CURRICULUM VITAE Jul 2015 Matti KUMMU, D.Sc. Contact details: Water & Development Research Group Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering School of Engineering, Aalto University Tietotie 1E, 02150 Espoo Finland Email: [email protected] Web: Note: the former Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) now operates within Aalto University (AALTO). The School of Engineering (AALTO ENG) is one of Aalto’s 6 Schools. PERSONAL INFORMATION Date and place of birth 18th of July 1977 in Helsinki, Finland Gender Male ACADEMIC EDUCATION 12/2008 10/2002 Doctor of Science in Technology (with distinction) from the former Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), Water Research Group. Major subject: Hydrology and water resources. Thesis title: “Spatio-temporal scales of hydrological impact assessment in large river basins: the Mekong case”. Supervisor: Prof Olli Varis. Master of Science from the former Helsinki University of Technology, Water Research Group. Major subject: Hydraulic Engineering; Minor subject: Geoinformatics. Thesis title: “Roughness characteristics and velocity profile in vegetated and nonvegetated channel”. Part of the studies for the M.Sc. degree conducted at: Lund University of Technology (Sweden); University of Zaragoza (Spain); University of Puerto Rico; and Universidad de Chile. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 2014 2012 2011-2012 Aalto University Pedagogical Training I (ongoing – 15/25 ECTS done) Participation to Aalto’s mentor programme as a mentee Aalto Future Research Leaders' Programme LINGUISTIC SKILLS Finnish English Spanish Swedish Speaking Native Excellent Very good Good Writing Native Excellent Good Good Reading Native Excellent Very good Very good AFFILIATIONS 2013-present 2013-2016 2012-2013 2009-2012 2009-2011 2002-2008 2002-2006 2002 1999-2000 Assistant professor (tenure track) at Water & Development Research Group, Aalto University Academy of Finland Postdoctoral fellow Aalto ENG Postdoctoral fellow (‘tutkijatohtori’) at Water & Development Research Group, Aalto University, Finland (competitive research post). TKK Postdoctoral fellow (‘tutkijatohtori’) at Water & Development Research Group, Aalto University, Finland (competitive research post). Visiting Postdoctoral fellow at the VU University Amsterdam (in total 9 months) Research scientist and doctoral candidate at Water Research Group, former Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Research consultant (part time) under Mekong River Commission, employed by Environmental Impact Assessment Centre of Finland Ltd. Research assistant (conducting MSc thesis) at Water Research Group, former Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Assistant (part time) Department of Mathematics, former Helsinki University of Technology 1(5) A. RESEARCH A.1. PUBLICATIONS (as of Jul 27th 2015) An overview of all publications is given below (details are provided in the ‘List of publications’): Scientific publ. 123 of which 68 are peer-reviewed Articles Conferences Editorials Theses Other 63 journal articles (of which 53 are peer-reviewed) + 6 articles under review/revision First author: 14 Senior author: 10 Articles without PhD supervisor: 34 9 journal articles in Finnish (not full peer-review) 7 book chapters (of which 7 are peer-reviewed) 33 conference publications (of which 10 are peer-reviewed) 4 (editor in 2 international journal special issues and in 2 books) 2 academic theses 19 (18 publications intended for professional communities + 1 artistic and design activity) A.2. CITATIONS (as of Jul 27th 2015) Web of Knowledge: Scopus: Google Scholar: 59 documents; 777 citations; h-index: 16 ( 63 documents; 870 citations; h-index: 17 ( 131 documents; 1610 citations; h-index: 21 ( A.3. RESEARCH WORK EXPERIENCE 2010-2012 2010-2012 2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2002-2008 2005-2007 2007 2006 2006 2004-2006 2004 2002-2004 2002 2000 Team leader & co-principal researcher: Modelling component of the Mekong Project 3 - On multiple use of reservoirs under the CGIAR Challenge Programme on Water & Food. Co-team leader & co-principal researcher: Exploring Mekong Region Futures: Tonle Sap Lake case study. Project led by CSIRO, funded by AusAID and CSIRO. Principal researcher: Investigation of the impact of upstream development on Fishing Lot 2 and the Prek Toal Core Area; work under WCS Cambodia. Cambodia. Co-team leader and co-principal researcher: Water and Climate Change in the Lower Mekong Basin. Funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland. Researcher: Improving Mekong Water Allocation (PN67), under CGIAR Challenge Programme on Water & Food. Part of the large consortium lead by Griffin nrm. Doctoral candidate: “Spatio-temporal scales of hydrological impact assessment in large river basins: the Mekong case”. Partial funding from the Academy of Finland (# 111672) Researcher: Academy of Finland (#211010): “Integrated water resources management in the Mekong” Researcher: Geomorphology & hydrology work for the Songkhram E-Flow work under IUCN. Thailand. Researcher: Technical Feasibility of Dredging the Tonle Sap Lake for Navigation, for Mekong River Commission Navigation Programme. Cambodia. Researcher: Impact of Climate Change on hydrology in Nam Songkhram, Thailand. Part of the USAID and IRG project. Researcher and training responsible: Lower Mekong Basin modelling project (WUP-FIN2). Finnish government funded project for the Mekong River Commission (MRC). Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand. Researcher: Support to the management of sudd blockage on Lake Kyoga. UK government funded project for the Integrated Lake Management project. Uganda Researcher: Tonle Sap Modelling project (WUP-FIN). Finnish government funded project for the Mekong River Commission (MRC). Cambodia Research assistant: M.Sc. research project “Roughness characteristics and velocity profile in vegetated and nonvegetated channel” Undergraduate research fellow: “Reservoir operation using fuzzy logic: case Kokemäenjoki.” A.4. SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION International academic mobility: 2009-11 Visiting Postdoctoral fellow at the VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (FALW) (in total 9 months). Number of co-authors in journal articles (according to Scopus): 108 2(5) A.5. RESEARCH GRANTS Large competitive research grants (PI stands for principal investigator): 2013-2016 PI: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral fellow; Funding for 3 yr postdoc project (273’410 EUR) 2012-2014 PI: Aalto ENG Postdoctoral fellow; Funding for 1+1 yr postdoctoral project (110’000 EUR) 2009-2012 PI: TKK Postdoctoral fellow; Funding for 3 yr postdoctoral project (180’000 EUR) 2006-2009 Researcher: Academy of Finland (#111672); Funding for doctoral studies (157’720 EUR) Large competitive research projects (where principal or co-principal investigator): 2010-2012 PI: Modelling component of the Mekong Project 3 - On multiple use of reservoirs under the CGIAR Challenge Programme on Water & Food (95,000 USD) 2010-2012 Co-PI: Exploring Mekong Region Futures: Tonle Sap Lake case study. Project led by CSIRO, funded by AusAID and CSIRO (200,000 AUD) Small research grants (smaller than 10’000 EUR): MVTT (three travel grants, one individual scholarship and one field work grant), Sven Hallin (field work grant, travel grant), RIL (personal scholarship), Tekniikan edistämissäätiö (personal scholarship), Research grant from TKK (personal scholarship), Ella ja Georg Ehnrooth Foundation (personal scholarship) A.6. AWARDS 2011 2009 Winner of the best article award 2010 in Environmental Research Letters (impact factor: 3.631) with Kummu et al. 2010. ERL 5: 034006 (citations in Web of Knowledge: 22) Best doctoral thesis award 2008 from Oskari Vilamo foundation (award for best DSc thesis in Civil engineering in Finland) B. TEACHING B.1. COURSE TEACHING AND ORGANISING 2013 2005-2011 2007 & 2009 2007 2004-2005 1999-2000 Responsible teacher for Global Water Problems –course (Yhd-12.136) Various visiting lectures in the following courses at Aalto University: - Yhd-12.136 Global Water Problems - Yhd-12.106 Vesitalouden perusteet - A-36.3502 City in Crisis II Part of the organisation committee of the Global Water Problems –course (Yhd-12.136) Tutor in Sustainable Global Technologies studio –course (Yhd-12.3091) Teacher and coordinator in several 1-3 day intensive courses and workshops on hydrological and hydrodynamic modelling for impact at the following universities: Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Rural University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia), National University of Laos, Khon Kaen University (Thailand), Can Tho University (Vietnam), HCMC University of Natural Sciences (Vietnam), HCMC University of Technology (Vietnam), Water Resources University (Vietnam) Course assistant in 2 mathematics courses at the former Helsinki University of Technology B.2. SUPERVISING Supervised postdoc fellows: 2014-2016 Räsänen, T (PhD from Aalto University): “Climate variability” 2014-2016 Guillaume, J (PhD from Australian National University): “Global water resources” Supervised Doctoral theses: 2011 – Porkka, M: “The role of virtual water trade in physical water scarcity” (2011-2015) 2009 – 2014 Räsänen, T: “Anthropogenic impacts on hydrology in the Mekong”. Graduated with distinction. Now postdoc at Aalto University. Instructed Doctoral theses: 2013 Jalava, M: “Impact of diet change on global water resources” (2013-2017) 2012 – Lauri, H: “Modelling monsoon hydrology: case Mekong” (-2015) 2009 – Salmivaara, A: “Water resources vulnerability of the Southeast Asian basins” (2009-2014) Member of a PhD Committee: 2014Nguyen Van Khan Triet, University of Potsdam, Germany: “impact of dike development on the flood hazard in the Mekong Delta”. 2010-2013 Arias, M; University of Canterbury, NZ: “Impacts of hydrological alterations in the Mekong Basin to the Tonle Sap ecosystem”. Now postdoc at Harvard University. 3(5) Instructed Master’s theses: 2014 Munia, H. “The role of upstream water use on water stress in transboundary river basins” 2012 Banafa, T: “Reservoir evaporation in monsoon climate” 2012 Yli-Siuru, S: “Accuracy of TRMM data in modelling hydrology under monsoon climate” 2011 Porkka, M: “The role of virtual water trade in physical water scarcity: Case Central Asia” 2009 Härkönen, S: “Greenhouse gas emissions from reservoirs: assessing the net emissions” 2009 Salmivaara, A: “Water resources vulnerability in the Irrawaddy and Salween River” 2009 Västilä, K: “Climate change impacts on floods in the Lower Mekong Floodplains” 2008 Melkko, H: “Water footprints of biofuels for transport” 2007 Liljeström, I: “Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics in the Mekong Basin” Instructed Bachelor’s theses: 2014 Heino, M.: ”Kuivuudet ja niiden vaikutukset globaaliin ruoantuotantoon” 2013 Sipilä, M.: Metsien hakkuun vaikutus tropiikin hydrologiaan” 2013 Ylä-Soininmäki, M.: ”Onko hydrologinen vaihtelu lisääntynyt Suomessa?” 2012 Henriksson, E.: ”Maapallon väestön ruokavalion vaikutukset ruuantuotantoon” 2009 Kirves, R.: ”Siperian suuret joet Ob, Yenisey ja Lena - Vesivarat ja niiden käyttö” 2008 Porkka, M.: ”Kumulatiivisten vaikutusten arviointi Mekongin valuma-alueella” B.3. INVITED SEMINAR LECTURES (10) Aalto University (2), EFEO (École française d'Extrême-Orient) Cambodia, ETH Zurich, National University of Singapore (2), UNESCO-IHE Delft, University of Southampton, University of Wageningen, UPMC Paris C. ACTIVITY IN SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY AND ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP C.1. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ORGANISING 05/2007 02/2006 02/2005 Co-organiser: Mekong at the Crossroads, Chiang Mai, Thailand (60 participants) Main organiser: Modern myths of the Mekong, Vientiane, Lao PDR (40 participants) Co-organiser: Integrated water resources management on the Tonle Sap Lake, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (30 participants) C.2. JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEWING (frequency: ca. 2-4 requests per month) Ambio, Boreal Environment, Climatic Change, Environmental Management, Environmental Research Letters, Geophysical Research Letters, Global and Planetary Change, Global Environmental Change, Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, Hydrological Processes, International Journal of Water Resources Development, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of River Basin Management, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Landscape Ecology, Natural Hazards, PLoS ONE, Quaternary International, Water, Water Resources Management, Water Resources Research C.3. EVALUATION TASKS 2014 2012 2008 Evaluator for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Evaluator for The Leverhulme Trust (UK) grant application Evaluator for National Geographic Society (USA) grant application C.4. SERVICES OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE 2014-2016 10/2013 01/2013 03/2012 09/2010 Member of Finnish Publication Forum (Julkaisufoorumi) panel 5 ‘Geosciences and environmental sciences’ Invited presentation at ‘Väestön kasvu ja väestöpolitiikka -luentosarja’ Invited presentation at ‘Tieteen päivät 2013’ (Science days 2013) Invited expert hearing in Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Finland Invited expert presentation in Finnish water protection days C.5. RESEARCH MANAGEMENT Research project manager or co-manager in three large international research projects: 2010-2012 Modelling component of the Mekong Project 3 - On optimizing the management of cascades or systems of reservoirs at catchment level under the CGIAR Challenge Programme on Water & Food Programme 2nd phase: Basin Development Challenge in the Mekong. 2010-2012 Modelling component of the Exploring Mekong Region Futures: Tonle Sap Lake case study. Project led by CSIRO, funded by AusAID and CSIRO. 2008-2009 Water and Climate Change in the Lower Mekong Basin: Diagnosis and recommendations for adaptation. Funded by Foreign Ministry of Finland. 4(5) C.6. PUBLIC AWARENESS PROJECTS 2012 2011 2009 2008 2008 2007 Tadaa-dataa! Helsinki World Design Capital 2012 data visualisation campaign. Part of water footprint team. Wonderwater Café at Tian Hai, Beijing. Part of water footprint project; –project together with AKVA (association of water students) Kun kylä kelluu –photo exhibition with M. Käkönen and M. Keskinen –project together with AKVA –project together with AKVA C.7. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS AND POSITIONS OF TRUST 2009Member of the Finnish Association for Hydrology 2008-2010 Board member of WaterFinns NGO (member since 2003) 2003Member of the International Water History Association (IWHA) 2000 Board member of the Guild of Civil Engineering, Foreign Affairs 2000 Board member of AKVA (association of water students), Vice-Chairman 5(5)
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