“The Complicated Brain: Exploring the Diversity of Neurological-Psychiatric Disorders”

Mini Medical School Presents:
“The Complicated Brain: Exploring the Diversity of
Neurological-Psychiatric Disorders”
Fall 2014 Session: September 23-October 30, 2014
Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm (*Evening 1 on Tuesday, Sept 23)
The Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus, Amphitheatre
Sessions Moderated by: Dr. Paul Hendry
September 23, 2014:
Neuro-Anatomy – Dr. Ali Jalali
- Learning Objectives: TBA
Imaging the Brain – Dr. Santanu Chakraborty
- Learning Objectives: TBA
October 2, 2014:
Stroke Research and Clinical Treatments
- Dr. Dar Dowlashati & Dr. Dale Corbett
- Learning Objectives: TBA
October 9, 2014:
Advancements in Research and New Clinical Treatments for
Parkinson’s disease and Motor Disorders
- Dr. David Grimes & Dr. Tiago Mestre
- Learning Objective: TBA
October 16, 2014:
Advances in Treatment of Anxiety Disorders – Dr. Jakov Shlik
- Learning Objective: TBA
Advances in Treatment of Depression – Dr. Pierre Blier
Learning Objective: TBA
October 23, 2014:
Management and Prevention of Brain Concussion – Dr. Kristian
- Learning Objective: TBA
Preventing Brain Injury – Dr. Blaine Hoshizaki
- Learning Objective: TBA
October 30, 2014:
Advances in Research in Neuroplasticity – Dr. Jean-Claude Beique
- Learning Objective: TBA
Advances in Research in Stem Cell Therapies – Dr. Diane Lagace
- Learning Objective: TBA