Tommi Tenkanen Curriculum Vitae Born: March 10, 1989 Place of birth: Turku, Finland Citizenship: Finnish CV updated: October 29, 2015 Contact information { Office A313, Physicum { Helsinki Institute of Physics { Mobile phone: +358 400 221 427 { E-mail: tommi.tenkanen ’at’ { Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2a, P.O. Box { 64, 00014 University of Helsinki Current position 2014– Doctoral Student, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki. Doctoral degree expected by the summer of 2016. Topic of the PhD thesis Theories of Particle Physics in the Early Universe, supervisors Prof. Kari Enqvist and Dr. Sami Nurmi. For my PhD research project I won a 160 000 euro grant from The Research Foundation of the University of Helsinki. Education 2012–2013 Master of Science, University of Helsinki. Major in theoretical physics (grade 5/5), minors in physics and mathematics. Master’s thesis Epägaussisuudet kurvatonimallissa (Non-gaussianities in the curvaton model, grade Eximia cum laude approbatur, the 2nd highest out of seven grades), supervisor Prof. Kari Enqvist. 1/6 2009–2012 Bachelor of Science, University of Helsinki. Major in theoretical physics (grade 4/5), minors in physics and astronomy. Bachelor’s thesis Time-of-Flight massaspektrometrin sisäisten olosuhteiden vaikutukset ilmakehän molekyyliklusterien mittauksessa (On the inner conditions of Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer in measuring molecular clusters in atmosphere, grade 4/5), supervisor Prof. Hanna Vehkamäki. Working experience 2013 Intern, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. I worked at the Division of Elementary Particle Physics writing my Master’s thesis on cosmic inflation. 2012 Intern, Helsinki Institute of Physics, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. I worked as a part of CMS collaboration analysing Monte Carlo simulations on jet physics. I mainly used the C++ based ROOT analysis program. 2011 Research Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. I worked at the Division of Atmospheric Sciences making simulations of molecular cluster measurements and writing my Bachelor’s thesis. I mainly used Python and Matlab. 2011–2013 Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. For 19 months in total, I worked as a teaching assistant for the undergraduate level courses listed in section Teaching (see below). Scientific publications All authors listed in alphabetical order according to the particle physics convention. 2015 Cosmological Constraints on Weakly Coupled Standard Model Extensions, K. Kainulainen, S. Nurmi, T. Tenkanen, K. Tuominen and V. Vaskonen, in finalizing. 2015 Inflationary Imprints on Dark Matter, S. Nurmi, T. Tenkanen and K. Tuominen, accepted for publication in JCAP, arXiv: 1506.04048. 2014 Standard Model with a real singlet scalar and inflation, K. Enqvist, S. Nurmi, T. Tenkanen and K. Tuominen, JCAP 08 (2014) 035, arXiv: 1407.0659. Conference publications 2015 Cosmic Inflation Constrains Scalar Dark Matter, T.Tenkanen, Cogent Physics, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015. Scientific presentations Talks 2015 Cosmological constraints on Dark Matter properties, Seminar talk, University of Stanford, Palo Alto, USA, 10.12.2015. 2015 Cosmological constraints on Dark Matter properties, Seminar talk, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden, 16.11.2015. 2015 Cosmological constraints on Dark Matter properties, Seminar talk, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 11.11.2015. 2/6 2015 Cosmological constraints on Dark Matter properties, Seminar talk, University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom, 9.11.2015. 2015 Cosmological constraints on Dark Matter properties, Seminar talk, King’s College, London, United Kingdom, 6.11.2015. 2015 Cosmological constraints on Dark Matter properties, Seminar talk, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom, 5.11.2015. 2015 Cosmological constraints on Dark Matter properties, Seminar talk, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, 2.11.2015. 2015 Inflationary constrains on Dark Matter properties, Particle Physics Day, Helsinki, Finland, 30.10.2015. 2015 Inflation and Dark Matter, COSMO Seminar, Helsinki, Finland, 28.10.2015. 2015 Inflationary constraints on Dark Matter properties, Seminar talk, Heidelberg, Germany, 22.10.2015. 2015 Inflationary constraints on Dark Matter properties, Seminar talk, Bielefeld, Germany, 20.10.2015. 2015 Inflationary constraints on Dark Matter properties, Seminar talk, Münster, Germany, 19.10.2015. 2015 Cosmic Inflation as a probe to Dark Matter properties, DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, 1.10.2015. 2015 Higgs portal Dark Matter, Particle Physics and Cosmology meeting, Tampere, Finland, 18.9.2015. 2015 Inflationary Imprints on Dark Matter, COSMO-15, Warsaw, Poland, 10.9.2015. 2015 Inflationary Imprints on Dark Matter, 10th Kosmologietag, Bielefeld, Germany, 7.5.2015. 2015 Inflationary Imprints on Dark Matter, Physics Days 2015, Helsinki, Finland, 18.3.2015. 2015 Inflationary Imprints on Dark Matter, Nordic Winter School, Lillehammer, Norway, 5.1.2015. 2014 Inflationary Imprints on Dark Matter, From Higgs to Dark Matter, Geilo, Norway, 16.12.2014. 2014 Inflationary Imprints on Dark Matter, School for Doctoral programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences, Tuusula, Finland, 4.12.2014 2014 Higgs Portal, Baryogenesis and Dark Matter, Post Graduate Seminar, Helsinki, Finland, 6.11.2014. 2014 Cosmological constraints on the Higgs portal, Particle Physics Day, Jyväskylä, Finland, 24.10.2014. 2014 Cosmological constraints on the Higgs portal, Dark Energy Interactions, Stockholm, Sweden, 1.10.2014. 2014 Cosmological constraints on the Higgs portal, DESY Theory Workshop 2014, Hamburg, Germany, 25.9.2014. 3/6 2014 Cosmological constraints on the Higgs portal, The 2nd Azores School on Observational Cosmology, Angra de Heroismo, Portugal, 6.6.2014. 2012 Jet Energy Offset Corrections in CMS, CERN Summer Student Session, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 14.8.2012. 2012 Determination of jet energy calibration and transverse momentum resolution in CMS, CERN Geneva, Switzerland, 10.7.2012. Posters 2012 Particle jet energy offset corrections in CMS, Poster session of Researcher Education Program for Students, University of Helsinki, 14.11.2012. 2011 How Electro becomes Magneto and other tales of superhero physics, Poster session of Researcher Education Program for Students, University of Helsinki, 14.12.2011. Research visits 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014–2015 University of California, Berkeley, USA, December 14-18 University of Stanford, USA, December 7-14 University of California, Los Angeles, USA, December 1-4 CP 3 Origins, Denmark, November 18-20 University of Jyväskylä, Finland, regularly International schools and courses 2015 Project Management and Leadership (1.5 ECT), University of Helsinki, autumn 2015. 2015 Introduction to Project Work (5 ECT), University of Helsinki, spring 2015. 2015 Nordic Winter School on Cosmology and Particle Physics (2 ECT), Lillehammer, Norway, 2–7.1.2015. 2014 The 2nd Azores School on Observational Cosmology (2 ECT), Angra de Heroismo, Portugal, 1–7.6.2014. 2010 Summer School on Particle Physics (2 ECT), Tvärminne, University of Helsinki, 24–28.5.2010. Teaching and pedagogical interests The feedback has generally been from good to excellent. I have twice been awarded as the Teaching Assistant of the year at Department of Physics, U. Helsinki. I have constantly been developing both my own teaching and the teaching conditions at my department by being a member of department’s teaching committee. I have been a teaching assistant on the following courses: 2015 2014 2013 2011-2013 2012 Analytical mechanics (intermediate level) Cosmology I-II (advanced level) Radiation Fields and Photons (basic level) Mathematical Methods I-II (basic level) Waves and Fields (basic level) 4/6 2011-2012 Thermophysics (intermediate level) 2011 Electrodynamics (basic level) Other publications Abstract Proceedings of the XLIX Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, T. book Tenkanen (editor), 357 pages, Report Series in Physics, HU-P-268, 2015. Register book RUK:n priimukset 1920–2014 (Prima inter pares of the Reserve Officer School 1920–2014 ), T. Tenkanen, S. Holopainen, J. Nivala and A. Vanhoja, 344 pages, RUK museum, 2015. Register book Halla – Course 233, T. Tenkanen (editor), 390 pages, Supporting Association of the Student Union of the Finnish Reserve Officer School, 2009. Article Tutkimus yhdistää Reserviupseerikoulun priimukset kautta aikain (Studies on prima inter pares of the Reserve Officer School), T. Tenkanen, S. Holopainen, J. Nivala and A. Vanhoja, Reserviläinen, 1/2015. Article Fysiikan tutkijankoulutuslinja tarjoaa monipuolista toimintaa (The Physics’ Researcher Education Program for Students provides versatile activities), T. Tenkanen, Arkhimedes, 4/2014. Article John Adamsin oopperasta Dr Atomic (On John Adams’ opera Dr Atomic), C. Montonen, T. Tenkanen and H. Vehkamäki, Arkhimedes, 1/2012 Article Lämpöenergiaa nukleaatiosta – kuinka kuumapakkaukset toimivat (Thermal energy from nucleation – how do heat packs work), T. Tenkanen, Arkhimedes, 4/2011. Letter Tiede ja tutkimus kärsivät lukukausimaksuista (Science and research suffer from tuition fees), Helsingin Sanomat, 20.5.2015 Poster Fysiikan laitoksen tutkijankoulutuslinja (Researcher Education Program for Students at the Department of Physics), University of Helsinki, T. Tenkanen, November 2013. Outreach and other talks Blog Akatemian jalkaväki ("Foot Soldiers of Academia"),, together with Olli-Pekka Tikkanen since autumn 2015. Presentation Väärinkäsitys: alkuräjähdys oli kaiken alku (A Misnomer: Big Bang was the beginning of everything), Yle Tieteen Prisma Studio, 3.7.2015 Lecture RUK:n priimukset 1920–2014 (Prima inter pares of the Reserve Officer School 1920–2014 ), 95th Anniversary of Reserve Officer School, 5.6.2015 Panelist Kosmoksen valoja (Lights of Cosmos) event, University of Helsinki, 23.4.2015 Lecture Matkalla maailmankaikkeudessa – 2000-luvun löytöretkeilyä (En route in the Universe – Expeditions of the 21st century ), Monthly meeting of the Kanta-Helsingin Kansalliset Seniorit association, 13.5.2014 5/6 Positions of trust 2015– 2015– 2015– 2014– 2014– 2014–2015 2014 2014 Only the most important ones listed. President, Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki Member, Project Group of ’Big Wheel’ Degree Renovation, University of Helsinki Member, Outreach Group, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki Member of the Board, The Finnish Physical Society Member, Finnish National Committee of IUPAP Member, Organizing Committee, Physics Days 2015 conference Vice-President, Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki Team Leader, CLIMATE Project, Helsinki Challenge competition 2012–2013 Leader, Researcher Education Program for Students, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki 2013 Member, Teaching Committee, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki 2013 Member, Doctoral Studies Committee, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki 2010–15 Group Leader, Research group on the history of prima inter pares of the Reserve Officer School Grants and awards Only the most important ones listed. 2015 Travel grant for a Research visit to the USA, Alfred Kordelin foundation, 4200 euros 2015 Travel grant for the COSMO’15 conference, Doctoral School in Natural Sciences, University of Helsinki, 1200 euros 2014 Doctoral Program Position for four years, The Research Foundation of the University of Helsinki, 160 000 euros 2013 Teaching Assistant of the year, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki 2012 Student grant, The Mathematics and Science Fund of the University of Helsinki, 1000 euros 2011 Teaching Assistant of the year, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki I have also been awarded with honorary crosses, medals and ribbons of several student organisations. Language skills Finnish English Swedish German Mother tongue Fluent Intermediate Basic 6/6
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