October 21, 2014 Superintendents' Message Dear Colleagues, Ratings, grades, and evaluations are important indicators. In our state, therefore, much attention gets paid to the annual report cards released earlier today and to the Compass annual report that will be released tomorrow. These reports provide answers, to some extent, regarding how well we are doing with students. But, let's not forget amidst the fervor these reports can generate that their greatest value lies not in the final answers they provide but, in the questions they stimulate. These reports are tools, after all. They provide information educators and parents can use to make important choices on behalf of children, and they are best used not just to make judgments but also to prompt actions. This is why the Department engaged in a two-week dialogue with school systems and charter schools regarding preliminary academic results prior to the release of both reports. We want you to be able to describe the student achievement results they contain, and to be able to translate that understanding to principals and teachers. A letter grade is not an end unto itself; it is a representation of student learning, which is the real end on which we are called to focus. This is also why the Department is releasing the reports back-to-back. Compass is a tool, so the Compass report says as much about how well the tool was used as it does about how well teachers actually taught. In some places, for example, expectations were classroom observations were obviously high. In other places, this was not the case. As it turns out, higher expectations for observations tended to correspond with higher student achievement gains. The tools are connected. We are now in a period of learning new, higher expectations. After we establish a baseline in 2015, it will become increasingly challenging for schools to maintain high marks, such that by 2025, a school rated "A" will average "mastery" on state assessments. That kind of progress will require deep understanding of standards, curriculum, assessment, and pedagogy, at every level of your organization. Through reports that detail our expectations and our performance in these areas, we come to understand the stories of our own schools, and we establish a basis for improvement. I hope you have found this year's report cards and Compass report instructive to your own schools' improvement as we pursue higher expectations together. As always, thank you for all you do for our children, John John White Louisiana Department of Education Twitter @LouisianaSupe http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs129/1104839106897/archive/1118883800721.html[10/23/2014 7:29:22 AM] In This Issue: Superintendents' Message District Support High School Opportunities Assessment and Accountability Data Policy Finance Other Education in the News District Support Superintendent's Conference Call You are invited to participate in the Superintendents' Conference Call hosted by State Superintendent John White on Thursday, October 23, at 10:30 a.m. You may begin dialing into the call 15 minutes in advance. Please follow the instructions below: Webinar Login Information: (*No pre-registration is required) ?Meeting Name: Superintendent's Conference Call Click here to join the meeting or go to https://louisianaschools.adobeconnect.com/suptsconfcall/ Dial in to the Phone Bridge: (866) 837-9780 When prompted, please give the Meeting ID # 1645968 You must identify yourself to join the meeting District Planning Call Next week's district planning call will take place Wednesday, October 29, 1:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m. Webinar Login Information: (*No pre-registration required) http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs129/1104839106897/archive/1118883800721.html[10/23/2014 7:29:22 AM] Meeting Name: October District Planning Call Click here to join the meeting or go to https://louisianaschools.adobeconnect.com/dpc/ Enter meeting room as a guest and provide your name Audio access: (800) 832-0736 / room number: 3423625 *Note: This call is limited in capacity. Please listen in with your colleagues to the extent possible to keep as many lines open as possible. All calls are recorded and posted. 2016 Teacher and Principal of the Year Applications Released The Louisiana Department of Education recognizes that great teachers and school leaders are critical to student success. Annually, the Department honors the state's most exceptional educators through the Teacher and Principal of the Year programs. This week, the Department released the 2016 Teacher and Principal of the Year applications and timeline. Districts may nominate up to three candidates, one per division (elementary, middle and high), for both Teacher and Principal of the Year. Application materials are available here and should be submitted to [email protected] by 5:00 p.m. on January 8, 2015. A webinar is scheduled for Teacher and Principal of the Year coordinators/stakeholders on Thursday, October 23 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (coordinators only need to attend one). Webinar Login Information: (*No pre-registration required) Meeting Name: Teacher and Principal of the Year- Coordinator's Training Webinar To join the meeting go to https://louisianaschools.adobeconnect.com/toypoy/ Once you enter the site, click guest and type your name in the signature box Select the default "Dial-out" option (1) to hear the call over your phone. Select the "Using microphone" (Computer device- option 3) option if you'd like to view and listen via your computer. High School Opportunities Course Choice/SCA Course Provider RFA 14-15 The Louisiana Department of Education has issued a Request for Applications (RFA), calling on high-quality course providers to apply to participate in the Course Choice/SCA program. This is the third year the Department has issued an RFA for course providers. Current providers will continue to offer courses already in the portfolio. New course providers will be able to provide new course offerings not currently offered to Louisiana students, as well as additional choices for the courses Louisiana students currently take through Course Choice. The RFA process entails: 1) on-line applications 2) in-person or virtual interviews 3) independent panel reviews and 4) BESE review. For more information go to http://www.louisianabelieves.com/courses/supplemental-course-academy or email [email protected]. The Department is offering an informational webinar about the application process on October 23 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. To access the webinar, interested providers should follow the directions below. Webinar Login Information (*No pre-registration required) Meeting Name: Course Provider RFA Click here to join the meeting or go to https://louisianaschools.adobeconnect.com/r51w0a7d7oc/ Enter meeting room as a guest and provide your name Audio access: (800) 832-0736 / room number: 1053465 Course Choice/SCA RFA Application Portal: https://lacoursechoice.fluidreview.com/ Getting Started with CLEP Webinar The College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP) helps students receive college credit for what they already know, for a fraction of the cost of a college course. Developed by the College Board, CLEP is the most widely accepted credit-by-examination program, available http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs129/1104839106897/archive/1118883800721.html[10/23/2014 7:29:22 AM] at more than 2,900 colleges and universities. Join the College Readiness team for clear guidelines on CLEP credit policy, CLEP subject areas, exam preparation, and how to become an authorized CLEP administration center. District test coordinators, administrators, professional school counselors, and teachers are encouraged to participate in one of the webinars scheduled for: October 23, 2014 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. November 6, 2014 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. November 20, 2014 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Webinar Login Information (*No pre-registration required) Meeting Name: Getting Started with CLEP Click here to join the meeting or go to https://louisianaschools.adobeconnect.com/clep/ Enter meeting room as a guest and provide your name Audio access: (800) 832-0736/ room number: 2834406 The new cohort graduation index recognizes a score of 50 or higher on at least one CLEP exam as the highest level of achievement earned by a cohort graduate. Each student with at least one CLEP score of 50 or higher will earn the maximum 150 points toward the graduation index. For additional information, please contact Tristen Guillory at [email protected]. Assessment and Accountability School Performance Score Appeal/Waiver Requests Please forward to all accountability contacts. LEAs may submit appeal and waiver requests using the Appeal/Waiver Requests form by Wednesday, November 12. Per Bulletin 111, Section 3107, data corrections shall not be grounds for an appeal or waiver request as all data corrections shall be made prior to the release regardless of the source of any errors. All data corrections should have been submitted during the appropriate data certification periods (progress points, dropout/credit accumulation, graduation cohort rate and index, and assessment). The waiver document will be located in the Assessment toolbox and can also be accessed here. For additional information, please contact [email protected]. Accountability Commission Subcommittee Meeting Date Changes Please forward to all accountability contacts. Please be advised that the Act 240 Subcommittee meeting originally scheduled for Friday, November 7 has been rescheduled. Additionally,a December meeting date has been scheduled. The updated meeting dates for the Act 240 Subcommittee are listed below. The Act 240 Subcommittee consists of all members of the Accountability Commission and additional educators and legislators as outlined in the bill. Meeting: Act 240 Subcommittee November Meeting Act 240 Subcommittee December Meeting When/Where: Monday, November 3, 2014 (November 7, 2014 meeting rescheduled) 1:00 p.m. Thomas Jefferson Room (1-136) Claiborne Building, Baton Rouge Monday, December 1, 2014 1:00 p.m. Thomas Jefferson Room (1-136) Claiborne Building, Baton Rouge Data Pre-K Special Education Reporting Requirements If your district or school provides Special Education services to children ages 3-5 with IEPs, please take steps to prepare for the Office http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs129/1104839106897/archive/1118883800721.html[10/23/2014 7:29:22 AM] of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Outcome Progress Reporting required for 2014-15. You can do this by ensuring: All children ages 3-5 with IEPs are listed in AEPSi (Assessment, Evaluation and Programming System-Interactive) An entry assessment is administered within 6 weeks of admission into your program with results posted on AEPSi. Each teacher providing special education services to Pre-K or kindergarten students, ages 3-5, has a copy of AEPS and has access to AEPSi. For more information, please read this AEPSi FAQ. Policy October BESE Meeting The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) met on October 14-15 and approved a number of bulletin revisions and Department recommendations. A summary of the approvals that directly impact LEA activities may be accessed here. Act 833 Guidance The Department is hosting a series of webinars that address how to implement Act 833. The first two sessions addressing graduation and promotion were completed in September and October. To access a list of the most frequently asked questions during the webinars click here. Additional sessions will be held in November and December to address alternate means of demonstrating proficiency and planning for post secondary outcomes. Details for the November session will be released in next week's newsletter. Finance IDEA Maintenance of Effort Review Reminder Please forward to Business Managers and Financial Officials. This is a reminder that the LEA Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Verification Review was due on October 3, 2014. If your school or school district appears on this list, our records indicate that your submission was outstanding as of October 10, 2014. The Verification application is submitted through eGMS. Before you are able to access this application on the GMS Access Select Page, you must first complete the FY 2015 IDEA MOE Assurance in the LEA Central Data section. Additionally, the FY 2013 MOE Confirmation that was due in July 2014 must be marked final for the prior data to prepopulate the verification submission. If you have questions regarding the MOE requirement or the review process, contact Nakia Jason at [email protected] or 1-877453-2721. For technical inquiries or support contact Jason Berard at [email protected]. Other Guidance to Help Prevent the Spread of Illness Several illnesses in the news have captivated the attention of Americans. The Ebola virus dominates headlines, enterovirus D68 has sickened children this year, and flu season is also here. The Louisiana Department of Education is encouraging parents, teachers and child care providers to practice simple habits, and teach these habits to children, to help prevent the spread of illnesses. Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or shirt sleeve, not your hands. Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid close contact with sick people. Stay home when you are sick and keep sick children out of school. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, especially if someone is sick. If you are sick, seek medical attention. Get the seasonal flu vaccination. http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs129/1104839106897/archive/1118883800721.html[10/23/2014 7:29:22 AM] Ebola virus Ebola is a rare and deadly disease with symptoms including fever, severe headache, muscle pain, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain and unexplained bleeding. Only two people have contracted the Ebola virus domestically, both were health care workers who were treating an Ebola patient. Most Ebola infections occur in western Africa. Contracting Ebola in the United States is highly unlikely. Learn more at: What You Need to Know about Ebola-CDC Ebola Resources-DHH Enterovirus D68 The state health department has confirmed two cases of enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) this year. Nationally, almost 800 people have been infected. EV-D68 causes mild to severe respiratory illness, especially in children. Symptoms include fever, coughing, body aches and a runny nose. Children with asthma or other respiratory illnesses are the most susceptible. Learn more at: Fact sheet for parents-CDC General questions and answers for the public-CDC Enterovirus D68 Louisiana-DHH Seasonal Flu Every year, millions of people get the flu. In the U.S., more than 36,000 people die and more than 200,000 are hospitalized each year. The flu can cause fever, cough, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, chills, fatigue and body aches. Most people who get the flu can stay home and recover. But, for some people, the flu can cause pneumonia and be deadly.is a bigger threat and can be deadly. Learn more at: Flu Information for Parents with Young Children Information for Schools and Child Care Providers Fight the Flu-DHH Coordinated System of Care Being Implemented Statewide The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, along with the Department of Education, Department of Children and Family Services, Office of Juvenile Justice and, Magellan Health in Louisiana, are excited to announce that beginning in November the Coordinated System of Care (CSoC) will be implemented statewide for eligible youth and their families. The Coordinated System of Care (CSoC) is a highly specialized behavioral health program that helps young people who have significant behavioral health needs and are at risk of out of home placement. The program provides the supports and services they need to remain in their homes, schools, and communities. Anyone can refer a student to be screened for CSoC services. Additional information on the Coordinated System of Care can be found on Magellan's dedicated webpage, including a printable flyer to share with students, families and other stakeholders. Submit a Nomination for the 2015 CEC Awards CEC award programs present opportunities to recognize the very best in special and gifted education: The professionals who advance the field and students who inspire us. Nominations are due by October 31, 2014 and can be submitted for the following: The Yes I Can Awards, honoring children and youth with exceptionalities who shine. The CEC Professional Awards, recognizing special and gifted educators as well as CEC members who have advanced the field and the quality of education service and CEC. http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs129/1104839106897/archive/1118883800721.html[10/23/2014 7:29:22 AM] The CEC Student Awards, celebrating CEC student members and faculty advisors who have made outstanding contributions to CEC and to children and youth with exceptionalities. To learn more about the CEC awards programs please see the flyers below. Feel free to pass this information on to your friends and colleagues as well. 2015 Yes I Can Awards Flyer 2015 CEC Professional & Student Awards Flyer Commission on Presidential Scholars The Commission on Presidential Scholars has requested our assistance again this year with identifying nominees for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Class of 2015. All high school seniors graduating between January and August 2015 who are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents, who attend public, parochial, or independent schools, as well as those who are home-schooled, are eligible. Students nominated based on SAT or ACT scores or the arts recognition process will receive nomination invitations directly from the Commission. We have been asked to identify students who, while demonstrating outstanding scholarship, might not otherwise be nominated through those processes. Nominations are due to [email protected] by COB October 31, 2014, in order to be included. Please limit nominations to six (6) total, per school district - three male and three female - and send the following for each nominee: Name Home mailing address High school name, and mailing address High School CEEB code A brief description (no more than one page) of why the student is deserving of this award, given his or her outstanding scholarship or special challenges overcome while still achieving high academic success. Nominations should be submitted by the local superintendent or his designee. To learn more about the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program and the Commission on Presidential Scholars, please visit www.ed.gov/psp. Education in the News Schools want to boost counseling services to spur student interest in vo-tech education Ascension Parish awarded grant to help with career counseling State reviewing criteria for Blue Ribbon school nominations BESE to consider Ebola-related rules for responding to outbreak in schools Louisiana Supreme Court upholds state's teacher tenure law New Ebola precautions for Louisiana schools approved BESE approves graduation pathways for Jump Start career diploma School Board appalled at condition of RSD schools, but question who's responsible for upkeep http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs129/1104839106897/archive/1118883800721.html[10/23/2014 7:29:22 AM] Education officials will re-examine standardized tests LDOE Contacts LDOE Links John White State Superintendent of Education (toll-free) 877.453.2721 Twitter @LouisianaSupe LDOE Website Contact Us STAY CONNECTED http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs129/1104839106897/archive/1118883800721.html[10/23/2014 7:29:22 AM]
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