Jan. 26, 1965 J.‘ M. MALJANIAN ETAL 3,166,902 FUEL. CONTROL FOR A REGENERATIVE GAS TURBINE ENGINE Filed Nov. 15, 1962 6 Sheets-Sheet l FIGJ /3 If] \k c/ » -~~ ~~ INVENTORS JOHN GENE. BY M. MALJANIAN A.. MEYER ‘? ATTORNEY Jan. 26, 1965 J. M. MALJANIAN ETAL 3,166,902 FUEL CONTROL FOR A REGENERATIVE GAS TURBINE ENGINE Filed Nov. 15, 1962 6 Sheets-Sheet 2 ap/z v104 47 IN ENTORS JOHN 1 M. MALJANIAN GENE. M BY A- - ATTORNEY Jan. 26, 1965 J. M. MALJANIAN ETAL 3,166,902 FUEL. CONTROL FOR A REGENERATIVE GAS TURBINE ENGINE Filed Nov. 15, 1962 6 Sheets-Sheet 5 FIC5_3 C // F24" 7/4 )7 74 MM 77 7f 7% /9 82 69/ ' 4% 57 53 ' m/a /a/ Hi KNNZ) 59 a7 49 89 5 /7 a9 a? /42 /4 5 /é a //0 M5 A77 /6.9 M 55 a5 /Z 7 /35 /4 /3 /7/ aw 2/222, $2? 2/6 2/5 2/4 /7 /72 gm Z 46 2/ 2g INVENTORS NP’ JOHN M- GENE A- MEYER MALJANIAN Jam 25, 1965 J. M. MALJANIAN ETAL 3,166,902 FUEL. CONTROL FOR A REGENERATIVE GAS TURBINE ENGINE Filed Nov. 15. 1962 6 Sheets-Sheet 4 BYW ATTORN Y Jan. 26, 1965 J. M. MALJANIAN ETAL 3,166,902 FUEL. CONTROL FOR A REGENERATIVE GAS TURBINE ENGINE Filed Nov. 15, 1962 6 Sheets-Sheet 5 22 INVENTORS JOHN GENE BY ' MA‘ MALJANIAN MEYER ' ATTORNEY Jan. 26, 1965 J. M. MALJANIAN ETAL 3,166,902 FUEL. CONTROL FOR ‘A REGENERATIVE GAS TURBINE ENGINE 6 Sheets-Sheet 6 Filed Nov. 15. 1962 FIC3-9 FIG--8 woawsm/ 76 ACZZZEPAI'E 567/50046' P2 /&0Z away $7275 #2 INVENTORS JOHN GENE MA- MALJANIAN MEYER BYW ATTORNEY 3,166,902 United States Patent Patented .lan. 26, 1965 1 power controllever. More speci?cally, for each power lever position, a given value of vhigh pressure rotor speed is selected, along with a corresponding steady state dis charge pressure (P2) of the low pressure compressor. 3,166,902 FUEL CONTROL FOR A REGENERATIVE GAS TURBINE ENGINE John M. Maljanian, 'Newington, and Gene A. Meyer, Automatic compressor inlet temperature (T1) correc 2 Simsbury, Conn., assignors to Chandler Evans Corpo ration, Hartford, Conn., a corporation of Delaware Filed Nov. 15, 1962, Ser. No; 237,914 31 Claims. (Cl. 60-3916) tion adjusts the absolute values of these settings for the particular T1 condition, to provide the necessary steady state settings which achieve optimum fuel consumption rates, at optimum conditions of the recuperator, without This invention pertains to a fuel control system for compressor surge and turbine overtemperature. Still another object of our invention is to provide a operation of complex, multiple cycle, twin-spool, gas fuel and speed control in which the torque output of the free power turbine of the engine is controlled by con trolling the “corrected” speed (N2/\/_T1) of the high pres turbine engines which produce low speci?c fuel consump— tions of orders of ‘magnitude that are comparable to com pression ignition type (diesel) engines; and more par ticularly has reference to such engines in which there is 15 sure compressor rotor, so that the torque exerted by the incorporated a heat exchanger that may be of a recupera power turbine is independent of the temperature (T1) of .tive or regenerative type, for which corrections are made the air entering the engine, as shown later in this speci in the scheduled fuel flow to the engine, to compensate ?cation. _ for the heat added to the fuel by the heat exchanger, in Otheryobjects of our invention are to provide a fuel order to prevent engine surge and/ or overtemperatures. 20 and speed control system embodying the following novel As with all gas turbine engines, fuel is scheduled in such a manner as to prevent engine surge and/or over (1) A fuel control apparatus which is contained in a temperature, which cause loss of performance and pos single, unitary control package, with single lever for op sible structural damage. Turbine overtemperature causes eration under all conditions of environment, speed alti damage by exceeding the temperature capability of its 25 tude, etc. features: materials which results in shorter engine life and possibly ' ' (2) Means tohprovide for automatic starting of the destruction of the engine during operation. The required steady state operating fuel ?ow to the engine. ’ , (3) Means to automaticallyv provide for maximum ac engine varies as a function of engine inlet temperature, celeration of the engine from one power lever setting altitude, compressor pressure ratio, engine speed, and en 30 to another, without causing‘engine (compressor) surge gine inlet ram conditions; which entities constitute the, and/ or engine overtemperature. 1 . control parameters that determine the fuel ?ow to the (4) Means to provide steady state operation of the engine. ‘ ' , engine, with automatic compensation vforv variation in en Acceleration fuel ?ow is scheduled to provide fast ' gine inlet conditions of, temperature and, pressure (alti accelerations from one operating speed to another, as well 35 tude); and also changes of conditions in the recuperator. ' as rapid decelerations where the power demand is varied (5) _ Means to automatically provide for maximum de from one speed setting to another. .These changes in , celeration of the engine from any‘given power lever speed setting which produce a corresponding change in power output must be accomplished without causing en gine surge, overtemperature, or any other conditions 40 which, as a result of fuel ?ow variance from acceptable ‘ limits, could cause damage to the engine. The general problem associated with the control of gas turbine ‘engines with heat exchangers is the adjustment in fuel flow to the engine which is required as a result of conditions brought about by the recuperator, since heat ' setting to any lower power leversetting, without causing burner blowout. (6) Means to provide automatic temperature compen sation for high pressure rotor load torque, since provision can be made on the engine for extraction of power from the high pressure rotor; - ' > - (7) A control system which is adaptable to gas tur bines for either airborne or ground vehicles (trucks, - tanks) .or power ‘stations (generator set, etc). How added from the recuperative or regenerative type heat _ ever, due :to weight and size problems associated with exchanger (hereinafter referred to simply as the recuper the aircraft-engine, the engines equipped with recupera ator) must be compensated for by a corresponding cor tors (heat exchangers) would be more ‘suitable to the rection in fuel ?ow. ground. applications—although the ‘principles of- control Accordingly, one of the primary objects of our inven- , of our invention also apply to engines which could be A‘ tion is to provide a fuel and speed control system having used in aircraft. ‘ ' " ~ means for making the necessary correction in fuel ?ow Further objects of our‘ invention are to provide an to the engine by sensing the temperature of the recupera vimproved fuel and speedcontrol apparatus for a twin tor and correcting the fuel ?ow in the fuel control as a 55 spool engine, equipped with a recuperator, which em function of this temperature. bodies the following noval features: Due to the complex cycle of the engine being con (8) A control apparatus comprising, in a single self trolled, it is important that the ratio of selected corrected oontained package, a primary fuel supply and control speeds of the two component spools (i.e. high and low system, and a secondary fuel supply and control system pressure compressor rotors) be maintained at a de?nite 60 which supplements the primary system; each system value for each particular selected position of the engine comprising a series of component coordinated hydraulic power control lever. Since no mechanical drive is availa devices for regulating fuel delivery to'the engine; said ble as a measure of low pressure rot-or speed, the low pressure compressor discharge pressure is used as a meas devices being collectively responsive to the control parameters speci?ed hereinbelow, and subject to a single ure of this speed. High pressure speed is mechanically 65. manual control power lever.‘ ‘ available and is used directly. (9) A control apparatus which comprises a series of Accordingly, another primary object of our invention devices that measure inlet air absolute temperature,'high is to provide a fuel and speed control system having means pressure compressor discharge pressure, recuperator tem for maintaining the ratio of selected corrected speeds of perature, and engine speed (rpm), and positions a pri— the high and low pressure compressor rotors at a de?nite mary fuel metering valve in accordance with a preselected value, for each particular selected position of the engine composite function of said temperature, said pressure and 3,166,902 , 4 3 speed; while the pressure differential (metering head) to a secondary combustion chamber B2, to which addition al fuel is supplied, at a rate WF2, from the fuel control unit shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. The gases, generated by the combustion of fuel in chamber B2, augment the gases across said valve is maintained at a constant selected value. (10) A fully automatic hydraulic control apparatus in . which the primary fuel flow to the engine is compensated for variations in absolute inlet air temperature, high pres ?owing into said chamber from turbine Th2, and both ?ow though the free power turbine PT and the secondary turbine Th1 to a recuperator RC, from which they are sure compressor discharge pressure, recuperator tempera ture, and engine speed; and said compensation being in herent in the operation, of the apparatus, so that addition al correction factors for these variables are not required, , in order to compensate for variations'in operating condi tions due to“ said variables. I exhausted into the outside air. Compressed air ?owing from compressor C2 to primary combustion chamber B1 10 also passes through the recuperator RC where it receives heat from the exhaust gases ?owing therethrough. interposed in air ?ow series relation between low-pres (11)'IA, fully automatic, hydraulic control vapparatus 'which uses'as Icontrol “parametersf'jfor limiting the maxi mum fuel ?oIw to the engine, the ‘quantities “corrected sure compressor C1 and high-pressure compressor C2, is an intercooler 1C, which receives cooling fluid from a source (not shown), and cools the air ?owing from com speed” ‘and “corrected; fuel new," as defined hereinbelow. (12) A control apparatus which'produces a substan~ pressor C1 to compressor C2. . tially corrected constant engine‘ speed, (NZ/V11) corre Air enters the engine from the circumambient atmos ” sponding‘to any selected position of asingle manual con phere (station Q) through air ?ow silencer S and flows suc cessively through compressor C1, intercooler IC, com trol lever, under all engine operating conditions. I (13) A control apparatus which functions so that the 20 pressor C2, recuperator RIC, to primary combustion cham engine can be accelerated at a maximum rate, correspond ber 13,; and the gases generated, in chamber B1 ?ow ing to the temperatureof theIair entering the engine (low through primary turbine Th2 to secondary combustion and decelerated at a maximum rate without causing burn chamber, where they are augmented by the gases gen erated in chamber B2; and both then ?ow successively 25 through power turbine PT, auxiliary turbine Th1, and re pressure compressor), without causing compressor vstall er .blowout. . I , (1I4)'A control apparatusvwherein the fuel ?ow regu ' cuperator RC, from which they are exhausted into the circumambient atmosphere. ' lating mechanism operates 'in its‘own’?uid (whichmay'be ' either an: oil oi'fengine fuel), and acts directly on ‘thefuel I supplied byIa constant delivery pump and regulates its ' ?ow to the engine by means of a plurality of suitable con trol valves. I II I I I I I _ _ . ‘ The underscored numerals Q to lé indicate the succes sive stations in the ?uid flow path from air inlet station 30 9 to exhaust gas outlet station l_§—as clearly indicated I in FIG. 1. ‘ (15) A control apparatus "having overridespeedsv and l temperature control devices which prevent the" engine Broadly comprehended, the fuel supply and control system of our invention, as herein disclosed, comprises - from operating at'excessive speeds and temperatures. the concept of .a hydromechanical fuel metering system With these and other ‘objects in'view of which‘ may be 35 which schedules both primary and secondary engine '~ incidentito our-improvements,Iour'invention consists in the metered fuel ?ow in accordance with requirements for satisfactory engine operation. ‘ combination "and arrangement of elements hereinafter-de scribed and illustrated inthe accompanying drawings, in ‘which ; - The inputs (i.e. control parameters) of our control system are: ' FIG. 1' is a schematic diagram of our ‘improved fuel 40 " supply and control system as applied to a twin spool tur birie engine having an incorporated/‘recuperator. FIG. 2 is a diagrammatic section of the engine of FIG. (4) Compressor inlet temperature, T1. 1, ‘showing the connections-betweedthe‘ engine and other elements of the -,fuel supply and control system of our 45 invention. ' ' ' ' ' ' -' - I FIG. 3 is a, schematic sectional-view of a fuel and speed "edntrol apparatus embodying the principles and novel fea tures of our invention. , ' with engine performance requirements. '(2) Secondary (or reheater fuel ?ow), WFZ, regulad tion: in accordance with engine performance require‘ 55 ' tion ‘in accordance with engine performance require pressure compresSorCé,~ drivenby afprimary gas turbine Th2. The rotor of the low-pressure ‘compressor C1, di " ments. In general, the primary acceleration fuel flow is sched 60 uled in accordance with high-pressure compressor dis charge pressure, P.,, as biased by recuperator temperature, connected to the primary turbine Th2; constitute respective Ts. High-pressure compressor speed, N2, is controlled lythe outer and inner spools of the engine. ' . -A free power’ gas turbine PT, interposed-in ?uid flow A primary combustion chamber B1, interposed in ?uid ments. (3) Secondary augmentation fuel flow, WFZL, regula ‘ turbine Th1, arrangedlin air ?ow seriestrelation-to a high engine which may be used to propel a ground vehicle (i.e.", truckor tank), or to‘rotate an aircraft-propeller. ‘I (1) Primary fuel ?ow Wm, regulation in accordance FIGS. 5-11 are diagrams of certain operating char - acteristics of the engine’v and control'3shown in FIGS. 144. series relation between the primary turbine Th2 and the secondary turbine'TM, generates the power output of the Cornbustor inlet (recuperator) temperature, T6. Power turbine speed, NPT. Power lever angle, PLA. Primary fuel flow to the engine, Wm. Secondary fuel How to the engine, WF2. system are: our invention, as hereinafterlmore, particularly described. rectly connected to ft-lie'rotor ofauxiliary turbine Th1; ‘and the rotor? ofthehigh-pres‘sure compressor C2, directly (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) The outputs (i.e. controlled entities) of our control ' FIG.-4-is a schematic diagram of a simpli?ed version of A's‘shown in FIG. 1, the‘ engine, to which our improved .fuel supply and controli'syste'm' isapplied; comprises a low-pressure air compressor C1, driven by a secondary gas ( l) High-pressure rotor speed, NZ. (2) Low-pressure compressor pressure, P2. (3) High-pressure compressor pressure, P4. as a function of power lever angle, PLA, with compressor inlet temperature, T1,. correction to maintain corrected 65 speed settings. Secondary or reheater acceleration fuel flow, WFZ, is scheduled in accordance with low-pressure compressor pressure, P2. Low-pressure spool speed is maintained ?ow series relation between the high-pressure compressor C2 and the primaryturbine~Tb2,~receives compressed air by controlling P2 pressure as a function of set power lever‘ angle, PLA. As with speed, N2, set values of pressure, P2, are corrected or reset with T1 temperature, to main-. from compressor Cwand is supplied-with fuel (oil), at tain essentially corrected N1 speed settings (since P2 is a r a flow rate WFI', from the fuel control unit shown in measure of N1, or low-pressure rotor speed). The selected power lever angle, PLA, sets required cor- FIGS. 2.and 3. Thegases generated by the combustion :of fuel in chamber.B1.?owthroughprimarylturbine Th2 75 responding values of both speed N2 and pressure P2_simul— 5,166,902 5 6 . taneously, theTl temperature correction being automatié cally applied to both settings by a T1 transducer. An Liquid and gas filled bulbs are not suitable, since it is di?icult to prevent permeation of the bulb walls by the adjustable hydraulic dashpot is provided on the throttle fluid at such a high temperature, with a consequent error shaft between the P2 and N2 setting to delay vreturn of the settingrinathe deceleration-direction, and tlfus pre vent low-pressure compressor surge during decelerations. The dashpot is-ineifectiveduring increased settings of the power lever. - As is‘requi-red bytdesiredr engine performance, second in- calibration. We therefore will use a differential metal expansion device to respond to the recuperator temper ature. The sensed expansion will be transduced to a hy draulic pressure for use in the control. Metering of acceleration limit fuel, both primary and secondary, is accomplished by applying a ?xed metering ary fuel ?ow WF2 is augmented by an increment of fuel 10 head to avalve whose port area is varied. in proportion to the control parameters. Governing in steady state, for ?ow WFpwhich is proportional to the amount which the both rotors, is done by a proportional closed loop error N2 governor has cut in, or a ?xed value, whichever is the sensing ‘control, in which the desired operating variable least. (rotor N2 for. the high-pressure rotor, and compressor dis The power turbine (PT) governor. generates a pressure signal (OS) as a_ function of power turbine speed, NPT. 15 charge pressure P2 for the low-pressure rotor), are biased by inlet air temperature and areset by a manual power At power turbine cut-in speed, this pressure acts to reduce lever; and the governors act to vary fuel flow in propor both primary and secondary fuel flow as a function of tion to the error between the actual and desired values of power turbine speed error to effectively serve the same the variable. function asretarding the throttle. The pressure gener Means are provided, when the N2 governor cuts in, to 'atin‘g system is a part of the main control. Overspeed 20 augment the fuel flow to the low-pressure rotor by an signal (OS) is available in the form of the generated pres amount equal to the reduction of N2 rotor fuel. There is sure. A pressure switch (not shown), set for the pres sure corresponding to the shutdown speed, supplies an electrical signal for shutting down the engine if required. As shown in FIG. 3 the fuel and speed control package 25 contains the following main elements:_ , (i) Positive displacement fuel pump integral with the control package; (ii) Primary fuel metering and speed control system for the high pressure rotor; (iii) Secondary fuel metering system and compressor discharge pressure control system for the low-pressure also a dashpot provision to delay deceleration of the N2 rotor after throttle “chop.” _A power turbine governor will proportionally reduce fuel ?ow to both combustors when a set speed is exceeded. A hydraulic pressure signal will be available to actuate an engine shut~down device when a set absolute maximum speed is reached. Referring now to FIG. 2 of the drawings, there are shown, as principal elements of the engine mentioned hereinabove: a supporting body 1, an air inlet 2 leading to a low-pressure compressor G1, which is connected by a shaft 3.to a low-pressure (secondary) gas turbine Th1. rotor; (iv) Single power lever mechanism to set the prescribed combination of high-pressure rotor speed and low-pres 35 Compressed air is discharged from compressor C1 through sure rotor pressure; P an intercooler 4, to a high-pressure compressor C2, where its temperature is increased from T3 to T4, and its pressure and secondary fuel flow to the engine as a function of is increased from P3 to P4,. Intercooler 4 is provided with a fan 5, driven. by countershafts _6--and 7 from shaft 3, to power turbine speed error. (vi) Modi?cation of fuel ?ow with variations of re 40 circulate cooling ?uid around theair passages through cuperator gas temperature, soythat the primary acceler said intercooler, and lowers the temperature T2 of the air ation fuel flow will be proportional to the product of a passing from compressorC1 to a temperature T3 of the air function of high-pressure compressor discharge pressure entering compressor C2. (P4) and a function of recuperator temperature (T6). Compressor C2 is connected by a shaft 8 to a high-pres (vii) Compressor inlet temperature biasing of the high 45 sure gas turbine Th2, and dischargesits air through a pressure rotor speed selector, so that the selected speed recuperator RC, where the air isheated to a temperature T6, by exhaust gases from low-pressure turbine Th1, ?ow is essentially a “corrected” speed (N2/\/T1). ing through a connecting conduit §. After passing (viii) Time delay on deceleration of the high pressure through recuperator RC, these gases are discharged rotor. (v) Power turbine governor to reduce, both primary (ix) Compressor inlettemperature biasing of the low 50 through a passageway 10 into the outside air. A tempera pressure rotor pressure selector. The “two-spoo ” engine with which our invention oper ture sensor 11 senses the temperature T6 in the recupen \ator RC, as more fully described hereinbelow. Low-pres sure compressor C1, turbine Th1 and connecting shaft 3 ates requires two separate but cooperating fuel control constitute the outerspool of the engine; while high-pres systems, one for each of the two rotors. Each system must provide independent means for transient and steady 55 sure compressor C2, turbine Th2 and connecting shaft 8, state control of the rotor with which it is associated, to gether with certain additional coordinating functions; constitute the inner spool of the engine. . The compressed air passing through recuperator RC ?ows into primarycombustion'chamber B1, which re The, engine with which our invention operates is also ceivesfuel oil, through a conduit 12 from a fuel control distinguished from conventional aircraft gas turbines by the presence of a recuperator, which introduces a special 60 unit 13, and the resulting combustion of said fuel in chamber B1 generates gases that ?ow under increased problem into the construction and functioning of the con temperature and pressure, through high-pressure turbine trol; in that-the control must modify the maximum limit Th2, into secondary combustion chamber B2. Additional ing, or acceleration, fuel schedule to compensate for the fuel oil is fed into chamber B2, from control unit 13, heatrecovered from the recuperator; and this is accom plished by regulating the primary fuel flow in accordance 65 through a connecting conduit 14, and the additional corn bustion- of this fuel in chamber B2 increases the pressure with the equation: and temperature of the gases therein. From chamber B2, the combustion gases ?ow successively through a free where A1, A2, and A3 are design constants. The multiplication on the right-hand side ofth-is equa tion may be carried out ‘by a combination of variable and ?xed ori?ces in series in certain fuel flow conduits. The recuperator gas temperatures. (T5) of the order of power gas turbine PT, low-pressure turbine Th1, and recuperator RC. The free power turbine PT generates the useful power of the engine 1 which is transmittedby a shaft 15 to the driven load (e.g. wheels of a ground ve hicle, or the propeller of a motor boat or aircraft). ' The fuel control unit 13 is connected to a fuel supply as ‘high as 1400" F. must be sensed'for usein the control. 75 tank 16, by a‘supply conduit 17, andan excess fuel return 3,166,902 7 8 conduit 18. Unit 13 is also connected to the engine by: a conduit 19, which communicates with the discharge pas~ sage 20 of high-pressure compressor C2; by a conduit 21, which communicates with a temperature bulb 22 located Structural and metallurgical limitations impose a top limit on the temperature of the gas entering the turbine at station g, and this temperature is attained in three steps, starting with the inlet air at station 1, namely (1) The temperature rise (T2-—T1) due to compression of in air inlet 2; and ‘by a conduit 23 which communicates with- the discharge passage 24 of low-pressure compressor the air, C1. Shafts 25 and 26, connected to the shaft 8, drive a (2) The rise (113-112) due to heat absorbed from the high-pressure rotor speed governor in control unit 13, and recuperator, and shafts 27, 28 and 29, connected to the power turbine (3) The rise (Tr-T3) due to combustion of fuel. shaft '15, drive a power turbine speed governor, also in 10 ‘control unit 13. Temperature sensor 11 is connected to So that the permissible top limit of the temperature T; control unit 13,- by conduits 43 and 78, which transmit the control pressure (P,,) in unit 13 to said sensor. shall not be exceeded it is therefore necessary that the control modify the fuel ?ow according to recuperator gas SIMPLIFIED VERSION OF ENGINE temperature T3. This could be achieved quite well if the 15 temperature T 4 could be measured directly, and the fuel flow WF1 controlled so that the allowable maximum of T4 is never exceeded. This, however, is impractical, since In order to facilitate an understanding of one of the ‘principal problems solved by our invention, we have depicted in FIG. 4 a simpli?ed version of a free power gas turbine engine equipped with a recuperator. From a com parison of FIGS. 1 and 4, it will be noted that, in the sim for one reason, T, is of the order of 1800" F. or more, and most measuring devices are not very reliable at such 20 temperatures. A more important reason is that the char acteristics of the engine are such that almost instantaneous response of the fuel ?ow is needed when T, is used as a measured control parameter, and all temperature meas pli?ed engine of FIG. 4, the low-pressure compressor C1 and its driving turbine Th1, as well as the secondary com bustion chamber B2 (of FIG. 1) have been eliminated, and the exhaust gases from the high-pressure turbine Tb, uring devices have time lags that are intolerably long. pass directly to the free power turbine PT and are then 25 However, we have discovered that the turbine Th2 can be protected against overtemperature without measuring returned directly to the recuperator RC. T4. As disclosed hereinbelow, a method is disclosed Accordingly, only the following stations in the ?uid whereby a measurement of the lower temperature T3 can ?ow path are considered, in FIG. 4: Stations 1 and g at be used, along with other control parameters, to control the entrance and exit of the high-pressure compressor C2; the fuel ?ow Wm in such a way that the turbine gas tem 30 station § at the junction of the recuperator RC and com perature T4 is limited to a maximum permissible value. bustion chamber B1; station 2 at the junction of chamber Our method also avoids the need for very rapid response B1 and the high-pressure turbine Th2; station E between in the temperature measuring device, since the recupera turbine Th2 and the free power turbine PT; station Q be tor itself has a rather long time constant. Our tempera tween turbine PT and reouperator RC; and station _'i_' at the ture measuring device, as described hereinbelow, has an exit of the recuperator. “anticipating” characteristic, so that the effect of time lags On the simpli?ed basis of FIG. 4 just indicated, the fol is even further minimized. lowing is an analysis of the functions and operation of the The second problem referred to above has to do with elements involved. the torque output of the free power turbine PT. As shown Air is drawn into the compressor at station _1_, at pres 40 hereinafter, when the gas generator portion of the engine sure P1 and temperature T1, and leaves the compressor is rotating at a speed N1 r.p.m., and the temperature of rotor at station 2 at a higher pressure and temperature P2 the incoming air is T1 degrees Rankine, and if the free and T2; and the air from station 3 passes through the re power turbine is locked at standstill, the torque Q exerted cuperator RC to station ‘it. In the recupcrator RC, it re by the free power turbine is a function of the “corrected” ceives heat from counter-?owing hot gas from the power speed (NI/Vi). turbine PT exhaust. As the temperature of the incoming air may vary from At station :33 the air, which has now been heated to tem —65 degrees F. to +150 degrees F., the “corrected” speed perature T3, enters the combustion chamber 3;, where (for variations in T1) of the gas generator will vary by additional heat is added by burning fuel, (WE-1). In the combustion chamber the air reaches a temperature T, at 50 approximately 25%, when its actual speed is held con stant. Unless precautions are taken, it is therefore likely station Q, where it enters primary turbine Th2. The heated that the output gearing from the free power turbine may air expands through this turbine, doing work thereon, and be overstressed when the engine is running in a very cold leaves it at station _5_ with the pressure and temperature P5 environment. But if, instead of imposing a top limit on and T5. The primary turbine Th2 is coupled to the compressor, 55 the actual speed N1, we control the “corrected” speed (N 1/\/ T1) of the gas generator, the torque Q exerted by and the combination of these two, with the recuperator the power turbine becomes independent of the incoming RC and combustion chamber B1, is referred to as the “gas air temperature T1, as will be shown hereinbelow, where generator” portion of the engine. we disclose a simple governor which achieves proper con The gas from the gas generator, at pressure P5 and tem perature T5, enters a second and independent power tur 60 trol of the “corrected” speed. We now proceed to consider how the fuel ?ow Wpl bine PT at station Q and expands to an exhaust pressure to the gas generator turbine Tb2 is related to the turbine and temperature P6 and T6, at station During expansion through the free turbine PT, usually referred to as a “free power turbine,” useful work is done, and this work may be extracted through a reduction gear coupled to the power output shaft. The exhaust gas from station _6 is now passed through the recuperator RC, where it gives up heat to the counter ?owing compressed air from the compressor. The spent gas is ?nally exhausted from the engine at station 2. There are two particular problems that arise in the con trol of such a recuperativc gas turbine engine. The ?rst problem is this: the fuel ?ow to the combus tion chamber must be modi?ed according to the tempera ture of the air leaving the recuperator at station 3. inlet gas temperature T, and other engine operating param eters. This analysis is given to facilitate an understanding of the problem solved by our invention, and is therefore somewhat simpli?ed. Thus, we have neglected all second ary effects due to engine efficiency, heat losses due to radiation, etc., but the basic conclusions are not thereby affected. The discussion of this section is con?ned to the gas gen erator (Th2, C2 and RC), of FIG. 4, and in Equations l—24 hereinbelow Cp denotes speci?c heat at constant pressure, B.t.u./lb.—°R. C, denotes speci?c heat at constant volume, B.t.u./lb.-°R. 75 g denotes acceleration of gravity ‘3,166,902 9 10, - H denotes heating value of fuel, B.t.u./ lb. H J denotes energy conversion factor, 778 ft.—lb./B.t.u. closed hereinbelow, the output ‘is used to vary the position 7 denotes ratio of speci?c heats, Cp/Cv pressure dropis maintained,..and thus 'the'fuel ?ow WF1 of a primary fuel metering valve across which a constant is limited in accordance with Equation 5, and the turbine is protected from damage due to overtemperature. As described hereinafter, while the control is limiting The turbine inlet gas temperature T; is the sum of the temperature T3 at the exit of the recuperator and the temperature rise (Tr-T3) in the combustion chamber. T4: fuel ?ow W‘Fl in accord with Equation 5, the speed gov ernor is inoperative. But when the “corrected speed” is attained for which the manual lever is set, the governor will cut in to reduce the fuel flow below the value allowed 1 by Equation 5, in such away that theset speed will be Where CI) and H are as indicated in the example follow maintained. Turning now» to the free power turbine PT, we shall ing Equation 5, and WEI/WA1 is the fuel/ air ratio in the combuster. To prevent T4 from exceeding a speci?ed limit, sayTi’l‘, the fuel ?ow WF1 admitted must not exceed justify‘ the statement previously made, that the ‘torque Q 15 exerted by the power turbine PT isv a single-valued func tion‘ of the “corrected” 'speediof'the gas generator portion of the engine. (2) The" hot . gas from the gas generator enters the‘ free power turbine PT at station 5, and expands down to the When the turbine ?ow is “choked,” or super-critical, 20 pressure P5, prior to ?owing. into the recuperator RC, which occurs whenever the pressure ratio across the tur which'is designed so that ‘the gas passing through it has bine exceeds about 1.89, the following relation is known a very small pressure drop, and the pressure P6 will be to apply. substantially equal to the atmospheric~ pressure. In this analysis, we again neglect secondary effects such askef?ciency and heat loss, so that the, basic conclusions may be clearly established. W-henthe exhaust gas fromthe gas generator portion a constant; or of‘ the engine, at temperature T5 and pressure P5, is k'r'pz I W =—— (4) allowed to expand'freely through a nozzle downv to pres sure P1, the kinetic energy acquired by each pound of exhaustv gas is given by the expression Substituting (4) in (2), and letting T4=T4* Win/r. 7-1 WF,= '“TP2><%’>< <T.*—T3> (5) 35 If this rate of fuel ?ow is admitted to the engine, the turbine inlet temperature T; will be maintained at its desired maximum, T4*. For example, assume a gas/generator consuming 3 lbs. of air per second at a turbine inlet temperature of 2400° R. and a compressor- discharge pressure P2=20O'p.s.i.a. Then From (6). we conclude that the_velocity acquired by the gas is u= 2gJcpT5[<F‘:) “1 — 1] inches per second ' ' (7) If this high velocity gas is‘ directed peripherally against a turbine wheel, and directed through the turbine wheel in: =—VY% X ?gTkég = .735 and if Up: .24 B.t.u./lb./° F, and H: 17,000 -B.t.u./lb. of fuel, = .000000212 P2(T4*— T3) lb/see. = .000763 P2(T4*— T3) lb./hour If the maximum permissible turbine gas temperature is set at T4*=2400° R- then the maximum limiting fuel ?ow that may be permitted to enter the engine is given by the equation ' and the control system of our invention, as disclosed herein, produces a relationship such as the above. so that its peripheral component of momentum is re versed (as is the case when the high velocity gas impinges on the blades of. a stationary impulse turbine wheel), the torque exerted on the Wheel is where. r isthe radius at which. the gas impinges. torque-Qis then, using (.7)-and (8)’: ' II The 7 *1] (9) The curve in FIG. 5 shows a portioniof av“performance map” of a simple gas turbine, or of the gas generator portion of a free-power turbine engine: In steady operation at a constant corrected speed We set a value for T4*, which will be the greatest gas 65 IVA/T1, the compressor map gives a steady operating temperature allowed. by engine limitations. We then point as at A (in FIG. 5), where it is well known that the measure the temperature T3‘ at the recuperator outlet, and following quantities are ?xed: provide means to subtract this measured temperature from T41‘. Table l' We also measure the compressor discharge air pressure ‘ Corrected speed ________ __~.. _____________ __ N/VTI The general principle is as follows: P2, and provide means to mechanically multiply this by the quantity just obtained, as described hereinbelow. The output of this mechanical computer then repre sents the permissible primary maximum fuel ?ow WI‘1L to the engine. Compressor pressure ratio _________________ __ P2/P1 Corrected" air ?ow ___________________ _. WA/vTl/Pl Corrected fuel ?ow __________________ __ WFP1/\/T—1 In the embodiment of our invention dis 75 Corrected turbine inlet temperature __________ __ T4/T1 3,166,902 11 12 ’ From thermodynamics,’ and the equality of turbine work and compressor work We have already stated in Table I that if (Nl/VTTF is kept constant, then (WAx/Tl/ P1) is also constant, so that Equation 17 may now be written as Q _T‘ilPi) 1] P L1 _ _2 . "r 10 Q _= T _s==_i__' P “L1 .2 ‘Tr T1 [1%) 1 __ 1] 11 < ) - 7) A71 .? fig, T1) *_ ( > 18 or using the alternative notation (10) so that T N1 P1 f<51 Q: _ 1V1 __ i1 ___ AI] -_,_ 5 KW?) v/5f1<v@) 19 ( ) In Equations 18 and 19, the quantities Q/Pl and Q/‘a‘ *Hence, T5/T1 is constant, as well as the quantities 15 are referred to as the “corrected torque.” These equa tions are interpreted to mean that when the corrected tabulated in Table I above. speeds of both the gas generator and the free power tur Now consider the quantity P5/P1. From adiabatic ex bine portions of the engine are kept constant, then the cor pansion through the turbine, and assuming no pressure rected torque output of the gas turbine is also constant. drop from station 2 to station 4, so that P4=P2: If the engine is operating in an environment where the 7-1 inlet air pressure does not vary appreciably, as in the case of ground vehicle propulsion, for example, where P1 P 2 P1 T4 P1 the engine is nearly always close to sea level, the quantity _ 215.11 E2 6 is constant, and Equation 19 shows that in this case (12) _ T1 T4 P, 25 the actual output torque Q is a function of the corrected So that P5/P1 is constant as well as the quanti?es speeds, Nl/i/? of the gas generator and v/Vi; of the free tabulated in Table 1. power turbine. Looking again at Equation 9, we now see that every Equation 19 shows that maximum torque is exerted by thing on the right hand side is constant when the corrected the power turbine when it is at standstill-that is, when speed is constant, with the exception of P1. So Q in v=0, and it is in this case that the greatest load is ap ' (8) may be rewritten as a function of any of these inter plied to the output shaft gearing. 115: Ei.Z2)=(B)TXZiZ dependent constant quantities, like the corrected speed. Thus The foregoing analysis shows that for a constant com pressor inlet pressure P1, the corrected speed function N1 N/\/T1 is solely a function of compressor inlet tempera __= (13) P1 f ture T1. Also, the corrected speed function (NA/T1) is a function of the actual output torque (Q) such that there Frequently the compressor inlet pressure is expressed is a single value of output torque Q for each value of in units of one standard atmosphere, using the notation corrected speed N/\/T1. The de?nition of corrected P, __ speed “NA/T1” shows that a variation in compressor in let temperature T, will result in a variation of corrected and the inlet air ‘temperature is expressed in units of speed N/\/T1. Since it is desired to maintain the actual 518.4 degrees F., using the notation output torque Q as nearly constant as possible, it is nec essary to change the value of N when the value of T1 45 changes in order to maintain the corrected speed (N / \/T1) constant. The value of N is changed by modifying the 14159-5 Using this notation Equation 13 becomes fuel flow to the gas generator so that a new value of N a: , 5h 5 (14) w/E .The above. analysis was limited to the case of a free power turbine wheel at rest. If the wheel is rotating so that its peripheral velocity is v, then the gas from the is established such that the N/\/T1 relationship is main tained unchanged. Thus, the fuel ?ow to the gas gen 50 erator is regulated as a function of corrected speed which in turn is a function of compressor inlet temperature T1. It is also plain from (19) that this maximum torque can be limited by placing a maximum limit on the gas gen nozzles approaches the wheel peripherally with the rela 55 erator corrected speed NILA/T; or N1/ {5: Our invention includes a governor in which the cor tive velocityv (u-v), and its direction is reversed so that rected speed of the gas generator may be set by a manual it leaves the wheel with equal relative velocity"(u—v). lever and automatically maintained by a simple governor, The torque exerted on the wheel is in this case and the operation of this device is also disclosed herein. The foregoing discussion dealt with the speed of the gas generator and with the fuel ?ow to the combustion chamber in the gas generator portion of the engine. Using a from Equation 7, we have In an actual free power turbine engine, means must be included for limiting the speed of the free power turbine. In some applications, such as in ground vehicle propul 65 sion, it may be safe to assume that the power turbine, directly coupled to the driving wheels, will never over~ (16) speed except at a dangerously high velocity of the vehicle. The ?rst term on the right of (16) is the same as the In other applications, a separate governor, arranged to right side of (9), and we have already shown that this is override the gas generator governor, may be included, as equal to. f(N/x/IT. It is then obvious from (16) and (13) that disclosed in co-pending patent application of Chandler (17) now Patent No, 3,108,435, issued October 29, 1963, and assigned to the same assignee as this application; and does 75 not form part of the present invention. Q I if T1 g VT! 1 PX and Wright, Serial Number 494,055, ?led March 4, 1955 , w 3,166,902 13 . P4 is the compressor discharge‘ pressure, Returning to FIG. 3, it will be noted that the fuel and speed control apparatus of our invention, shown in FIG. 2 as control unit 13, comprises a ?uid-tight case 40, which AD is the area of the ?exible diaphragm 72, several control elements contained within case 40 pro vides a ?ow of su?icient magnitude to ?ll and pressurize the case 40. _ Fs is the downward force oflthe spring 73, and PR4 is the “regulated pressure” houses all of the operating mechanisms of they control system. Fuel taken from tank 16 is conveyed through line 17 and pumped to a comparatively high pressure by pump 42 and then directed to the several control ele ments contained within case 40. Leakage ?ow from the 14 Expressed mathematically, if PRIMARY FUEL FLOW CONTROL then P4+A_=PR4 D 10 (20) Denote the pressure in the case 40 by P,,. Then sub tracting Uc from both sides of (20): The pressure in case 40 is maintained at a substantially constant control pressure Pc somewhat less than the discharge pressure of pump 42, by a spring biased ball check valve 41, through which excess fuel in case 40 is returned (by conduit 18) to fuel tank 16. Conduit 17 is connected to the inlet side of a high-pres sure, positive-displacement pump 42 (preferably of the . F5 (P4_'Pc)=(PR4_Pe)_“Id (21) At the top of FIG. 3 isshowna T6 sensor-11, which is responsive to the temperature T6 of the air at the exit of the recuperator RC. The sensor 11 comprises an outer tube 75 of material gear type), which is driven by the engine (1), through 20 having a high coe?icient of expansion, surrounding an shafts 43 and 44, connected to shafts 26 and 25 (FIG. inner rod 76 of material having a low coefficient of ex 2). Fuel discharged by pump 42 ?ows through conduits pansion. When the sensor is exposed to a stream of gas 45 and 46 to a primary metering valve 47, and thence at a high temperature, the tube, being ?xed at its left hand end, will expand so that its free right hand end is surizing check valve 50, and a conduit 51, which connects 25 appreciably displaced to the right. The inner rod 76, on with conduit 12, leading to the primary combustion cham the other hand, will remain at substantially its initial through a conduit 48, a solenoid shut-off valve 49, a pres ber B1 of the engine. ' Conduit 46 is connected by a conduit 52 to a primary length (because of its low expansion coefficient). The metering head regulator 53, which is in turn connected result is that the left hand end of the inner rod 76 experi ences a displacement to the right when the temperature by a conduit 54 to the inlet conduit 17 of pump 42, T6 increases. whereby a portion of the fuel discharged by pump 42 The left hand end of the inner rod abuts a pivoted lever may be returned to the inlet side of the pump, Whenever 77, with which is associated an ori?ce 78a, in such a way the pressure in chamber 55a, acting on a diaphragm 55 that when the inner rod 76 is displacedtowards the right, in regulator 53, is high enough to overcome the opposing because of an increase in T6, the ori?ce 78a opens up, force of a spring 56, plus the fuel pressure in chamber 35 and vice versa. 57, and open a valve 58. The chamber 57 is connected, A fuel line, comprising conduits 78, 79 and'80, connects by a conduit 59 and a chamber 60, to conduit 48; so that the temperature sensor 11 to the transducer 68, and con the pressure differential acting on diaphragm 55, equals sequently the chamber 81 of the sensor 11 is normally the pressure drop (metering head) across valve 47, and ?lled with fuel from chamber 69 of transducer 68. To said metering head is thus maintained at a substantially 40 prevent this fuel from penetrating into the engine case, a constant value, as determined by the spring 56. Conduit 45 is also connected to conduit 17, through conduit 61, relief valve 62 and conduit 63, so that the ?exible sealing bellows 82 is provided. The chamber 81 fuel pressure in conduit 45 can never exceed a safe, maxi pressure PC. of the sensor 11 is vented to the case 40 of the control by a connecting conduit 43, and is thus subject to the case mum value, as determined by a spring 64, which biases 45 The pressure PM in chamber 69 of the transducer 68 is check valve 62 towards closed position. equal to the-compressor discharge pressure P4+a constant The metering valve 47 is of the spool type, the upper C1 which is determined by preload on spring 73. When end of which is attached to a diaphragm 65, between ori?ce 78a is closed by lever 77 (and there is no ?ow which and a stationary sleeve 66, in which the spool valve through restrictions'79a and 141), the pressure in con 47 moves, is a spring 67, so disposed as to urge the 50 duit 79 is equal to pressure PM in chamber 69; however, diaphgram upwards. As shown in FIG. 3, the lower side when ori?ce 78a is opened by lever 77 , in response to tem of diaphragm 65 is subject to the case fuel pressure Pc, perature T6, ‘fuel ?ows through ‘restriction 86a, conduit and the upper side of the diaphragm is subjected to a pres 78, chamber 81 and conduit 43 into case 40. This reduces sure (Pmn) so that the ?ow area through the metering > the pressure in conduit 79 from PM to a lower pressure valve 47 is due to a balance between the upward force of 55 PR4’, which re?ects the effect of change in temperatureiTs. the spring and case pressure Pc and the downward force A restriction 79a in conduit 79 still further lowers the due to the pressure PR4", acting on the diaphragm. pressure PR4, to PM», when'there is any fuel ?ow through branch conduit 84, as hereinafter described. The modi At the top left of the schematic diagram of FIG. 3 is ‘?ed pressure PR4” acting on diaphragm 65, in opposi shown a P4 transducer 68 which'converts the pneumatic discharge pressure (P4), of the high-pressure compressor 60 tion to the case:pressure Pc and the force of spring 67, actuates the primary metering valve 47 in accordance C2, ‘into a hydraulic ‘pressure (PR4) that is used to actuate with the value of pressure PR4”; the primary metering valve 47. Fuel at pump pressure At the center right, of FIG. 3 is shown a speed gov (PF) is admitted to the lower chamber 69 of the trans ernor 85, which will be described below. Associated ducer 68 through a conduit 70 and restricting ori?ce with the speed governor 85‘is an ori?ce 84a, closed when 70a. The upper chamber 71 of the transducer is con the governor is not operating, which is the state during nected by pipe 19 to the discharge passage 20 of the high acceleration of the engine. pressure compressor, C2, and the upper and lower cham We now describe the situation during acceleration of bers are separated by a ?exible diaphragm 72 which is the gas generator portion (C2, RC, B1 and T;,,), of the biased downwardly by a spring 73. Accordingly, the 70 engine. transducer 68 acts as a pressure regulator,,such that the pressure PR4 acting upwards on the diaphragm 72 will bal ance the downward force of the spring 73, plus the down ward force on the diaphragm due to the compressor dis charge pressure P4. The primary metering valve 47, transducer 68, and T6 sensor 11, with theirsassociated elements, determine the primary fuel flow tothe engine during acceleration, since the ori?ce 84a'is closed because when the speed'governor 75 is inoperative, lever 86 closes said'ori?ce. 3,166,902 15 16 The fuel ?ow to the engine for proper acceleration is, from Equation 5 i ' to its downward displacement, then the ?ow of fuel through the valve is also proportional to (FEW-PC), i.e., ' Wr'1=C(PR4'-"Pc) Where k is a constant, T4* is the desired maximum allow able turbine inlet temperature, and T6 is the measured temperature of the air leaving the recuperator. Fuel from the fuel pump 42 is supplied to the P4 trans ducer assembly through the ori?ce 70a, at some pres or substituting Equation 24 the compressor discharge chamber 20 of the engine, and is therefore subjected to the pressure P4. Let PM be the fuel pressure in the lower part of the produce the correct fuel ?ow provided A, 1+ AF) 2 1O Comparing this last equation with (5), it will be readily sure PF. seen that the control shown schematically in FIG. 3 will The upper chamber of the transducer is connected to transducer. 1 Ac 2 ' Then the downward force on the diaphragm is (P4AD), The ori?ce 80a of FIG. 3 being assumed ?xed, it is read ily apparent that as T6 increases, the opening of ori?ce 78:: increases, and the quantity on the left hand side of (26) decreases. The manner in which this quantity de creases with increasing AG in a somewhat non-linear way, is shown in FIG. 6. At the right end, the ?oating lever 86 is subject 'to the upward force from a spring 89 that tends to rotate the ?oating lever counter-clockwise about the movable ful crum. The lower end of this spring is urged upward ' where AD is the e?ective area of the diaphragm 72 that separates the upper‘ and lower chambers 71 and 62 of the transducer, plus the force Fs of spring 73. The up ' ward force on this diaphragm is (PMAD). When these forces are in equilibrium, we have already shown (Equa ' tion‘ 20) ' that Fe An and the valve 72a attached to the diaphragm 72 will open by a bellows 90 as shown. 'or close to pass more or less fuel to the case 40 of the law of pressure drop through ori?ces . <PRi'—P.,>=<PRr-P°);A, 0 AF 1+(—) <22) lows 90 by a conduit 92, are ?lled with an incompressible ?uid, and exposed to the compressor inlet air stream. The upward expansion of the bellows 9t), and therewith the upward displacement of the bottom of the spring 89, is therefore proportional to the air stream temperature (T1). When the upward force of ?yweights 87 is low enough, the spring 89 and temperature bellows 90 will rotate the lever 86 about the movable fulcrum 88 until the lever bottoms on the ori?ce 34a, closing it effectively against leakage of fuel, and when this is the case, the upward 40 force exerted by the spring 89 is proportional to the temperature T1, say kTTl. where AC and AF below denote the areas of ori?ces 78a The distance between the point of application of the upward force of ?yweights 87 and the spring 89 being I, and the movable fulcrum being positioned by the and 80a respectively, and substituting (21) in (22) (23) manual lever at a distance x from the spring 89, we ob The case pressure Pc may be regulated to any value we please; in particular, we may make Pc=Fs/AD, and 50 in that case The bellows 9t), and a tem perature-responsive bulb g1, which is connected to bel "control at pressure PC, to maintain the pressure PR4 at the value given above. The manner in which such a jpressure vregulator works is well known. Because the ori?ces 80a and 78a are in series between ‘a region where the pressure is PR4 to a region of lower pressure PC, there is a continuous flow of ?uid through ‘80a and 78a, and the ?uid pressure in the line between 80a and 78a is denoted by PM’ in FIG. 3. From the serve that the force kNN2 exerted by the ?yweights 87 will overcome the force kTT exerted by the temperature bellows 90 and spring 89, whenever kNN2 (l—x)>kTT1x or when . N2 low ii an a: 55 or when A?’ & AD ' may be made any other value necessary to produce the desired engine acceleration schedule by biasing PR4 - above P4. Primary metering valve 47 receives fuel from the main pump 42 at pressure PF, and delivers it to the engine at pressure PM. The pressure di?erence (Pg-PM) is main tained at a constant value by the by-pass pressure regu lating valve 53. That is, whenever the “corrected speed" (HA/T1) of the engine exceeds some value corresponding to a manu ally selected magnitude of x, the ?yweight force will overcome the temperature spring force, and rotate the ?oating lever 86 in the clockwise direction. This causes the lever to separate from its resting place on ori?ce 84a, and the ori?ce will open. From FIG. 3, it will be seen that the opening ori?ce 84a will cause the pressure PR4! to drop to a lower value It will be seen in FIG. 3 that diaphragm 65 to which is PM’, because of the pressure drop across ori?ce 79a, and attached the spool of the metering valve 47 is urged the result of this is a closing down of the main metering ‘downward by the pressure di?erence (PR4I—PC), when 70 valve 47 with a consequent reduction in fuel ?ow WFl to ‘there is no fuel ?ow through ori?ce 7&1, and is urged the engine. This reduction in fuel flow will prevent the upward by spring 67 whose rate is ks. engine from continuing its previous acceleration, and the The downward displacement of the metering valve is speed of the engine will be held constant at the selected therefore proportional to the pressure (PMI—PC), and “corrected” value. if the port are? of the mete?tug valve 47 is proportional The tube 75 of the T6 temperature sensor 11 is im 3,166,902 17 18 mersed in the gas stream at the exit from the recuperator vents escape of fuel from chamber 60, when valve 49 ‘is closed. SECONDARY FUEL FLOW CONTROL (station 6 in FIG. 1). We stated previously that the sensor 11 consists of an outer tube 75 of highly expandible metal, the tube being ?xed at its left hand extremity to the case 74 and incloses a rod 76 of low coe?icient of temperature ex pansion, the rod being attached to the tube 75 at its right So far, we have considered those elements of our fuel ~ control apparatus, depicted in the upper part of FIG. 3, that regulate the primary fuel flow to the engine. We will now describe the elements in the lower part of FIG. 3 which control the secondary fuel flow to the engine. it will be plain that this point will be displaced towards 10 A conduit 1-10 connects conduit 61 with branch con duits 111 and 112. Fuel from 111D flows through a re the right as the temperature of the whole assembly is striction 1&3 in conduit 112, under a reduced pressure raised, and vice versa, due to the relative differential PR2 into the lower chamber "114 of a transducer 115, expansion of the tube 75 and the rod 76, so that an and ‘from thence through a restriction 1.16 in aconduit increase in the temperature T6 results in a proportionate opening of the ori?ce 78a. 15 1-17, under a reduced pressure PR2’, into a chamber 118 of a secondary fuel metering valve 119. A ?exible dia We mentioned above the “anticipating” effect of the phragm 120 separates chamber 118 from a chamber 121, T6 sensor. Suppose the temperature T6 suffers a sudden into which fuel enters from case 40 through a port 122 change (say an increase) from a previously existing at case pressure PC, so that said diaphragm is subject to steady value. This increase will be immediately detected by the highly expansive outer tube ‘75, the free end of 20 the pressure differential (PR2'—- c). Diaphragm 120 is attached to valve 119 and a spring 123 biases said dia— which will at once begin to move to the right, pulling phragm to the left, whereby the fuel flow area through the inner rod 76 with it and opening the ori?ce 78a. valve 119 is varied in accordance with the fuel pressure Some appreciable time later, heat due to the increase in hand end. Now ?xing attention on the left hand end of rod 76, T5 will penetrate into the low coel?cient of expansion inner rod 76, which will then move in a direction tending to close the ori?ce 78a. By suitable matching of the time delays in the temperature response of the two ele ments 75 and 7 6 of the sensor 11, the net over-all response can be matched to the response of the recuperator RC itself, so that transient effects of changes in T6 can be 30 differential (PR21-Pc) and the rate of spring 1123. Fuel ?ows through conduits 110 and 111, a chamber 124 (of a throttling metering head regulator 125), a valve 126, a chamber 127, conduits 12$, r129, 13% and 131, a solenoid shut-off valve ‘132, a check valve 133, and con— duit 14 (of FIG. 2) to the secondary combustion cham ber B2 of the engine 11. ' In the metering head regulator 125, a diaphragm 134 compensated for. The operator’s control of the speed and power of the engine 1 is effected by a manual control lever 93, which separates chamber 127 from a chamber 135, connected by conduits V131’: and 137 to conduit 131, and houses a spring is ?xed to a shaft 94, journalled in the case 46 and ex tending into control unit 13, as shown in the upper right ‘ 138 that biases valve 126 (attached to diaphragm 134) to wards the open position. Valve 126 reduces the fuel vcorner of FIG. ‘3. pressure from a value PF in chamber 124, to a value PS in conduits 128 and 1129, and valve 119 reduces the pres sure PS to a value Pm in conduits 130 and 131. Con~ duit 136 transmits the pressure Pm to chamber 135, so Also ?xed ‘on shaft 94 is a cam 95, on which rides a follower \% whose other end is attached 'to a piston 97, so that when cam 95 is rotated through an angle .PLA which increases its pitch radius, piston 97 is moved to the left in a cylinder g8, against the force 40 that the valve 126 responds to the pressure differential (PS—PM2) and the force of spring 133. of an opposing spring 99. A rod 100 connects piston A conduit @1443, having a restriction 1141, connects con 97 with roller 88 and piston 97 is provided with a passage duit 79 to a chamber 142 of a secondary fuel ?ow aug ‘1011 through which liquid may pass only from left to right mentation valve 143, which comprises a spool valve 144 by virtue of check valve 191a. Motion of piston 97 is not therefore effected to the left, however motion to the 45 attached to a ?exible diaphragm 145, separating chamber I right is at a retarded rate determined by the size of the opening of passage H52, as determined by adjusting needle valve 193 into case pressure P(, so that cylinder 98 and piston 97 function as a dash-pot, to'retard the rate at which a movement of lever 93 may move the roller 83 to the right only, and thereby change the rate of retard ing the N2 throttle setting of the engine. The retarding dashvpot action of cylinder 93 and piston 97 is required to prevent such sudden changes in ‘fuel flow WF1 (upon .quick movements on lever 97) as may cause compressor and engine stall or burner blow-out. Liquid :fuel is displaced from cylinder 98 through a. 142 from a chamber 14-6 that is connected by a conduit 147 with conduit 84. A spring 148, attached to dia phragm 14-5 biases valve 144 towards closed position, in opposition to the fuel pressure differential between cham bers ‘142. and 1146 acting on diaphragm I145. The ?ow area through valve 144 establishes an additional fuel ilow path ‘from conduit 12-? to conduit 137, which augments the fuel ?ow through secondary metering valve 1-19. A conduit 15% connects conduit v1117 (upstream of re striction 116) with a chamber [151 which is closed, by a flexible diaphragm 152, having an attached ?xed pivot ‘153, that contacts a floating lever 1154. The right end of le passage 1532 which communicates with the interior of case 40, and such admission of fuel is controlled by an ad ver 154 is biased upwardly by a spring» 155, so as to rock in a counterclockwise direction about a movable roll by the valve 193 can be adjusted from the outside of end portion of lever 1154 varies the flow area through justable needle valve 1433, which is screw-threaded through 60 er pivot ‘156, in opposition to the upward thrust of ?xed pivot 153 by diaphragm .152. The movement of the left the wall of case 40 and provided with a slot 104, where nozzles 157 and ‘153 at the upper ends of conduits 159 and use. Conduit v159 is connected to conduit 140 by a Solenoid valve 49 is adapted to open and close com munication between conduit 48 and chamber d4), upon 65 conduit 161, so that variations in the ?ow area of nozzle 157, by movement of lever 154, cause-s variations in the energizing or deenergizing of a solenoid 195, which is pressure in conduit 14% and chamber ‘142. accomplished by manually closing or opening a switch Roller pivot 15% is connected by a link 162 to a roller 196, in an electric circuit 197 to which current is sup case 49. . cam follower 163 which rides upon a'cam 164 to which plied by a battery 1% (as shown in FIG, 2). When the operator desires to stop the engine 1, he opens switch 70 it is held in contact by a spring 165. Cam 164 is pivoted 166, which deenergizes solenoid 1G5, and closes valve 49, whereupon the ‘fuel flow WFl to the engine is shut off. The ball check valve 59 maintains a desired fuel pres sure in the fuel control apparatus at all times, and pre at 166 and is connected by a link 1&7 with cam 95, so that as cam 515 is rotated. by lever 93, earn 164 is also correspondingly rotated, about its pivot 166. Spring 155 seats in a movable abutment 168, supported by the left end of a lever 169, which is pivoted alt-170, and whose 3,166,902 T9 ' right end is interposed between spring 8b and bellows and 550, so that expansion or contraction of said bellows (re— WF2=secondary fuel flow P2=l0W-pressure compressor discharge pressure A4, A5=design constants WF2,'=secondary augmentation flow and is proportional sponsive to air inlet temperature T1 in tube 91) varies the tension of spring 155 and the loading of lever 154. The lower end of conduit lid has a restriction 171, and is connected by a conduit 172 to a chamber TF3, to the amount of cut in of the primary fuel flow gov which is closed by a ?exible diaphragm 174. A link ‘175 connects diaphragm 174 with a lever 376, which is pivoted at 177 and biased in a clockwise direction by a spring 178. Movement of the right end portion of lever 175 varies the flow areas through nozzles 179, 18% and 181, into a chamber 182 which communicates through ernor (the N2 governor). Both primary and secondary fuel flows WFl and WFZ are scheduled as a function of the positions of a primary metering valve 47, and a secondary metering valve 119, in a system where the metering heads, or pressure drops a port 183 with case 4%, whereby the pressure in chamber across these valves are held constant. 182 is case pressure PC. The primary metering head regulator 53 bypasses fuel A conduit 184 connects conduits 117 and 166, so that 15 flow around the fuel pump 4&2 and the secondary meter the pressure (PR?) in 117 is varied by variations in the ?owrarea through nozzles 158 and 179. Nozzle 253i? is connected by a conduit 185 with conduit lei, so that the pressure in chamber 142 is varied by variations in the ?ow areas through nozzles ‘15? and 18d. Nozzle 1.82 both circuits. The magnitude of metering head is deter mined by the area of the diaphragm in each regulator, divided into the preload of its spring. is connected by a conduit 186 with chamber 1% pressure Identical pressure transducers 6S and M5 are used in ing head regulator 125 throttles the fuel flow, as required to hold a constant drop across the metering valves of from conduit 147 may be discharged through conduit 186 the primary and secondary fuel circuits to convert pneu and nozzle 18!, so that the pressure in chamber 14s is matic engine signal pressures to hydraulic pressures. The varied by variations in the ?ow area through nozzle lltil. pressure transducers throttle incoming pump discharge Returning to the ‘low-pressure compressor discharge 25 pressure to scheduled levels above the pneumatic P4 and pressure (P2) transducer 115, it will be noted that the P2 engine pressures. These scheduled pressures being pressure P2 isrtransmitted from discharge chamber Ed in engine 1 to the fuel control unit 13 by conduit 23, which PM and PR2 respectively, as expressed by: is connected to a chamber 1%“, and said pressure and a spring 1% act on a diaphragm £92, attached to a valve 393, which controls the fuel ?ow from chamber 114 into case 40, whereby transducer 115 converts the pressure P2 to The values of C1 and C2 are determined by the spring a control pressure PR2. preload on the transducer diaphragm. 'Conduit 1'72 connects conduit 11%} (downstream of re The variable bleed circuits in both the primary and striction 1'71) with an annular groove 21a in a power 35 secondary fuel systems serve to modulate the transduccd turbine speed governor 211‘, which is driven by the engine l, through connected shafts 29, 28, 27 and 15 (PEG. 2). pressures PM and l’m for acceleration fuel scheduling. These circuits are as shown in the upper and lower parts Drive shaft 29 is connected to a spindle 212 which ter of FIG. 3, respectively. minates at its upper end in a horizontal cylinder 2R3, hav acceleration, bleeds 34a, 157, 153 are closed, ing at its opposite ends case pressure port 214 and outlet 40 as During well as 179, 180 and 181 which open only during port 21d. Cylinder 213 rotates in a chamber 215 which power turbine governor operation. The power turbine communicates through a port 217 with case 4%. A pas PT acts only as a topping governor to prevent overspeed ‘ sageway 218 and 21% connects conduit 172 with the in of the output shaft 15. Therefore, the modulated pres sure PM” and PR2, establish the respective primary and secondary acceleration ?ows as follows: terior of cylinder 213, in which is mounted a slidable spool valve 219 that is biased toward port 215 by a spring 22%. Valve 219 has a passage 221 through which liquid fuel ?owing through conduit 172 and passageway 218 escapes into the right end of cylinder 213 and from thence through _port 215 into, chamber are to the case via opening 27. . With ori?ces closed as noted above, PR4'ZPR4H, and By virtue of the foregoing arrangement of the elements 50 for a ?xed value of T6, acceleration flow would be propor tional to P4+a constant. However, by bleeding off through variation in T6 which varies ori?ce 78a, the of speed governor Zlll, said governor generates in con duit 172 a pressure (PRPT) which is proportional to the speed (NPT) of the power turbine PT. A conduit 222 connects conduit 172 with a speed (r.p.m.) guage schedule can be proportionally changed as ‘a function of 223 which is located so that the engine operator may ' know the speed (r.p.m.) of the power turbine at all times. T (Ag-T5) to meet the schedule dictated by the equation (A) above. With ori?ces closed, as noted above, PR2I:PR2, and the schedule noted above can be achieved, since Ignition fuel ?ow required to start the engine 1 is pro vided through a conduit 187, having a manually adjustable needle valve 188, which is connected to primary (it) fuel conduit 12, whereby fuel is fed into combustion and since metering head is constant and fuel flow is a chamber B1. function of PR2. As the (N2) speed governor 85 cuts in, a pressure drop occurs across ori?ce 79a, with the com OPERATION OF CONTROL SYSTEM mencing of ?ow through ori?ce 84a. This pressure drop The fuel control system of our invention determines two is a function of the opening of ori?ce 84a, which deter fuel flows to the engine, viz.: a primary fuel ?ow and 65 mines the ?ow and hence, this drop (PR4,—PR4~) across a secondary fuel flow, as follows: ‘79a. This pressure drop across the augmentation valve 343 will produce a stroke of this valve proportional to (A) (PRy—PBA~), since stroke is determined by the area of (B l valve diaphragm 14S, and the preload and rate of spring where MS. Increasing the governor 85 cut-in increases WFl‘iprimary fuel ?ow P4=high-pressure compressor discharge pressure T6=recuperator temperature A1, A2, A3=design constants (PR4'—P¢"), which produces increasing stroke and hence, increasing fuel flow. The secondary system fuel meter ing head is maintained across the augmentation valve 75 144, hence making change in fuel ?ow a function of stroke. 3,166,902 21 Maximum augmentation fuel flow can be limited by a maximum ?ow stop on this valve. Therefore WFZ, is de?ned as follows: 22 P2 pressure is approached, the P2 governor cuts in, there by opening bleed 158, and causing secondary fuel ?ow (WF2) to be reduced in accordance with the control determined droop gain (Wm/P2 error). Secondary fuel where ?ow (WFZ) will continue to be reduced after governor cut-in as the P2 pressure increases, until the required sec ondary steady state fuel ?ow is achieved. The P2 pressure N2A= (N2) governor 85 cut in speed will then be controlled at a predetermined pressure above N23: (N2) actual speed after cut-in. P2 governor cut-in. The supplementary ignition ?ow will be turned off at a predetermined N2 speed or F2 10 Primary and secondary steady state fuel ?ows, WM pressure. and WF2, are achieved by modulating PR4,» and PR2, pres ‘ Subsequent increasing of the power lever angle will in sures. In the primary circuit, PR4” pressure is modulated crease N2 speed and P2 pressure to prescheduled levels as by the N2 governor 85, via bleed 84a. In the secondary a function of power lever angle. circuit, PR2, pressure is modulated by the P2 governor, via Engine deceleration is achieved by retarding the rate bleed 158. Primary and secondary fuel flows are thereby 15 of change in the power lever angle PLA. A direct reduc established in accordance with the error in set (N2) speed tion of secondary fuel ?ow (WFZ) will result in a flow and (P2) pressure parameters. level which is set, either as a function of the secondary Governor droop rates may be varied by changing bleed circuit bleed sizes, or to the minimum flow established 79a in the primary circuit, and by changing bleed 116 20 by an adjustable ?ow stop, whichever limits the higher in the secondary circuit. Reducing the flow areas for level. Although the N2 governor lever has been retarded, each bleed will respectively increase droop rates. This which would normally result in a direct ?ow reduction adjustment may also be made by changing the rate of as in the secondary system, dash pot 97~99 limits the re~ spring 89 of governor 85, or the rate of spring 155 of the tardation of the lever cam follower 96 of the N2 governor. P2 governor. ' 25 N2 speed is reduced, therefore, as a function of time. The change in T1 temperature, as sensed by the T1 This action prevents an undesirable mismatch in speed sensor 91, produces a change in length of the T1 motor of the two engine spools during deceleration. Fuel flows bellows 90, which varies the set preload on spring 89 in both circuits is reduced until the new desired steady of the governor 85. Increasing T1 temperature increases state parameters are achieved. . the bellows 90 length, which in turn increases the preload Normal engine shut down may be effected by retarding of the governor spring 89, and reduces the preload of the the power lever 93 to the idle speed position, and then P2 governor spring, to correct set speed conditions, as a shutting off fuel flow in both fuel circuits by operation function of T1 temperature, in order to meet the T1 cor of solenoid valves 49 and 132. rection requirements. If, during operation of the engine, the power turbine The selection of pressure (P2) and speed (N2), as a speed (NPT) exceeds a preset value, as determined by the function of throttle angle PLA, is determined by ‘the N2 spring preload setting on the power turbine governor and P2 governor cams 95 and 164 respectively, which diaphragm 151, the power turbine governor will operate set the lever arm ratio between spring preload and set reference forces on the respective governors. to open ori?ces 179, 189 and 181, which in effect cause cut-in of the P2 and N2‘ governor circuits, and bleed off A spring loaded dash pot, 97-99, with provision for a 40 of the high-pressure side of the augmentation valve variable ?ow rate, limits the deceleration time of the diaphragm 145, to effect closing down of the three meter high-pressure compressor (C2) spool. In the increasing ing valves 4-7, 119 and 144 in the control. The closing speed direction, the dash pot 97-99 has no effect and, down of these valves is proportional to power turbine therefore, a set speed is established directly by power governor 211 set speed error, and the respective gains are lever angle PLA. A screw adjustment 103 is provided to 45 determined by the combinations of sizes of ori?ces used vary the area of port 102 which bleeds ?ow from the dash in the respective circuits. pot during deceleration of the N2 spool (C2——Tb2). This area may be adjusted to permit decelerations of the order of less than 1.0 second to more than 15 seconds. The delaying of (N2) deceleration prevents the low pressure compressor C1 from going into surge, by equaliz ‘ A pressure signal is generated by the power turbine governor system to provide a guage 223 indication of power turbine speed. This pressure may also, if desired, be used to operate a preset pressure switch which would ing the deceleration rates of the two rotor spools, deenergize the solenoids and shut down the engine. Ignition fuel ?ow to start the engine is provided from (Cl-Th1) and (C2—Tb2). The (Cr-Th1) spool has a conduit 111) through an adjustable needle valve 188 in much lower inertia hence, tends to decelerate faster than the (CZ-Th2) spool. branch conduit 187, of the engine primary fuel circuit; and an engine solenoid actuated valve 189 is used to initiate The power lever 93. may be set in any position from idle to maximum power before the’ engine is cranked. and turn off ignition ?ow. Minimum primary acceleration fuel flow is supplemented with the preselected ignition ?ow for proper ignition. Secondary flow is shut off by solenoid-operated valve 132 in the secondary fuel line until primary ignition occurs. starting motor (not shown), the primary ignition switched ’ The high-pressure spool (C2-—Tb2) is cranked by a on, and solenoid valve 49 is opened by closing switch 1%, to start primary fuel ?ow WFP which is supple mented by ignition fuel ?ow through valve 138. The primary flow WFI will be metered in accordance with T6 temperature and 1’, pressure, as speci?ed by the primary acceleration schedule (FIG. 7). The ignition ?ow will After primary ignition, secondary fuel ?ow is turned on, providing acceleration flow for secondary ignition. As the engine accelerates, acceleration ?ow is metered in both fuel circuits until the preselected steady state speed 65 be provided by a parallel path through the adjustable (N2) or pressure (P2) is approached. Since the N2 fuel flow valve 188, and solenoid valve 189, in the control spool accelerates much faster than the P2 pressure spool, unit 13; and this ignition ?ow is added to the control 'the N2 governor will cut in ?rst, thereby opening bleed primary fuel ?ow. The amount of ignition flow may be 84a and reducing primary fuel ?ow, in accordance with trimmed as required to individual engine requirements. the control-determined droop gain (WF1/ N2 error). Flow 70 will continue to be reduced from the acceleration value as speed (N2) increases until the required steady state speed is achieved. As the engine continues to accelerate When ignition occurs and the temperature sensor 11 senses the temperature in the primary combustion in chamber B1, switch 190 (FIG. 2) is closed. This will shut off ignition ?ow, ‘and energize the secondary fuel (due'to increasing P2 pressure), the speed (N2) is held flow solenoid valve 132. The fuel flow, scheduled with constant. As the (power-lever determined) steady state 75 low-pressure compressor delivery pressure (P2), (FIG. 7), 3,166,902 will determine the star-ting ?ow to the secondary com PLA), the governor d5 cut~in begins. The ?yweight 37 bustor B2. Upon ignition, the engine will accelerate to slow idle speed, it the power lever has not been advanced to any toes lift lever 86 and uncover ori?ce 184a, reducing PR4’, and hence, WFI. The rate of cut-in with speed error is determined by the net governor spring 59 rate, ?y other position that may be required by an arbitrarily selected power lever setting. The engine is accelerated weight 87 design, and the selected ori?ces of the primary me ering computing system. During governor cut-in, a by advancing the power lever 93 from any power lever setting to a higher power lever setting. The primary system acceleration schedule is de?ned by P4 pressure, modi?ed as a function of recuperator temperature T6, 10 pressure drop, as a function of the amount of cut~in, will appear across ori?ce ‘79a. This pressure drop is used to position the augmentation ?ow valve 144 in the sec as shown in FIG. 8. Engine compressor pressure P4 is sensed by the control P4 hydraulic transducer 68, which produces the equivalent hydraulic pressure PR4. PM is maintained at a constant value above R, by the selected preload on spring 73, to produce the required schedule as de?ned in FIGURE 7, ‘and allows the control to reduce fuel flow below the ondary ?ow system. The P2 governor cut-in point is determined by the sp F55 preload, acting against the diaphragm 152. The opposing force is set, in the increasing direction with increasing power lever angle FLA, by the P2 governor cam 1642. This opposing force is also biased to decrease, with increasing T1 temperature, through a linkage 169 starting value during governing. The P4 transducer 73 from the T1 sensor bellows 39'“, to maintain a value of corrected N1 setting at any selected value of FLA. operates on pump pressure PF, as supplied through ori?ce As N1 speed increases, increasing the corresponding '7‘Ja and bypassed through regulated ori?ce 68a. PR4 is supplied to the WFl metering valve diaphragm P2 and PM pressures, the diaphragm 15?.- force will over come the opposing preload from spring 155, and uncover édthrough ori?ces Mia and 79a. The pressure between ori?ce 153, effecting cut-in of the P2 governor by bleed these two ori?ces (PR4)) is varied by the T6 temperature ing off pressure The rate of cut-in, with pressure sensor 11 which in effect reduces PR4 to a value (PRp), error signal, is a function of the diaphragm 152. size, lower than PM by the amount of increase in T6 tempera 25 net governor spring 15% rate, and the selected ori?ces of ture or bleed oil0 through ori?ce 73a. The T6 sensor 11 the secondary metering system. operates on di?erential expansion between the tube 75 The pressure drop across ori?ce We, applied across vand contained rod 76, to uncover ori?ce 78a as a function the diaphragm T45, acting on the augmentation valve of T6. , With ori?ce 34a closed, and no ?ow through Md, will add fuel flow to the secondary system in parallel ori?ce 141, the pressure PR4, (equal to PR4”) positions the ‘WP, metering valve 47 against its loading spring 67. with the secondary metering valve 114, proportional to the amount of N2 governor cut-in. This augmentation Fuel ?ow WFl through the metering valve 47 is a func_ fuel ?ow ‘NF? will be zero at zero cut-in and rise to a tion of valve position only, since the primary ?ow meter maximum preset value at some percentage of cut-in. ing head regulator 53, operates to maintain a constant Since the augmentation ?ow Wm, is desired only dur pressure drop across the metering valve 47. The metering 35 ing acceleration of the engine, means is provided to shut head regulator 53 senses'this differential pressure and off augmentation ?ow during deceleration. This will be bypasses pump output ?ow to pump inlet 17, as required discussed below. With decreasing N2 shaft horsepower to regulate the metering head. load, augmentation flow to the secondary is increased The control pressure P2 is sensed by transducer 125 to optimize performance. and converted to the required biased PR2 pressure, by the 40 The engine is decelerated by retarding the power lever same method that was utilized by the P4 transducer 68. The pressure PR2, equal to PR2 (when there is no ?ow through ori?ce 116), positions the W512 metering valve 114- in accordance with the requirements of the engine, as shown in FIGURE 7. The position of the metering valve 119, as with valve 47 in the primary system, determines the secondary fuel flow, (WFZ), since 93 from any higher power lever setting to a lower lever setting. Retarding the power lever angle will unload the gov ernor ?yweignts 37, causing the tees to rise to a high position and completely uncover ori?ce 84a. This re duces PR4” pressure to a lower value, causing the meter ing valve 127 to close off toward a minimum value, and the pressure differential across valve 119 is maintained reducing the primary metered flow ‘N11 to the engine. constant by the secondary metering head regulator 125. The secondary ?ow metering head regulator 125 senses The engine will then decelerate to a new steady state the pressure differential across metering valve 119 and throttles the pump output pressure PF, which is estab lished by the primary flow system, to maintain a ?xed head across the secondary metering valve 119 (and, as will be discussed later, the augmentation ?ow valve 144) . power lever angle. The fuel control system will accelerate the engine until steady state conditions (as dictated by the power lever setting) are achieved. Steady state control is maintained by the N2 governor 85 and P2 governor, respectively, for the primary and secondary systems. General governor operation is indicated in FIGURE 9 for‘ both the N2 operating point, corresponding to the newly selected The NZ governor dashpot 97-99 will retard, or cause a time delay, in the rate of reset of the N2 speed, in the decelerating direction, to equalize the deceleration times of the two engine rotors and prevent low-pressure com pressor surge, as indicated in FIGURE 11. Retarding of the throttle 93 will, (as in the primary system) uncover bleed 15$, reducing pressure PR2’, and hence secondary fuel ?ow WFZ. The N1 speed will reset at a lower value, corresponding to the new lower selected throttle position, as dictated by the P2 pressure. and P2 system. As previously mentioned, the augmentation ?ow is not The N2 governor 85 setting is established by the pre desired during engine deceleration because deceleration load force in the spring 89 loading the governor ?y time will be increased. In accordance with this require weight 37 toes. The preload of the spring 89 is in 65 ment, reduction of the throttle angle FLA will produce creased with increasing power lever angle PLA through simultaneous opening of ori?ce 157, causing the high the cam 95, roller 88, and lever 86 arrangement to increase set speed with power lever angle. The T1 temperature sensor also increases this preload, with in pressure signal to the augmentation valve 144 to be reduced (note ori?ce lldl in the line 14d to the augmenta tion valve). The augmentation valve 1-434} will then close creasing Tl temperature, to maintain set values of cor rected speed. The governor S5 setting, as a function of and open only during N2 governor cut-in. during decelerations, remain closed during accelerations, T1 and PLA, is indicated by FIGURE 10. As the N2 governor ,?yweight 87 centrifugal force in creases with N2 speed, and at the point where said force instant that power tur ine set speed is exceeded. equals the spring $5? prcload (as determined by T1 and centrifugal force generated by the spinning valve 219 is The power turbine speed governor 21}. operates to cut in and reduce N2 and P2 settings sinultaneously at the 1 The 3,186,902 26 25 balanced by the pressure PRPT developed between ori?ces 171 and 173, The pressure PRPT, acting on the diameter of the valve 219 in the control will, at the overspeed con~ dition, cause an unbalance condition between the dia phragm spring 178 load and the pressure generated dia phragm 174 force. This unbalance will simultaneously uncover ori?ces 178, 18th and 181 to reduce primary and secondary metered fuel flows, and shut off the augmenta tion fuel ?ow. The relative rates of cutback of the pri mary and secondary fuel ?ows will be determined by selec tion of the diaphragm loading spring 178, diaphragm 17d size, and relative sizes of ori?ces 179, and 181. The load ing spring 220 on the rotating valve 219 in the power turbine control has been included to insure that no leak ing the maximum fuel ?ow to said combustion chamber in accordance with the equation: wherein (W311) is the rate of said fuel flow, (K) is a pre selected constant, (P2) is the discharge pressure of said compressor, (T,;*) is the preselected maximum per missible temperature of gases entering said turbine, and (T3) is the temperature of the air leaving said recupera tor. 3. A fuel control according to claim 2, having means for measuring the recuperator outlet air temperature (T3), means for automatically substracting said temperature (T3) from said maximum temperature T?‘, means for age occurs during the cranking and starting of the engine. 15 automatically measuring said compressor discharge pres sure (P2), and computer means for mechanically multi The engine will be shutdown by turning off the ignition plying the dilference between said temperatures switch on valve 189 to simultaneously close both primary and secondary solenoid valves 49 and 132 and stop all fuel ?ow to. the engine. Both circuit pressurizing and check valves 59 and 133, 20 by said measured pressure (P2). 4. A fuel control according to claim 3, having a posi tionable fuel metering valve for regulating the fuel ?ow zles, will prevent undue dribbling of fuel into the com (W511), means for maintaining a constant pressure drop bustion chambers B1 and B2, and minimize coking of the across said valve, means to vary the position ‘of said nozzles therein. This might otherwise be a problem valve, in accordance with the output of said computer caused by long fuel lines slowly emptying into hot com means, and means to limit said fuel ?ow, in accordance bustion chambers. with said equation, so that said turbine is protected from The'control system case pressure (PC) is maintained at damage due to overtemperature. essentially ambient pressure by connecting case 4% to the 5. A fuel control according to claim 4, wherein said fuel tank 15 through a check valve 41. With the control case pressure P,c ?xed at an ambient reference, all hy 30 engine comprises a first and a second gas turbine, said ?rst turbine drives said compressor, and said second tur draulic pressures computed in the control refer to this which are mounted as close as possible to the engine noz ?xed reference, eliminating the need for balancing dia phragms. . i The requirement of control operation submerged in bine is a free power turbine which delivers the power output of said engine; and means for passing the gases discharged by said ?rst turbine successively through said deep water, such as may be called for in a tank type 35 second turbine and said recuperator, so that the heat of the gases passing through said recuperator is utilized to vehicle, will present no problem, since all ambient refer heat the compressed air passing through said recuperator. ences, such as exposed bellows and/ or diaphragms, have 6. A fuel control according to claim 5, having a posi been eliminated. The only required ambient reference tionable manual power control lever, and a speed gover— of the control will be a single line back to the fuel nor driven by said ?rst turbine, for regulating the speed tank. (N2) of said ?rst turbine, means for modifying the ac While we have shown and described the preferred em tion of said governor in accordance with the temperature bodiznent of our invention, we desire it to be understood (T1) of the air entering said compressor and the angular that we do not limit the invention to the precise con position of said manual control lever; means for render struction and arrangement of elements disclosed by way of illustration, since these may be changed and modi?ed 45 ing said governor inoperative when the control is limiting said fuel flow (WF1) in accordance with said equation; by those skilled in the art without departing from the and means for cutting in said governor when the cor spirit of our invention or exceeding the scope of the ap pended claims. rected speed (Nz/x/Tl) of said ?rst turbine attains a value for which said manual lever is set, so that said set Vvle claim: 1. In operative association with a gas turbine engine, 50 speed‘is maintained under varying operating conditions. 7. A control according to claim 6, having means for having a compressor supplying compressed air through a heat recuperator to a fuel combustion chamber, a fuel - control comprising: means supplying fuel to said com controlling the corrected speed (N2/\/T1) of said ?rst turbine, so that the torque (Q) exerted by said second turbine is a single-valued function of said corrected speed, bustion chamber, at a rate varying in accordance with the mass rate of air flow thereto, and means for automatically 55 whereby the maximum value of said torque (Q) is limited modifying the rate of ‘said fuel supply, in accordance with by a selected maximum value of said corrected speed. a function of the product of the compressor discharge 8. In operative association with a gas turbine engine, ressure and the temperature of the air leaving said comprising: a ?rst, low-pressure air compressor driven by recuperator, so that the temperature of the gases leaving a ?rst gas turbine, a second, high-pressure air compressor, said combustion chamber never exceeds a preselected divert by a second gas turbine, for supplying compressed maximum limit. air through a heat recuperator to a ?rst fuel combustion 2. In operative association with a gas turbine engine, chamber, a third, free-power turbine, interposed in gas' having a compressor supplying compressed air through a flow series relation between said ?rst and second turbines, for generating the power output of said engine, and a for discharging combustion gases generated in said cham 65 second fuel combustion chamber, interposed in gas flow ber successively through said turbine and recuperator; a series relation between said second andthird turbines; a fuel control comprising: means supplying fuel to said single-unit fuel control comprising: means for coordinate combustion chamber, in accordance with the mass rate of ly regulating fuel ?ow from a common supply source to air flow therethrough, and means for automatically modi said ?rst and second combustion chambers, in accordance fying the rate of said fuel supply in accordance with the with the rate of‘ mass air ?ow through said engine, and temperature of the air leaving said recuperator so as to means for automatically modifying the fuel flow to said compensate for the heat added to said air by said recupera ?rst combustion chamber, in accordance with the tem tor, whereby the temperature of the gases discharged from perature of the air leaving said recuperator, so that the said combustion chamber into said turbine never exceeds temperature of the gases leaving said ?rst combustion heat recuperator to a fuel combustion chamber, means a preselected maximum limit, including means for limit- > - chamber never exceeds a preselected maximum limit, in_ 3,1 ease-e c‘; . v mm a? eluding means for limiting the maximum fuel ?ow to said ?rst combustion chamber in accordance with the equation: wherein (WF1) is the rate of said fuel flow, (K) is a preselected constant, (P2) is the discharge pressure of said second compressor, (T,,*) is the preselected maxi mum permissible temperature of gases entering said sec ond gas turbine, and (T3) is the temperature of the air leaving said recuperator. 9. A control according to claim 8, including means, re- sponsive to the temperature (T1) of the air entering said ?rst compressor,'for automatically correcting said fuel operating conditions; the correcte' speed of each of said rotors being de?ned as its actual speed (N), divided by the square root of the temperature (T1) of the air enter ing its compressor, ii. A fuel control as in claim 14, wherein said control includes means for modifying fuel flow to said first combustion chamber, in accordance with the temperature of the air leaving said recuperator, so as to achieve opti mum fuel consumption rates, during engine steady-state 10 operation, Without encountering compressor surge and tur overtemperature. 16. A fuel control as in claim 15, wherein said engine also comprises a free power turbine for delivering the flow to the ?rst combustion chamber for each particular power output of said engine, and said control comprises (T1) temperature condition, so as to provide the desired 15 means, responsive to the temperature ("51) of the air steady-state operation of the engine, at optimum fuel con» entering said first compressor, for automatically con sumption rates and optimum temperature condition in trolling the corrected peed of said second gas turbine, said recuperator, without encounting compressor surge so that the torque exerted by said free power turbine is and turbine overternperature. independent of said (T1) temperature. 10. A fuel control according to claim 9, having means 20 17. A fuel control as in claim 15, wherein said control for measuring the recuperator outlet air temperature (T3) , means for automatically substracting said temperature (T3) from said maximum temperature T51‘, means for automatically measuring said compressor discharge pres sure (P2), and computer means for mechanically multi plying the difference between said temperatures, include means for obtaining maximum acceleration of the engine from one manual power lever setting to another, without causing compressor surge and engine vertem perature. 18. A fuel control as in claim 15, wherein said fuel control comprises means for modifying the fuel flow to said ?rst combustion chamber, so as to obtain maximum (Til-Ts). engine deceleration from any manual power lever setting by said measured pressure (P2). to any lower setting, without causing burner blowout. 11. A fuel control according to claim 10, having a posi 19. A fuel control as in claim 15, wherein said control tionable fuel metering valve for regulating the fuel flow comprises means to automatically compensate the fuel (Wm) to said first combustion chamber, means for main flow to said ?rst combustion chamber, for variations in taining a constant pressure drop across said valve, means the temperature and pressure of the air entering said to vary the position of said valve in accordance with the ?rst compressor, and for changes in temperature condi output of said computer means, and means to limit Said 35 tions in said recuperator. fuel ?ow, in accordance with said equation, so that said 20. A fuel control as in claim 15, wherein the fuel gas turbine is protected from damage due to overternpera supply to the engine comprises a primary fuel supply system for supplying fuel to the ?rst combustion chamber, 12. A fuel control according to claim 11, having a po and a secondary fuel supply system for supplying fuel to sitionable, manual power control lever, and a speed gov the second combustion chamber to supplement said ernor driven by said second turbine, for regulating the primary fuel supply; each system comprising a plurality speed (N2) of said second turbine, means for modifying of component, coordinated hydraulic devices, arranged the action of said governor in accordance with the tem therein in fuel ?ow series relation, and subject to the perature (T1) of the air entering said ?rst compressor manual power control lever, for regulatin<7 the fuel flow and the angular position of said manual control lever; therethrough to the engine; said devices in each system means for rendering said governor inoperative when the 45 being collectively responsive respectively to the corrected control is limting said fuel flow (W511) in accordance with speed and corrected fuel flow through its system; cor said equation; and means for cutting in said governor rected speed being the actual speed of a compressor rotor when the corrected speed (NZ/Vi) of said second tur divided by the square root of the temperature of the air bine attains a value for which said manual lever is set, so 50 entering said compressor; and corrected fuel flow being that said set speed is maintained under varying operating the actual r1161 flow to the related combustion chamber, conditions. multiplied by the pressure of the air entering the com 13. A control according to claim 12, having means for pressor supplying air to said chamber, and divided by controlling the corrected speed (NZ/V11) of said second the square root of the temperature of said air. turbine so that thetorque (Q) exerted by said free power 21. A fuel control as in claim 29, wherein the primary turbine is a single-valued function of said corrected speed, fuel system comprises a series of coordinated devices that whereby the maximum value of said torque (Q) is limited collectively measure low-pressure compressor inlet air by a selected maximum value of said corrected speed. absolute temperature, high-pressure compressor discharge pressure, recuperator discharge temperature, and engine 14. in operative association with a gas turbine engine, ture. . . comprising: a ?rst, low-pressure air compressor, driven by 60 speed (rpm); and position a primary fuel metering a ?rst gas turbine; a second, high-pressure air compressor, valve, in accordance with a preselected, composite func driven by a second gas turbine; for supplying compressed tion of said temperatures, pressure and speed, while the air through a heat recuperator to a ?rst fuel combustion pressure drop across said valve is maintained at a con stant selected value. chamber; and a second fuel combustion chamber, inter posed in gas flow series relation between said ?rst and 65 22. A fuel control as in claim 21, including override second turbines; a single-unit fuel control, comprising: a engine speed and temperature control devices, which manual power control lever, means for coordinately regu— modify the fuel flow to the engine, so as to prevent the lating fuel flow from a common supply source to said ?rst and second combustion chambers, so as to maintain the ratio between the corrected speeds of said first and second compressor rotors at a selected de?nite value, for each particular position of said lever, so that for each , lever position a selected value of second compressor rotor speed, and a corresponding steady-state discharge pres sure of said ?rst com ressor is obtained, under varvin , , 7 . c engine operatinw at excessive speeds and temperature. 23. In operative association with a two-spool, gas tur bine engine, comprising: a ?rst rotor, consisting of a low pressure air compressor driven by a ?rst gas turbine; at second rotor, consisting of a high pressure air compressor driven by a second gas turbine; said compressors supply ing compressed air through a heat recuperator to a ?rst fuel combustion chamber; and a second fuel combustion
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