Document 378964

Healthy Living
Colors of Fall
God looked down from Heaven and said,
“It’s time to put this summer to bed.”
The leaves are tired, they’re beginning to fall.
The squirrels are gathering food to feed
them all.
The birds are restless to be on their way,
They’ll return next spring, the first
sunny day.
Colors of Autumn
Thank you , God, for the colors of fall
Each one is a reminder of your
love for all.
Eileen Hutchinson
former Oakleaf Village resident
5500 Karl Road
Columbus, Ohio 43229
614.431.1739 Phone
614.431.0247 Fax
Select Home
Care will be conducting two important workshops for
Oakleaf residents during the month of
The first will be held on Thursday,
October 23 at 3:00. This workshop will
be centered on understanding the benefits of Medicare. We often don’t understand what services are available and
covered under the Medicare umbrella.
The second will be held on Thursday, October 30 at 3:00. During this
workshop a frank discussion will be held
on Life’s Little Oops Moments, Incontinence.
Both workshops will be held in our
multi-purpose room. Come to both and
gain valuable insight for your benefit.
October 2014
We all enjoy the colors of autumn leaves. The changing fall
foliage never fails to surprise and
delight us. Did you ever wonder
how and why a fall leaf changes
color? Why a maple leaf turns
bright red? Where do the yellows
and oranges come from?
Leaves are nature’s food factories. Plants take water from the
ground through their roots. They
take a gas called carbon dioxide
from the air. Plants use sunlight to
turn water and carbon dioxide into
oxygen and glucose. Oxygen is a
gas in the air that we need to
breathe. Glucose is a kind of sugar.
Plants use glucose as food for energy and as a building block for
The way plants turn water and
carbon dioxide into oxygen and
sugar is called photosynthesis.
That means “putting together with
light.” A chemical called chlorophyll helps make photosynthesis
happen. Chlorophyll gives plants
their green color.
As summer ends and autumn
comes, the days get shorter and
shorter. This is how the trees
“know” to begin getting ready for
During winter, there is not
enough light or water for photosynthesis. The trees will rest, and
live off the food they stored during
the summer. They begin to shut
down their food-making factories.
The green chlorophyll disappears
from the leaves.
As the bright green fades away,
we begin to see yellow and orange
colors. Small amounts of these colors have been in the leaves all
along. We just can’t see them in
the summer, because they are
covered up by the green chlorophyll.
The bright reds and purples we
see in leaves are made mostly in
the fall. In some trees, like maples,
glucose is trapped in the leaves
after photosynthesis stops.
Sunlight and the cool nights of autumn cause the leaves to turn this
glucose into a red color
The brown color of trees like
oaks is made from wastes left in
the leaves.
It is the combination of all these
things that make the beautiful fall
foliage colors we enjoy each year.
As we pause to enjoy autumn’s
splendor we are mindful that winter will soon be upon us. Take
some time to “treat yourself” to
the spectacular scenery mother
nature has painted.
Autumn greets us with skies of
brilliant blue to enhance the vibrant colored leaves. We may not
fully understand how mother nature changes the leaves of fall but
we can take time to marvel at its breath in our earthly
world at its best and simply enjoy!
In this issue
From the
Health Care
Birthdays &
In October
Picnics and Celebrations
Cicily Horan takes in the scenery
at Blendon Woods Metro Park.
Still plenty of great weather to be
had before winter makes the
Dear Residents,
It’s so hard for me to believe
summer is gone and the leaves
are beginning to change and fall
from the trees. I hope all of you
enjoyed the summer and are
ready to think about Halloween.
I would like to take a moment
to thank all of you that took the
time to complete the Resident
Satisfaction Survey this past August. The results have been
tabulated by the outside agency
that conducted the survey. As
the Executive Director I take
these results seriously and I
know the other managers at Oakleaf do as well. We will be reviewing the outcomes to determine where our successes are
and where we need to focus
more of our time and energy to
improve the services we offer to
you. Your input is truly appreciated. I hope in the coming
months you will notice these
As always, if you have any
concerns or issues that need addressed remember, my door is
always open. Once again, thank
you for choosing Oakleaf Village as your home. The staff
and I will continue to do our best
to meet and exceed your expectations.
Stephanie Hess
Executive Director
Bob Ernst took some
time for a stroll after
eating his lunch.
Bob was prepared
for the cooler temperatures with his
cozy jacket.
Oct. 3
Oct. 6
Oct. 9
Oct 9
Oct. 10
Oct. 14
Oct. 16
Oct. 17
Oct. 20
Oct. 23
Oct. 24
Oct. 27
Oct. 30
Oct. 31
Useful Resources
Still Holding Hands!
Our congratulations
go out to Chuck &
Clara Brahler.
On Sept. 13, they
celebrated 62 years
Two clinics are offered at
Oakleaf Village:
Mondays – 1-2:00 pm
Thursdays – 1-2:00 pm
Podiatrist visit:
Monthly – time & date to be posted
Christian Worship:
Wednesday – 10:45 am
Bible Study:
Mondays – 10:00 am
Catholic Prayer Service
1st Friday – 10:30 am
Catholic Mass
3rd Thursday – 10:30 am
Trips to grocery:
Tuesdays – 9:30 AM
Thursdays – 9:15 & 11:00 AM
Trips to bank/PO/RX:
Thursdays – 3:15 pm
Open forum meeting:
3rd Monday – 3:00 pm
Reading material and daily newspaper
available in our library located in lobby
October Birthday Celebration-M
With: Cathi Aldrich
Autoharp-Ann Schualbach-M
A Special Birthday!-M
With: Lydia Weaver-Haywood
Larry Cremeans-M
Happy Hour with Rich Weiner-M
AAUW Chorus Sings-M
Oktoberfest with Ken & Mary-M
Happy Hour with Bob Ford-M
One More Time String Band-M
Mike Stanley-M
Happy Hour with Donna Marie-M
Spittin’ Image-M
Al Mahan-M
Halloween with Todd Berry!-M
Oct. 6
Doris Ackerman
Oct. 6
Stanley Lerner
Oct. 9
Sara Bianchi
Oct. 9
Joanne Reid
Oct. 10
Kathleen Lenz
Oct. 11
Paul Muncy
Stephanie Keathley
Oct. 12
Kate Machmer
Oct. 18
Rose Kostynuk
Oct. 19
Twila Wagner
Oct. 20
Velma Davis
Oct. 21
Bill Stewart
Oct. 22
Dennis Damon
Oct. 23
Sue Bernardo
Oct. 25
Sarah David
Oct. 27
William Payne
Oct. 27
Linda Okyere
Oct. 28 Jennifer Starcher
Community Contacts
Stephanie Hess General Manager
Lisa James
Director of Nursing
Michelle Spiert
Business Office Manager
Beyna Barre
Food Service Manager
Debbie Kelsik
& Kristin Miller
Marketing Directors
Suzi Heit
Activity Director
Don Courtright
Maintenance Supervisor
Beth Loomis
Housekeeping Supervisor
Stephanie Keathley
Dining Room Supervisor
Gina White
Hired on 10/28/1996
John Newman
Hired on 10/01/09
Ashley Washington
Hired on 10/02/13
Eunice Addae
Hired on 10/24/13
Josephine Bangura
Hired on 10/24/13
9:30 Trip to Athens, Ohio
Lunch at Olde Dutch Restaurant
Dairy Barn Quilt Show
10:45 Christian Worship-M
7:00 Lessons We Can Learn
From Our Grief-M
Church Transportation
2:15 Scenic Drive
2:15 Sunday Movie
Church Transportation
2:15 Scenic Drive
2:15 Sunday Movie
9:30 Shop at Giant Eagle
10:30 What’s In The News-L
2:00 Scenic Drive
3:00 Fall Apple Pie Social-M
With: Select Home Care
7:30 AAUW
Ladies Chorus-M
10:00 Bible Study-M
11:00 Arthritis Foundation
Exercise Program-M
1:00 Health Clinic-A
1-2:00 Columbus Library
Lobby Stop!-L
3:00 Open Forum-M
7:30 One More Time String
2710:00 Bible Study-M
11:00 Arthritis Foundation
Exercise Program-M
1:00 Health Clinic-A
With: Select Home Care
3:00 Afternoon Entertainment-M
Spittin’ Image
6:30 Bible Study-M
7:30 Euchre-A
10:45 Christian Worship-M
10:45 Let’s Lunch!
Applebees at Graceland
9:30 Shop at Meijer
10:30 What’s in the News-L
1:30 Lower Body Strength-M
2:00 Scenic Drive
3:00 Afternoon Music in the
Lydia Haywood Harpist
7:30 Euchre-A
11:00 Capital Area Humane Society
1:30 Candy Bingo-M
7:30 Independent Card
12-2:00 Manicures-A
3:00 B’Day Celebration-M
Music by: Cathi Aldrich
7:30 Pay Bingo-A
10 8:30-9:30
Pancake Breakfast
10:30 Forest Park Christian
School Kindergarten Class
Visits in Lobby!
12-2:00 Manicures-A
3:00 Happy Hour-M
Music by: Rich Weiner
7:30 Pay Bingo-M
10:30 Crosswords-L
1:30 Candy Bingo-M
7:30 Independent Card
9:15 Load the Bus!
Battelle Darby Metro Park
Lunch at Ann & Tony’s
In West Jefferson
10:45 Christian Worship-M
1:00 Shop at Polaris
1:00 Health Clinic-A
1:30 Arthritis Foundation
Exercise Program-M
3:00 Understanding
Medicare Benefits-M
3:30 Joy of Painting-A
3:15 Bank/PO/RX
7:30 Mike Stanley-M
30 9:15&11:00 Kroger Shuttle
10:45 Christian Worship-M
2:00 Mid-Week Bingo!-M
3:30 Load the Bus!
Dinner at Der Dutchman
In Plain City
12-2:00 Manicures-A
3:00 Happy Hour-M
Music by: Bob Ford!
Door Prizes by: Select
Home Care
7:30 Pay Bingo-M
9:15&11:00 Worthington
Kroger Shuttle
1:00 Shop at Dollar Store
1:00 Health Clinic-A
3:00 Ocktoberfest-M
Music by: Ken & Mary
3:15 Bank/PO/RX
23 9:15&11:00 Kroger Shuttle
9:30 Shop at Kroger Marketplace
10:30 What’s in the News-L
2:00 Scenic Drive
3:00 New Resident Welcome-M
The Laurels of Worthington
7:30 Euchre-A
Activity Programs are held in: Multi-purpose Room (M); Lobby (L); Dining Room (D)
Calendar subject to change. Changes will be posted when needed.
10:30 Catholic Prayer-M
9:15&11:00 Kroger Shuttle
1:00 Shop at Marc’s&Kohls
1:00 Health Clinic-A
3:00 A Special Birthday
Music by: Lydia Haywood
3:15 Bank/PO/RX
7:30 Larry Creameans-M
10:30 Catholic Mass-M
10:00 Bible Study-M
1:00 Health Clinic-A
With:Select Home Care
1:30 Arthritis Foundation
Exercise Program-M
3:00 Columbus Day
Facts & Fun!-L
7:30 Euchre-A
9:15&11:00 Kroger Shuttle
1:00 Shop at Wal-Mart
1:00 Health Clinic-A
1:30 Arthritis Foundation
3:00 Joy of Painting-A
3:15 Bank/PO/RX
10:45 Christian Worship-M
10:45 Lunch at Red Lobster on Sawmill
1:00 Movie & Popcorn-M
The Nutty Professor!
9:00 Sit N’Sip
Church Transportation
2:15 Scenic Drive
2:15 Sunday Movie
10:00 Hooked on Hearing
10:30 What’s in the News-L
1:30 Arthritis Foundation
Exercise Program-M
2:00 Scenic Drive
3:00 Come & Make-A
Boo-tiful Door Décor!
7:30 Euchre-A
10:00 Bible Study-M
1:00 Health Clinic-A
With: Select Home Care
2:00 Auto Harp-M
Wtih: Ann Schualbach
3:30 Lobby Trivia Time-L
7:30 Euchre-A
Church Transportation
2:15 Scenic Drive
2:15 Sunday Movie
7 9:30 Shop at The Andersons
1:00 Shop at Ohio Thrift
1:00 Health Clinic-A
1:30 Arthritis Foundation
Exercise Program-M
3:00 Life’s Little Oops
3:30 Joy of Painting-A
3:15 Bank/PO/RX
7:30 Al Mahan-M
10:30 Word Games-L
1:30 Candy Bingo-M
7:30 Independent Card
12-2:00 Manicures-A
3:00 Happy Hour-M
Music by: Donna Marie
7:30 Pay Bingo-M
12-2:00 Manicures-A
3:00 A Very Spooky Happy
Music by: Todd Berry
7:30 Pay Bingo-M
10:30 Crosswords-L
1:30 Paper Bingo-M
7:30 Independent Card