SHARP AS LASER - VESLATEC COMPANY laser technology applicatio ns partne rs productio n companyLASER TECHNOLOGY applicatio ns partne rs productio n LASER TECHNOLOGY Less energy High power lasers Low energy Nd:YAGlasers Fiber lasers Finer applications Short pulse lasers companyLASER TECHNOLOGY applicatio ns FINE-MECHANICAL LASER CUTTING (s = 0,05 mm … 2,0 mm) Narrow cutting width >20 µm Low heating effect Shape not restrictive No shear forces Cylindrical samples Various materials (metals, ceramics, active material, nitinol) Medical products: Stents, spirals tubes, precision parts, drug delivery partne rs productio n companyLASER TECHNOLOGY PRECISION WELDING Metal Most of fine welding applications are made by pulsed Nd:YAGlasers Average powers of pulsed YAG lasers are typically 15…500 W Heating effect is very small Welding of very small components and thin materials High precision No need additional materials No vacuum MEDICAL PRODUCTS: ENDOSCOPIES, INSTRUMENTS applicatio ns partne rs productio n companyLASER TECHNOLOGY applicatio ns LASER MARKING • Contact free marking • No material removal • No grooves • Durable • Various materials • Small and clear marking (0,5 mm) • Letters, logos, symbols, consecutive numbering partne rs productio n companyLASER TECHNOLOGY Laser drilling Diameter/depth ration even 1:40 (80) Ceramic, metals, diamonds Heat effect very small Small holes > 10 µm Thin materials Flexible Fast drilling MEDICAL PRODUCTS: NEEDELS, FILTERS ETC. applicatio ns partne rs productio n Medical applications STENTS FILTERS TROCHANTER PLATE • titanium Gr5 LASER MARKING • numbers, logos etc. Materials Stainless Steels (most common 316LVM) • Very successful for stent applications, despite a weak radiopacy Nickel Titanium (NiTinol) • Selected for exceptional flexibility and shape memory effect upon heating Cobaltbased alloys (Cobalt Chromium, L605) • Selected for improved density, elasticity and strength Refractory metals (Tantalum, Niobium, Tungsten) • Normally used as alloying elements to improve radiopacity and MRI visibility Precious metals (Platinum, Iridium, Gold) • Materials of choice for improving radiopacity of other alloys. companyLASER TECHNOLOGY New applications We are constantly developing new ways to use laser. One area under developing is micro cutting, welding of polymers, micro marking and structuring surfaces with laser applicatio ns partne rs productio n company laser technology APPLICATION S NEW MATERIALS - MSM ACTUATOR partne rs productio n COMPANY laser technology applicatio ns Turnover 2006: Vaisala, VTI Tech, Datex Ohmeda, Perlos, Metso, Incap, ABB, Oxford Instr. partne rs 2 MEURO DIrect export 2006: KBA, MAN Roland, Wifag, GOSS, 50% Main machinery 5 Nd:YAG lasers Lasag 500 W, 120W, 15 W (2) /Trumph 120 W 3 Markinglasers (Nd:YAG, CO2) productio n COMPANY laser technology applicatio ns LOCATION: partne rs productio n Vaasa U.S.A TURNOVER YEAR 2006: Export year 2006: UK, CH, D, F, S, N, USA Personnel year 2006: 2 MEURO 50% 15 India COMPANY laser technology applicatio ns partne rs productio n Strömberg Park 4 A 65320 Vaasa, FINLAND Tel +358 6 315 8900 Fax +315 6 315 2877 Projects and technical support (Graphic Industry) Heikki Lindqvist Tel +358 6 315 8900 [email protected] [email protected] Sales Germany, Austria, France and Switzerland Livio De Cet Tel +358 6 315 89 21 [email protected] Management Olli Saarniaho Tel +358 6 315 89 20 [email protected] Production and quality Pekka Mikkonen Tel +358 6 315 89 22 [email protected]
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