From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 1996 88: 2364-2365 Glycophorins C and D are generated by the use of alternative translation initiation sites [letter] C Le Van Kim, V Piller, JP Cartron and Y Colin Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 2364 CORRESPONDENCE Glycophorins C and D Are Generated by the Use of Alternative Translation Initiation Sites To the Editor: Human glycophorin C (GPC) and glycophorin D (GPD) are two membrane sialoglycoproteins that cany the Gerbich (Ge) blood group antigens. Although the function of these glycoproteins in a wide variety of cells has not been fully elucidated,' analysis of red blood cell variants indicated that GPC and GPD, by interacting with the palmitoylated erythrocyte membrane protein p55 and the cytoskeleton protein 4.1, mightplay a pivotal role in regulating the mechanical stability andthe deformability ofthe erythrocyte membrane. Indeed, the simultaneous lack of GPC and GPD at the red blood cell surface of Ge-negative variants of the Leach type is associated with elliptocytosis, absence of p55, and a 15% to 20% decreased protein 4.1 level.' The entire primary structure of GPC (128 amino acids) was determined both by cDNA and amino acid sequencing, but the NH2 terminus of GPD could not be determined because it was found to be blocked. However, partial sequencing of GPD together with immunologic studies indicated that GPD is an abridged form of GPC in the NH2 terminal part.' Furthermore. we have shown that GPC and GPD are encoded by a unique ubiquitous gene, GYPC, whose expression is activated in erythroid cells.' We describe here the molecular mechanism that accounts for the synthesis of both GPC and GPD by the same gene. Several mechanisms could account for the production of GPC and GPD by the GYPC gene: ( l ) alternative splicing ofthe primary transcript and/or use oftwo distinct promoters, (2) posttranslationnal processing of GPC, and (3) alternative initiation of translation at two in phase AUGs of a unique mRNA. There was no evidence from Northern blot and primer extension analysis for the existence of distinct transcripts encoding GPC and GPD! In contrast. examination of the GPC cDNA sequence indicated that GPC and GPD might be produced from the same mRNA by alternative initiation at the AUG codons 1 and22, respectively (position 1 indicates thefirst ATG initiating the GPC protein), according to the leaky scanning mechanism permitting ribosomes to initiate translation either at the first or at the second internal AUG.' Indeed, the nucleotides surrounding theATG codon for Met-l (5"CCAGGA ATG T-3') do not fit properlywith the consensus translation initiation sequence ( 5 ' 4 CCNGCC ATG G-3') found in viral and eukaryotic mRNAs.6 However, the ATG codon for Met-22 (5' CCGGGG ATG G) is A CCAGGAAfG 1 CCGGGG ATG G pGPC Mel-l CMV Mcl-22 promoter CCGGGG ATG G *~CA.ATGTOI I f 1 MBI-22 CCAGGA ATG T CCGGGG ACG G PGPCNCATGZZ Mm-l CCAGGA ACG T CCGGGG ACG G *PCmut.ATGlr22 Thr-l CCAGGA ATG G Thr-21 CCGGGG ATG G *PCm~I+Q Met-l Mel-22 b Fig 1. Expression of GPC/GPD-related polypeptides by transfected COS-7 cells. (A) Schematic representation ofexpression plasmids carrying intact or mutated forms of the GPC cDNA. Only relevant sequences arround AUGs 1 and 22 are indicated. Mutations were introduced by M13 site-directed mutagenesis (Sculptor kit; Amersham, Bucks, UKI. cDNAs were then subcloned in the pcDNAl expression vector (Invitrogen, San Diego, CAI. (B)Immunoprecipitation of GPC- andlor GPD-related polypeptides by the anti-GPCIGPD L857 rabbit polyclonal antibody. COS-7 cells were transfected by electroporation. Fortyeight hours aftertransfection, cells were labeled for 30 minutes with "S-methionine (200 pCiI2 x l o 6cells), chased for 3 hours with cold methionine (1.25 mmolIL final concentration), and immunoprecipitated withthe L857 polyclonalantibodydirected against the common C-terminal part of GPC and GPD polypeptides.' Immunoprecipitates were resolved by 12% sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and shown by autoradiography. Recombinant plasmids used for transfection were pcDNAl vector alone, lane 1; pGPC, lanes 2 and 6; pGPCaArG1, lane 3;pGPCmA .,TG, l u, lane 5; and pGP,C ,,,, lane 7. Lane 8. GPC lane 4; pGPC,.ArG+ membranes.' and GPD extracted froml'25radiolabeled red blood cell B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 r k Da 91.4 69 -- 46 - 30 " 21.5 - 14.3 -. 4 GPC 4 GPD From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. CORRESPONDENCE present in the optimal context, with a purine at position -3 from the initiator ATG and a guanine at position +4 (Fig IA). The use of the second AUG would result in the translation of a polypeptide chain of 107 amino acid residues having the immunologic properties and the expected size for GPD, assuming the presence of only six 0-glycosidically linked tetrasaccharide chains. To test this hypothesis, intact or in vitro mutated forms of the GPC cDNA were subcloned in the pCDNAl expression vector and used for transfection of COS-7 cells. Recombinant polypeptides were immunoprecipitated with the L857 polyclonal antibody directed against the common C-terminal end of GPC and GPD3 (Fig IB). Lanes 2 and 6 indicated that the pGPC plasmid carrying intact AUG codons 1 and 22 could direct the synthesis of GPC- and GPDrelated polypeptides with the same size (39 and 29 k D , respectively), immunologic properties, and relative levels as the GPC and GPD glycoproteins extracted from red blood cell membranes (lane 8). A T to G mutation at nucleotide +4 (plasmid pGPC,,+,), restoring a more consensus translation initation motif around thefirst AUG. resulted in an a twofold overexpression of GPC as compared with GPD (lane 7). pGPCA.ATGI, in which the first ATG has been deleted, led to the synthesis of only the GPD related polypeptide (lane 3), whereas the ATG22ACG mutation (pGPC,,,.ATG22)resulted in the synthesis of GPC only (iane 4), excluding the possibility that GPD should arise from proteolytic cleavage of GPC. Neither GPC nor GPD was synthesized from pGPCml.ATGI+ZZ (lane 5 ) , in which both ATG-l and -22 have been substituted by an ACG codon. The 26.5and 25.5-kD species detected in the absence of GPC and GPD (lane 5) and in less proportion in the absence of only GPC (lane 3) or GPD (lane 4) most likely resulted from the use of downstream initiation codons, suggesting that the GYPC gene should constitute a very permissive model for the initiation of eukaryotic translation. In conclusion, our transfection and mutagenesis experiments showed that a unique cDNA derived from the GYPC gene was able to direct the synthesis of both GPC- and GPD-related polypeptides. Thus, these two proteins represent anew example of analogous 2365 eukaryotic polypeptides arising from the same mRNA by the alternative use of two in phase AUGs initiator codons. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Magali Clerget for technical assistance. Caroline Le Van Kim Veronique Piller Jean-Pierre Cartron Yves Colin INSERM U76 Institut National de la Transfusion Sanguine Paris, France REFERENCES 1. 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