Keliber Oy presentation Aiming to be the first lithium producer in Europe PDAC NORDIC MINING DAYS Keliber Oy March 2 2015 Harry Sandström Disclaimer This document has been used by Keliber Oy during an oral presentation. Therefore, this document is incomplete without the oral explanations, comments and supporting instruments that were submitted during the referred presentation. To the extent permitted by law, no representation or warranty is given, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in this document. Some of the statements made in this document contain forward-looking statements. To the extent permitted by law, no representation or warranty is given, and nothing in this document or any other information made available during the oral presentation should not be relied upon as a promise or representation as to the future condition of Keliber’s Business. Overview Roots of Keliber Oy are in the studies of Suomen Mineraali Oy 1950 ’s and 1960’s Company is engaged in searching for and developing spodumene-rich pegmatite deposits in Central Ostrobothnia Company has a valid mining licence for a deposit in Ullava (Länttä) and claims and exploration permits on other spodumene-bearing pegmatite deposits in the extensive, over 500 km2, Lithium Province of Central Ostrobothnia The company’s target is to produce 6 000 tonnes of lithium carbonate per year Board of Directors and Management Mr. Olle Sirén, CEO Mr. Markku Isohanni, Chairman Mr. Ivar S. Fossum, Member Mr. Esa Sandberg, Chief Geologist Mr. Timo Mäki, Member Mr. Lars Gröndahl, Member Mr. Kari Wiikinkoski, Environmental Manager Mr. Heikki Markkanen, Member Ms. Mona Schanche, Member Mr. Jarmo Finnilä, Communications and administration manager Mr. Risto Vänskä, Member Mr. Tom Söderman, Member Shareholders Company is owned by Finnish investment companies and private investors and Nordic Mining ASA Nordic Mining ASA Finnish Industry Investment Ltd Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company Ab Mine Invest Oy Thominvest Oy Other (private investors and investment companies) Total 25,04 % 19,97 % 8,55 % 7,58 % 6,89 % 31,97 % 100,00 % Deposits and main exploration targets 1. Länttä 2. Syväjärvi, 3. Outovesi 4. Leviäkangas 5. Emmes 6. Rapasaari7. Päiväneva 8. Heikinkangas 9. Rytilampi 10. Palojärvi 11. Timmerpakka 12. Jäneslampi and Buldans Mineral Resources and Reserves Keliber Mineral Resources and Reserves Category Deposit kt Measured Indicated Länttä 433 Länttä 868 Syväjärvi 1 664 Rapasaari 922 Outovesi 289 Leviäkangas 190 Emmes 818 Total 4 751 Measured and Indicated 5 184 Inferred Syväjärvi 54 Leviäkangas 271 Total 325 Li2O% Cut off JORC Category 1,12 1,06 1,22 1,29 1,49 1,13 1,40 1,25 1,24 1,45 0,90 0,99 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,70 0,50 0,50 0,70 2004 Proven 2004 Probable 2012 2012 2004 2004 2012 Proven and Probable 0,50 0,50 Deposit kt Li2O% JORC Länttä Länttä Syväjärvi Outovesi 472 513 1 390 277 0,98 0,96 1,08 1,17 Total 2 180 1,15 2 652 1,12 2004 2004 2004 2004 2012 2004 Mineral Resource and Reserve estimates (JORC 2004 and JORC 2012) by Markku Meriläinen (MAusIMM) and Pekka Lovén (MAusIMM (CP)) Outotec (Finland) Ltd Länttä deposit Reserve of 0.985Mt @ 0.97% Li2O in proven and probable categories The Länttä deposit was found at the beginning of 1960`s. Drilling operations and small bulk sampling were carried out in many phases. The last phases have been an overburden stripping in 2010 and bulk sampling in 2010 and 2013 by Keliber Oy. The deposit consists of two parallel spodumene pegmatite veins striking to North-East and dipping 70° to South-East. The veins are parallel to the supracrustal host rocks both in strike and dip. The main minerals of spodumene pegmatite are albite (40 %), quartz, microcline and spodumene (all 15-20 %) and muscovite (2 %). Länttä deposit model Syväjärvi deposit Syväjärvi deposit model Reserve of 1.39Mt @ 1.22% Li2O in probable category The Syväjärvi lithium pegmatite was discovered by Suomen Mineraali Oy (SMOY) in the 1960`s First drilling was done by SMOY and continued by Oy Partek Ab. GTK prepared a resource estimate in 2010, based on their own and previous drill results. Spodumene pegmatite is partly outcropping under the lake Syväjärvi. Pegmatite is structurally quite simple, flat lying “bread” plunging to North with some small parallel and non-parallel veins The dominating host rock type is mica schist with greywacke. Syväjärvi preliminary open pit plan Outovesi deposit Probable Reserve 0.28Mt @ 1.17% Li2O in probable category Outovesi deposit model The discovery hole at Outovesi was drilled on 2010. The first drilling phase 2010 covered the whole deposit and the resource estimate was prepared based on that Spodumene pegmatite forms a simple North / North-East striking dike, which is dipping some 50° to West. The dike is parallel to the strike of the host rocks, but perpendicular to the dip. The length of the dike is about 400 m and the maximum width about ten meters Outovesi preliminary open pit plan Rapasaari deposit Mineral Resources 0.92Mt @ 1.29% Li2O in indicated category GTK discovered the Rapasaari deposit in 2009 Deposit consist of two spodumene rich dike swarms Rapasaari E and Rapasaari W Keliber purchased the Rapasaari deposit from the Ministry of Employment and the Economy in 2014 Keliber has drilled Rapasaari deposit over 4 800 meters in 2014 – 2015 The deposit is still open to depth, northeast and south Rapasaari E preliminary deposit model Emmes Deposit Mineral Resources 0.81Mt @ 1.40% Li2O in indicated category The Emmes area was first explored by Suomen Mineraali Oy and Partek Oy in 1960 -1982 The spodumene pegmatite dyke lies under Lake Emmes The distance from the lake surface to the roof level of the deposit varies in the range 5–8 m (average water depth about 1.5 metres) The spodumene pegmatite dykes run in a NW– SE direction and have a dip angle of about 60– 80° to the SW The spodumene pegmatite is zonal in structure and consists mainly of microcline, plagioclase, quartz, spodumene and muscovite JORC compliant underground resource estimate in indicated category 0,8 Mt @ 1.4 % Li2O Good exploration potential Keliber’s exploration targets are based on drill intercepts, large number of boulders and geochemical anomalies. Significant spodumene boulders near by existing deposits The Company has various targets for drilling to increase resources and reserves Keliber Oy has exploration permissions or landowners permission for exploration for all the significant deposits or indications in the area Geochemical till samples collected by Geological Survey of Finland suggests that additional lithium deposits could be discovered at various new areas Number of spodumene boulders within 7.5Km radius and near by Kelibers existing deposits Production overview Processprocess overview Conventional processing method reduces technology risk Concentrating involves conventional crushing , mica separation, magnetic and dense media separation and fine fraction grinding followed by flotation The spodumene conversion from alphaspodumene to beta-spodumene Beta-spodumene will be leached and hydrocarbonised in alkaline media to obtain lithium bicarbonate which is purified by ion exchange and crystalized to lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) The Company’s target is to produce high purity, 99.99 %, lithium carbonate. The potential by-products are columbite (Nb, Ta), analcime , quartz-feldspar and mica.Electricity can be produced on site using combination of conventional technology and wood gasification plant Test result of Li2CO3 production from Länttä Spodumene ore Li2CO3 (% Impurities (PPM) 99.939 Al B Be Ca Cl Fe K Mg Outotec 60 <20 <20 20 <200 20.0 250.0 <20 GTK 12 5. 01 15. 8 <20 <20000 <5 64.9 <5 Li2CO3 (% Impurities (PPM) 99.939 Mn Na S Si P Pb V Outotec <20 80.0 300 240.0 250.0 <40 <20 GTK <0. 2 57.3 <10 205.0 224.0 0. 1 0. 1 Source: Company data, Outotec Production Process R&D GTK Mintec Pilot benefication tests completed in January 2015 DMS and flotation pilot Outotec (Finland) Oyj Research agreement signed and concentrate pilot scheduled for the spring 2015 The test program includes all the process stages from calcining to crystallization of the lithium carbonate product Porcessing plant -Kalavesi Main activities in 2015 Complete the process studies and the process optimization programme in spring 2015 Compile the Pre-feasibility study during the 2015 Environmental work Environmental Impact Assessment report for new deposits expected to be ready in first half of 2015 Environmental permitting of new deposits commences in 2015 CEF measures (Continuous Ecolocigal Functionality) for the golden eagle and moor frog Deposits incuded in the EIA programme Lithium Demand Lithium use is forecasted to expand by 2.5 fold by 2025 Accelerating demand Demand for lithium is expected to grow rapidly from 150kt to 450kt in the next 20 years with GAGR of 10% The production of rechargeable batteries drives the Li2CO3 markets Such batteries are already common in portable electronic devices and developments in transportation industry are rapidly increasing the demand As long as the consumer electronics sector stays strong and demand for hybrid electric vehicles continues to grow, demand for battery-grade lithium is expected to continue to increase and become the largest lithium consuming industry New lithium projects are needed According to current forecasts for demand and capacity expansions, capacity begins to become constrained in 2023 Lithium consumption – Forecast 2012 - 2025 Mt LCE 450 400 350 300 Lithium is core material in new batteries due to its high energy-to-weight ratio, high charging rate and low selfdischarge rate. Others Batteries are expected to be 60% of the total demand by 2025. Aluminum Medical 250 Continuos Casting Powders Air conditioning 200 150 Lubricating greases 100 Glass 50 0 Frits 2012 2013E2014E2015E2016E2017E2018E2019E2020E2021E2022E2023E2024E2025E 600 Lithium Demand – Production Capacity 100% 90% 500 80% New projects necessary to satisfy lithium demand 70% 400 60% 50% 300 40% Total Estimated Lithium Demand ~450Mt in 2025 200 100 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 Current producers Sourc : Roskill, Chemetall, MiR, NREL, IndMin, Galaxy, Chemetal, FMC corporation, SignumBOX,Global Strategic Metals, Critical Elements Corporation es Polymers New comers Demand Utilization rate % European Market Net Import of Lithium Carbonate in Europe 2011 by country New projects required to meet the deficit Net import of lithium carbonate in Europe has remained in deficit for the past few years and it its expected to increase rapidly due to the demand growth in battery-grade lithium Only five different lithium mining projects in Europe All available resources must be used to meet the demand Net Import 2011 Total 15 754 tonnes Leading net importers of lithium carbonate are Belgium, Spain, Germany and France covering ~60% of total imports in 2011 Net Import of Lithium Carbonate in Europe 2007-2011 International Lithium, Ireland • Blackstairs deposit • Resources: historical resource estimate 0,57Mt @1,5% Li2O Solid Resources, Spain • Pesqueira deposit • Resources: M&I 1,6Mt/inferred 4Mt @0,45% Li2O Sources: British Geological Survey, Pareto Global Strategic Metals, Austria • Wolfsberg deposit • Resources: M&I 6,9Mt/inferred 10Mt @1,2-1,6% Li2OGlobal Strategic Metals Keliber, Finland • Deposits in Länttä, Syväjärvi, Outovesi and Leviäkangas • Resources: M&I 3,33Mt/inferred 0,75Mt @1,3% Li2O Rio Tinto Minerals, Serbia • Jadar deposit • Resources: inferred 125,3Mt @1,8% Li2O Ultra Lithium, Serbia Pan Global Resources, Serbia Price of Lithium Battery industry interested in high-purity lithium from hard-rock Industry Extraction from minerals Extraction from salars • Li grade up to 2-3% • Mining, crushing, separation/flotation (spodumene), roasting, leaching and crystalization to lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) • Processing cost $2,500-4,500/t Li2CO3 • Li grade 0.016-0.15% • Concentration, evaporation, chemical treatment • Processing cost $1,400-3,000/t Li2CO3 • Purification of magnesium out of lithium solution requires a substantial amount of water Market Segmentation Industry ready to pay premium for high purity lithium(99.99%) – valued three times higher than technical grade lithium carbonate Price US$ 15,000/t 10%of battery market Price US$ 8,500/t 15%of battery market Major limitation of extraction from brines is the high magnesium to lithium ratio that has to be reduced to avoid Mg contamination in products and requires a substantial amount of fresh water Price US$ 6,500/t 75%of battery market EV Plus Grade 99.99% LC EV Grade 99.9% LC The highest purity levels associated with lithium carbonates obtain the highest prices Battery Grade 99.5% LC Technical Grade 99.0% LC Industrial Grade <99.0% LC Sources of battery industry: Roskill, Chemetall, Cormark Source of market segmentation: Galaxy Resources Limited 23 Financing Financing Financing round I Capital financing round I EUR 4 M Investments • Private capital investment • New issue of shares • Broadening of ownership base Use of finance Progress of project • GTK claims • Preparatory work • Pre-feasibility study • Increasing of ore reserves 2012-2013 Financing round II and III Capital financing rounds II and III EUR 2.4 M and EUR 4 – 6 M / Potential IPO • Capital financing round II • Round III - either private capital investment or listing on the stock exchange • Off-take agreements Financing round IV Project funding EUR 80 – 100 M • Project funding package deal • Feasibility study l. completion of feasibility plans • Construction work and production start-up • Broadening of the resource base • Bankable feasibility study • Commencement of production 2014-2016 23 Öhman 2017-2018 SWOT Analysis Attractive market fundamentals. Opportunity in lithium-ion batteries for grid energy storage Strengths Weaknesses Strong pure lithium asset Small proven resource base Existing environmental permit valid and ready for production Lithium process not proven on a commercial scale Award-winning lithium carbonate process guaranteed by Outotec Lack of transparency inherent in the pricing of lithium , which is subject to individual agreement negotiations Excellent connections to port & railway, water supply and energy accessibility Lithium market fundamentals are attractive and strengthening (increasing consumption of Li batteries and growth in EV’s) SWOT Analysis Opportunities Excellent expansion possibilities in regional lithium resources Potential for lithium ion batteries to store alternative sources of energy i.e. solar power Potential to move forward in the value chain Threats Lithium prices remain flat or decline given the weak global economic environment (commodity price risk) Competition from larger existing lithium producers in both brine and hard rock sourced deposits Emergence of alternative energy sources and new technologies Currency fluctuations (global Li2CO3 sales denominated in USD) 22 Thank You! Keliber Oy Toholammintie 496 69600 Kaustinen Finland +358 (0)10 567 0600 info(at)
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