --- )* )+,+,* L, l /l/ -laa /la:/ laa /la:/ M, m /m/ N, n /n/ W, w /w/ Y, y /j/ ‚+› .xә. ¢+¬ .¬. P, p /p/ Mx+mx .ْ. Ø+œ .œ. Nj, nj /nj/ Mb, mb /mb/ Ng, ng /ng/ Q / ;U W - 4 6&.Z "[ <_ *PR ! "# 4# <F6! G<# CO( T0 %5 <3 %<3 V\[ a3 - , # ' ( %& $% %<# &!< Y7 - "O U V< Y : ]3 / N_ c0 Z d0 "#<_ +< %<<. 4R T ; X W ^_ `3 b e B %< + Appendix 2 !* !+!+!* . ." . f f f ." :. f /f f f f/ and Nd, nd /nd/ A, a /a/ U, u /u/ I, i /i/ O, o /o/ E, e /e/ Aa, aa /a:/ Uu, uu /u:/ Ii, ii /i:/ Oo, oo /o:/ Ee, ee /e:/ no-vowel sign and double letter sign V. 4POB B $ %&B ,B / VD<B ;B :_ 6B <B 6B %&#<5B <0 O2O= G= - "= - V 7= 2 +. &= 5 /F6 / , - a3 (This list of letters does not including Arabic letters used rarely in [FUB] Fulfulde; <3 'F6 $ @R Q / $ %P3 &7 3 7 :_ 0%( % /c0 Z ث, خ, ذ, ز, ص, ض, ظ, ق, ھ, ڧ, )ء.
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