Document 377418

Dec. 3, 1929.
Filed May 7, 1928
Dec. 3, 1929.
Filed May‘ '7, 1928
2 Sheets-Sheet
,4 Mn: / 14. 6hr far,
A7" TO R NE Y5:
Patented Dec. 3, 1929
“current s'rATes
Application ?led May 7’, 1928. Serial N0. 275,677.
This invention relates to chairs of the type
commonly referred to as‘ “hydraulic barber
chairs”, and particularly to the means used
in such chairs for operating the pump plung
er and for releasing the clamp associated
with a reclining bar that holds the back and
apron of the chair in adjusted position.
whose parts are of such ‘design and arrange
ment that the mechanism is particularly
adapted for use on a chair whose seat frame
has a'relatively great range of vertical move
ment and is capable of being moved down~
wardly to a lower level than is customary
with conventional hydraulic barbers’ chairs.
One chair of the general type mentioned,
Another object is to provide an operating
that is now in commercial use, is equipped and controlling mechanism for hydraulic
with a seat frame attached to the upper end
chairs, which ‘is of such design that
of a hollow stem which reciprocates in a barbers’
the reclining bar clamp can be released sim
stationary socket in the base of the chair. A ply by pushing the upper end of the handle
pump plunger, which is reciprocatingly
towards the seat frame, followed by
mounted in the stem, is used to effect and inwardly
of said handle
control the circulation of a non-compressi parallel to the sidemovement
seat frame.
hle liquid to raise and lower the stem which
carries the seat frame, and a handle or oper is to provide a controlling and operating
ating lever is used to actuate said pump mechanism for hydraulic barbers’ chairs that
plunger. When it is desired to raise the seat is
of rugged construction and of such design
frame the operating handle is rocked back
that it is not necessary to form an opening in
and forth so as to impart short strokes to the the
flange of the seat frame‘of the chair to
pump plunger, and thus cause charges of receive any parts of said mechanism, even
liquid to be forced from the stem into the though
seat frame is equipped with a
socket, thereby exerting upward pressure on relativelythedeep
Other objects and
the stem, and when it is desired to lower the desirable features?ange.‘
seat frame, a full stroke is imparted to the hereinafter pointed out. invention will‘be
operating handle, so as to move the pump
Figure 1 of the drawings is a side eleva—
plunger into such a position that it will tional
view of a barber’s chair equippedwith
open a valve and permit the liquid in’ the a controlling
and operating mechanism con
socket to pass upwardly through by-pass structed in accordance
with my invention.
ports into the stem, with the result that the
Figure 2 is a transverse sectional view
stem and the seat frame connected to same
through the seat frame, with the stem and .
move downwardly by gravity. The back and some
the parts ‘of the mechanism broken
apron of the chair are held in adjusted po away of
so as to more clearly illustrate the con
sition by a spring-pressed clamp which acts struction
of same.
on a part, commonly termed a reclining bar,
which clamp is released or rendered inoper the clutch between the handle and the rock
ative by pulling upwardly on the hand grip shaft is tripped or rendered inoperative by
of the handle and then rocking the handle in exerting a slight inward thrust on the upper
a direction parallel to the side edge of the end of the handle.
seat frame.
My invention consists of a novel means slight rocking movement of the handle aftera
for coupling the operating handle of a hy—
clutch has been tripped causes the re
draulic barber’s chair of the general type said
bar clamp to be released.
mentioned with the rock shaft that actuates
5 is a top plan view of the stem,
the pump plunger, and for transmitting with the seat
frame removed.
movement from said handle to the reclining ‘ Figure 6 is a detail sectional view, taken
bar clamp so as to release the reclining bar, on the line 6-‘-—6 of Figure 2, looking in the
one object of the invention being to provide
an operating and controlling mechanism
direction indicated by the arrows.
Figure 7 is a view similar to Figure 6, 100‘
2:", Y
7 showing the position which the parts as
sume when the handle is being rocked to im
part short strokes to the pump plunger.
cillating relatively to the shaft E by a clutch
formed by a lug 5 carried by the upwardly
projecting portion 2 of the handle, and a
Fi ure 8 is a view similar to Figure (5 notch 6 formed in a collar 7 that is secured
showing the position which the parts assume by a pin 8 or in any other suitable manner,
when a vf?l]! ‘stroke-is imparted‘ito' the handle to therock shaft E, adjacent the point where
so as to'“cause"th\e stem and’ seat-frame to theouterend ‘of-‘said rock shaft is journaled
in~a?bearing on the bracket 9 that projects
Eiguree?wisa a: View!’ similarrto-rFigure- 6-,: laterallyironithe~platerlO at=the uppenend
0 showing the p0s1t10n.~.wlr1ch=.theepartsassume - oi? thest-em to which the seat-frame 1s con
when the operating handle is rocked to re nected. When the lug 5 is arranged in the
‘ a
notch ‘.6 . in: .the collar : 7 , the handle; K1 will ‘be
line‘>1»1J_——11‘-- of FigureeQ‘; looking-in- the di
chair will'cause-‘the shaft’Ei'to rock‘, and thus
lease then'eclimingjoarsclampn
Figure 10 is a sectional view, taken on the operatively connected to the rock shaft E in
line, 10—10 of Figure 2, looking‘in th'e-di such a waythat a rocking movement imparted
to said handle in a direction parallel to the
15 .rection indicated by the arrows; and
Wg?ree115is~a¥sectionaliview, taken on the adj aeen-t ‘ side "edge-ofv the‘seat‘ frame‘of 'the
reciprocate therplungenl)? Ifit is desired
reetiorr indicated’by the arrows;
Refe'ring-‘to ‘the \ drawingswhich ‘illustrate to raise theseat'frame‘theop'erator rocks the
20~the"pre£erred‘-form of my; invention, A- des hand-lé'Kback and forth, asindicated in Fig
ignat'es1the~seatl of " a - conventional barber’s ures-6 and‘T, so as'to- impart short strokes to
chair; 3' designates »the# stem“ which ‘ carries
the plungenD, thereby causing the liquid‘
theeseat??‘ame, G" designates the- base ‘that in the-stem- to be forceddown-wardly into the
holdé'also'cket‘ior cylinderi'which receives the socket If it is desired‘ to~lower' the seat
5~<stem~1B§~ Dfidesignates thep-lunger, shown- in frame, the: op'erator'imparts a- full vforward
broken llnes'in?hiigure 1; that is-used to force strok'e-to'thehandleK,as-indicated in- Figure
"chhrges?ofliquid Fifi‘omth‘e- stem into the: sock 8, thereby causing the-'plungcrD’ to trip the
et'tb causelthe-stem-i-to-move upwardly, and valve"whiclrpermits the liquid? to ?ow up
also‘used to trip‘the-lvalve- which permits the wardly through th'e'by-pass ports irom‘the‘
30-‘liquid-Yt’o pass'hfrom the¢s0cketnpwardly into socket into the-stem.- In order ‘to assist the
thestemWhen'it'iis desired to ‘lower-the seat operator in manipulating the handl‘e'K'prop'
1 ofiéth‘e'chair, E‘desi‘gnates ahorizon-tally-dis erly'in' the operation of‘ lowering the seat;
posed? rookishaft'l mounted ‘at 1 the upper end ' frame; the bearing-40h‘whiclr the handle is
offthieestemnunderneath'th‘e» seat- frame and pivoted i. is : provided witlr a spring-pressed
35rproVided'1with-‘a icrankl arm?- IE’Y‘," and-1F desig bu't‘fer‘ll thatisad‘apted to‘strike against the -
nates wlinkr-thatij oins vsaid lcrank arm to ‘the bracket'9’, thus‘otle'ring someresistance to the ‘
plunger-1'1)! 'I'l‘iechair~ is-equ-ipped @witlr a movement‘ of thehandle, when a. full for
batk1G¢and> an: apron Hthabare combined ward stroke is imparted to the handle, there
with the: seat ?in‘ such a way, that the back can by notifying‘the‘operator that thehandle has
been" pushed‘1 into. a: positionsto release the
in broken lines in Figure‘ 1,’ andiisaid- backv valve whichpermits theliquid to pass up
40 ' beim'ran'ged'iiilr Ea \recli-ned ipositionr', as > shown
and‘apron: are held‘ inadjusted position-‘by wardlyirom .th‘e‘socketinto the hollow stem
means‘ ofaireclininglbar I‘ithIat-isconneeted to - of'the chair:
theiapronianida which co-operates with“ a
As previously- stated,L the-reclining‘ bar
‘y elampicomrposed lofii‘two ‘:j aw-s- or ‘elements-J» clamp'two elements or jaws
andfi J’ between which the reclining- bar J and ‘J’! Tli'ese'jaws are pivotally connected
passesyas-shown.I in Figure- 2.‘ Movement ‘ is together byfa': pivot 12 arranged above‘ re
I imparted to-the rock shaft E-‘soas to actuate cesses in the: meeting fa'ees'of the j aws'that'
thev-pump plnnger- D ,l and ‘ movement‘ is ' im- . receive'the reclining bar I, and .said aws are .
5o~ziparted to one jaw or element-of 1thie- reclining combinedx'in such a way. as to form a single
bar‘i’clamp ‘so as to release the: reclining- @bar, unit‘that' is' rockably mounted'on the rock'
' by-meansiof'azr operating- han'dl'e onleverK. sh'aftiE, atr'one' side of'the stem-.B ofithe
Therhandle K isi-arranged atone side of chair:v The jaw J 5 is capable of‘ rocking or
the'oseat frame oflthe chair 'andiislprovided swinging‘ towards and away from the co
operating‘ stationary jaw J ,’ and‘expansion
port-ionliwhichhprojéets inwardly under the springs 13 are interposed between said aws
- 55-l'at its lower end with a horizontallyhdisposed
seati'frameia Attith‘e? inner: end of the hori
abovev the pivotal . connection 12 ‘between the
zontally-'disposediiportion ‘170i said handle is same so as'to normally hold said jaws pressed
an upwardly-‘projecting, bifurcated iportion tightly against the reclining bar. When it‘
6092 thia'ti‘is'l-pivotally connected‘by 'a pivot pin is "desired to release the reclining bar, pre
3 to a bearing’ ‘ii-which" is mounted on'the paratory to changing the position of ‘the back
roek-‘shiaftIETinP-such“aeway'that it is free to andapron of‘the chair, the operator exerts
oscillate onh'saidaslraft-iandlalso move lon
pressure 'On' theupper'end of vthe handle 1C
" , gitudinally, of’ saidi sha'ft. Normally, the inwardlyitowards the seat frame of the chair,
thcrebyroeking said‘h'andle on-its pivot 3v
657" 'eaT ing’lii is prevented from turning-oraos
into the position shown‘ in Figure 3, which and a reclining back, a reciprocating plunger
operation causes the lug 5 on the upwardly for effecting the raising and lowering of said
projecting portion 2iat the lower end of the stem, a reclining bar and a co-operating
handle to be withdrawn from the notch in clamp for holding the back in its adjusted
the collar 7 on the rock shaft E, thereby un position, a rock shaft operatively connected
clutching the handle K from the rock shaft E. with said plunger, a handle for actuating
The operator then swings the upper end of said rock shaft to impart movement to the
the handle K to the left, looking at Figures plunger, ashiftable bearing on which said
1 and 9, so as to cause an inclined surface 5‘1
handle is pivotally mounted, co-operating
on the outer end of the lug 5 to engage and clutch members on said shaft and handle
travel over cam surface 71‘ on the inner side adapted to be disengaged by rocking said j-TLE
of the collar 7. The pressure which said cam handle on ‘its pivot, and means whereby a
surface exerts on the lug 5 during this rock slight oscillatory movement of said handle
ing movement of the handle K causes the after it are been disengaged from said shaft
4 bearing a to shift longitudinally of the rock 'auses said bearing to exert pressure on the
shaft from the position shown in Figure reclining bar clamp in a direction to release
3 into the position shown in Figure 4, there the reclining bar.
by causing said bearing 4 to exert pressure
2. In an hydraulic‘barber’s chair of the
on the movable jaw J ’ of the reclining bar type that comprises a vertically-movable
‘clamp in a direction to move said jaw into stem and a reclining baclr, a reciprocating
the position shown in Figure 4, thus releas
plunger for effecting the raising and lowering
ing the reclining bar. During the operation of said stem, a reclining bar and a co-operat
of adjusting or changing the position of the ing clamp for holding the back in its ad
back and apron the reclining bar clamp is justed position, a rock shaft operativcly
effectively retained in its released or open connected with said plunger, a handle
position by the engagement of the cam 7a on for actuating said rock shaft to impart move
the collar 7, with the lug 5 on the handle K. ment to the plunger, a bearing mounted
To render the reclining bar clamp operative loosely on said rock shaft, a handle pivotally
it is only necessary to restore the handle K connected to said bearing, a- clutch member
to its normal upright position, and as soon on said shaft, a co-operating clutch member
as the lug 5 comes into alignment with the on said handle that is adapted to be disen
notch 6 in the collar 7, the pressure which gaged from the clutch member on the shaft
the springs 13 of the reclining bar clamp by reciting said handle on its pivot, and co
exert on the movable jaw J’ causes the bear operating surfaces on said clutch members
ing a to shift longitudinally of the shaft E for causing said bearing to move longitu~
in the opposite direction, back into the posi
tion shown in Figure 3.
in an hydraulic barbe?s chair operating
and controlling mechanism of the kind de~
scribed it is only necessary for the operator
dinally of said shaft and exert pressure on
the reclining bar clamp in a direction to re
lease the reclining bar when said handle is
moved in a direction to cause said bearing
to turn on said shaft.
3 the handle K a slight inward push
In an hydraulic barber’s chair of the
towair ' the seat frame of the chair, followed type that comprises a vertically-movable
by a slight rocking movement parallel to the
side edge of the seat frame, in order to release
the raclining bar. Movement is imparted
to the pump plunger D to raise and lower the
seat frame by manipulating the handle K
in the same n'ianner as in the conventional
barber’s chair. The parts of the mecha
nism are of simple design and they are
so compactly arranged that the mechanism
is particularly adapted for use on a- chair
who-s seat frame is capable of moving down
wardly to a lower level than is the usual
‘ custom, and another desirable feature of such
stem and a reclining back, a plunger for
effecting the raising and lowering of said
stem, a reclining bar and a co~operating
clamp for holding the back in adjusted posi
tion, a reel: shaft for operating said plunger
arranged horizontally at the upper end of said
stem beneath the seat frame of the chair, a
bearing mounted on said shaft and adapted to
scillate and also shift longitudinally of said
shaft, a handle provided at its lower end
with a portion that projects under the seat
frame of the chair and which is provided
with an. upwardly-projecting part that is
pivotally connected to said bearing, a clutch
member connected to said upwardly-preject
ing part, a co-operating clutch member con
a mechanism is that it is of such design that
no part ‘of same has to pass through the de
pending flange on the seat frame of the chair,
even when the seat frame is ‘equipped with nected to said rocr shaft, and a cam on one
an I ' ept-ionally deep ?ange.
of said clutch members that causes said hear
l'laving thus described my invention, what ing to exert pressure on the reclining bar
I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters clamp in a direction to release the reclining
Patent is:
bar when said handle is oscillated about said
1. in an hydraulic barber’s chair of the rock shaft as an axis after said clutch mem
type that comprises a vertically-movable stem bers have been disengaged.
igvsam i
4 .1
4. 'illnlanhlydraulic barber’s chair ofthetylpe said handle z?rom said ‘rock shaft, and means
' that-comprisesa vertically~movable stem that w-he'rebyan oscillatory movement of the hen
carries the seat frame,-la reclining back, a d-le' ‘relatively to said frock shaft, after ‘the
clutch ‘has been rendered inoperative, causes
vingot the stem and the seat ‘frame thereon, the ‘recliningv bar "claimp‘to be released.
awrock shaft ‘for operating said plunger ar
' plunger 1for effecting the ‘raising and lower
ranged horizontally vatithe upper end of the
stem- beneath ithe‘seat frame, a reclining bar
for ‘governing the position of ‘the back, a
spring-pressed clam-p vfor holding said re
clining ‘bar against movement rockably
mounted-on said rock shaft, a bearingloosely
mounted on ‘said rock shaft at one side of said
clamp, a handle provided at its ‘lower end
with va portion that projects inwardly under
the ‘seat frame and which is provided with
‘I an upwardly-projecting, bifurcated part that
is pivotally connected to said bearing, a col
lar-connected to said rock shaft and pro
'20 vided- with anotch, a lug on the bifurcated
vpart of the handle that is adapted to enter
"said notch, and-'a'cam on said'collar for caus
ing'sa'id bearing toexert pressure on -'the re
clining bar clamp ‘in a direction ‘to release
thereclining bar‘ when said handle is oscil
l‘a‘tecbabout said rock'sh'a'ft as an .‘axis after
i the 'l‘u'g'on said ‘handle has ‘been disengaged
fromft‘he notch in said collar.
'5, In an hydraulic barber’s ‘chair of the
type that comprises a 'verticallymiovable
stemv and‘ a reclining-back, a reciprocating
plunger ‘for 'effecting'the raising and lower
‘ ings of said ‘stem, a vreclining bar anda co
operating clamp for holding the back in its
adjusted position, a rock shaft operatively
connected with said plunger, ‘a ‘handle for
actuating vsaid ‘rock shaft ‘to impart’ move
ment ‘to the plunger, a shiftable bearing on
said roc'k shaft on “which said handle is p‘i‘v
otally mounted for swinging movement lon
gitud‘inally ‘of ‘the ‘rock shaft, a clutch for
co'nnecti'ng's'aid handle with said rock shaft,
provided ‘with ‘means for causing said clutch
to'be rendered inoperative whensaid handle
is roc’kedflno'ne ‘direction on lts pivot, and
' means whereby ‘an oscillatory movement of
said‘ ‘handle after said clutch ‘has been ren
dered vinoperative, causes the ‘reclining ‘bar
' to be‘rél‘eased ‘from its clamp.
‘6.,In an. hydraulic barber’s chair of the
type that comprises a vertically-movable
stem and "a reclining back, a ‘reciprocating
plunger for effecting the raising and lower
ing of said stem, a reclining bar and a co
operating clamp for holding ‘the back in its
adjusted position, a rock shaft operati-vely
connected with said plunger, a handle for
actuating said rock shaft to impart move
mentto said plunger, a shiftable bearing on
which said handle is ‘pivotally mounted, a,
clutch ‘for connecting said‘hand-le'to said rock
shaft, ‘provided with means whereby a slight
inward movement of the upper end of said
handle towards the seat frame of the ‘chair
renders the clutch- ‘i‘noperative and vreleases