SUPREME AIR POWER Oil-free Air Direct-drive Technology Ventures in Tampere 15.05.2013Turbo Compressors Hanat auki Horisonttiin! Finlandia-talo 9.9.2015 Timo Pulkki Textile Pharmaceutical Over 10% of total industrial electricity consumption is used to produce compressed air. Paper Total compressed air world market close to Chemical 10 BEUR 10 % Oil-Free Air Food & beverages 10.9.2015 Automotive Growing rapidly Electronics 2 Current compressor technology is 60 years old • Not developed for oil-free air • Excessively complex • High lifetime costs • Efficiency deteriorates over the life cycle • High maintenance costs • Oil filters etc. 10.9.2015 3 Nothing but the Essential 4-9 BAR OIL-FREE AIR 50-250 KW TURBO COMPRESSOR DIRECT DRIVE HIGH-SPEED MOTOR 10.9.2015 PATENTED CAPACITY CONTROL 4 Nothing but the Essential DIRECT DRIVE GEARLESS UNIT PATENTED CAPACITY CONTROL High-speed motor where turbo impellers are mounted directly to the motor shaft. Tamturbo has patented a capacity control method which extends the efficient control range tens of percentage points. This means less mechanical contact and less wearing parts i.e. higher efficiency and less maintenance. Compact and light design. Several other inventions to improve the turbo compressor efficiency and control significantly are in the process to be patented. MINIMUM WEAR BEARINGS Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) removes physical contact between parts: no wear and an almost infinite life time without maintenance. Mechanical bearings have reduced wear and lower maintenance costs. 10.9.2015 Company Confidential 5 Significant Life Cycle Cost and Environmental Savings Smaller electricity bills Simplified transportation and logistics Cost savings in service and maintenance Less floor space needed Less waste treatment Less water consumption Environmental benefits 10.9.2015 6 10 Billion Euro Compressed Air Business 10 % Oil-Free Air Currently – Growing Rapidly Compressor Manufacturers 50% 40% The BIG 6 Compressor Manufacturers 10% ~30 mid-size small Special applications: N2/O2, Natural gas, Building cooling compressors, waste water treatment, etc. + 10.9.2015 7 Business Concepts 1. Tamturbo branded 2. Private Label 3. OEM End Customer Industries Scandinavia Rest of the world OEM compressor manufacturers OEM components 10.9.2015 8 Our goal in 6 years = 100 MEUR* The BIG 6 manufacturers ~30 mid-size companies • Average turnover 100 MEUR • 10 % Oil-Free Air 15 mid-size customers = 100 MEUR for Tamturbo OR 1 big + 9 mid-size customers = 100 MEUR for Tamturbo *Turnover in OEM Business. On top of that oil-free market growth, special applications, own brand 10.9.2015 9 Competition • Small high-speed turbos the most difficult • No competitors with OEM concept 50 – 250 kW Own Brand Gardner Denver 250kW Launch in 2013-2015 Kturbo 3-4 products Atlas Copco 350kW Big Turbos with gear box Boge OEM 50 – 250 kW 80 % of the total market volume (pcs) 50 kW 10.9.2015 20% of the total market volume (pcs) 250 kW 500 kW 10 Tamturbo Personnel Kimmo Pyykönen Jaakko Säiläkivi, CTO; M.Sc.(Eng.), Knowhow of high speed technology, almost 30 years of high tech business development experience from High Speed Tech Oy (1990 1999) and Miscel Oy (1999 – 2010). Successfully developed and brought high-speed technology based products to the international markets Timo Pulkki, CEO, Sales and Marketing Manager; M.Sc. (Eng.), 10 years of experience in global business development, product management, sales, service business, and business controlling, in process and technology companies. Latest, before joining Tamturbo in 2012, as Director, Head of Product Management in Konecranes Business Area Service. Hannu Esa, Turbo Design and Testing Specialist; M.Sc.(Eng.), 30 years of experience in turbo compressor research and development in Lappeenranta University of Technology and High Speed Tech Oy, specialist in turbo machine design Juha Lammi Technical Support Engineer; M.Sc.(Eng.), Experienced in automation and electrical product development for factories and machines. Earlier as Development Engineer in electrical product and automation development team in Konecranes, with a customer technical support responsibilities globally. Jorma Koivula, R&D Manager; B.Sc.(Eng.) More than 30 years experience in screw compressor design, development work and manufacturing as head of R&D department in Tamrotor Oy and Gardner Denver Oy. Minna Jutila, Development Engineer, FEM Analysis; M.Sc.(Eng.), Experienced in rotor dynamics, vibrational analyses and fatigue. Previously worked in consulting business as modeling specialist. Kimmo Pyykönen, Sales Director, B.Sc.(Eng); More than ten years with wide range of procurement, sourcing, logistics, sales support and production operations experience in operative and managerial positions at global technology company Sandvik Mining and Construction. Sami Hiidenhelmi, Laboratory Technician; Automation technician. Several years of experience in general manufacturing, demanding assembly work and automation and electrical installations. Mihail Lopatin, Development Engineer, Turbo and CFD Design; PhD in turbo compressors from University of Saint Petersburg. 15 years of experience in turbo compressor design and CFD analysis, including sales of CAE software and business management. Väinö Koivumäki, Development Engineer, Mechanical Design; B.Sc.(Eng.). Experiencedin mechanical design of machines, and commissioning of industrial machines and automation in Metso Australia and JTAconnection globally. Antti Karttu Development Engineer; M.Sc.(Eng. student), Specialist in measurement sensors and instrumentation for turbo compressor testing. 10.9.2015 11 Tamturbo Board of Directors Board of Directors Sami Somero, Chairman of the Board; 15 years of experience in business development and industrial R&D, most of which as a Vice President and Founding Partner of Plenware Group and later as a Vice President of Finnish subsidiary of Swedish listed company Cybercom Group. Kimmo Laine. Almost 40 years experience in compressor design and business development. Most of the work years as CEO of Tamrotor Oy and Gardner Denver Oy. Existing wide contact network in compressor industry world wide. Olli-Pekka Kulmala Sales, general business management and international b-to-b professional with 30 years of experience, including 18 years of running own company in telecommunication business and Vice President in a Swedish listed company Lagercrantz Group Ab. Petri Olkinuora, Former CEO of Citycon Oy. Member of the Board of Directors in several companies, including stock listed and non-listed companies. Reijo Karppinen, Founder of Dynaset Oy. Has grown the company in almost 30 years from one-man company to a global leader in hydraulic powered generators, high-pressure water compressors, and air compressors. 10.9.2015 12 Hannoverin messut ComVac 2013 ComVac 2015 10.9.2015 13 Mitä tarvitaan voittajahakemukseen - Yritys Kunnianhimoinen mutta uskottava Business Plan Selkeä kuva toimintaympäristöstä ja yrityksen paikasta toimialan arvoketjuissa 10.9.2015 Toimialan, markkinoiden ja kilpailijoiden tuntemus Halu kasvaa ja valloittaa maailma olemalla paras omassa markkinasegmentissä Uskottava ja riittävän kokenut organisaatio Riittävän laaja asiakaskunta Vaikuttavuus EU-tasolla: merkitys EU:n työllisyys-, ympäristö- tms. työohjelmassa mainittujen tavoitteiden kannalta Riittävät omat rahoitusresurssit projektin läpiviemiseen. EU rahoitus ei voi olla yrityksen ainoa tai ei edes pääasiallinen rahoitusmuoto Selkeä kaupallistamispolku ja näkemys tuotteistamiseen vaadittavista resursseista EU- rahoituksen lisäksi T&K riittävän pitkällä (TRL5) teknologian tai palvelun demonstrointiin eurooppalaisten kumppanien kanssa 14 Mitä tarvitaan voittajahakemukseen - Hakemus Pyri vastaamaan kaikkiin hakemuspohjassa esitettyihin kysymyksiin Elävöitä hakemusta kuvilla ja taulukoilla Korosta tärkeimpiä myyntiargumentteja toistamalla sekä kuvissa ja taulukoissa (varo kuitenkin liikaa toistoa) Panosta etenkin abstraktiin ja hakemuksen alkuun sekä projektin vaikuttavuuteen niissä Pyydä ulkopuolisia kommentteja hakemukseen, esim. NCP:ltä (=Tekesin yhteyshenkilö) Pidä NCP:(t) ajan tasalla, mitä olet tekemässä Realistiset ja mitattavissa olevat tavoitteet pilotoinnille (Vaihe 2) 10.9.2015 Kiihdyttävä vaikutus markkinoille tuloon/ tuote/palvelulanseeraukseen. (Vaihe 2) 15 Thank You for Your Interest! CONTACT FOR: TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS SUPPLIERS INVESTORS SALES & MARKETING PRESS Jaakko Säiläkivi CTO [email protected] +358 400 628 917 Sami Somero Chairman of the Board [email protected] +358 40 553 2920 Timo Pulkki CEO [email protected] +358 50 527 6670 Tamturbo Oy [email protected] 10.9.2015 VAT FI23268640 Head Office Koskikatu 7 A 5 FI-33100 TAMPERE 16
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