RECITATION WEEK 8 JavaScript Functions PREPARED BY NEELANG NAVAL CS-170 SECTION 23,24 Optional Presentation Title JAVASCRIPT • Can be inserted into HTML page • Can be executed by all modern browsers A good Webpage: • HTML – for Content • CSS – for Stylizing • JavaScript – for Interactivity Defining JavaScript - <script > //All code of javascript </script> Unit Name Optional Presentation Title Few things • Unlike HTML, JavaScript is case sensitive. • Close statement with a semi-colon ; • Text is always between quotes • • Numbers and variables are displayed without quotes Prompting something to user “” alert("Hello, world.”); • Using variable to prompt and save info varfirstName = prompt("What is your name"); • Example : var firstName = prompt("What is your name"); document.write("Hello " + firstName + "!"); Unit Name Optional Presentation Title Java Script Functions • SYNTAX: function function-name (arguments) { code; } Why do we need Functions? - Reusability of code - Keeps the code short - Maintains Proper structure Sounds Cool…Lets try it! Unit Name Optional Presentation Title Some Examples <script> var total; total(); //declaring variable //Function Call function total() //empty brackets () means there are no arguments { var x=5; //Declaring variable and assigning value to x var y=10; total=x+y; alert(“Total sum is ” + total); } </script> Unit Name Optional Presentation Title Functions Calls: • Whenver a function is called, it will go to the function definition and it will execute the code. • Example: <button onclick="greeter('Student','CS170')">Greetings</button> • Whenver a user clicks the button, it will go where the “greeter” function is define and execute it. • Arguments will be in single quotes unless they are variables! Unit Name Optional Presentation Title var name=prompt(“Enter your name”); var course=prompt(“Enter your course”); var user=confirm(“Are you a student?”); if(user == true) { greeter(name, course); // Function Call } function greeter(name , course) //Function Definition { document.write("Welcome" + name + "to" + course); } Unit Name Optional Presentation Title Scope of Variables • The scope of a name defines how “far” from its declaration it can be used. • Variables declared in a function can be used only within that function (local variables). • Those declared outside functions can be used throughout the program (global variables). • Locals come into existence when a function begins, and when it ends, they vanish. •Unit Global variables are around all the time. Name Optional Presentation Title Scope of Variables Unit Name Optional Presentation Title Built-In Functions • Math.max(arguments) • Returns a maximum value passed in the arguments. Example: var value = Math.max(10, 20, -1, 100); • Fontcolor() • Var str=”Hello!”; • str.fontcolor(”red”); • Date() • document.write('<p>' + (Date( ).toString( )) + '</p>'); Unit Name
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