1. Course title: Course coordinator: Lecturers: No. of hours: 300 Social Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Prof. Dr. Slavoj Žižek Prof. Dr. Eva D. Bahovec, Research Advisor Dr. Mladen Dolar, Prof. Dr. Professor Slavoj Žižek, Assist. Prof. Dr. Zdravko Kobe, Assist. Prof. Dr. Igor Pribac Lectures: 30 Seminar: 30 Lab. Work: Other: 240 ECTS: 10 2. Requirements: 3. Objectives of the course and intended - competent involvement in topical scientific and other debates in the field of social philosophy and psychoanalysis - competence in understanding technical terminology, basic concepts, main loci and orientations in the field of Social philosophy and psychoanalysis - competence in understanding and critical confrontation with pervading beliefs and fashionable trends in the area of expertise. learning outcomes (competences): 4. Content (curriculum outline): 5. Literature: - critical analysis of selected contemporary theories of social and political philosophy and specific elements of classical theories - socio-philosophical and psychoanalytical aspects of theories and dilemmas of practical ethics - the modern notion of subject, its transformation in classical German philosophy, criticism in post-Hegelian philosophy, conceptualisation of the subject in Structuralism, psychoanalysis and philosophy - the Enlightenment, philosophy and psychoanalysis - social and political philosophy through psychoanalysis - psychoanalysis and literary theory, film theory, theatre theory, art history etc. - philosophical and psychoanalytical analyses of popular culture, cultural practices and everyday life - feminism, psychoanalysis, philosophy - linking philosophy, art, science and psychoanalysis with cultural, postcolonial, women's, German and other studies 1. ALTHUSSER, Louis, Izbrani spisi, Založba /cf, Ljubljana, 2000. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. BADIOU, Alain, Dvajseto stoletje, Analecta, Ljubljana, 2005. DELEUZE, Gilles, Logika smisla, Založba Krtina, Ljubljana, 1998. DELEUZE, Gilles, Critique et clinique; Minuit, Paris, 1993. DERRIDA, Jacques, Spectres de Marx, Galilée, Paris, 1993. DERRIDA, Jacques, O duhu. Heidegger in vprašanje, Analecta, Ljubljana, 1999. 7. DUDLEY, Will, Hegel, Nietzsche and Philosophy. Thinking Freedom, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007. 8. FOUCAULT, Michel, Arheologija vednosti, Studia humanitatis, Ljubljana, 2001. 9. FOUCAULT, Michel, Dits et écrits, 4. zv., Gallimard, Paris, 1994. 10. KYMLICKA, Will, Sodobna politična filozofija, Založba Krtina, Ljubljana, 2005. 11. LACAN, Jacques, Spisi, Analecta, Ljubljana, 1994. 12. LEBRUN, Gérard, L'envers de la dialectique. Hegel à la lumière de Nietzsche, Seuil, Paris, 2004. 13. SINGER, Peter, Praktična etika, Založba Krtina, Ljubljana, 2008. 14. - ŽIŽEK, Slavoj (ed.), Mapping Ideology, Verso, London, 1994. 6. Teaching methods: Lectures, consultations and seminars. Occasional workshops, round table discussions, conferences. Each year a few topics selected from the planned curriculum will receive particular attention. Course coordinators will be chosen accordingly. 7. Assessment methods: Final oral examination and / or seminar paper. 8. References (3-5): Prof. Dr. Slavoj Žižek (coordinator) 1. ŽIŽEK, Slavoj, Paralaksa: za politični suspenz etičnega, Analecta, Ljubljana, 2004. 2. ŽIŽEK, Slavoj, Organs without Bodies. On Deleuze and Consequences, Routledge, London and New York, 2004. 3. ŽIŽEK, Slavoj, Nasilje, Analecta, Ljubljana, 2007. 4. ŽIŽEK, Slavoj, In Defense of Lost Causes, Verso, London and New York, 2008. Prof. Dr. Eva D. Bahovec 1. BAHOVEC, Eva D., »Féminisme et amgibuité: on ne nait pas féministe. Sur l'héritage commun de Beauvoir et de Wollstonecraft«, in: Christine Delphy in Sylvie Chaperon (ed.), Cinquantenaire du Deuxième sexe, Paris, Syllapse, 2002, pp. 173-181. 2. BAHOVEC, Eva D., »Divja misel Claudea-Lévi Straussa«, in: Claude Lévi-Strauss, Divja misel, Založba Krtina, Ljubljana, 2004, pp. 331-355. 3. BAHOVEC, Eva D., »Filozofija in življenje: Gilles Deleuze«, in: Eva D. Bahovec, Gregor Bida in Mateja Herbst, Filozofija in življenje, Oddelek za filozofijo, Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana, 2007, pp. 7-24. 4. BAHOVEC, Eva D., Freud, ženska in popotnikova senca, Delta, Ljubljana, 2007. Research Advisor Dr. Mladen Dolar 1. DOLAR, Mladen, O skoposti in nekaterih z njo povezanih rečeh, Analecta, Ljubljana, 2002. 2. DOLAR, Mladen, O glasu, Analecta, Ljubljana, 2003. 3. DOLAR, Mladen, »In Parmenidem Parvi Commentarii«, Helios, 2004/12, pp. 63-98. 4. DOLAR, Mladen, »Kafka's Voices«, in: Slavoj Žižek (ed.), Lacan: the silent partners, Verso, London and New York, 2006, pp. 312-335. Assist. Prof. Dr. Zdravko Kobe 1. KOBE, Zdravko, Automaton transcendentale II . Kritika čistega uma, Analecta, Ljubljana, 2001. 2. KOBE, Zdravko, »Heglova Fenomenologija duha: spodletela mojstrovina«, Problemi, 2003, 41, No. 2/3, pp. 169-219. 3. KOBE, Zdravko, »Die Auferstehung des Begriffs aus dem Geiste des Nihilismus oder Hegels spekulativer Karfreitag«, Filozski vestnik, 2005/2, pp. 113-128. Assist. Prof. Dr. Igor Pribac 1. PRIBAC, Igor, »Postfordizem, mnoštvo in pank«, in: Paolo Virno, Slovnica mnoštva, Založba Krtina, Ljubljana, 2003, pp. 105-144. 2. PRIBAC, Igor, »Posttranzicijska država vs. civilna družba«, in: Alja Brglez (ed.), Posttranzicijska država vs. civilna družba, Inštitut za civilizacijo in kulturo, Ljubljana, 2003, str. 1-8. 3. PRIBAC, Igor, »Vrnitev pogodbe«, in: J. W. Gough, Družbena pogodba, Založba Krtina, Ljubljana, 2004, pp. 301-321.
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