Rautpohjankatu UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ CAMPUSES LL Hippos Hall Ice Hockey Arena Viv Ke sk ika tu Multipurpose Sports Hall HIPPOS FMC tu Pitkäka Köyhälampi FMC K SEMINAARINMÄKI G AaltoAlvari Ke E sku U ssa N R X M I ira ala nti F L e S C ka tu B Kauppakatu nkatu atu JT Vapaudenkatu Hann University Printing House ikais ) MaA Ahlmaninkatu 3 (9 ere E 6 p m a T To MaD MATTILANNIEMI Mattilanniemi Ag To Ou l u and Kärki Helsi nki E Vaasankatu rak a Ha RUU tu n ka Cygnaeuksenkatu Seminaari Museum of Central Finland un T Minna Canthin katu Kr am s Riihi llo r Aa Alva O ILO OPK Alvar Aalto Museum D H A J Yliopistonkatu enka tu 75 (4 ) Hotel HotelAlba Alba LAKE JYVÄSJÄRVI 9A YK YSK YF 9B YE YFL YA YS YO 9C YAB YAA YAC NSC Sur YLISTÖ von tie 9D University shop Soppi YLK Parking Bus stop Pedestrian and bike path Ohj10 Y33 Oh 250 m jelm aka ari Buildings of the University of Jyväskylä: names, abbreviations and main users 1.9.2015 Sem inaarinkatu 15 N Teacher Training School Second ary School and Up p er Second ary School A Athenaeum Facu lty of Hu m anities OPK Opinkivi SEMIN AARIN MÄKI B Library University Main Library Exhibition room Ex Libris Registry Office and Archive Café Libri Cafeteria Ilokivi C Main Building The bu ild ing is u nd er renovation. D Educa Dep artm ent of Art and Cu ltu re Stu d ies E Technical hand icraft and technology ed u cation F Fennicum Dep artm ent of Langu ages FMC Finnish Mu sic Camp u s G University Mu seu m H Historica Dep artm ent of H istory and Ethnology I ’Old Forge’ Med itation room ILO Student Union Ilokivi The bu ild ing is u nd er renovation. J Gardener’s house Conference facilities JT Jyväskylä Gam e Lab IT stu d io K Jyväskylä Teacher Training School Prim ary School L Building Facu lty of Sport and H ealth Sciences Dep artm ent of Biology of Physical Activity Dep artm ent of H ealth Sciences Dep artm ent of Sp ort Sciences University Sp orts Office Dep artm ent of Comm u nication Cafeteria Syke M Musica Dep artm ent of Mu sic Stu d ent Lou nge Boom box O Oppio University Langu age Centre Langu age Lou nge Lozzi Conference room Lyhty Cafeteria Lozzi R Ryhtilä Gym hall RUU Ruusupuisto Facu lty of Ed ucation Dep artm ent of Ed u cation Dep artm ent of Teacher Ed u cation Institu te for Ed u cational Research Institute of Educational Leadership Op en University Cafeteria Uno S Seminarium University Mu seu m University shop Kipinäsop pi T Building University Services University shop Sop p i Cafeteria Tilia Centre for App lied Langu age Stu d ies University Langu age Centre Su m m er University Cafeteria Piato Kärki Rectorate MaA Mattilanniem i Library Cafeteria Wilhelm iina MaD IT services Dep artm ent of Mathem atics and Statistics YLISTÖ, Su rvontie 9 N SC (N anoscience Center) Facu lty of Mathem atics and Science N ablabs Oy YA Ambiotica YAA, YAB, YAC Dep artm ent of Biological and Environm ental Science YE, YF , YO Dep artm ent of Chem istry Gu est room s YFL Dep artm ent of Physics U Sports halls X Proxima Class room s HIPPOS, Rau tp ohjankatu 8 LL Sports laboratory Sp orts and health laboratory Dep artm ent of Biology of Physical Activity Dep artm ent of H ealth Sciences Viv Viveca Gerontology Research Center Research Institu te for Olymp ic Sp orts Dep artm ent of Biology of Physical Activity Dep artm ent of H ealth Sciences MATTILAN N IEMI Ahlm aninkatu 2 Ag Agora Agora Center Facu lty of Inform ation Technology Dep artm ent of Comp u ter Science and Inform ation System s Dep artm ent of Mathem atical Inform ation Technology Dep artm ent of Psychology Dep artm ent of Langu ages YK Ylistönrinne Library Facu lty of Mathem atics and Science Café Kvarkki YS Cyclotron Laboratory Cafeteria Ylistö YSK Ap p lied Chem istry Ohj10, Ohjelmakaari 10 Jyväskylä University School of Bu siness and Econom ics Avance Execu tive Ed u cation Y33,Ylistönmäentie 33 Fam ily Research Centre Dep artm ent of Psychology Psychotherap y Training and Research Centre Facu lty of Social Sciences Dep artm ent of Social Sciences and Philosop hy Cafeteria H estia
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