Curriculum Vitae 1. Full names: Panu Anssi Kalevi Raatikainen 1. Date and place of birth: October 8th 1964, Kajaani, Finland 3. Current position: University Lecturer (tenure track) (‘Yliopistonlehtori’), Philosophy, University of Tampere, 1.8.2014– Adjunct Professor (‘dosentti’) in Theoretical Philosophy, University of Helsinki, 2001– Adjunct Professor (‘dosentti’) in Philosophy, University of Tampere, 2013– 4. Education and degrees awarded: M.A. in July 7, 1994, Department of Philosophy (major: theoretical philosophy), University of Helsinki. Ph.D. in December 22, 1998, with a doctoral dissertation Complexity, Information and Incompleteness, Department of Philosophy (major: theoretical philosophy), University of Helsinki (with the designation eximia cum laude approbatur (i.e. excellent)). 5. Previous professional appointments: Assistant Professor (‘Assistentti’), Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, 1.7.1999–30.6.2000 Project Researcher (‘Projektitutkija’), the Academy of Finland, 1.7.2000–31.7.2001 Research Fellow (‘Kollegiumtutkija’), Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Study, 1.8.2001–31.7.2005 Academy Research Fellow (‘Akatemiatutkija’), the Academy of Finland, 1.8.2005–31.7.2010 University Lecturer (‘Yliopistonlehtori’), Theoretical Philosophy, University of Helsinki, 1.1.2011–31.7.2013 Senior Researcher, Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 1.8.2013-31.7.2014 Visiting fellow, Arché (the AHRB Research Centre for the Philosophy of Logic, Language, Mathematics and Mind), the University of St Andrews, Scotland, June 2004. Visiting research scholar, The Philosophy Program, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, USA, Spring 2005. Visiting fellow, Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London, England, Spring 2006. 1 6. Research awards, grants etc.: Emil Aaltonen Foundation, a grant of junior researcher, 225 000 FMK, 1.9.1995-31.8.1998. Chancelor of the University of Helsinki, a travel grant 3 500 FMK for participating “Workshop on Model Theory and Complexity” in Sevilla, Spain, 21.-23. September 1995. The Cultural Foundation for Sweden and Finland (Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland), a grant for one week stay in Stockholm, June 1996. Rector of the University of Helsinki, a grant for finishing a doctoral dissertation, 18 000 FMK, 1.9.-31.11.1998. Ella ja Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation, a grant for research, 40 000 FMK, 30.4.1999. WSOY Literature Foundation, a grant for writing a book on contemporary philosophy, 20 000 FMK, 23.4.2001. Chancelor of the University of Helsinki, a travel grant, 500 EUR, for participating the Third Barcelona Workshop on the Theory of Reference, 5.-7.6.2003. The Finnish Cultural Foundation, a post-doc reseach grant, 24 000 EUR, 1.8.2010–. The Committee for Public Information (’Tiedonjulistamisen neuvottelukunta’), a grant for writing a book on the philosophy of mind, 3 000 EUR, 4.3.2010. 7. Editorial board memberships: Ajatus, and Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki. PhilPapers (Area Editor: Realism and Anti-Realism) 8. Theses supervised (Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki): Doctoral Dissertations: Kuukkanen, Jouni-Matti: ‘The meaning of meaning-change’, 2001- 2006 Pernu, Tuomas: ‘The naturalistic perspective: naturalizing knowledge, mind and language’, 2002 Laimio, Sirkku: ’Theories of representation’, 2004- 2011 Peuhu, Ari: ‘Theories of reference and neuroscience’, 2007- 2011 Hämäri, Severi: ‘Philosophical aspects of definitions’, 2011-2014 Telakivi, Pii: ‘Consciousness and physicalism’, 2012-2014 Vesterinen, Tuomas: ‘Causal explanations in cultural antropology’, 2012-2014 Master’s Theses: Hirvonen, Sanna: ‘Davidson on language and thought’, 2004-2006 Hartikainen, Ville. ’The analytic and the synthetic’, 2004-2008 Yli-Vakkuri, Juhani: ‘Compositionality and meaning’, 2005. Paavolainen, Maija: ‘Debate on “new Witgenstein”’, 2007-2008. Hämeri, Severi: ‘Tarski, correspondence and deflationism’, 2005-2008 Suutarla, Hanna: ‘On the methodology of history’, 2007-2008 Kropsu, Hannu; ‘The Problem of Mental Causation’, 2011 Mattila, Mona: ‘Reduction in the Philosophy of Mind, 2011Juutilainen, Mikko: ’Frege’s View on Indentity’, 2011- 2 Tanninen, Tuukka: ’Two Problems for the Direct Reference Theory’, 2011 Jarva, Virpi: ‘Representational Theories of Consciousness’, 2011 Vesterinen, Tuomas: ‘Semantic Incommensurability and the Theories of Reference’, 2011-2012 Hyvärinen, Johanna: ‘The Knowledge Argument and the Explanatory Gap’, 2011-2012 Lappalainen, Lauri: ‘Philip Dowe’s view on Causation’, 2011-2013 9. Other academic and professional activities: Referee for: Synthese, Mind, Philosophical Studies, Dialectica, Analysis, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Philosophical Quarterly, Erkenntnis, Theoria, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Journal of Philosophical Research, Sats, Journal of Philosophical Logic, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Journal of Symbolic Logic and Acta Philosophica Fennica. Preliminary examiner for doctoral dissertations: Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki: for 6 dissertations, in 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2014. Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä: for two dissertations, in 2009. Department of History and Philosophy, University of Tampere: one dissertation, in 2010. Expert’s opinion on applications for post of docent, the Faculty of Arts, Univ. of Helsinki: For two applications, in 2003. Scientific positions of trust and administration: The steering committee of the Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki deputy member: 1.9.1998-31.12.2000; member: 1.1.2001-31.7.2001. The contact person for Socrates-, Erasmus- and Nordplus- exchange programs, the Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, 1998-2001. A member of the co-ordination committee of the subject teacher training, the Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, 2001. WoLLIC08. 15th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation. Referee, 2008. Swedish Research Council. External expert, 2007. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). External expert, 2005. ESSLLI 2004 16th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France), 9-20 August, 2004, Referee. 3 10. Most important foreign visits: Visiting fellow, Arché (the AHRB Research Centre for the Philosophy of Logic, Language, Mathematics and Mind), the University of St Andrews, Scotland, June 2004. Visiting research scholar, The Philosophy Program, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, USA, Spring 2005. Visiting fellow, Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London, England, Spring 2006. Invited Talks (selected): “Exclusion and Interventionism Revisited”, Metal Causation: Old Problems, New Solutions? Leuven, Belgium, November 20, 2014. Philosophy of Science in Human Research”, Annual Seminar of FIDPEL, Jyväskylä, Finland, May 22, 2012. “Neo-logicism and its logic”, the Jowett Society, Oxford, UK, October 22, 2010. “The size versus the complexity of proofs”, Logic Colloquium 2010, Paris, France, July 28, 2010. “Theories of reference – what was the question?”, Department of Philosophy, University of Stirling, Scotland, 19. February 2009. “What is the new theory of reference?”, Department of Philosophy, University of Florence, Italy, 2. May 2008. “Structural realism and Ramisfication”, Department of Philosophy, University of Athens, Greece, 19. May 2008. ”Theories of reference and the philosophy of science”, Department of Philosophy, University of Athens, Greece, 22. May 2008. “Does meaning determine reference?”, Philosophy of Linguistics -workshop, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 8. September 2008. “On the new theory of reference”, Reference and Predication –workshop, Hamburg, Germany, 8.-9. September, 2006. “In defense of semantic externalism”, Department of Philosophy, University of Stockholm, Sweden, 2.6.2006. “Indefinite extensibility of mathematics and the powers of human mind”, Truth and Proof: Kurt Gödel and the Foundations of Mathematics. University of Edinburgh, Department of Philosophy (25-26 March 2006). “What is the description theory of reference?”, Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London, March 2006. “Truth – transcendent, epistemic, or shallow?”, Truth and Realism Preconference, June 2004, University of St. Andrews, Scotland. “Meaning, extension, and dispositions”, Third Barcelona Workshop on the Theory of Reference, Barcelona, Spain, June 2003. “Meaning, extension, and dispositions”, Moral Sciences Club, Cambridge, and Oriel Seminar, Oxford, England, February 2003. “Complexity, information, and incompleteness – a critical examination of algorithmic information theory”, Department of Philosophy, University of Bonn, July 2002. “Do theoretical terms in science refer to anything real? – If so, how?”, Dept of Philosophy, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2002. “Meaning, reference, and translation”, Dept. of Philosophy, University College London, UK, April 2002, and Dept of Philosophy, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2002. 4 “On how to avoid Quine’s indeterminacy of translation thesis”, Philosophy Society, University of St Andrews, Scotland, March 2000. 5
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