Društvo biofizikov Slovenije in Laboratorij za biofiziko (IJS) Vas vabita na biofizikalni seminar: dr. Bing-Sui Lu “Jožef Stefan” Institute, Ljubljana MOLECULAR RECOGNITION OF dsDNA MOLECULES BY VAN DER WAALS INTERACTION Van der Waals forces are highly prevalent in Nature, underlying many everyday processes that we take for granted (for example, the sticking of geckos to walls). In this talk, we look at how van der Waals forces can result in a stronger attraction between short double-stranded (ds) DNA molecules in salt solution, if the chemical sequences of the two molecules are identical and more heterogeneous, and the two molecules are oriented in parallel. Van der Waals forces can thus provide a mechanism for molecular recognition between such bio-molecules. Četrtek, 10. december 2015, ob 13:15 Seminarska soba fizike na Institutu »Jožef Stefan« (pritličje glavne stavbe, soba 106), Jamova 39, Ljubljana Vljudno vabljeni! Dodatne informacije: [email protected] Društvo biofizikov Slovenije Jamova 39, Ljubljana http://www.drustvo-biofizikov.si/ Laboratorij za biofiziko, F5, IJS Jamova 39, Ljubljana http://lbf.ijs.si/
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