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eye cam
he bublcam is a 360º camera
and software technology that
shares everything around
you through spherical photos and
Made from aluminum, plastic, and
rubber, weighs 280 g, and features
four 1.6 megapixel cameras with a
190° field of view.
The software inside the Bublcam
stitches the images and videos
together, giving you in the end a 14
megapixel 360° image.
It shoots video at 1080p and takes
3840p-by-3840p photographs which
are streamed back to the device of your
choice over the Wi-Fi connection.
Als o included is a tri-axial
accelerometer that stabilises images
and aMicro SD Card up to 32GB.
It is a market ready spherical
camera that captures 100% of the
spherical range through panoramic
photos and videos. The Bubl brand
has been created to both deliver
the highest quality products and
services dedicated to 360º technology
advancement as well as captivate
and entertain a public continuously
seeking new content. What’s also
incredible is all of the opportunities
in commercial applications like media
broadcasters, industrial and utility
companies, retail channels, hotel and
travel and real estate that the Bublcam
provides a new advantage to.
The innovative tetrahedral design
allows the 4, 190º lenses to overlap
capturing everything inside what
we’ve dubbed a digital bubl. It’s even
small enough to fit in the palm of
your hand.As the only fully spherical
consumer camera in the world,
the Bublcam is a device backed by
the most forward-looking software
in the industry to provide users
with the ability to capture spherical
photos and videos and share them
with anyone, anywhere.“Since its
incarnation, the camera has been a
pivotal tool to help people capture
moments and tell stories,” said Sean
Ramsay, CEO of Bubl. “Bublcam
takes digital storytelling to the next
level with zero blind spots and a
fully spherical experience. More
than just a camera that shoots on a
horizontal plane, Bublcam enables
consumers to pan anywhere in a
given shot and then incorporates
an online sharing feature to stream
or upload content directly from the
device.”Bubl’s current collaboration
with Google allows anyone with a
F o r e m a n’s
architecture firm ran
up a $166,000 phone
bill in a single weekend last
March. But neither Foreman
nor anyone else at his sevenperson company was in the
office at the time. “I thought:
‘This is crazy. It must be a
mistake’,” Foreman said. It
Hackers had broken into
the phone network of the
company, Foreman Seeley
Fountain Architecture, and
routed $166,000 worth of calls
from the firm to premium-rate
telephone numbers in Gambia,
Somalia and the Maldives. It
would have taken 34 years
for the firm to run up those
charges legitimately, according
to a complaint it filed with
the Federal Communications
The firm, in Norcross, Georgia,
was the victim of an age-old
fraud that has found new life
now that most corporate phone
lines run over the internet. The
swindle, which on the web
is easier to pull off and more
profitable, affects mostly small
businesses and cost victims $4.73
billion globally last year. That is
up nearly $1 billion from 2011,
Playing violent video
games in 3-D makes everything seem more real
- and can lead to higher
anger levels in players, a
new study has found.
Researchers said that
people who played violent video games in 3-D
showed more evidence
of anger afterwards than
people who played using
traditional 2-D systems
- even those with large
The higher anger in
3-D players was connected to the fact that,
compared to 2-D players,
they were more likely to
feel they were “immersed
Bublcam to upload spherical photos
directly to Google Maps, StreetView
and Google+.
With features including real-time
image stitching, self-calibration and
image stabilization, a four-camera,
tetrahedral design for zero blind spots
and live video streaming, the Bublcam
changes the way consumers capture
moments and share their experiences.
The camera also features professional
controls, including HDR, white
balance, contrast and gamma, all in a
device the size of a baseball.
By utilizing the Bubl API & SDK,
others can create software applications
that can fully control the Bublcam
and develop features on top of the
current app to enable more forwardlooking features like facial and
image recognition, interactive touch
points, motion tracking, cloud-based
storage connectivity and integration
to other virtual reality devices.Bubl’s
software applications will allow for
iOS, Android, Oculus VR, Windows
8 (Xbox One), Chromecast, PS4
Amazon Fire and Avegant integration.
The company’s goal is to allow for
the consumption of spherical or
360-degree content across every
major digital platform and device.
premium-rate phone
numbers, often used
for sexual-chat or
psychic lines, from
one of dozens of webbased services that
charge dialers over
$1 a minute and give
the lessee a cut. In
the US, premium-rate
numbers are easily
identified by 1-900
prefixes, and callers
are informed they
will be charged higher
But elsewhere, like
in Latvia and Estonia,
they can be trickier
to spot.
The payout to the
lessees can be as high
as 24 cents for every
minute spent on the phone. Hackers
then break into a business’s phone
system and make calls through it to
their premium number, typically
over a weekend, when nobody is
there to notice. With high-speed
computers, they can make hundreds
of calls simultaneously, forwarding
as many as 220 minutes’ worth of
phone calls a minute to the pay line.
The hacker gets a cut of the charges,
delivered through a Western Union,
MoneyGram or wire transfer.
of phone
according to the Communications
Fraud Control Association. Major
carriers have sophisticated fraud
systems in place to catch hackers
before they run up false six-figure
But small businesses often use
local carriers, which lack such antifraud systems. And some of those
carriers are leaving customers to
foot the bill.
The scheme works this way,
telecommunications fraud experts
say : Hackers sign up to lease
in the game,” said Brad
Bushman, co-author of
the study and professor
of communication and
psychology at The Ohio
State University.
“3-D gaming increases
anger because the players
felt more immersed in
the violence when they
played violent games. As
the technology in video
games improves, it has
the ability to have stronger effects on players,”
said Bushman.
Bushman conducted
the study with lead author Robert Lull, a graduate student in communication at Ohio State.
Participants were 194
college students, about
two-thirds of whom
were women. All of the
students played the video
game Grand Theft Auto
IV for 15 minutes.
Half were instructed
to play violently (kill as
many people as possible in the game) and
half played nonviolently
(they went bowling).
They played on a 17inch 2-D screen, a 96inch 2-D screen or on a
96-inch 3-D screen while
wearing appropriate 3-D
Later, all participants
reported their mood on
a variety of dimensions,
including anger. For example, they were asked
to rate how angry, annoyed and furious they
felt on a scale of 1 to 5.
Results showed that
for those who played
nonviolently, it didn’t
matter if they played in
2-D or 3-D ? their levels
of anger were relatively
low and unchanged.
Those who played
violently showed higher levels of anger than
nonviolent players no
matter how they played,
2-D or 3-D. But those
who played violently on
3-D were significantly
angrier than those who
played violently on the
2-D systems.
A f te r pl ay i ng t h e
games, participants were
asked several questions
measuring how immersed they were in the
game. For example, they
were asked to rate on a
scale of 1 to 7 how much
they felt they “were really
‘there’ in the game environment” and how much
they felt like other characters in the game were
real.Results showed that
people who played in
3-D felt more immersed
in the game than did
those who played in 2-D,
and that immersion was
related to the increased
anger felt by those who
played violently.
“The combination of
violent content and immersive technology like
3-D can be troublesome,”
Bushman said.
“This is something that
needs to be considered
by everyone involved
electronics manufacturers, video game developers, consumers, parents and content ratings
agencies,” Bushman said.
Google unveils ‘Inbox’ new email service
Google Inc launched an
email service called Inbox
on Wednesday that will
better organize emails and
display information such
as appointments, flight
bookings and package
deliveries in a more userfriendly way.
Google said it was sending
out invitations to selected
Gmail users to try out
the new service. Users can
also email the company at
[email protected] to get an
invitation. For now the new
service is being provided
alongside Gmail, which
was launched in 2004. It
will be available on the
Web as well as on Android
smartphones and iPhones.
“Inbox is by the same people
who brought you Gmail,
but it’s not Gmail: it’s a
completely different type
of inbox, designed to focus
on what really matters,” the
company said in a blog post.
Google said Inbox
displays real-time updates
to emails – for example,
showing the delivery status
of items bought online. It
also shows reminders in
a more accessible way that
allows users to more easily
keep track of chores and
The company said the new
application also enhances
features that are already
available in Gmail that allow
users to view purchases and
bank account statements
grouped together.
Google’s shares were up
1.7 percent at $547.33 in
early afternoon trading
Tips to protect your Android device
ndroid is the most popular
mobile platform in India
as well as the world. One of the
major reasons for its popularity is
the flexibility it offers in terms of
customization and the abundance
of third-party apps.
Apps can even be side-loaded,
bypassing Google’s Play Store
app marketplace. However, all this
also makes Android vulnerable to
security threats and malware. Moreover, with our increasing reliance
on smartphones and tablets, we’re
storing more private data than ever
before, leaving us more vulnerable
to data thefts.
So how do you protect yourself
from losing precious personal and
work data accessed via Android
devices? Here are 10 tips to help
you secure your Android gadgets:
1. Use a screen lock
The most basic security measure
for every Android device, a screen
lock allows you to guard the device by using a pattern, PIN or
The lock can be activated through
the Android device’s Security Settings. Following the activation of
the lock, the device can be set to
lock automatically after a specific
time period or by pressing the
Power key.
2. Encrypt your device
Android allows you to encrypt
all the data on your device. You’ll
need to key in a password or PIN
each time the device is turned on
to decrypt all the data.
If the phone gets into the wrong
hands, there’s no way to access
the data without a password or
PIN if the device is restarted.
This way, your sensitive data stays
safe though the device becomes a
little slow.
It can be activated through the
Android device’s Security Settings.
3. Using personal device for work?
According to security solutions
firm ESET, around 30-40% of devices in workplaces are vulnerable
to threats unless users are educated
about risks.
If you plan to use your personal
device for work, check with your
workplace’s IT team before configuring it to access and store work
related data
4. Activate Google’s Android Device Manager
Even if you lose your device, the
Android Device Manager feature
allows you to track a (connected)
device on Google Maps.
It also enables you to ring the
device at full volume for five minutes and even erase all the data.
To verify if it’s enabled, you
can go to the Settings menu on
your device and tap on Security.
It can be enabled through the Device Administrators setting under
Security Settings.
5. Don’t store sensitive data on
SD cards
Make sure you don’t store sensitive information such as copies of
credit cards and personal IDs on
external storage cards since it is
easy to remove them and access
the data stored.
If you need to store important
information, keep it on internal
6. Don’t install apps from unknown sources
While apps on the Google Play
Store are not curated as diligently
as Apple’s App Store, it is still
the safest place to download and
install apps on Android platform.
Installation files (APKs) sourced
from third-party sites should be
dealt with caution as they might
hide malware or spyware.
7. Install locks for apps
You can use additional protection
for apps like Gallery and Messaging to protect private data.
A number of apps are available
on Play Store that offer an additional level of protection for individual apps. Such apps ask you to
set up a password or PIN code that
needs to be entered whenever you
open the particular protected apps.
8. Don’t root your phone
By rooting your phone, you can
install custom Android ROMs and
even some incompatible apps.
However, apps with root access
get unhindered access to your device’s file-system, exposing it to
more damage in case a malicious
app is installed. It also voids your
phone’s warranty.
9. Keep your device software up
to date
Google releases software updates
that also include several security
Check for software updates using
the device Settings, where you’ll
find a System Updates option in
the About Device menu.
10. Sign out or use incognito
mode while browsing
Remember to sign out of Chrome
while browsing the web on an
Android device or use incognito
mode, especially if you share devices and PCs.
Chrome records your search
and browsing history and syncs it
across all devices on which you’ve
Airtel joins with
for IT training
Bharti Airtel today said it has partnered
with United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) to impart technological
skills to 5,000 people in sub-Saharan
African nation Gabon.
Airtel said the three-year initiative,
dubbed ‘Train My Generation: Gabon
5,000’, is the first of its kind that UNESCO
has partnered with a private organisation
in sub-Saharan Africa.
“It aims at offering a scientific and
entrepreneurial training to 5,000 of
people (aged 18- 35 years) and highschool teachers in Gabon — through
information and communication
technology (ICT),” the company said in
a statement.
The initiative will start with the
establishment of 10 cyber centres
equipped with servers and computers at
schools in Libreville, Port Gentil, Oyem,
Franceville, Bitam and Lambarene.
In the first phase of the project,
5,000 young people, aged 18 to 35, will
receive basic ICT training, which will
also provide training in online teaching
to 100 secondary education science
The teachers will use their skills to
provide online educational support
to 15,000 secondary school students
preparing their end of school exams,
it said.
“Through this partnership, Airtel
wishes to benefit from the expertise of
one of the most important organizations
of the United Nations System, UNESCO,
whose programmes in Africa contribute
to the promotion of innovation based
on knowledge technologies,” Airtel
Gabon director-general Olivier Herve
Njapoum said.
oftware services major
Cognizant has bagged
a six-year deal from
Germany’s Vorwerk Group to
transform its IT infrastructure
and provide application services.
Vorwerk, an international
direct-sales company, has
subsidiaries in 24 countries with
revenues of over $3.2 billion.
Through this transition,
Vorwerk Group will be able to
standardise and centralise its IT
environment to a higher degree,
while driving down costs,
Cognizant said in a statement.
Increased centralisation will
also make the Group’s IT
environment more transparent,
enabling Vorwerk to proactively
monitor, manage, and improve
its IT infrastructure even
further, it added.
No financial details were
disclosed. As part of the sixyear engagement, Cognizant will
provide Vorwerk with integrated
service management, data
Amazon to recruit more
seasonal employees
Amazon has said it would hire 80,000 seasonal
employees in the United States to help with an
expected flood of holiday sales.
The figure is 10,000 more than Amazon
announced last year. Amazon is adding
employees in its warehouses and other centers
that manage sales and deliveries, and noted
that it offers “competitive hourly wages and a
comprehensive benefits package.”
Some of these employees will be kept after the
holiday season, Amazon said, noting that 10,000
of those hired for seasonal jobs last year were
retained for permanent positions.
“We’re excited to be creating 80,000 seasonal
jobs, thousands of which will lead to regular,
full-time roles with benefits starting on day one
and innovative programs like Career Choice for
employees to further pursue their education,”
said Amazon vice president Mike Roth.
Amazon now has more than 50 ‘fulfillment
centers’ which manage product deliveries in the
United States and will have more than 15 sorting
centers by the end of 2014.
Amazon is also reportedly set to open physical
brick-and-mortar stores in some cities for the
first time, possibly as ‘pop-up’ locations that
would operate only for a few weeks.
The US National Retail Federation has said
it expects a 4.1% rise in holiday shopping
purchases this year.
Trinity Hub
centre, network and application
management services.
“As an expanding business,
customer orientation and time-tomarket are top priorities for us,”
Vorwerk managing partner Reiner
Strecker said.
Cognizant will also deliver
end-user computing services and
field services as well as manage
a new service desk, providing
help to Vorwerk’s employees in
a variety of languages, it said.
The services desk will be
a central point of contact for
the company, assisting staff in
German, Italian, French, English,
Spanish, Portuguese, Czech and
Polish, it added.
“Our end-to-end capabilities in
IT Infrastructure services, coupled
with our deep understanding of
Vorwerk’s business, will help
us establish best-in-class service
delivery processes,” Cognizant
president of technology solutions
Debashis Chatterjee said.
The Vorwerk & Co KG family
enterprise was founded in 1883.
The holding company’s registered
office is located in Wuppertal,
Vorwerk’s core
business is the worldwide direct
sale of products like vacuum
cleaners, kitchen appliances, and
Vorwerk employs more than
622,000 people worldwide,
610,000 of which as independent
advisers and generated group
sales of EUR 2.6 billion (2013).
What is Java?
Java is a computer programming language. It enables programmers to write
computer instructions using English based
commands, instead of having to write in
numeric codes. It’s known as a “high-level”
language because it can be read and written easily by humans. Like English, Java
has a set of rules that determine how the
instructions are written. These rules are
known as its “syntax”. Once a program has
been written, the high-level instructions
are translated into numeric codes that
computers can understand and execute.
Who Created Java?
In the early nineties, Java was created
by a team led by James Gosling for Sun
Microsystems. It was originally designed
for use on digital mobile devices, such as
cell phones. However, when Java 1.0 was
released to the public in 1996, its main
focus had shifted to use on the Internet.
It provided more interactivity with users
by giving developers a way to produce
animated webpages . Over the years it
has evolved as a successful language for
use both on and off the Internet. A decade later, it’s still an extremely popular
language with over 6.5million developers
worldwide. Why Choose Java?
Java was designed with a few key principles in mind:
Easy to Use:
The fundamentals of Java came from
a programming language called c++. Although c++ is a powerful language, it was
felt to be too complex in its syntax, and
inadequate for all of Java’s requirements.
Java built on, and improved the ideas of
c++, to provide a programming language
that was powerful and simple to use.
Java needed to reduce the likelihood of
fatal errors from programmer mistakes.
With this in mind, object-oriented programming was introduced. Once data and
its manipulation were packaged together
in one place, it increased Java’s robustness.
As Java was originally targeting mobile
devices that would be exchanging data over
networks, it was built to include a high
level of security. Java is probably the most
secure programming language to date.
Platform Independent:
Programs needed to work regardless
of the machine they were being executed
on. Java was written to be a portable language that doesn’t care about the operating
system or the hardware of the computer.
The team at Sun Microsystems were successful in combining these key principles,
and Java’s popularity can be traced to it
being a robust, secure, easy to use, and
portable language.
For Freshers
Software Developer
adrenalin, Chennai
Experience: 1 to 5 Years
Qualification: Fulltime Graduation from good institutions
Skill Set:
Experienced in supporting Web Application, preferably in HR and Payroll
Hands on Experience in Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2005
Job description:
Candidate ready to do customization and SQL development
Should have Development knowledge in .Net, C# and SQL and good
functional knowledge
Research & Development - programming, code Issue solving would be
his primary responsibility
Should possess good communication with aptitude & analytical skills
Should be a results oriented and good team player
Send in your resumes to [email protected]
Support Engineer
adrenalin, Chennai
Experience: 2 Years
Qualification: Fulltime Graduation from good institutions
Skill Set:
Experienced in supporting Web Application, preferably in HR and Payroll
Hands on Experience in Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2005
Good Written and Oral communication skills
Exposure to either HR function or HR product & Payroll (preferable)
Job description:
Provide L1 and L2 support to our clients
Engage, Connect, Understand and Articulate responses and get closures
done on tickets.
Send in your resumes to [email protected]
Programmer Analyst,
Software Engineers(Systems S/W),
Computer Systems Analysts,
Database Administrators (DBA)
CIS Managers.
Software Developers-Applications
Network & Computer System Administrators
AdvanSoft International, Chennai
CTS bags Germany’s
Vorwerk Group IT deal
All positions involve use of 1 or more of the following:
Software Skills:
BO, UNIX, SQL Server, SQL, VB, PB, .NET, VC++, J2EE, Oracle, Java,
JavaScript, VB Script, Solaris, Cognos, INFORMIX, GUI, DB2, CICS,
COBOL, SAP(All Modules), WebLogic, JSP, ASP, WebSphere, TCP/IP,
HTML, AWT, Sybase &/or Access, Data warehousing-ETL Tools .
Bachelor’s or Master’s (or foreign education equivalent of same) in
related field and/or relevant experience required depending on position.
For certain positions, we accept degree equivalent in education &
experience or any equally suitable combination of education training
and/or experience which would qualify applicant to perform duties of
job offered.
Relocation to various client sites in U.S. as needed.
Send resume & specify position you are seeking to:
E-mail id: [email protected]
US IT Recruiters
AdvanSoft International, Chennai
Senior Software Engineer (Code: MEC)
American Megatrends (India) P Ltd, Chennai
Location : Vizag, Vijayawada
Positions: 5
Job Description:
Looking for candidates who has minimum 1 – 4 years experience.
Handling end to end recruitment process.
Good experience in working across all IT technologies
Understanding the client requirements.
Sound Knowledge on complete US geography.
Good knowledge of W2, Corp -Corp, 1099, US tax terms
Sourcing, screening and short listing candidates profile from database,
portals, and references.
Arranging interview schedules for the shortlisted candidates.
Screening the resumes based on technical skills, and communication
skills and short-listing if it matches the requirement.
Coordinating the interviews between client and candidates effectively
to make the event successful.
Creating & maintaining effective & efficient database for resourcing.
Responsible for full cycle of recruitment including direct sourcing
activities, interviewing and negotiating the compensation packages.
Confident in interactions with individuals of all levels and backgrounds.
Excellent communication skills and track record of placements
Relocation to various client sites in U.S. as needed.
Send resume & specify position you are seeking to:
E-mail id: [email protected]
Educational Qualification : B.E (Computer Science, ECE, E&E),
Work Experience : 2-3 yrs
Job Location : Chennai
No. Of Position :6
Job posted on : 07 Oct, 2014
Mandatory Skillset:
Hands on experience in Embedded Systems
Knowledge in Linux Platform
Good in C/C++ Programming
Desirable Skillset:
Knowledge on Windows, Java Programming.
Knowledge on Windows / Linux application development, Device
Drivers in Linux
Software Developer
AdvenNet, Chennai
System Software Engineer (Code: MCJ)
American Megatrends (India) P Ltd, Chennai
Skilks :
You have very good mathematical and analytical skills.
You have strong interest in technologies from Java to AJAX, from C to
You have a good grasp of Object Oriented Programming.
Familiarity with networking fundamentals, SNMP, XML, RDBMS, and
SQL is an added advantage.
Description :
The software engineer works with a product team and is closely
involved in design, development, and testing of the product. As part
of the development, the engineer has to gain a good understanding of
the product and its use. The Software Engineer should be able to get a
good grasp of new emerging technologies from Java to AJAX, from C to
SQL and how they can be leveraged in the development of the product.
Apart from the above, the individual should be self-motivated, selfdriven and committed, have the appetite to learn new technologies,
and be a good team player. People who have excellent mathematical
and analytical skills but who do not have good knowledge of the above
technologies may also apply.E-mail id: [email protected]
Career in 2M Software Associates, Chennai
Research market conditions for insurance & computer technology
consulting markets, including for Indian/Pakistani population. Acad
program(s) must have included 1 course each (OR in lieu of a course,
6 mos exp in each) of the following areas: Systems (Sys) Database
Concepts; Applied Human Resource Information Sys (OR Applied
Information Sys); Web Applications & Electronic Commerce; Mgmt Org
Sys; & Budget Review South Asia Consumers. Send resume & cover letter
(no calls) to the employer: 2M Associates, Inc., ATTN: Business Manager,
Ref. #001, 30285 Bruce Industrial Pkwy, Ste C, Cleveland, OH 44139.
System Software Engineer (Code: MCD)
American Megatrends (India) P Ltd, Chennai
Educational Qualification : B.E (Computer Science, ECE, E&E),
Work Experience : 2-3 yrs
Job Location : Chennai
No. Of Position :1
Job posted on : 07 Oct, 2014
Mandatory Skillset:
Hands on experience in C#, .Net application development
Desirable Skillset:
Knowledge on Windows Driver Development, WHQL Testing
Educational Qualification : B.E (Computer Science, ECE, E&E),
Work Experience : 2-4 yrs
Job Location : Chennai
No. Of Position :1
Job posted on : 07 Oct, 2014
Mandatory Skillset:
Must have strong working knowledge on CORE JAVA, File Manipulation,
Threads, Synchronization, POSTGRESQL Database, Hibernate for Java
Desirable Skillset:
Good knowledge on C / C++, PHP
System Software Engineer (Code: BMI)
American Megatrends (India) P Ltd, Chennai
Educational Qualification : B.E (Computer Science, ECE, E&E),
Work Experience : 2 – 4 yrs
Job Location : Chennai
No. Of Position :1
Job posted on : 07 Oct, 2014
Mandatory Skillset
Embedded Linux
HMI related to In-vehicle infotainment systems
Hardware debugging skills
Desirable Skillset
Strong C++ Programming skills
Automotive domain and HMI knowledge
Design methodology using OOAD & UML
Embedded development tools and methodologies
Hands on experience in any Multimedia applications
Embedded Linux
Version Control Systems – Clear Case / RTC
Automotive domain and HMI knowledge
Interested candidates please submit your detailed resume with code to
[email protected]
ndroid L is the new sweet thing from
Google which seems to have challenged the naming conventions of
Android OS but still goes by the tradition they
follow that beat their own existing features and
facilities with sweeping design and performance
It’s quite apparent that Android L has been
worked upon to serve the transition dynamics
that is much existing and making their way
through smart wearable devices like Google
Glass and Smart Watches. Besides, it is much
more open to serve the idea of one app working with many devices and make things relate
with the latest theory that keep collaborative
performance on top.
Performance gets the hike
Well, the first thing that you would experience
with the Android L is the raised levels of performance. With faster OS updates and security
patches available with Google Play you will see
a lot of change coming your way in terms of
response mechanism and query processing as
it has just subsided the dependency on OTA
updates and carrier services. So, now you get
better options to work more closely with Google’s core applications and this would turn out to
be a high quality experience for you as a user.
Less load time resource consumption
Android L makes sure that the applications
take less time to load with the faster technical
supervision and process support. This allows
the new OS to help the gadget consume fewer
resources. The battery life tracker and automatic resource management system offered by
Android L allows the system to recover from
Android L, Google’s
latest update ready
the excess energy consumption in various
Better designing possibilities
Android app development seems to enjoy
better space working with new
and better design resources and
elements that help apps get a better
functional base and richer presentation scheme. With Android L,
you can effectively use interactive
supplies offered by the integrated
design resources and use them
to develop attractive UI elements
and apply great effects on them to
experience the next level Android
Scheduled jobs and other new
With Android L, it is now easy
to have a better control over the
task execution. User experience
is enhanced by new Job Scheduler
APIs that allow battery optimized
and OS managed task scheduling.
Apart from this, the connectivity
APIs further makes it easy for the
system to support multiple network connec-
tions and makes it easy to write cross-platform
Cordova applications among many other task
paneling facilities.
Final Thoughts
All these features and
the idea that is put in here
towards the next big release
of Android, all that can be
said now is that the system
will bring certain change
in the way Android apps
are performing – in a good
way.However, it will take
some time for the iteration
to take place but once it
is done, it will soon be
adopted by the consumers
and enterprises alike owing
to its predominating feature-set and the possibilities it offer over the existing
options.But, only the time
will tell, how much time
adopters will take to convert their domestic-settings
and native implementations to those standardized in Android L.
Google cuts Cloud
Computing Engine rates
Google has cut cloud compute prices
by 10% effective immediately, the company said. The move represents an opportunity for Google to edge itself into
the cloud leadership position ahead of
competitors Amazon and Microsoft.
The announcement applies to all
Google Compute Engine instances across
all regions.
Earlier this year, Google dropped its
cloud storage prices 68%. The same
week, Amazon and Microsoft cut storage prices 10 to 68% and up to 20%,
These price cuts are possible largely
because of cloud computing itself, which
reduces hardware costs and improves
data center operability.
Although these price cuts, and the ones
instituted by Amazon and Microsoft,
represent an opportunity for enterprises,
it could also create challenges for the service providers. Just ask Rackspace, which
went from being the second-most used
cloud service to looking for a purchaser
after several failed price-cutting attempts.
More than five million businesses
currently leverage Google’s enterprise
tools — which the company rebranded
“Google for Work” last month — including 64% of the Fortune 500.
While Microsoft’s Windows Phone mobile
operating system hasn’t quite succeeded in wooing
consumers, it still manages to make money out
of Android mobile OS. Yes, you heard it right!
According to a report by ZDnet, Microsoft is
making as much as $8 per Android device, owing
to its Android patent agreements.
It is known to have made around $3.4 billion in
2013 from Android sales. Android has been adding
to Microsoft’s revenues for more than a year now,
in fact, the company has been making money from
its Android patent licenses since 2011.
If a vendor refuses to pay, the company threatens
it with a patent lawsuit. However, it has managed to
convince vendors that paying the license fee would
be cheaper than fighting a lawsuit.
Startup builds Wi-Fi chips for
cheaper hi-speed broadband
reas starved for highspeed broadband may
get a new option thanks
to a system that’s based on Wi-Fi
hardware and could deliver half a
gigabit per second to each home.
The technology from Mimosa
Networks would send data from
an access point on a tower or
neighboring building to a small
antenna on the customer’s home.
That could mean a much cheaper
connection than running fiber or
copper wires to each residence, an
attractive proposition for service
providers that want to compete with
cable companies and carriers or get
people in less developed countries
online for the first time.
Wireless ISPs have used Wi-Fi
for home broadband for years, but
mostly in rural areas, partly because
of interference issues in more dense
neighborhoods. Mimosa took
mass-produced, relatively low-cost
chips built for Wi-Fi and modified
them with its own protocol, which
lets many users share time on a
single channel, said Jaime Fink,
founder and chief product officer
at Mimosa, based in Campbell,
The Mimosa gear uses that protocol along with beam-forming
features to point radio signals at
individual homes.
That lets it cover a whole neighborhood with transmitters placed
one per kilometer or so, Fink said.
In a typical setting, such a network could offer service of about
500Mbps (bits per second) both
down to subscribers and back up
to the Internet, he said. Mimosa
has met with service providers in
the U.S. and other countries and
expects networks built with its
technology to launch in the middle
of next year.
Mimosa’s system uses the same
unlicensed 5GHz band as Wi-Fi
for the main connections between
access points and homes. That
band offers many channels the
network can use based on what
other frequencies are in use nearby,
and operating at rooftop level also
helps to avoid interference. The
special time-sharing protocol helps
multiple customers use the same
channel, because it’s more reliable
than the standard Wi-Fi method of
handling spectrum, he said.
In an urban setting, the network
could serve about 250 customers
on one city block. Where needed,
service providers could deploy a
smaller access point on a customer’s
roof to avoid using another tower,
offering that customer free access
in return, Fink said.
While using the 5GHz band for
Mimosa’s long-range network, the
access points can offer true Wi-Fi
service in the 2.4GHz band within
a range of a few hundred meters.
A 500Mbps connection is more
than most U.S. residents can get
from any service provider, and it
could be deployed for a capital cost
of about US$100 per customer, onetenth the cost of connecting fiber to
a home either underground or on
poles, Fink said.
That could give broadband upstarts a cheaper way to compete
with entrenched cable and telecommunications carriers that already
have fiber or copper lines into
But Mimosa’s bigger impact could
be in parts of the world such as India or Brazil where most residents
don’t yet have home broadband.
They face steep challenges to deployment.
Mimosa announced three models
of access points and a client device
for mounting on the roof or side of a
building. The access points range in
list price from $949 to $1,109, and
the client unit lists at $99.
Focus on a tough
customer’s problem,
tips for
start up success
There is an old saying that good
lawyers run away fromrisk, while
good businessmen run towards risk.
Entrepreneurs see “no risk” as meaning
“no reward.”
Focus on a tough customer problem
rather than a fun technology.
Investors hate technology solutions
looking for a problem, due to the high
risk of no customers. If the customer
need is obvious and large, the calculated
risk is in the quality of your solution,
your team, and marketing. These are
risks that can be mitigated with the right
resources. Assuming that you can quickly
recover after competitors kill your cash
cow is not a smart risk. You need a plan
to regularly obsolete your own offerings,
with continuous innovation, before
customers send you negative messages.
It’s hard to recover from a tarnished
image. Even a great initial product, with
no follow-on, won’t keep you ahead of
competitors very long.
A smarter risk is to build a plan, with
associated greater resources, that will
put you in position to expand your
product line and keep one step ahead
of competitors. Providing everything
free, and growing users to the max
for years, like Twitter TWTR -3.79%
and Facebook, is a high risk approach
requiring deep pockets. Risk is more
manageable with subscriptions and even
freemium pricing. Even non-profits need
revenue to cover their costs, and continue
to provide services.
Everyone wants to forge ahead all
alone, and kill every competitor in sight.
Almost always, risks are more predictable
when you use coopetition for access
to new customers, economies of scale,
and shared resources. Finding winwin deals is a manageable risk, versus
a battle with one winner. Too many
entrepreneurs put all their resources in
one big make-or-break effort they can’t
measure, or they count on word-ofmouth and viral marketing, which are
totally unpredictable. I like marketing
plans that come from both inside and
outside the box, but have milestones and
measurements. Trying to save money
by recruiting family members, or hiring
only interns, is a bad risk.
Great team members may take more
time to find, and cost you stock options,
but a qualified and highly motivated
team that stretches your budget is a good
calculated risk. More money is not more
likely to solve your problems or reduce
your risk. Investors know that startups
with too much money fail just as often
as those with not enough.
Strategically, you need a plan to
survive through organic growth, with
outside funding to effectively accelerate
scaling. Investors don’t fund conservative
forecasts, nor wildly optimistic ones,
since both imply a lack of commitment
or homework. Opportunity and revenue
projections based on deep market and
customer analysis are a smarter risk.
Measurements and business intelligence
along the way also mitigate risk. Many
entrepreneurs think they can reduce
and predict risk by emulating previous
winners like Google and Twitter.
But stepping into a crowded space
to steal customers is more risky than
attracting new customers looking for
a solution. Customers like leaders, not
Many risks can be managed or
calculated to improve growth or provide
a competitive edge, while others, like
skipping quality checks to save money,
are recipes for failure.
The challenge is to avoid the bad risks,
while actively seeking and managing
the smart risks. There are no guarantees
in business, but it pays to learn from
the experiences of entrepreneurs
and business experts who have gone
before you. As a long-time mentor to
entrepreneurs, here is my collection of
smart risks that investors and I look for
in new startups:
*Schedule frequent updates to your
solution to maintain growth.
*Plan to deliver a family of products,
rather than a one-trick pony.
*Implement a modern real business
*Find a strategic partner to accelerate
*Use metrics to measure results of
marketing initiatives.
*Recruit the best team members and
provide incentives.
*Build your business with minimum
outside funding.
*Don’t rely on conservative forecasts
to reduce risk.
*Be a leader rather than following in
the footsteps of another.
Clair air purifiers
Clair air purifiers employ a new
patented technology called the e2f
filter, which replaces the multi-filter
setup found in many air purifiers
The e2f filter can remove dust,
mold, allergens and particles as small
as 0.1μm.
While most air purifiers require
the replacement of various filters
every few months, Clair air purifiers
only require vacuuming of the e2f
filter once every month and a filter
replacement once every 12 to 18
Unlike other high-end air purifiers
that come with ionizers, UV lights,
automatic detectors, and many more
features which end up using quite a
bit of power.
The e2f filter naturally holds an
electrostatic charge (even when the
filter is removed from the air purifier), so small charged particles in
the air become naturally attracted to
it and become filtered.
The annual electricity cost of running a Clair air purifier for 24 hours,
7 days a week, 365 days a year is
only a few dollars per year, and the
air purifier itself creates absolutely
no ozone.
Also, Clair air purifiers have a sleek
design and the fan used to drive air
through the e2f filter is whisper-quiet
so can be left working on 24-7/
Minipresso for mobile coffee lovers
Doesn’t matter if you’re going away for few hours
or a fortnight, space and weight are major factors
when you select your travel equipment. Minipresso
has been designed to be the smallest, lightest and
most versatile handheld espresso machine. It’s also
the first of its kind to integrate an espresso cup.
Minipresso is a hand-held device that helps you
prepare shots with the quality of a traditional machine.
It doesn’t require compressed air, N2O cartridges,
or electricity for its operation.
With 6.95 inch tall, hand-operated body, users can
control the quantity of extracted coffee.
A few pumps on the semi-automatic piston and
they can concoct smooth espresso full of flavor.
Once perfected, a built-in cup takes away the
need for a mug.
The minipresso is available with adapters for coffee
groundsor caffitaly capsules.
IT es
he existence of Internet addiction disorder
linked to conventional devices such as
phones and PCs is hotly debated among
Scientists have treated a man they believe to be the first patient with
Internet addiction disorder brought on by overuse of Google Glass.
The man had been using the technology for around 18 hours a day
— removing it only to sleep and wash — and complained of feeling
irritable and argumentative without the device.
In the two months since he bought the device, he had also begun
experiencing his dreams as if viewed through the device’s small grey
The existence of Internet addiction disorder linked to conventional
devices such as phones and PCs is hotly debated among psychiatrists.
It was not included as a clinical diagnosis in the 2013 update to
theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the official
reference guide to the field, and many researchers maintain that its
effects are merely symptoms of other psychological problems.
But Dr. Andrew Doan, head of addictions and resilience research
at the U.S. Navy’s Substance Abuse and Recovery Programme
(SARP) and co-author of the paper on the patient, published in the
journalAddictive Behaviours, says people are clearly suffering from
problems related to Internet addiction, and it is only a matter of time
before the research and treatments catch up.
“People used to believe alcoholism wasn’t a problem — they blamed
the person or the people around them,” Dr. Doan said. “It’s just going
to take a while for us to realise that this is real.”
The patient, a 31-year-old U.S. Navy serviceman — had checked
into the Sarp in September 2013 for alcoholism treatment.
The facility requires patients to steer clear of addictive behaviours
for 35 days — no alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes — but it also takes away
all electronic devices.
Doctors noticed the patient repeatedly tapped his right temple with
his index finger. He said the movement was an involuntary mimic
of the motion regularly used to switch on the heads-up display on
his Google Glass.
He said he was “going through withdrawal from his Google Glass”,
Dr. Doan explained, adding: “He said the Google Glass withdrawal
was greater than the alcohol withdrawal he was experiencing.” He
said the patient used Google Glass to improve his performance at
work, where he was able to quicken his job of making inventories of
convoy vehicles for the Navy.
Internet addiction disorder,
psychiatrists warn youth
By the time the patient checked into the facility, he was suffering from
involuntary movements, cravings, memory problems and dreaming as if he
was wearing the glasses. When he was not wearing them he felt irritable and
Some of this, says Dr. Doan, may be because a wearable device is constantly
there — so the neurological reward associated with using it is constantly
accessible. “There’s nothing inherently bad about Google Glass,” he said. “It’s
game in
just that there is very little time between these rushes.
So for an individual who’s looking to escape, for an individual who
has underlying mental dysregulation, for people with a predisposition
for addiction, technology provides a very convenient way to access these
rushes. “And the danger with wearable technology is that you’re allowed to
be almost constantly in the closet, while appearing like you’re present in the
moment.”Uptatur, saeceati issectatem sectiissint, inullab orenet
How to stay ahead
in the IT?
Look for technologies around Social Media,
Internet of Things, Data Analytics and Cloud
Some of the technologies that are used in
these domains are listed below. Pick at least
two in any of these sub-areas and you are easily
in a safe zone.
Google’s latest Chrome build has a hidden game that you can only
play offline!
Google has added an endless runner game into Chrome (39) Canary,
in which you attempt to survive as a cute T-Rex dinosaur by jumping over
cacti. The game is only accessible when the browser detects you’re offline,
on the ‘Unable to connect to the Internet’ error page. It’s completely
hidden unless you know where to look.
The new error page was first spotted by Google open-source
Chromium evangelist François Beaufort. In his Google+ post, however,
he doesn’t reveal anything, likely because it’s meant to be an easter egg.
For the sake of comparison, here is the old error page that most
Chrome users currently see:
Hot technology trends that should be
considered for the next two years (Aug,
Here is the new error page, which doesn’t seem to suggest there’s
a game hidden inside:
Yet when you press the space bar, the T-Rex will immediately
jump. The ground beneath him will extend to the right, and he’ll
start running:
The game will track your progress with a high score count,
including pings of celebration upon every 100 points you make.
Unfortunately, your score will disappear after you refresh the page,
but hopefully you’ll be reconnected by that point.
It’s currently on version 39, which the stable channel will likely see
before the end of the year.
What next in online business?
Take a look at the companies that recently have received billion-dollar-plus exits,
IPOs or valuations.High on that list would be Uber, Airbnb, Amazon, Square, Apple,
Google, YouTube, Twitch, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp.
What do these companies have in common? They are all platform businesses, and
platforms are taking over our economy.
Rather than owning production and inventory like most traditional businesses,
platforms simply facilitate the exchange of value between consumers and producers.
This approach allows platforms to scale without increasing costs, which is what’s
driving the stratospheric valuations you see for platform businesses today.
So just what is a platform?
A platform is a business model that creates value by facilitating exchange between
two or more interdependent groups, usually consumers and producers.
Major platforms today include iOS, Android, Square, Xbox, YouTube, Wikipedia,
Airbnb, Handybook, Postmates, Lyft, Etsy, Seamless/GrubHub, Snapchat, Kickstarter,
Lending Club, Prosper, Skype, WeChat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Frontend / user facing / client applications
Mobile application development (Android,
iOS and pick one or two cross platform)
Wearable / auto (Android …)JavaScript (angular, backbone etc)HTML5 / CSS3 (always
keeping a tab on W3C’s latest recommendations and implementations)Java (it will be still
in demand for the next 5 years)
Backend / data processing / server side
JavaScript (node.js, mongodb, meteor etc)
NoSQL (mongodb etc)
Java EE and related (look for Apache projects, Spring, Hibernate etc)
Big Data technologies
Infrastructure / deployment
LinuxCloud services (Amazon, Google,
Microsoft, Rackspace etc)Cloud automation
/ Configuration management (Chef, Puppet
Another expert lists:
Go, Java 8, Scala, Play framework, JavaScript, Node.js, NoSQ, LHadoop, HiveR,
Docker, Gulp, Hadoop, Big data, R language,
Android - not just phones, Google glass,
wear(watches), android auto, android TV.
Now 85% of smart phones use Android.Web
development. HTML5, CSS3, Java-script and
Java-script frameworks and also include C,
C++ and Linux.
Cloud computing - Openstack and continue to learn important APIs from cloud vendors e.g. AWS, Linode, Digital Ocean etc.Web
services & scalability - REST architectures,
frameworks for developing web-services
quickly and cheaply - Django, Pyramid etc.
Hottest trend:
Learn how to deliver your content quickly.
Time really is money when it comes to wait
times on the web.
Look at the client-side techniques, CDN’s
and RESS (Responsive Server Side Component) architectures for faster loading your
web content.Virtualised networks, enabling
virtual/software based networking services
such as firewalls, NAT, virtual routing. e.g.
Cisco’s QvBN.
Mobility - Apps and technologies to improve mobile applications both on Android
and iOS - Android is fun, but iOS makes
money.Mobile access – 4G (LTE) enabled
technologies such as mobile broadcast
(eMBMS), VoLTE all IP based native SIP
services on mobile networks.
Python, Java Scrip and HTML5 - This
combo can be really disruptive. e.g. inbrowser technologies based on HTML5 such
as WebRTC.Technologies to test stuff (where
stuff = customer user experience, software/
code, hardware products, mobile apps,
network devices, analytics results)Libraries
to allow easier manipulation of data such
as ‘R’, Matlab, Python modules etc.Keep an
eye on open source applications, chromium,
openCV, including OS’s Ubuntu, Fedora etc.