Potomac Air Lodge 1976 Nov./Dec./Jan. 2014/15 Volume 37 – Issue 4 A s we approach the holiday season, I have been thinking of all the changes we have seen this past year. The new contract was a big hurdle to finally get over. We are seeing many changes due to the merger. Management seems to change weekly along with many procedures. Also the Local Lodge Executive Board has changed. We welcomed new Executive Board appointments, John Coveny to the Grievance Committee, and Randy Powell as our new Secretary Treasurer. I want to thank all the Executive Board members past and present for their dedication and professionalism. We now have the IAM-TWU alliance and a new unified contract to look forward to. I was hoping for some contract news before this went to print. I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season. Take time to remember all the friends and co-workers that we have lost to accident or illness this past year. Sincerely, Robert Reiland President, LL 1976 Bylaw Proposals In accordance with the Bylaws of Local Lodge 1976, Art. 9, Sec. 2, this will serve as notice to the membership that amendments, changes and/ or deletions to the Bylaws of Local Lodge 1976 will be accepted during the month of January 2015. Proposals must be in writing on the proper form signed by not less than (5) members and referred to the Bylaw Committee. Anyone interested in serving on the Bylaw Committee, please submit a letter in writing to the President no later than January 31, 2015. Properly submitted proposed bylaw changes will be read at the second regular meeting in February and the first and second meetings in March and voted on immediately following the third reading. Stevenson B. Mader Recording Secretary Local Lodge 1976 Passed Away PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY Potomac Air Lodge 1976 IAM&AW Robert Reiland Ernie Fritz Randy Powell Steve Mader Larry Berringer James Drentkiewicz Bruce Mead Mark Ball President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer Recording Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Conductor Sentinel Union Label George Lokey, Retired 412-538-4350 Medical Benefits James Drentkiewicz Shift 1 412-538-4052 Education Mike Cicconi John Sapsara Bob Hogan 412-538-4357 412-538-4021 412-538-4052 Employee Assistance Program IAM & AW – US Airways System District Paul Shultz 704-907-3563 Local James Drentkiewicz 412-538-4052 Member Services Tom Connolly Shift 1 412-538-4060 Home412-901-7750 Randy Powell Shift 2 412-538-4077 Joe English Shift 3 412-848-0106 412-833-6276 Fred Bosh (Retirees)Home Grievance Committee Bob Reott, Chairman John Coveny Mike Cicconi Union Office Fax Mike Stocia Jeff Lazar Mark Ball Air Worthiness Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 Legislative Mike Cicconi, Chairman 412-538-4353 412-538-4352 412-538-4350 412-538-4359 330-383-2373 412-538-4350 Community Services Bob Hogan, Coordinator 412-538-4052 Workman’s Comp Blaine Smith Shift 1 412-538-4077 Mike Cicconi Shift 1 412-538-4350 DL 142-M Ground Safety Coordinator Ron Miller, Dist. Rep 412-776-8181 Ground Safety Daniel Gibson, Chairman 724-630-7868 Kevin Williamson 412-651-8070 Ernie Fritz 412-320-9009 Committee412-538-4351 DL 142 Flight Safety John Hall, Director 704-907-2162 Mike Stoica 330-383-2373 Potomac News & Views / Web 412-427-8396 Anthony Serba, PNV Editor Mike Pierlot, LL Web Design [email protected] Name George Luko Harry Crisman JoAnn Chiefo Dave Grove Tom Puskar John McMahan Gene Brucker Kim Brucker Patrick Smutney Doris Potosnak Harry Cruse Jim Drentkiewicz Ralph Farulli Albert Zani John Przybysz Position Department Relation Date Mechanic Mechanic Lead Utility Utility Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Stores Mechanic Stores Stores Mechanic Mechanic L Mechanic L Mechanic Retired Retired Retired Base Line Retired Retired Base G.L.A. Retired Retired Base Retired Retired Line Self Self Mother Sister Mother Self Father Father-in-Law Mother Self Self Father-in-Law Wife Self Self Jun 20 Jul 23 Jul 28 Jul 30 Aug 12 Aug 15 Aug 18 Aug 18 Aug 18 Aug 22 Aug 28 Sep 12 Sep 22 Sep 25 Oct 04 Please accept our condolences at the loss of your loved ones and friends. Best Wishes … Get well soon. Brother, Gary Suess is recuperating from a severe bicycle accident. He is currently rehabbing at Manor Care, 60 Highland Rd, Bethel Park, PA 15102, room 114A RETIREE CLUB I’d like all of our Retiree Club members to know that at our December meeting on Tuesday, 12/2/14, we will be holding the election of officers for the next two years for our Retiree Club. We will be holding the nominations and election on this date. The following offices will be elected: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and three Trustees. Anyone who is interested in running for any of these positions should be at the meeting that day. I’d also like all of our members to know that our picnic at Moon Park this summer was graced with really nice weather and it didn’t rain on us, it was a nice cool afternoon, and there was a nice breeze blowing. This made for a great day for a picnic. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Recreation & Social Committee who put the picnic together for the retirees and their spouses. Once again, they did a great job! We also will be holding our annual Christmas buffet dinner dance at The Fez in Hopewell in December this year. All the members whose dues were paid for 2014 will be receiving an invitation to this event. Let’s hope that the weather on this day stays nice. Now I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all our Retiree Club members and their families and our Local Lodge members and their families a merry Christmas and a happy prosperous new year! Fraternally, William Crookshank, Chairman, Retiree Club VOTE November 4th! “Government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a president and senators and congressman and government officials, but the VOTERS of this country.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt, July 8, 1938 I’ve been writing articles and giving legislative reports at union meetings stressing the importance of voting November 4th until I’m sure you are all tired of hearing it. Well, indulge me one more time because it all boils down to improving life for you and me. So often I listen to people say, “There’s nothing we can do about it” and I have to say that simply isn’t true. There is power in numbers at the polls, just like there is power in solidarity in the shop. As recently as the 1950’s, that’s this lifetime for many of our members, union density was 35% of the workforce. That 35% paid attention, voted and demanded elected representatives listen to their voices. The result was laws were enacted that worked for working people, wealth was more evenly distributed and the middle class was strong. We had more power then and big corporations have tried to stop us ever since. It is easier to break a single stick then it is to break a bundle of sticks tied together. The size of the working class will always outnumber the size of the top wage earners. Don’t let the selfish few break the ties of the working many. Let’s stand together to protect our wages, our benefits, our safety and our pensions. Let’s support candidates who best support working people. VOTE on NOVEMBER 4. Endorsed candidates: Wolf/Stack (Gov./Lt. Gov.), Fontana (PA Sen. Dist. 42), Matzie (PA House, Dist. 16), Ravenstahl (Dist. 20), Costa (Dist. 20), Deasy (Dist. 27), Kotil (Dist. 45). Please see me or the lists posted on the board if your district isn’t listed. Thank You, In Solidarity, Mike Cicconi, Legislative Chairman, L.L. 1976 Happy Holidays from L.L. 1976 Potomac News & Views PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE Potomac Air Lodge 1976 IAM&AW 228 Moon Clinton Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108 Rochester PA 15074 PAID Permit No. 194 See Bids, The Bulletin Board, Other Lodges, Photos, Union Label, Latest Discounts, and much more at: www.pal1976.net Innovations & Technology for the 21st Century CALENDAR OF EVENTS NOV. 04 06 12 Retiree Club Meeting .......................................................11:00 AM Daylight LL Meeting......................................................... 3:30 PM Midnight LL Meeting........................................................ 7:15 AM DEC. 02 03 17 25 Retiree Club Meeting .......................................................11:00 AM Daylight LL Meeting ........................................................ 3:30 PM Afternoon LL Meeting ..................................................... 11:30 PM Christmas Day JAN. Retiree Club Meeting........................................................11:30 AM Daylight LL Meeting......................................................... 3:30 PM Midnight LL Meeting........................................................ 7:15 AM 06 07 14 “I am a strong individualist by personal habit, inheritance, and conviction; but it is a mere matter of common sense to recognize that the State, the community, the citizens acting together, can do a number of things better than if they were left to individual action.” — Theodore Roosevelt
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