31.8.-4.9.2015 Introduction to Master Studies in Engineering SCHEDULE GROUPS All International students TIME Monday 31.8. Tuesday 1.9. Wednesday 2.9. Thursday 3.9. Friday 4.9. Place Otakaari 4, room 216 Otakaari 4, room 216 Otakaari 4, room 216 Otakaari 4, room 216 Otakaari 1, A-hall 09:00 AM Deans welcome, A-hall, Otakaari 1 Study skills Orientation ENG Program infos Orientation Aalto 09:30 AM Deans welcome Study skills Orientation ENG Program infos Orientation Aalto 10:00 AM Enrollment Otakaari 4, r.103 Study skills Orientation ENG Program infos Orientation Aalto 10:30 AM Enrollment Scientific writing Orientation ENG Group work Orientation Aalto 11:00 AM Enrollment Scientific writing Guilds Group work Orientation Aalto 11:30 AM Lunch Plagiarism Guilds Group work Orientation Aalto Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Communication in an international team Lunch Lunch Lunch Orientation Aalto Group work skills Aalto opening ceremony Library service Group work presentation Orientation Aalto Group work Aalto opening ceremony Library service Group work presentation Orientation Aalto Group work Aalto opening ceremony Library service Group work presentation Orientation Fair Group work Group work Group work Group work presentation Orientation Fair Presentation skills Group work Group work Group work presentation Presentation skills Group Photo Amfi!! Group work Group work presentation 12:00 AM Course introd., room 216, Otakaari 4 12:30 PM 01:00 PM 01:30 PM 02:00 PM 02:30 PM 03:00 PM 03:30 PM 04:00 PM Aalto Party 04:30 PM Aalto Party 05:00 PM Aalto Party OtaOrientation 05:30 PM Aalto Party OtaOrientation 06:00 PM Aalto Party OtaOrientation 06:30 PM Aalto Party OtaOrientation 07:00 PM Information about the Introduction week: Planning officer Börje Helenius [email protected] Tel: +358 50 590 6338 OtaOrientation Eng-0.4101 Introduction to Master's Studies in Engineering (1 cr) MONDAY 31.8.2015 9 am 9.50 am 11.00 12.00 12.30 1 pm 1.30 pm 3-4 pm Fresh students at Deans welcome Otakaari 1, A-hall International student enrollment K1, Otakaari 4 Lunch Course Introduction professor Pentti Kujala, Otakaari 4, room 216 Communication in an international team, University Teacher Maurice Forget Group work skills, Study Counselling Psychologists Minna Nevala and Timo Tapola Group work starts, introducing the groups and assessment Presentations skills, University Teacher Maurice Forget TUESDAY 1.9.2015 9 am 10.30 am 11.30 am 12.00 1pm 4pm Study skills, Minna Nevala, Otakaari 4, room 216 Scientific Writing, University Teacher Maurice Forget Plagiarism, University Teacher Maurice Forget Lunch Aalto Opening Ceremony (Registration) Group Photo, Otakaari 1, Amfi Aalto ENG Party, Alvarin aukio (Outside) WEDNESDAY 2.9.2015 9 am 11 am 12.00 1-2 pm Orientation ENG (also for Exchange students), External Customers Service, Otakaari, 4 room 216, School service, enrollment to courses, exams, academic rules, code of conduct etc… Student Guilds, activities for students Lunch Library Service, Kirsi Heino, Otakaari 4, room 216 THURSDAY 3.9.2015 9 am 12.00 1 pm 5 pm Program Info´s (different rooms, separate schedule for program info) Meet professors in your Master´s program, curricular info Lunch Group work presentations, Otakaari 4, room 216 OtaOrienteering, social program (Guilds) FRIDAY 4.9.2015 9 am 12.00 2.15-3 pm Orientation Aalto, Services for students, Otakaari 1, A-hall Aalto Services: Health Care, Sport, AYY, Career service etc… Lunch Fair in the A-hall lobby: banks, associations, services etc…
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