Health System Review Slovenia 2015 Optimization of health

Health System Review Slovenia 2015
Optimization of health services: strengthening primary care and
assuring integration (WG5 meeting with input from WG 4)
Friday, 4 December 2015
08:30- 08:45
Welcome and introduction
Session 1. Service delivery in Slovenia
Chair: Tomaž Glažar, MOH
Marijan Ivanuša, WHO
Tit Albreht, NIPH
Vesna Kerstin Petrič, MOH
An overview of Slovenian health system (15 min)
Main findings of the WG5 on optimization of service
delivery (15 min)
Integrated care- challenges and opportunities (20 min)
 Discussion (25 minutes)
Session 2. Good practices of care integration in Slovenia
The case manager example in NW of Slovenia (15 min)
Geriatric services example (5 min)
Community nurse example (5 min)
Polifarmacy coordinator (10 min)
Consultation between secondary and primary level (10 min)
Model Practices (15min)
The role of Primary health care centers in community care
and prevention, project Together for Health (15 min)
 Discussion (25 min)
Lunch break
Session 3. Policies to strengthen primary care
An overview of policies to strengthen primary care in Europe
(30 min)
Discussion (30 min)
Milojka Kolar Celarc, Minister of
Health, Slovenia
Marijan Ivanuša, WHO
Willy Palm, OBS
Chair: Vesna Kerstin Petrič,
Marijan Ivanuša, WHO
Prof. Andrej Robida
Gregor Veninšek, UCLJ
Martina Horvat, NIPH
Andreja Čufar, UCLJ
Prof. Radko Komadina , SBCelje
Igor Švab, Faculty of medicine LJ
Jožica Maučec Zakotnik , NIPH
Chair: Tomaž Glažar, MOH
Marijan Ivanuša, WHO
Wienke Boerma, OBS
Session 4. Purchasing and payment models supporting
optimization of care- Evipnet
Chair: Tomaž Glažar, MOH
Marijan Ivanuša, WHO
Purchasing and payment practices in Slovenia (20 min)
Wilm Quentin, European
Observatory/TUB (on line)
Reducing health inequalities and improving access with
payment models for general practitioners (20 min)
Discussion (20 min)
15.00 – 15:30
Closing remarks
Mircha Poldrugovac, NIPH
Milojka Kolar Celarc, Minister of
Health, Slovenia