Document 379009

li’atenled llera i571, lilith
U 1l TE.
finemente oeAnNLo-r Onestat-nn Mnsoeorresnrïrs~
‘Application `tiled 'February 14, i927.
'-'nvonti in reh'd‘rs to a jiafclt“particular
A‘ned ifor the purpose ot reineving`
ds, piper` or t like which they
„sie lodggjed or '
cned in the wel]
_ie/“ts filigghtlv into the central einanintifol the
A cooperating chori; _n'lein‘ber 15 is
i ¿y moimted inthe `opposite side ol" the
, A
and ‘has similar cori,
ations on `its 60
.a isod‘lhat it ner'fessary to exert n eonsiderable 1Vdiner tane. Mtl-shaped ‘yoke inei'nher ltl‘has
¿orco „either with or without a twi l ing,4 ino `hoth dem: pass-finir lthrongli. thehead 8 anden
ïtion for “the `propose‘et »removing the saine. traded ( ; their enter ends `lov nuts 1_7. An
rl‘heäinv tion coversva siinple and `ediei'ent adju-stintr screw lll
screw threaded .through
construe n which may :be need dzo remove the ì_volte and bears‘at its inner end ‘against
In this rn‘anner ‘the
1W either >a rod Aor ’al hollow ‘pipe hv either a the `clinch ‘ineniher
fdi‘reet ’litti V<neovenient for-a lifting sinove clni'cle inenrher ‘may 'be p . ntion‘e‘d as desired
Anient 'conihined with ‘a twisting; finovement, at first1byadjnstinent of `the“ yoke 16'l through
fDetailedßo‘bjects 'of theiinvention will .beep :the'serew 17 land iinallysbjv nieansotït'heiad
1 îe'ent troni the `tollowi‘n'gidetailed descrip j listing; screw 18.
The head 8 is‘p‘rovid‘ed aït‘its s'i‘tleswvith
ears lll which have opei'rings therethrough
Figure 1 .is `Ia‘persp‘eetiae ‘viewot' fthe de ‘to receive asi-od ‘EEO `'hjv means ‘off whichthe
ta ‘tion Tand the appended claims.
In the drawings:
vice in operative position tor removing a head may 'be turned. di loose ’collarïíll over
llios the head 8 and is heldin position ‘by a
Í‘Fi’pnire Q, is a itop iplan view ‘ot the .saine head
`on the ripper `end ‘of ‘the screw 7
whieh may he conveniently termed by press
Figure ll is ‘a vertieal `sectional `view ing outi'rardly the metal to engage la ‘slight
flange ion the `lower part ‘ofthe collar: Ball
'through the jack.
`inay be interposed `between ‘the
The Adevice ieoniprises a fbase “member `l bearings
`-which preferably ‘of ätrnsto-eonie‘al torni collar 2l :and the head in. order ‘to permit
with t‘he‘drill iin section.
and is provided at one side with a handle@ tree relative movement `’between these two
`and at the “opposite “side `with
`hole 3 parts.
T - it is `desiretl to `nso the ja'eh to “remove
through which may he Lpaîssed la( rod 4_- by
‘ll il "or similar lool, `the jack is passed
means of which the base may be held against
tanning inoveinent it necessary. The bese ove. ne upper ond olf the drill aintil the
is hollow and at its upper end has an in
hase rests upon the fe'ronnd or a suitable
ternal cylindrical portion which is serew support as shown in Figure l. The movable
threaded as indicated at 5. lWith these screw ehncl'; lli is then 'torced into engagement
threads engage erternal screw threads 6 on with the drill so that the latter is clamped 90
i a hollow screw member 7 which is provided between the two chucks. The rod 20 is in
with a head 8 ot larger diameter. The lower
end of the screw 7 is provided with an eX
ternal flange 9 torlned b_v a washer which is
removably fastened tothe screw 7 in any de
sired rnanner. rl`his is designed to Contact
with shoulders l() on the inside ot the base
and limit the upward movement of the screw.
Located between the upper end of the base
l and the head 8 ot the screw 7 is a bush
«if» ine,r or washer l1 provided with a plurality
sorted into one oit the hollow ears 'i9 and the
head 8 is turned thereby. This turning
movement, of Course, imparts a turning
inovenient to the drill which is clamped to
the head and at the saine time the engage
ment oit the screw thread t5 of the screw 7
with the screw threads 5 ot the hase will
cause the screw 7 and drill to nieve upward
lv It found neeessargY the hase inay be held
in position hy means ot the rod ¿l and han
of lugs 12 which lit into corresponding open dle 2.
It it is desired to give a direct pull with
ings in the. top of the hase l and prevent _ro
tary movement ot the bushing. The inside out any turning movement, the clinch l5 is
ol’ this bushing is screw threaded to engi/'aire loosened so that the ohnelis do not engage
the screw thread 6. The screw threads in the drill nienihen el wrench B is clamped
to the drill stein A _inst above the collar 2l
the base may be omitted.
A ehnclt ineinher 13 having eorrugations and. held to prevent any rotation of the
on its inner tace inonnted in the head 8 and drill no The head is then turned by means
held in position hy a rod 14: passing; through ot’ the rod QU as ln'eviouslv, and this turning'
the head and .said chuck ineniher. The cor» movement 'will impart a longitudinal nieve
migrated portion all the ol „ h' ineniher pra» ”o; nt. to the seres-f 'l' and the head ti het will
not impart any turning movement to the
3. A jack comprising a hollow base inein
drill A. It may be noted that the device ber, a hollow screw member screw~thrcadcd
may also be used as a lifting jack by placing _in said base and having a head, a chuck
it so that the object to be lifted rests upon member rigidly held in said head` a cooper
the collar 21 and turning the head 8 in the ating chuck member adjustably mounted in
usual manner.
said head, means for adjusting the latter
It will be evident that the invention pro chuck member to clamp on article passingr
vides a simple and efficient mechanism adapt through the hollow head between the chucks,
ed to clamp` any rod, drill or hollow pipe and means for turning- said head to both ro
without the necessity of any special pro tate said article and move it longitudinally.
visions or unusual construction of the drill
4. A jack comprising a hollow base mem~
Y vor pipe. It lis also apparent 'that merely a ber, a hollow screw member screw-threaded
longitudinal movement may be imparted to in said base and having a head, relatively
the drill >orvpipe or a combined longitudinal adjustable chuck jaws carried by said head
and twisting movement may be obtained by in position to engage an article passing
a simple 'adjustment of the mechanism. through the hollow screw member, a collar
vThe ¿precise formand 4proportions of the va rotatably mounted on said head and means
rious parts maybe widely varied and de for turning said head.
tails of construction may be changed with
5. A jack comprising a hollow base mem~
Voutinany way departing fromv the spirit of ber, a hollow screw member screw-threaded
i the invention, which is to be regarded as in said base and having a head, relatively
limitedßonlyby the scope of the appended adjustable chuck jaws carried by said head
'- .
claim as my invention:
within the same and in position to engage
an article passing through the hollow screw
member, screw means for adjusting one of
g1. A jack- comprising a hollow vbase mem
ber, >a' hollow>> screw member- screw-threaded said chuck members, and means for turning
in said'base» and having a head, and relative~ the head.
`ly adjustableV chuck jaws carried by said 6. A jack comprising a hollow base 1nein~
_ head within the same _and in position to en~ ber, a hollow internally screw-threaded
, gage an article
screw member.
passing through the hollow bushing held against rotation on said base,
a hollow screw member screw threaded into 70
-2." A jack comprising a hollow base mem said bushing and having a head, relatively
ber,- a hollow screw member screw-threaded adjustable chuck jaws carried by said head
in said basev and having a head, a chuck within the same, and means for turning said
7V" ymember rigidly held in said head, a cooper head.
ating chuck member adjustably mounted in
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
said head, and means for adjusting the latter subscribed my name.
Chuck member to clamp an v‘article passing
through the hollow head between the chucks.