From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 1948 3: 465-469 A STUDY OF SICKLING OF YOUNG ERYTHROCYTES IN SICKLE CELL ANEMIA JANET WATSON Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. A STUDY OF SICKLING OF YOUNG ERYTHROCYTES CELL ANEMIA By T HE COMPARATIVE tients with active comment by several and Shapiro3 to part to the students was tendency of a crisis disease.” of the 2, This 3 red cells might on aging, The . in the plain be due in which fact smear in pato arouse led Murphy crises to sickle be beneficial cells normoblasts striking observation of hemolytic of itself of sickle seemed to lend further of sickle cell patients, in the sickled form. Ia, occurrence might percentage therefore of sickled reticulocytes and disease has been sufficiently the SICKLE M.D. WATSON, of that that increasing a higher wards smears ulocyte scarcity sickle cell postulate the reticulocytosis showed JANET IN that before their crises in case patient than after- support to this theory. In reviewing many blood I was able to find only two normoblasts and one reticA quantitative study of the sickling of reticulocytes undertaken. MATERIAL Three Kings patients with County active sickle were chosen Hospital high percentage ate mixture was cell ofreticulocytes and sickle cells in their used as an anticoagulant for the venous Oxalated solution. was normoblasts present. It was lum. normoblasts be counted of the to uneven AND preparation. of the presumably through 37C., the Hematology Clinic they consistently showed blood. blood The Wintrobe obtained. brilliant cresyl parts and to be the method, This irregularity to sickle. The lowering oxygen mentioned an accelerating tension intervals. sickled by of the and on by metabolism. full sickling Platelet used Cresyl One in a sealed blue stains tinguished from and of the hemoglobin role the the were From orthochromatic of blue and it happens to of the normoblasts in their cytoplasm, their in sickling ghosts has obtained were mature could in different largely of the distribution ability due red may been in the presented by lysis of their of Medicine, Long recently College state. Two blood also be found incubation of the Further who their of Medicine, Brooklyn, that to sickle. N. Y. not that none at 37 C., have showed layer that is easily latter evidence ability bully . of normoklts. but normoblasts by Ponder, lost The network It was surprising. they B.). sickling reticular 2.4 hours orthochromatic is not 465 after sickled the hemoglobin, Island (W. the normoblasts, The normoblasts. sickled to sickle patient to study reticulated. basophilic Since one in order polychromatophilic be were to sickle. from above, basophilic normoblasts failed Department the staining however, into was as described unless bodies, made the cytoplasm diffuse marrow made polychromatophilic of hemoglobin cytes of sternal normoblasts basophilic Howelljolly cc. preparation, orthochromatic most cases of reticu- reticulocytes is probably the all occasional of sickling others, effect cent This as the packed irregularity per In as the as soon were sickling the in o.8 preparation. as well which progressive been have at frequent reticulocytes of blue slip reticulocytes reticulocytes because has which slide-cover sickling the of the immature however, leukocytes, for included most most last this per cent the standard examined This that of the ofo. .. ( b) Bone Marrow. the a oxal- afactor.6 was of RESULTS to make hours. impression appeared distribution cells,4’ the by equal used to four of some accurately same at two the exception with mixturewas incubated within with was mixed of the complete red cells, parts drop paraffin, was The blood One sealedwith sickling not because Preparation ( a) Blood. NaCI from study METHODS Sealed I . anemia for type when of the whereas containing a full for of dis- the quota primary menisco- of From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 466 a. SICKLED Gas Chamber of paraffin nitrogen the hanging the was essentially of glass. can The be studied dynamic to sickle cells. Rarely would being made lost from view. Occasionally this method, as well as that 3 . Gas A Test test Tube CELL ANEMIA x 40 i through can oil the quantitative of the permit was lens, easily. this Here rapidity timing hemoglobin slower mixture immersion great except of the and the and the red cells method has the advantage most of the two minutes two types of the of sickling result wreath” Because in reticulocytes sickling-about periodic was dioxide Since transformation Sherman ‘holly unsatisfactory. the chamber carbon used. again of the in the process sickling that necessary.#{176} Both blood be watched but Gillespie9 found in the of reticulum forms of sickle cells4 of these disadvantages removal of cells for counting follows. BLE Patient with mm., a rubber TA the blue the formation of the of the sealed preparation, would as with and was Method tube, needles which devised cresyl the impossible outlet saline red cells, the rearrangement method was same other sickling-made purposes SICKLE by Hahn sealed of sickling as the for complete a chamber described directly process as fast that A water for sickling. drop active seemed used instead used were that IN Method The apparatus made ERYTHROCYTES a capacity stopper. The -Progressive I Time of outflow Sickling cc. was (per upon Sickle 100 RISC) (per I a gas inflow with of Reticuloc.ytes Reliculocytes in (‘1)2 set up with equipped was a water Aeration Cells 100 RBC) and seal. with outflow Carbon Carbon Sickled was used Dioxide Sickled (per Reticulocytes (per via a.-gage dioxide 160 RBC) Reticulocytes 100 relics.) mm. L.J. 9.5 0 10.5 2. 10.0 9.C 10 W.B. for sickling. to found 0.0 0.0 4.0 2.0.5 2.1.0 69.5 ‘3.5 64.3 2.0.0 90.0 ‘7.5 87.5 0 15.0 2. 16.5 ‘‘‘5 33.5 the red cell of the 76.0 ‘4.5 93.5 removed through of 4.0 the saline cresyl blue blood were Reticulocyte mersion of of needle fading 94.4 15.0 cc. be as good 77.7 8. a8.o La-gage slow 7.0 92..5 ‘9.5 of blood to 8i.o 2.0.5 samples fixation. due One 45.0 2. 10 Small and a 4.5 0 I0 J.W. I 9.0 0.0 0.0 45.0 the cell and sickle the reticulum a fixative suspension and The had standard placed sickle blood A a per io per cent on a slide cells. under Only was 9.5 67.8 89.6 immediately cent cells into the inverted test tube. oil with an oiled immediately and slip, were solution had and counted tuberculin injected in order formalin solution a cover aoo 2.7.3 introduced under to be done in formalin. as the was reticulocytes counts was intervals stopper. 0.0 4.5 13.0 mixture at appropriate rubber 0.0 less into to avoid a count because was saline effect. made under of the for inaccuracy in normal of a fading syringe formalin time was A drop oil im- factor of fading. The found order data per obtained ioo to calculate are RBC was the shown divided percentage in table by the of sickled i . The number number of sickled of reticulocytes reticulocytes in terms reticulocytes per 100 of total RBC reticulo- in From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. JANET cytes. By comparing these figures 467 WATSON with those for the percentage of total sickled cells, it is evident that the rate ofsickling of the reticulocytes rate of sickling of the whole red cell population. A reticulocyte is quite similar in the sickled is shown in figure i. A possible theoretic are an ordinary smear ing. In tube with chamber, carbon answer examined objection is that to this two fact abnormal was amount into and the sickle cells interferes blood an equal introduced minutes, that shape objection, after which dioxide, was after to the the not the completely of saline the test sickled with to the form reticulated in supravital sickled stain- in the test cresyl blue, previously aerated tube under oil. The blood was reticulocytes were found to he well stained. %:‘ # _ FIG. FIGURE Meniscocvtes 1. stained with \Vright’s stain. sickled shape to the biconcave developed elongated I by carbon dioxide, are shown in the sickled proce Cells disk. Note scsatthe the stained with process sickled crcsvl of unsickling reticulocytc at the ends.Theblackspotswith Fio. 2. bloc and with transition left. immediately Two refractiletiontoi:rs counter- forms are the from crcsent forms have artcfact in photog- raphy. FIGURE crescent, These sickled In all quickly Peripheral 2.. seven elliptical cells three blood and lack smear oval with sickle used, within sickling a few blue cresyl cells can the bizarre shapes seen in Fig. methods reversible stained shaped Wright’s stain. None seen. of the Three sickle reticulocytes cells and are reticulated. i. of all seconds and be upon erythrocytes and admission normoblasts of oxygen to the was system. DISCuSSIoN Direct counting of the progressive sickling of reticulocytes on aeration with car- bon dioxide (table i) by means of a gas test tube chamber has shown that most reticulocytes sickle as well as the more mature cells. However, it was noted in this and in the other methods used that the reticulocytes with the largest amount of reticulum were somewhat mature usually slow. cells have late Although a lower in sickling. this oxygen may be The few due to tension normoblasts the threshold possibility for observed that sickling, the there were also most im- is an a!- From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 468 SICKLED ternative explanation reticulum may The ERYTHROCYTES that the presence mechanically virtual absence IN SICKLE CELL of a nucleus interfere with of reticulated or of a large the sickle ANEMIA sickling cells in the ordinary paradoxic at first glance. The sickle cells seen in the fixed ferent from the ones produced by in vitro sickling.2’ 6, 9 shaped, elliptic, or oval and do not have the long processes tions. When viewed directly in a hanging drop, these forms or more nitrogen, elongated processes at the pointed and to revert to their original going on to the should normal perhaps that have lost periods of time is their ‘ from vessels. and Bibb2 who in their pleural Diggs cells blood For smears. this being Good of stained (fig. smear The seems 2.) appear former are dif- crescent seen in sickled preparaare seen to send out one with carbon dioxide or with oxygen without reason these It may be that abortive sickle they are cells old cells kept in the sickled shape for long evidence for the role of stagnation had three or ascitic It should smear blood on aeration on aeration terminology. ‘ sickle stained forms. a distinctive their ‘elasticity’ in stagnant blood by presented irreversible discoid have ends shape quantity process. patients with fluid, although be possible sicklemia who had they had none in to produce these crescent forms in vitro by keeping cells in their sickled shape for long periods of time, but attempts so far have been unsuccessful.* It is a well known fact that sickle cells are not seen the in blood since the occur in smears oxygen fixed nation with of erythrocytes sickled perfused young cells, shape in vivo. cell increasing reflected have Or these more This (i8 could mm. be Hg)4 the crisis Ifwe accumulation in the peripheral is not surprising. The be an important destruction of the old A personal maintained oxygen . patients technic or preliminary in the those showing equilibration and so per cent carbon Dr. form was the with may Tomlinson’s predicted would never and and the the trait and Shu Chu sterile for during dioxide. only indicates unable incubation hours. also that cannot be of sickled as well that This to a gas little sickle signifi- their could abnorbe an necessarily among being various of the sickled Thus, a crisis results of new young red as other sterile the noted cells” and that there fragility of defibrinated exposure estimated finding” this increase diverse reports to reassume twenty-four continuous the are entirely fibrotic. sickle cells differs Emmel’4 mechanical Shen them for stag- pulp and dragnet in their final demolition. cells and in the outpouring renders they of time Bibb2 and Smith’2 found Shapiro3 found that the onset. to sickle so that surpass had not become of circulating viscosity of sickled in organs, so appear from sickled employed after increased factor sickled reticulocytes communication rocytes The the fell forms accept of sickled forms without blood. If this is so, the 16 must Although and ‘ the length of the spleen be an important that organ the number The high sequestration ‘elasticity,’ ‘ be that it may abnormal patients in whom as to whether before investigators cells2’ in the trait. sickling to time in the same patient. Diggs while Sydenstricker#{176} and Murphy increased nitrogen may of the reticulocyte#{176}’ cant variation in his patient. mal shape tend toward their mie sickle in vitro cells are actually stuck in the interstices out, it would seem that the spleen could from time variation, * for to prctduce life span erythrocytes in those There is disagreement cells. the necessary being in the sickled five to six day cells persons vivo. Reticulocytes, not of tension cells, incubation discoid blood incubation mixture they in vitro form samples upon of eryth- exposure from was carried composed of are either out 90 to aneafter per cent From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. JANET . not found anoxic in the organs, irreversibly sickled irreversible stagnation, shape. sickle anoxemia, forms increasing 469 WATSON As the appear, sickling, maturing and red augment thrombosis, cell the and stagnates vicious in cycle of hemolysis. SUMMARY Data I. the have sickle blood slowly. been cell cells. presented trait The or most cell that anemia immature Orthochromatic 2.. to show sickle most were the shape, cells and that which are these have unable forms lost their to revert are to so rarely to of while disk. with mature red to sickle normoblasts more which not be sickled. stained smears stagnating This be reticulated patients more tend type ‘ a biconcave found normoblasts only ‘elasticity’ ‘ as do types could seen in ordinary . old from readily and sickled; the basophilic and polychromatophilic 3 It is suggested that the sickle cell forms sent as reticulocytes normoblasts reticulocytes sickle in would when repre- the sickle explain stained the with fact brilliant cresyl blue. ACKNOWLEDGMENT for I wish to express many stimulating suggestions, this and preparing gratitude my report to Dr. William to Dr. to Mrs. B. Castle, John Muriel M. 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