Certificate in Christian Ministry 2014 We believe God told us: ―Heal My broken Church, to enable my healed Church to touch the broken world.‖ This course will equip you to: pray more effectively hear the voice of the Holy Spirit be healed emotionally be free from any negative habits be physically healed and stay that way have good relationships with your marriage partner, parents and children discover your ministry and live it minister to people in need become an effective leader Consisting of 7 modules: 1. Spirit Dynamic Life in Jesus Christ 2. Character Restoration 3. Dominion & Freedom 4. Health & Healing 5. Family & Marriage Dynamics 6. Practical Ministry 7. Vision & Leadership 30 Module sessions 6 Weekend seminars 8 Prescribed books Contact Details: Office Number: 082 828 7291 Fax: 086 688 5708 Address: 166 3rd Road, Bredell, Kempton GPS: 26°05'22,15"S, 28°18'02,30"E Private Bag X03, ASTON MANOR, 1630 E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Sarel van der Merwe and his wife Thiesa For the past twenty nine years Sarel and Thiesa have been involved with counselling and ministering to broken and sick people, as well as marriage counselling and deliverance of people under demonic inluence. In 1991 they started their first counselling school, it had a major impact on the lives of the people who attended and beyond. More than 10000 students have completed the certificate course in Christian Ministry (previously known as Certificate in Christian Counselling). Among these are pastors from different congregations and their wives, medical practitioners and psychologists to mention but a few. All wanting to be of service in the kingdom of God. Sarel obtained a D.Min Degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in the USA. Thiesa has a BSc, B.Min & M.Christian Counselling. They are the shepherds of Oasis Fellowship: House of the Father in Kempton Park. Sarel and Thiesa have been married for 35 years and have three adult sons who are married. Theologos School of Ministry is a ministry of Oasis House of the Father in Kempton Park. Dr Sarel van der Merwe is the senior pastor of the church and his wife Thiesa is the principal of Theologos School of Ministry. THEOLOGOS School of Ministry 1. LAYOUT OF THE 7 MODULES (7 steps) 1.1 Spirit Dynamic Life in Jesus Christ Your position in Christ Regeneration – to be born again Becoming a New Creation A Citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth To be filled with the Holy Spirit and to sit with Him in a Heavenly place of ‗all authority‘ Spiritual Identity Reformation Christ‘s Identity Formation Positional Righteousness New Creation Formation Born into the Kingdom of God 1.2 Character Restoration Emotional Healing and Restoration Soul Therapy Emotional Health and Wholeness Renewal of the Mind Psychological Wholeness Emotional Metamorphosis God‘s Image Transformation Healing Broken Hearts Character Reconstruction Holy Spirit Controlled Temperament Developing the Fruit of the Holy Spirit Godly Self-image 1.3 Dominion & Freedom Spiritual Warfare To rule like God Deliverance & Total Freedom from all evil Freedom from Strongholds & Principalities Kingdom Warfare & Dominion Breaking & Revealing Family curses to generational blessing Ruling with Christ over all evil To finally & completely destroy the enemy through His Church 3rd Day Warfare Delivered & Freedom from evil Ruling over the enemy 1.4 Health & Healing Physical Healing Health & Wholeness Maximum Health 1.5 Marriage & Family Dynamics Marriage Enrichment Marriage & Relationship Excitement Marriage Overflow Perfect Union Relational Restoration Healthy Relationships Love Life Transformed Maximum Marriage & Family Building a Kingdom Marriage 1.6 Practical Ministry Counselling Techniques Ministry Principles Philosophy of Ministry Ministry Techniques 1.7 Vision & Leadership Purpose Driven Leadership Vision to Lead Purpose Driven (Kingdom) Life Finding God‘s Dream Restoring God‘s Original Intend Back to Eden Living your Calling Mobilised in Ministry Discovering & Mobilised in Creation Purpose Destiny Restored Vision Driven Leadership 2. DATE OF REGISTRATION Information Evening: Tuesday 4 February 2014 at 19:00. Venue: 166 3rd Road, Bredell, Kempton Park, GPS: 26°05'22,15"S, 28°18'02,30"E The final date for registration and payment of deposits for Satellite-Campuses is 28 February 2014 or as arranged with our offices. Correspondent Students can register any time of the year. 3. CORRESPONDENT STUDENTS Correspondent students are students who, due to distance and circumstances, are unable to attend a SatelliteCampus. Students listen to the class presentations on CD/DVD or MP3. Students are encouraged to attend the seminars, bearing in mind that ministering takes place at the seminars. Correspondent students may start their studies at any time during the year. The Certificate Course must be completed within 12 months, except if alternative arrangements have been made with Theologos in writting in a considerate amount of time. 4. SATELLITE-CAMPUSES (Previously known as Video Schools) A Satellite-Campus consists of at least 5 full paying students and a group leader, meeting once a week (30 x two hour sessions) to follow the training on DVD. Satellite-Campuses may start at any time during the year. Students in the East Rand or nearby areas must attend the six seminars. If this is not possible students must buy the CD/DVD material from Theoasis Bookshop and evaluate each session in writing. The course must be completed within 12 months. 5. AUDIO STUDENTS Audio students attend all the Satellite-Campus sessions and seminars, but write no tests and the reading of books are not compulsory. After completion of the course, these students will only receive an acknowledgement of attendance (Modules & Seminars). Only applicable to Satellite-Campus students. 6. REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Module sessions Students must either view or listen to all the module sessions. Correspondent students must evaluate EACH SESSION in writing. Satellite-Campus students who have missed a session must also evaluate each session missed in writting, forms provided by Theologos. 6.2 Weekend Seminars During the course of the year there are six weekend seminars (Friday evening and Saturday full day) that SatelliteCampus students must attend. Should Satellite-Campus students in the East Rand / Strand or nearby areas not be able to attend a seminar they have to purchase the Seminar material from Theoasis Bookshop and evaluate each CD/DVD in writing. Correspondent students must listen to all the Seminars on CD and evaluate it in writing. Evaluation forms provided by Theologos. 6.3 Tests Test are written, by the students, on all the prescribed books, a 500 word book evaluation is also compulsory from each student for each prescribed book. Students also write a test on the module and its accompanying weekend seminar. The required mark to pass each test and each assignment is 75%. 7. DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND VENUES (SATELLITE CAMPUSES) Classes will start during the week of 11 February 2014. (Satellite-Campuses arrange a day & place that will suit all students.) 8. DURATION OF THE COURSE The course is presented during school terms, for a period of 12 months. The full curriculum covers 30 classes/weeks. 9. COSTS: 9.1 SATELLITE- CAMPUSES: Working Person: Deposit of R600.00 + six instalments of R495.00 = R3570.00 Married Couple: Deposit of R825.00 + six instalments of R755.00 = R5355.00 Pensioner, Full-Time Minister & Full-Time Student (Provide proof of the above. If not received, original Price will be charged) Deposit of R480.00 + six instalments of R445.00 = R3150.00 8.2 CORRESPONDENT STUDENTS: Working Persons (Normal Audio CD’s): Deposit of R780.00 + six instalments of R710.00 = R5040.00 Working Persons (MP3 Audio CD’s): Deposit of R660.00 + six instalments of R520.00 = R3780.00 (25% discount on normal price) Working Persons (DVD’s): Deposit of R720.00 + six instalments of R790.00 = R5460.00 Pensioner, Full-Time Minister, Full-Time Student: (Provide proof of the above. If not received, original price will be charged) Deposit of R720.00 + six instalments of R650.00 = R4620.00 Oasis Member (Kempton Park): Deposit of R600.00 + six instalments of R250.00 = R2100.00 Audio Student: R75.00 Deposit, R25.00 per session, R60.00 per Manual. Married Couples (Normal Audio CD’s) Deposit of R1000.00 + six instalments of R975.00 = R6850.00 Married Couples (MP3 Audio CD’s) Deposit of R790.00 + six instalments of R815.00 = R5680.00 Married Couples (DVD’s) Deposit of R1260.00 + six instalments of R1050.00 = R7560.00 Oasis Member: Please enquire at our Offices If you have any enquiries regarding finances, please email us at: [email protected] Students are personally responsible for any courses they register for. Bank deposits on class fees are acceptable at any ABSA branch. Ensure that the deposit slip is correctly completed as follows: Theologos, Acc no: 404 771 5723, Branch Code: 334 642, Reference Block: Student number or Name & Surname. The deposit slip must be faxed to 086 688 5708 for attention Student Accounts Department or can be emailed to [email protected]. POSTAGE: Please keep in mind that post takes ±14 days for arrival and that the costs indicated does not include postage!! Satellite-Campuses: - All overnight mail must be paid by the Satellite-Campus. - All regular postage will be paid by Theologos. Correspondent Students: - All postage, which includes parcels and overnight mail, must be paid by the student. The total cost of the postage will be added onto your account. Students that pay the full amount at once, must pay the Postage Fee as well before the study material can be posted. Please phone the Theologos offices for prices. - Students outside SA will pay extra postage. 9.3 Manuals - Satellite-Campus and Correspondent students receive all 14 manuals (Modules and Seminars) on CD, as a PDF file, which is included in the costs. Printed Manuals can be purchased at R50.00 per Manual. - When a student attends the Seminar, the Seminar Manual must either be printed out before hand and brought with or purchased at the Seminar for R60.00 - Audio Students do not receive the Manuals on CD, and therefore must purchase each Manual for R60.00. 9.4 Instalment Payments – Correspondent Students Please note that correspondent students who choose to pay their studies off monthly, will receive a module after every payment. If studies want to be completed quicker, payments have to increase. 9.5 Prescribed Books The list of prescribed books and their prices can be viewed on the page marked: ―BOOK LIST.‖ These books are available at any of your leading Christian Book Stores or Online. For more information or enquiries on the Prescribed Books, an e-mail can be sent to [email protected]. 9.6 Weekend Seminars - Attendance of all the seminars are Compulsory for Satellite-Campus Students (including Audio Students) in the East Rand/nearby areas. - See “Seminar Dates” for Costs. - Seminar Manuals are R60.00 for Visitors, Audio Students and Full-Time Students who can‘t print out their Manuals. - Fees for weekend seminars do not include meals. 10. METHOD OF PAYMENT OF TUITION FEES Students may use one of the following methods to pay tuition fees: Full payment with registration (10% discount) Monthly cash or electronic transfer by Internet Audio students: Per Session and per Manual Option for Correspondent students – with full payment on MP3 version – (25% discount) 11. DISCONTINUATION OF STUDIES - Students who discontinue their studies within one month after registration will forfeit their deposit. - Students who discontinue their studies during the second month after registration will be held responsible for 50% of the tuition fees. - Students who discontinue their studies two months after registration will be held responsible for the full tuition fees. 12. FURTHER STUDIES After the completion of this course, students will receive a Certificate in Christian Ministry. This certificate is compulsory to be able to continue with your further studies with Theologos in either ministry or counselling. After completion of a certain amount of further study subjects, the student will receive a Diploma. After the student completed the Diploma, he/she could continue their studies towards a Higher Diploma and Degree. We also assist students in obtaining their Master‘s and Doctrate Degrees. Certificate students and visitors are welcome to attend any further study seminars. Recognition will only be given after the Certificate course and accompanied homework for the seminars have been completed. If you are interested, please feel free to contact our offices for more details. 13. APPLICATION FOR SUBSIDY An application for subsidy from your church or other sponsor is available from our offices. 14. EXTENDED STUDY Students, who are unable to complete the course in the prescribed period of time, may apply for extensions. If a student does not complete the studies and wants to continue after two years, the student needs to register again. If a student did not hand in any homework during the 12 months, the student must re-register. The re-registration fee is R250.00 and this fee will lengthen the student‘s study period. 15. AFTER COMPLETION OF THE CERTIFICATE COURSE . . . - A student can be a facilitator for a Satellite-Campus, which will give the student exposure to and great opportunties for counselling. - A student can become part of the Oasis Christian Counselling Network. - A Student can do counselling from their home, at their Church or Work with consent and covering from their Pastoral Leader. NB! By Law a Lay Christian Counsellor is not permitted to start his/her own Counselling Practice and ask fixed fees but is allowed to ask a donation to cover any running cost. 16. ACCREDITING LEARNING INSTITUTIONS We believe in the separation of Church and State therefore we don‘t seek recognition from secular accreditation authorities. There is secular education and there is religious education. Secular schools seek secular accreditation, and bible schools receive biblical accreditation—each by their own peers. Religious institutions need no secular accreditation because they offer no secular degrees. Secular accreditation associations in turn are recognized by governmental agencies. Religious accrediting associations are recognized by the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, which has no supreme central office on earth. Our authority is derived directly from Heaven. Civil and religious interests are different and have separate realms of jurisdiction. The State is not superior to the Church. The Church need not wait for approval from the secular world. Civil agencies should not be dictating standards of Christian education, any more than a police officer should be directing the worship of God. Theological Seminaries should not be accredited by accrediting associations that are "recognized" by an agency of the government, because it is contrary to the Biblical principle of "Separation of Church and State," indicated by Christ when He said, "...Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's..." (Mark 12:17). What business does a Christian educator have going to the world of unbelievers for recognition and acknowledgement when II Cor. 6:14 clearly tells us, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?" A Christian educational institution securing accreditation from an association which is attached to a governmental agency is a Scripturally condemned and unholy union as James 4:4 says, "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?" Theologos School of Ministry, in accordance with the inspired teaching of the Bible, has chosen not to seek endorsement from government agencies. Theologos School of Ministry is an accredited Bible College under the Worldwide Accrediting Commission. This accreditation gives assurance that Theologos School of Ministry offers programs meeting national and international standards of excellence. Theologos School of Ministry is not accredited with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Although some local South African universities and other learning institutions may accept our courses, there is no guarantee that this will always be the case. Theologos School of Ministry therefore cannot be held responsible if a graduate is refused for further study by local institutions. *************************************************** MARK THE STUDIES YOU PLAN FOR 2014 Certificate in Christian Ministry Satelite Campus Student Audio Student NB! RECENT PHOTO PLEASE!! REGISTRATION FORM 2014 A.Title: ______ Preferred Name: __________________________________ Birth Date: _____________________________ Full Names: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Surname: _________________________________________________ ID nr: ___________________________________ Postal Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________Code: _________________ Residential Address:_________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________Code: _________________ Tel: (w)( )_______________________ (h)( )_________________________ (f)( )________________________ (Cell) _______________________________________ (Email) _______________________________________________ Occupation: ______________________________________ Employer: ________________________________________ Training Qualifications: _______________________________________________________________________________ Friend or Relative‘s Name & Surname as well as Relationship: _______________________________________________ Tel: (w)( )_______________________ (h)( )______________________ (c)_______________________________ Physical address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________Code: ___________________ Please tick: Married Divorced Single Widow/Widower Church Membership: ____________________________________ Role in Congregation: Member Where did you hear about the course? Please tick: Correspondent Language preference for this course: Describe here: ____________________________________ Leader Previous Student Finesse Joy Audio Student Afr Study method: Only applicable to Correspondent Students Eng Other: Name of Person: Satellite-Campus:___________________________ Home Language:_____________________________ CD MP3 DVD STUDENT MUST PLEASE COMPLETE “FRIEND AND RELATIVE‟S INFORMATION & SECTION „D‟” IN FULL BEFORE REGISTRATION WILL BE PROCESSED For Office Use only: Module 1 Module 4 Module 2 Module 5 Module 3 Module 6 Module 7 B. REGISTRATION OPTIONS FOR TUITION FEES OF: * SATELLITE-CAMPUS STUDENTS: (Please Mark) Working Person: Deposit of R600.00 + six instalments of R495.00 = R3570.00 Oasis Member (Kempton Park): Deposit of R600.00 + six instalments of R250.00 = R2100.00 Married Couple: Deposit of R825.00 + six instalments of R755.00 = R5355.00 Audio Student: R75.00 Deposit, R25.00 per session, R60.00 per Manual. Pensioner, Full-Time Minister & Full-Time Student (Provide proof of the above. If not received, original Price will be charged) Deposit of R480.00 + six instalments of R445.00 = R3150.00 * CORRESPONDENT STUDENTS: (Please Mark) Working Persons (Normal Audio CD‟s): Deposit of R780.00 + six instalments of R710.00 = R5040.00 Married Couples (Normal Audio CD‟s): Deposit of R1000.00 + six instalments of R975.00 = R6850.00 Working Persons (MP3 Audio CD‟s): Deposit of R660.00 + six instalments of R520.00 = R3780.00 (25% discount on normal price) Married Couples (MP3 Audio CD‟s): Deposit of R790.00 + six instalments of R815.00 = R5680.00 Working Persons (DVD‟s): Deposit of R720.00 + six instalments of R790.00 = R5460.00 Married Couples (DVD‟s): Deposit of R1260.00 + six instalments of R1050.00 = R7560.00 Pensioner, Full-Time Minister, Full-Time Student (Provide proof of the above. If not received, original price will be charged) Deposit of R720.00 + six instalments of R650.00 = R4620.00 Oasis Member: Please enquire at our Offices C. PAYMENT OPTIONS FOR TUITION FEES: (Please tick) 1. Full payment with cash or EFT (10% discount): SATELLITE-CAMPUSES: Working Person: R3210.00 Married Couple: R4810.00 Pensioner, Full-Time Minister & Full-Time Student: R2830.00 Oasis Member (Kempton Park): R2100.00 (Already Discount) CORRESPONDENT STUDENTS: Working Person (Normal CD‘s): R4530.00 Married Couple (Normal CD‘s): R6160.00 Working Person (MP3 CD‘s): R3780.00 (Already Discount) Married Couple (MP3 CD‘s): R5680.00 (Already Discount) Working Person (DVD‘s): R4900.00 Married Couple (DVD‘s): R6800.00 Pensioner, Full-Time Minister & Full-Time Student: R4150.00 Oasis Member: Please enquire at our Offices 2. Electronic banking through the Internet: I hereby commit myself to pay _______________ payments of R______________ directly into Theologos account (ABSA Kempton Park, Theologos, Acc No. 4047715723, Branch Code: 334642). _______________________________ Authorised person's signature Date: d d m m y y D. In terms of all previously mentioned, I, the undersigned, herewith apply to be incorporated into the counselling and ministry training programme of Theologos. I believe that this training is to be part of my preparation as a counsellor called by God and commit myself to be obedient to His call. I further submit myself to the authority and guidance of the leadership and underwrite the fact that disorderly behaviour will result in the suspension of my training. I understand that this application will be treated as a business transaction, during which reasonable credit control measures will be implemented. Thus done and signed at ______________________________________ on __________________________________. ____________________________________ Applicant __________________________________ Witness We herewith accept the application and consummate the contract: _____________________________________ On behalf of Theologos ___________________________________ Date General conditions: Obligation to pay: You are personally responsible for any courses for which you register. Please note: Students who discontinue their studies within one month after registration will forfeit their deposit. Students who discontinue their studies within two months after registration will be responsible for 50% of the tuition fees. Students who discontinue two months after registration will be responsible for the entire tuition fees. All postal orders, money orders and bank drafts should be made payable to ―Theologos‖ for class fees. Please note: Bank deposits on class fees can be made at any branch of ABSA. Make sure that the deposit slip is correctly completed as follows: Name:Theologos Acc no: 4047715723 Branch Code: 334642 Reference: Student Number or Name and Surname. The deposit slip must be faxed to 011 979 4078 or 086 688 5708 for attention Student Accounts Department at Theologos or emailed to [email protected]. Please note: The bank accounts of Theologos and Theoasis Bookshop are two different bank accounts. SEMINAR DATES FOR THE YEAR 2014 Dr. Sarel and Thiesa van der Merwe will present weekend seminars during 2014 in Kempton Park. Satellite-Campus Students (Certificate students) in the East-Rand area are required to attend all six-weekend seminars of the seven certificate modules. Times for seminars will be 19:00 until 21:00 on Friday evenings and 09:00 until 19:00 on Saturdays. Please note: Bookings for the seminars must be done at least one week prior to the Seminar at 082 828 7291 or [email protected] Seminar Place Date Cost Spirit Dynamic Life Oasis Kempton 7 - 8 March 2014 Free / R60.00 Manual Character Restoration Oasis Kempton 9 - 10 May 2014 Free / R60.00 Manual Dominion & Freedom Oasis Kempton 6 - 7 June 2014 Free / R60.00 Manual Health & Healing Oasis Kempton 15 -16 August 2014 Free / R60.00 Manual Marriage & Family Dynamics Oasis Kempton 19 - 20 September 2014 R60.00/R60.00 Manual Practical Ministry & Vision & Leadership Oasis Kempton 14 - 15 November 2014 Free / R60.00 Manual FURTHER STUDIES SEMINAR DATES: Certificate Students and visitors are more than welcome to attend further studies seminars, but Recognition for this will only be given after completion of the Certificate course and the work assignments for that specific subject. Students will be given credits for this during their further studies. Bookings for further study seminars can be made at [email protected] or 082 828 7291 at least one week prior to the seminar. Seminar Date Time Cost Theophostic Ministry 7 June 2014 16 August 2014 15 November 2014 09:00-18:00 R580.00 per person (Price is subject to change) Maximized Marriage Intimacy Camp 24 - 26 October 2014 TBA TBA Further Study Seminars will be presented at Oasis House of the Father, Address: 166 3rd Road, Bredell, Kempton Park GPS: 26°05'22,15"S, 28°18'02,30"E Please take note: It is expected of Satellite-Campus Students in the East Rand or nearby areas to attend all six weekend seminars. If a student can not attend a seminar it is expected of them to purchase that specific seminar from Theoasis Bookshop and evaluate each CD/DVD of the seminar in writing on a provided evaluation form.
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