CANDOR YOUTH ASSOCIATION 2014-2015 BASKETBALL Registration/signups will be held Tuesdays, October 21st, October 28th, November 4th, from 630-8pm in the Elementary cafeteria. The eligible age groups for this program are: grades K–6. Please bring this form along with a $35 registration fee payable to “Candor Youth Association” to sign ups with you (maximum of $60 per family). If you are unable to attend, please mail the form and payment to: Candor Youth Association, PO Box 792, Candor, NY 13743. The final date to register is November 10th, after this date there is no guarantee of participation. There will be a $30.00 fee for any returned check. The season will begin November 2014. Child’s Name: __________________________________________ Birth Date: _____________ Grade: _________ Address: _____________________________ Email_________________ Cell: ___________ Texting: Yes Male Female Residence:(check one) Village: Town: No Current Age: _______ Ethnicity: ___________ (White, African American, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, Other) Optional: The purpose for this data is to assist Candor Youth Association in completing annual United Way forms for program funding. Note to Parents: If a child is playing modified (7th or 8th grade) basketball they are not eligible to play CYA basketball. In-House KinderBall (kindergarten only) Co-Ed Grades 1 & 2 Travel Boys Grades 3 & 4 Grade 5* Grade 6* Travel Girls Grades 3 & 4 Grade 5* Grade 6* *Grades 5 & 6 will be combined if not enough sign ups to field a team Number of season’s applicant has participated in Basketball:_____ Check here if asking to “move up” “moving up” decisions will be at the discretion of the Basketball Operations Manager) (all Shirt Size: _____ Pant/Short Size (for grades 3 & up): Sizes Available: YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL, A2XL Please volunteer your time!!!! Remember that without the help of our volunteers there would be no basketball program. I, ______________________________, am interested in the following position: Head Coach Assistant Coach, Concession Stand, Administrative duties, Fundraising I/We, the legal guardian(s) of the above named enrollee in the Candor Youth Association, Inc. sponsored activity herby give approval to his/her participation in any and all activities. I/We assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including transportation to and from activities, and I/We do here by release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the organizers, sponsors, supervisor, and participants for any claim arising out of any injury to my/our child. I/We accept the fact that my/our child is responsible for all athletic equipment issued to him/her. I/We realize he/she is financially responsible for any damaged or lost items not returned. Candor Youth Association insures your child, however, it is understood that any injury by your child will first be processed throughout the parent’s personal insurance. If this is not adequate, a claim can then be filed with the Candor Youth Association. If medical bills are then in excess of the Candor Youth Association insurance of scheduled payments the difference is the responsibility of the parent/guardian(s). Parent/Guardian(s) signature: ________________________________ Date: __________________________ Medical history and emergency information must be completed on the reverse side of this form. EMERGENCY INFORMATION Parent/Guardian: Home Phone: Work Phone(s): Cell Phone: _________________ Person to contact in case parent or guardian cannot be reached: Name: Phone: Family Physician: Phone: Orthopedic Doctor: Phone: Hospital (Preference): Medical History: Asthma Diabetes Epilepsy Allergies (list) _____________ *Note: Inhalers must be present at all practices and games, either with athlete or parent or given to coach. Treatment used for the above: _____________________________________________________ Injuries in the last six months, such as knee, ankle, arm or concussion, explain: Any additional information: ______________________________________________________________________________ Note to parents: If your child is injured while participating in a Candor Youth Association program, please make sure the coach is advised immediately and ask for a copy of the accident report, which should be filled out within 48 hours. SPORTSMANSHIP POLICY (Must be signed by parent/guardian and participant) We hereby agree to abide by the Candor Youth Association Sportsmanship Policy, which prohibits the display of poor sportsmanship to coaches, officials, players, families and spectators and includes, but is not limited to, verbal harassment, profanity, threats, or improper physical contact. Upon the "first offense," the player and/or parent will be verbally warned of their violation and may be asked to sit for the remainder of the practice or game. Upon the "second offense," the player will be removed immediately from the practice or game and will not be able to return until after meeting with the coach and liaison. Parents will be informed in writing of their violation and agree to terms of continuing in the program. Upon the "third offense," the player will be removed immediately and may be removed permanently from the program, after a hearing with the liaison and other Candor Youth Association Board of Directors members within five days. For serious infractions, including but not limited to physical contact, the liaison may proceed directly to the "third offense" stage. Parent signature: _______________________________ Date: ________________________ Participant signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________________ If you have any questions, contact James Floyd 607-237-2294 or [email protected]
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