Arrival instructions to Seurakuntaopisto Järvenpää Campus

Arrival instructions to Seurakuntaopisto Järvenpää Campus
Seurakuntaopisto is located in Järvenpää, 40 kilometers north of Helsinki.
Address: Järvenpääntie 640, Järvenpää
By bus
Buses leave from Helsinki bus station Kamppi platforms 10 and 11 in the Hyrylä–Järvenpää–(Mäntsälä) direction. Travelling time is about one hour. Ask the driver to alert you at the stop: “Ainola”. Timetables:
By train
Commuter trains R and H run to Järvenpää once an hour from Helsinki and Riihimäki. Travelling time is about 30-35
minutes. There is about 2 km walk or taxi ride from the Järvenpää railway station.
Commuter train H stops at Ainola railway stop and there is about 1,5 km walk to campus. Follow guide signs to Ainola museum. Timetables:
By car
From Helsinki: Drive the Lahti Motorway (E75) until the Järvenpää south turnoff (the ramp 10), (and the same from the
Lahti direction). After about half a kilometer, turn to the left
towards Tuusula (road 145, “Poikkitie”). Continue until the roundabout and turn to the left towards Tuusula. After
some 250 meters you will see the sign of Seurakuntaopisto on the right.
From Järvenpää: It is some 2 km to walk or drive along “Sibeliuksenväylä /Järvenpääntie” (to Tuusula) in the direction of Helsinki. On the right there is the sign Seurakuntaopisto.
By plane
From the Helsinki-Vantaa airport there is a bus connection (bus 61) and train to Tikkurila. Continue by commuter train
R or H in the direction Riihimäki. Get off the train in Järvenpää.
Seurakuntaopisto | Järvenpääntie 640 | 04400 Järvenpää | p. 0207 76 4000 |