35 35 35 2 45 2 2 70 arealforbrug 45 45 vandforbrug energiforbrug 70 70 indkøbte pesticider arealforbrug arealforbrug vandforbrug vandforbrug energiforbrug energiforbrug indkøbte pesticider indkøbte pesticider 8 90 90 90 ammoniakudledninger ammoniakammoniakudledninger udledninger 8 8 75 75 75 af udledning ozon-skadelig udledning af methylbromid udledning af ozon-skadelig ozon-skadelig methylbromid methylbromid drivhusgasudledning drivhusgasudledning drivhusgasudledning 40 70 1 1 1 70 nitrogenoxid 70 40 40 metan kuldioxid nitrogenoxid nitrogenoxid metan metan kuldioxid kuldioxid Vandforurening: Vandforurening: Vandforurening: 30* 80* 80* 80* i nitrater overfladevand nitrater i nitrater i overfladevand overfladevand 70* 70* 70*i fosfor overfladevand fosfor i fosfor i overfladevand overfladevand 70* 70* 70* i nitrater grundvand nitrater i nitrater i grundvand grundvand 50* 50* 50* fosfor i grundvand fosfor i fosfor i grundvand grundvand Miljø og66 klima bliver ødelagt 30* 30* nitrater i kystfarvande nitrater i nitrater i kystfarvande kystfarvande OeCDOeCD 6 Landbrugets påvirkning af miljøet i industrialiserede lande resulterer i forurening af vand og jord, udledning af drivhusgasser og begrænsning af levesteder for både dyr og planter. Kvælstof, som udledes til vandmiljøet, kan forårsage iltmangel og fiskedød. Udvaskning af nitrat kan være sundhedsskadeligt, hvis det ender i vores grundvand. Begge eksempler er resultater af et overforbrug af gylle og kunstgødning på landbrugsjordene. Forkert brug af gylle og kunstgødning kan også resultere i, at næringsstofferne fordamper og ender i atmosfæren. Ifølge Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri står landbruget i Danmark for 16% af landets samlede udledning af drivhusgasser – og så har ministeriet ikke medregnet klimapåvirkningen fra produktion af sojafoder, kunstgødning og andre hjælpestoffer. Stor efterspørgsel af kødprodukter – og dermed foder til dyr – kræver øget foderproduktion, hvilket resulterer i rydning af regnskov og andre naturområder, når områderne inddrages til landbrugsjord. Konsekvensen er tab af biodiversitet og reduceret lagring af CO2, som derfor ender i atmosfæren. Det skønnes, at alene det danske landbrugs efterspørgsel efter foderproteiner giver anledning til udledning af drivhusgasser i en mængde, der svarer til udledningerne fra over 80% af de danske personbiler. Hvad kan meat duandgøre? be carried into consumers’ kitchens. But of the WHO, “notorious globe-trotters”. The imprudent use of antibiotics in one part of the that is not the only way that humans can be exworld thus poses a threat not only to the local posed to such superbugs. Resistant bacteria can 3 tips, hvis du vil gøre en forskel: human population, but endangers the health of be blown several hundred metres by exhaust fans • Spis mindre kød og mere plantebaseret protein - få proteiner gennem fx bønner og linser people in other parts the world as well. of kød livestock houses. bacteria are abundant in • Spis økologisk hvor du undgårThe rester fra pesticider og antibiotika, støtter dyrevelfærd ogofdyr, manure, which is spread on fields as fertilizer. Once der ikke har indtaget genmodificeret foder in the soil,mad the bacteria can be washed into rivers • Spis lokalt produceret and lakes. Bacteria interact both on farms and in MEAT ATLAS MEAT ATLAS Bente Hessellund Andersen, Anita Geertsen og Nanna by Langevad Clifforth, juni type 2014, of opdateret How far we are – antibiotic resistance pathogen and meat juni in 2015 Germany Forfatterne kan kontaktes på NOAHs Sekretariat, tlf.: +45 3536 1212 Percentage of samples. Many pathogens in these groups of bacteria can Böll in humans leadogtoFriends serious diarrhoea and Europe even death Figurer: Heinrich Stiftung of the Earth 100 NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark Nørrebrogade 39, 2200 København N www.noah.dk [email protected] 80 Salmonella 60 5041 0339 TRYKSAG eMA * maksimal værdi * maksimal værdi Industrielle lande (OeCD medlemmer), 2007–9, % Industrielle lande (OeCD medlemmer), 2007–9, % OeCD * maksimal værdi Industrielle lande (OeCD medlemmer), 2007–9, % Landbrugets andel af den samlede miljøpåvirkning Landbrugets andel af den samlede miljøpåvirkning 408 Cyprus Factory farms are inevitably breeding dangerous new strains of bacteria KØDatlas Fakta og figurer om de dyr vi spiser BVL Landbrugets andel af den samlede miljøpåvirkning Theofcause of was this marine desolation lies in the a lack oxygen interfering with their enzyme European sales of antimicrobial agents for food-producing animals balance. over-fertilization of the Mississippi basin, where balance. The cause of this marine desolation lies in the 6 almost the United States’ desolation feed production The all cause of this marine lies in and the over-fertilization of the Mississippi basin, where Sales in milligrams per kilogram of meat stock industrial farms of arethe concentrated. and over-fertilization Mississippi nitrogen basin, where almost all the United States’ feed production and 24 biomass, 2011, including horses phosphorus washed down theproduction river into and the almost all theare United States’ feed industrial farms are concentrated. nitrogen and Gulf. There thesearenutrients stimulate the growth industrial farms concentrated. nitrogen and Finland phosphorus are washed down the river into the of algae, aquatic plants and bacteria, which phosphorus are washed down the river into use the Gulf. There these nutrients stimulate the growth 66 up theThere oxygen dissolved in the seawater. litre of Gulf. these nutrients stimulate theA growth of algae, aquatic plants and bacteria, which use seawater holdsand around 7 milligrams of of algae, commonly aquatic plants bacteria, which use antibiotika anvendes systematisk til up the oxygen dissolved in the seawater. A litre of 35 Estonia dissolved oxygen; aroundin thethe mouths of theAMissisup the oxygen dissolved seawater. litre of at bekæmpe sygdomme i landbruget seawater commonly holds around 7 milligrams of Latvia sippi it holds less thanholds 2 milligrams. only organseawater commonly around The 7 milligrams of dissolved oxygen; around the mouths of the Missisisms active here are those that do not depend on 42 dissolved oxygen; around the mouths of the Missis120 sippi it holds less than 2 milligrams. The only organoxygen to live. sippi it holds less than 2 milligrams. The only organisms active here are those that do not depend on Lithuania Us here marine Peter Thomas says ismsThe active are biologist those that do not depend on bakterier forsvarer sig selv ved oxygen to live. that around 250,000 square kilometres of coastal oxygen to live. at mutere, og bliver således resisThe Us marine biologist Peter Thomas says waters suffer from severe seasonalsays oxTheworldwide Us marine biologist Peter Thomas tente over for antibiotika that around 250,000 square kilometres of coastal ygen deficiency. In Asia, pig kilometres and poultryoffarms in that around 250,000 square coastal waters worldwide suffer from severe seasonal oxcoastal China, Vietnam and Thailand pollute the waters worldwide suffer from severe seasonal ox44 ygen deficiency. In Asia, pig and poultry farms in south China sea In with nitrogen. Thepoultry northern part of ygen deficiency. Asia, pig and farms in coastal China, Vietnam and Thailand pollute the Slovakia the Caspian seaVietnam is loadedand withThailand nitrogen that comes coastal China, pollute the resistente bakterier kan trænge south China sea with nitrogen. The northern part of down Volga. of the seas south the China seaMany with nitrogen. Thesurrounding northern parteuof ind i menneskets krop, når man the Caspian sea is loaded with nitrogen that comes rope are affected: the Baltic the Black sea, the Caspian sea is loaded withsea, nitrogen that comes spiser kød 192 down the Volga. Many of the seas surrounding euthe Irish the spanish the Adriatic down the sea, Volga. Many of thecoast seas and surrounding europe are affected: the Baltic sea, the Black sea, 104 all have zones. problems are Black causedsea, not rope aredead affected: theThe Baltic sea, the the Irish sea, the spanish coast and the Adriatic Hungary only by nitrogen and phosphorus also the Irish sea, the spanish coastpollution, and the but Adriatic all have dead zones. The problems are caused not antibiotika der anvendes by potassium, drug residues, disease-causing orall have dead zones. The problems are caused not Bulgaria only by nitrogen and phosphorus pollution, but also til behandling af menneganisms and heavy only by nitrogen andmetals. phosphorus pollution, but also by potassium, drug residues, disease-causing orsker er ineffektive mod It is not justdrug the residues, seas: industrialized livestock by potassium, disease-causing organisms and heavy metals. de resistente bakterier production harms land too. slurry and manure ganisms and heavythe metals. It is not just the seas: industrialized livestock fromIt livestock-producing are applied, often is not just the seas:areas industrialized livestock production harms the land too. slurry and manure indiscriminately, the land soil. They can pose even production harmstothe too. slurry and an manure from livestock-producing areas are applied, often greater threat than the overuse of applied, mineral often fertifrom livestock-producing areas are indiscriminately, to the soil. They can pose an even lizer, especially on well-drained nitrates are indiscriminately, to the soil. They soils. can pose an even greater threat than the overuse of mineral fertiwashed down into thethe groundwater, can fertilead greater threat than overuse ofwhich mineral lizer, especially on well-drained soils. nitrates are to contamination of our drinking water damage lizer, especially on well-drained soils. and nitrates are washed down into the groundwater, which canKød, lead mejeriprodukter og æg fra konventionelle husdyr kan indeholde rester af medicin og pesticider, hvilket our health. In our they can bewhich converted into washed down intobodies the groundwater, can lead to contamination of our drinking water and damage er skidt for din sundhed. af antibiotika for atanimal undgå receives sygdomme og hurtig vækst thefremme environment. Theyi husdevelop further and reprosibleOverforbruget to ensure that every single nitrosamines, which aredrinking suspected to cause cancer to contamination of our water and damage our health. In our bodies they can be converted into dyr resistens over for medicin til behandling af infektioner hos mennesker. of oesophagus and they stomach.over-fertilization ourthe health. In our bodies can be converted intogør, at bakterier udvikler duce, exchanging genetic information. In doing so, a sufficient dose of the drug. Diagnostic tests are nitrosamines, which are suspected to cause cancer threatens the which habitatare of suspected nearly all the endangered nitrosamines, to cause cancer of the oesophagus and stomach.over-fertilization they enlarge the pool of bacteria that is resistant to rarely used to check whether the right kind of antispecies on the Red and List stomach.over-fertilization compiled by the Internaof the oesophagus Huller i forskningen betyder, at der er uvished om, hvilken effekt sprøjtegiften Round-up har på vores helbred. threatens the habitat of nearly all the endangered once-powerful antibiotics. biotic is being used. tional Union Conservation nature. excessive threatens theforhabitat of nearlyofall the endangered species on the Red List compiled by the InternaRound-up bliver brugt bl.a. ved dyrkning af genmodificerede sojabønner. Disse sojabønner udgør så godt use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides andInternaherbispecies on the Red List compiled by the The production of animals and meat is globally Resistant bacteria can pass from animals to tional Union for Conservation of nature. excessive som cides harms for organisms in theofsoil and water, andalt proteinfoderet i det konventionelle landbrug i Danmark. tional Union Conservation nature. excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbiconnected with trade and transport links spanning humans in many ways. An obvious link is the food damages ecosystems. use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides harms organisms in the soil and water, and the globe. These links enable resistant bacteria chain. When the animals are slaughtered and procides harms organisms in the soil and water, and damages ecosystems. damages ecosystems. MEAT ATLAS to spread rapidly. superbugs are, in the words cessed in an abattoir, the bacteria can colonize the Tryk: Frederiksberg Bogtrykkeri A/S the Mississippi, some 20,000 square kilometres of Escherichia coli Number of classes of antibiotics to which pathogens are resistent : 4 or more 3 2 Forbrug i den vestlige verden OeCD/FAO kødindtag per indbygger, kilogram, gennemsnit 2010–12 (estimat) og 2022 (forventet) 33.7 32.6 20.2 18.2 16.7 15.8 45.6 44.4 0.9 0.8 11.1 11.0 Canada 26.5 24.7 21.1 20.8 0.4 0.3 USA contamination by antibiotics from the large amounts of drugs used in factory farms, and the lowering of the water table in much of Asia because of pumping from wells. Dry wells have to be deepened, and they may tap into rocks that have a high content of fluoride and arsenic; substances that can harm 32.3 31.7 both people and animals. If meat consumption continues to rise rapidly, 15.3 21.2 the amount14.9 of water12.8 needed to grow animal feed 20.8 12.7 will double by the middle of this century, accord6.8 7.3 0.2 0.2 ing to the Worldwatch Institute. Human populaJapan 2.0 1.7 tion growth alone means we have to find ways to use water more economically, because the same 39.6of water will have to go around for more EU amount 38.8 people. Global warming through climate change is likely to reduce water availability further. It is questionable whether we should continue to pump an 22.9 21.5ever scarcer resource into the raising of livestock 22.1 20.0 . some 2.5 billion people already live in areas subject to water stress; by 2025, it will be over half of 8.6 humanity, and over water are expected to 8.4 conflicts 32.5 become more acute.31.6 Virtuelt vand Vandforbrug til produktion af 1 kg eller 1 liter: Dyr slagtet globalt Officielle og estimerede data, 2011, antal dyr 58 oksekød 517 15,455 L 296 000 000 ost 24 5,000 L ris æg 000 000 000 000 bøfler kvæg geder får svin 3,400 L 3,300 L 1 383 000 000 430 000 000 kyllinger ænder kalkuner gæs og perlehøns 654 000 000 2 817 000 000 Australien 10.2 8.8 Water use by Nippon Ham, the world’s 6th-largest meat company, 2011, 100 percent =New 12.5 Zealand million m3 1.5 9.7 would be cheaper. that communicate certain animal-welfare standards For meat production to be sustainable, rich and food-safety issues to consumers. They do this consumers have to eat less meat. And we must rather than adopting one of the existing certifica32 56.8 eat differently. We have to reduce our consumption tion schemes. Civil society organizations warn that of intensively reared livestock, while shifting to the these new “standards” might confuse consumers production and consumption of meat from grazing rather than improve the quality of the meat. organic animals. These have a healthier balance of fats production would be an alternative that takes conIn the and micronutrients than animals fed on grain, sumer doubts into account. organically produced industrialized and they can turn something we cannot eat,food plants animals may not be fed with genetically modified livestock breeding world, it’s easier to grass, into milk and meat. soy; a high percentage of their feed has to come fresh meat facilities and feedlots processing plantsgrab a burger other from the home farm; and antibiotics are completely forbidden, or allowed on a very restricted basis only. than a salad Despite this, less than 2 percent of the meat sold in most industrialized countries is organically proMEAT ATLAS Past the peak in the USA duced. one reason for this may be price: organically Meat consumption per capita, kilograms, without waste and pet food produced meat costs nearly twice as much as 2013 and 2014: estimates conventional meat. Conventional meat is cheap to buyKødforbruget because someerofenormt its costsi de are industrialiserede hidden from lande, og det globale forbrug stiger. Danskerne spiser ca. 85 85 the public. These include subsidies to factory kg kød/person omtax året, mens det gennemsnitlige forbrug i de industrialiserede lande er ca. 95 kg/person farmers, external environmental costs, or harm to pr. år. I udviklingslandene er forbruget ca. 30 kg/person pr. år, men efterspørgslen på kød vokser i takt med, 80 consumers due to low-quality diets. In times of risat flere flytter til byerne og får flere penge mellem hænderne. For at imødekomme efterspørgslen opdyrkes ing poverty and big income differences between the mere og mere jord for at skaffe foder. FN estimerer, at 70% af landbrugsjorden bruges til husdyrproduktion. 75 rich and the poor, many people find it hard to spend Oksekød har samtidig en større negativ more on food. schools and canteens serve meat effekt på klimaet end andre typer kød. En ændring af vores madva70 at landbrugsarealet øges. at flere kan blive mætte, uden every ner day vil andkunne have sikre, few vegetarian offerings, further raising our expectation of a daily dose of meat. 0 A high-pressure lifestyle is making us lose our taste 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 for vegetables, and we are forgetting how to cook them, even though a vegetarian or low-meat diet CMe hvede 1,300 L Slagtning per land, de fire største, 2011, antal dyr 15.7 A thirsty industry 15.5 Kødforbruget vokser 1,500 L mælk 35 108 100 USA kvæg og bøfler 1,000 L æbler 700 L øl 300 L kartofler 255 L tomater 184 L gulerødder 131 L 46 193 000 Kina 21 490 000 Indien 8 954 959 000 USA 5 370 102 000 Brasilien 39 100 000 Brasilien 59 735 680 Tyskland 110 956 304 USA Et badekar indeholder ca. 140 liter vand svin 649 11 080 000 000 Kina fjerkræ 000 000 2 049 445 000 Indonesien 273 080 000 661 702 976 Kina 44 270 000 Vietnam får og geder 84 110 000 Kina Indien 38 600 000 28 980 000 Nigeria Bangladesh FAOStAt 19.1 16.8 sukker WAteRFOOtPRINt.ORG okse, kalv svin fjerkræ får, geder NIPPON HAM 2010– 2012 2022 Finally, the treatment of animals in slaughterand are largely defenceless against the compahouses is subject to criticism on two fronts. The nies’ demands. Back in the 1960s, labour unions animal welfare movement objects to frequent vioin the meat industry were still strong; in the last lations of regulations and cruelty to animals, such two decades they have had a much harder time. as long transports, inadequate anaesthesia, or Workers have little say in their work conditions, and the beatingaf of alle animals theyCrown are driven thedem og er verdens største svine collective are unknown most Vandforbruget stiger dobbelt så meget som befolkningstilvæksten, og hvis forbruget ikke begrænses, er der wage agreements 10 firmaer står for in 88% af slagtningen svin.when Danish er etin af of the world. risiko for, at vandforsyningen kollapser. Landbruget bruger 70% af jordens tilgængelige ferskvand,parts og især kødseksportør. Mange stederslaughterhouse. foregår slagtning af dyr – ofte på brutal vis – væk fra byerne, så folk bliver The animal rights movement, on the other In most industrial countries, the slaughterhousproduktionen af animalske fødevarer bruger meget vand. Det kræver omkring 15.500 liter vand at produskånet for brutaliteten. Antallet af slagtedyr er enormt, og især antallet af høns, der We må lade livet, er tårnhøjt. severed hand, criticizes the mass-slaughter of animals es have been relocated from the cities to the rural cere bare et enkelt kilo konventionelt oksekød. En konventionel ko bruger mere vand end en ko, der går på Dyrevelfærden i konventionelt landbrug bliver ofte kritiseret, fordi dyrene lever et link sørgeligt liv under kumthe between as a matter of principle: it says that meat properiphery. The cruelty of slaughtering and images græs, og den har også en større negativ klimaeffekt. Samtidig mangler 1,1 mia mennesker adgang til rent merlige forhold. Mange af dem ser aldrig dagslys, de har ingen plads at bevæge sig på, bliver living animals and kastreret duction is always associated with violence of blood and squealing animals have to be hiddrikkevand. udenand bedøvelse, fårrefl afklippet hale oganimals. næb, bliver får sår, lever på kolde beton- eller trægulve, against Animalmishandlet, rights activists do not den from consumers’ eyes ears. This ects the packaged transporteret sammenklemt opreform til flereslaughter; timer, bliver og vokser så hurtigt, at deres skelet ikke wanti to theystressede want to abolish a modern social norm:bliver violence is banished from products kanand følge med. are made it altogether. They say that the meat industry republic view. slaughtering butchery gards animals as mere products, whereas society invisible for the majority. The connection between should recognize their individuality and capacity for the meat and the living animal that is trucked to suffering. town and dies in the slaughterhouse has been severed. What most consumers now see is only a vac- Løber vi tør for rent vand? 11 Mindre dyrevelfærd Forbrug i den vestlige verden OeCD/FAO kødindtag per indbygger, kilogram, gennemsnit 2010–12 (estimat) og 2022 (forventet) 33.7 32.6 20.2 18.2 16.7 15.8 45.6 44.4 0.9 0.8 11.1 11.0 Canada 26.5 24.7 21.1 20.8 0.4 0.3 USA contamination by antibiotics from the large amounts of drugs used in factory farms, and the lowering of the water table in much of Asia because of pumping from wells. Dry wells have to be deepened, and they may tap into rocks that have a high content of fluoride and arsenic; substances that can harm 32.3 31.7 both people and animals. If meat consumption continues to rise rapidly, 15.3 21.2 the amount14.9 of water12.8 needed to grow animal feed 20.8 12.7 will double by the middle of this century, accord6.8 7.3 0.2 0.2 ing to the Worldwatch Institute. Human populaJapan 2.0 1.7 tion growth alone means we have to find ways to use water more economically, because the same 39.6of water will have to go around for more EU amount 38.8 people. Global warming through climate change is likely to reduce water availability further. It is questionable whether we should continue to pump an 22.9 21.5ever scarcer resource into the raising of livestock 22.1 20.0 . some 2.5 billion people already live in areas subject to water stress; by 2025, it will be over half of 8.6 humanity, and over water are expected to 8.4 conflicts 32.5 become more acute.31.6 Virtuelt vand Vandforbrug til produktion af 1 kg eller 1 liter: Dyr slagtet globalt Officielle og estimerede data, 2011, antal dyr 58 oksekød 517 15,455 L 296 000 000 ost 24 5,000 L ris æg 000 000 000 000 bøfler kvæg geder får svin 3,400 L 3,300 L 1 383 000 000 430 000 000 kyllinger ænder kalkuner gæs og perlehøns 654 000 000 2 817 000 000 Australien 10.2 8.8 Water use by Nippon Ham, the world’s 6th-largest meat company, 2011, 100 percent =New 12.5 Zealand million m3 1.5 9.7 would be cheaper. that communicate certain animal-welfare standards For meat production to be sustainable, rich and food-safety issues to consumers. They do this consumers have to eat less meat. And we must rather than adopting one of the existing certifica32 56.8 eat differently. We have to reduce our consumption tion schemes. Civil society organizations warn that of intensively reared livestock, while shifting to the these new “standards” might confuse consumers production and consumption of meat from grazing rather than improve the quality of the meat. organic animals. These have a healthier balance of fats production would be an alternative that takes conIn the and micronutrients than animals fed on grain, sumer doubts into account. organically produced industrialized and they can turn something we cannot eat,food plants animals may not be fed with genetically modified livestock breeding world, it’s easier to grass, into milk and meat. soy; a high percentage of their feed has to come fresh meat facilities and feedlots processing plantsgrab a burger other from the home farm; and antibiotics are completely forbidden, or allowed on a very restricted basis only. than a salad Despite this, less than 2 percent of the meat sold in most industrialized countries is organically proMEAT ATLAS Past the peak in the USA duced. one reason for this may be price: organically Meat consumption per capita, kilograms, without waste and pet food produced meat costs nearly twice as much as 2013 and 2014: estimates conventional meat. Conventional meat is cheap to buyKødforbruget because someerofenormt its costsi de are industrialiserede hidden from lande, og det globale forbrug stiger. Danskerne spiser ca. 85 85 the public. These include subsidies to factory kg kød/person omtax året, mens det gennemsnitlige forbrug i de industrialiserede lande er ca. 95 kg/person farmers, external environmental costs, or harm to pr. år. I udviklingslandene er forbruget ca. 30 kg/person pr. år, men efterspørgslen på kød vokser i takt med, 80 consumers due to low-quality diets. In times of risat flere flytter til byerne og får flere penge mellem hænderne. For at imødekomme efterspørgslen opdyrkes ing poverty and big income differences between the mere og mere jord for at skaffe foder. FN estimerer, at 70% af landbrugsjorden bruges til husdyrproduktion. 75 rich and the poor, many people find it hard to spend Oksekød har samtidig en større negativ more on food. schools and canteens serve meat effekt på klimaet end andre typer kød. En ændring af vores madva70 at landbrugsarealet øges. at flere kan blive mætte, uden every ner day vil andkunne have sikre, few vegetarian offerings, further raising our expectation of a daily dose of meat. 0 A high-pressure lifestyle is making us lose our taste 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 for vegetables, and we are forgetting how to cook them, even though a vegetarian or low-meat diet CMe hvede 1,300 L Slagtning per land, de fire største, 2011, antal dyr 15.7 A thirsty industry 15.5 Kødforbruget vokser 1,500 L mælk 35 108 100 USA kvæg og bøfler 1,000 L æbler 700 L øl 300 L kartofler 255 L tomater 184 L gulerødder 131 L 46 193 000 Kina 21 490 000 Indien 8 954 959 000 USA 5 370 102 000 Brasilien 39 100 000 Brasilien 59 735 680 Tyskland 110 956 304 USA Et badekar indeholder ca. 140 liter vand svin 649 11 080 000 000 Kina fjerkræ 000 000 2 049 445 000 Indonesien 273 080 000 661 702 976 Kina 44 270 000 Vietnam får og geder 84 110 000 Kina Indien 38 600 000 28 980 000 Nigeria Bangladesh FAOStAt 19.1 16.8 sukker WAteRFOOtPRINt.ORG okse, kalv svin fjerkræ får, geder NIPPON HAM 2010– 2012 2022 Finally, the treatment of animals in slaughterand are largely defenceless against the compahouses is subject to criticism on two fronts. The nies’ demands. Back in the 1960s, labour unions animal welfare movement objects to frequent vioin the meat industry were still strong; in the last lations of regulations and cruelty to animals, such two decades they have had a much harder time. as long transports, inadequate anaesthesia, or Workers have little say in their work conditions, and the beatingaf of alle animals theyCrown are driven thedem og er verdens største svine collective are unknown most Vandforbruget stiger dobbelt så meget som befolkningstilvæksten, og hvis forbruget ikke begrænses, er der wage agreements 10 firmaer står for in 88% af slagtningen svin.when Danish er etin af of the world. risiko for, at vandforsyningen kollapser. Landbruget bruger 70% af jordens tilgængelige ferskvand,parts og især kødseksportør. Mange stederslaughterhouse. foregår slagtning af dyr – ofte på brutal vis – væk fra byerne, så folk bliver The animal rights movement, on the other In most industrial countries, the slaughterhousproduktionen af animalske fødevarer bruger meget vand. Det kræver omkring 15.500 liter vand at produskånet for brutaliteten. Antallet af slagtedyr er enormt, og især antallet af høns, der We må lade livet, er tårnhøjt. severed hand, criticizes the mass-slaughter of animals es have been relocated from the cities to the rural cere bare et enkelt kilo konventionelt oksekød. En konventionel ko bruger mere vand end en ko, der går på Dyrevelfærden i konventionelt landbrug bliver ofte kritiseret, fordi dyrene lever et link sørgeligt liv under kumthe between as a matter of principle: it says that meat properiphery. The cruelty of slaughtering and images græs, og den har også en større negativ klimaeffekt. Samtidig mangler 1,1 mia mennesker adgang til rent merlige forhold. Mange af dem ser aldrig dagslys, de har ingen plads at bevæge sig på, bliver living animals and kastreret duction is always associated with violence of blood and squealing animals have to be hiddrikkevand. udenand bedøvelse, fårrefl afklippet hale oganimals. næb, bliver får sår, lever på kolde beton- eller trægulve, against Animalmishandlet, rights activists do not den from consumers’ eyes ears. This ects the packaged transporteret sammenklemt opreform til flereslaughter; timer, bliver og vokser så hurtigt, at deres skelet ikke wanti to theystressede want to abolish a modern social norm:bliver violence is banished from products kanand følge med. are made it altogether. They say that the meat industry republic view. slaughtering butchery gards animals as mere products, whereas society invisible for the majority. The connection between should recognize their individuality and capacity for the meat and the living animal that is trucked to suffering. town and dies in the slaughterhouse has been severed. What most consumers now see is only a vac- Løber vi tør for rent vand? 11 Mindre dyrevelfærd Forbrug i den vestlige verden OeCD/FAO kødindtag per indbygger, kilogram, gennemsnit 2010–12 (estimat) og 2022 (forventet) 33.7 32.6 20.2 18.2 16.7 15.8 45.6 44.4 0.9 0.8 11.1 11.0 Canada 26.5 24.7 21.1 20.8 0.4 0.3 USA contamination by antibiotics from the large amounts of drugs used in factory farms, and the lowering of the water table in much of Asia because of pumping from wells. Dry wells have to be deepened, and they may tap into rocks that have a high content of fluoride and arsenic; substances that can harm 32.3 31.7 both people and animals. If meat consumption continues to rise rapidly, 15.3 21.2 the amount14.9 of water12.8 needed to grow animal feed 20.8 12.7 will double by the middle of this century, accord6.8 7.3 0.2 0.2 ing to the Worldwatch Institute. Human populaJapan 2.0 1.7 tion growth alone means we have to find ways to use water more economically, because the same 39.6of water will have to go around for more EU amount 38.8 people. Global warming through climate change is likely to reduce water availability further. It is questionable whether we should continue to pump an 22.9 21.5ever scarcer resource into the raising of livestock 22.1 20.0 . some 2.5 billion people already live in areas subject to water stress; by 2025, it will be over half of 8.6 humanity, and over water are expected to 8.4 conflicts 32.5 become more acute.31.6 Virtuelt vand Vandforbrug til produktion af 1 kg eller 1 liter: Dyr slagtet globalt Officielle og estimerede data, 2011, antal dyr 58 oksekød 517 15,455 L 296 000 000 ost 24 5,000 L ris æg 000 000 000 000 bøfler kvæg geder får svin 3,400 L 3,300 L 1 383 000 000 430 000 000 kyllinger ænder kalkuner gæs og perlehøns 654 000 000 2 817 000 000 Australien 10.2 8.8 Water use by Nippon Ham, the world’s 6th-largest meat company, 2011, 100 percent =New 12.5 Zealand million m3 1.5 9.7 would be cheaper. that communicate certain animal-welfare standards For meat production to be sustainable, rich and food-safety issues to consumers. They do this consumers have to eat less meat. And we must rather than adopting one of the existing certifica32 56.8 eat differently. We have to reduce our consumption tion schemes. Civil society organizations warn that of intensively reared livestock, while shifting to the these new “standards” might confuse consumers production and consumption of meat from grazing rather than improve the quality of the meat. organic animals. These have a healthier balance of fats production would be an alternative that takes conIn the and micronutrients than animals fed on grain, sumer doubts into account. organically produced industrialized and they can turn something we cannot eat,food plants animals may not be fed with genetically modified livestock breeding world, it’s easier to grass, into milk and meat. soy; a high percentage of their feed has to come fresh meat facilities and feedlots processing plantsgrab a burger other from the home farm; and antibiotics are completely forbidden, or allowed on a very restricted basis only. than a salad Despite this, less than 2 percent of the meat sold in most industrialized countries is organically proMEAT ATLAS Past the peak in the USA duced. one reason for this may be price: organically Meat consumption per capita, kilograms, without waste and pet food produced meat costs nearly twice as much as 2013 and 2014: estimates conventional meat. Conventional meat is cheap to buyKødforbruget because someerofenormt its costsi de are industrialiserede hidden from lande, og det globale forbrug stiger. Danskerne spiser ca. 85 85 the public. These include subsidies to factory kg kød/person omtax året, mens det gennemsnitlige forbrug i de industrialiserede lande er ca. 95 kg/person farmers, external environmental costs, or harm to pr. år. I udviklingslandene er forbruget ca. 30 kg/person pr. år, men efterspørgslen på kød vokser i takt med, 80 consumers due to low-quality diets. In times of risat flere flytter til byerne og får flere penge mellem hænderne. For at imødekomme efterspørgslen opdyrkes ing poverty and big income differences between the mere og mere jord for at skaffe foder. FN estimerer, at 70% af landbrugsjorden bruges til husdyrproduktion. 75 rich and the poor, many people find it hard to spend Oksekød har samtidig en større negativ more on food. schools and canteens serve meat effekt på klimaet end andre typer kød. En ændring af vores madva70 at landbrugsarealet øges. at flere kan blive mætte, uden every ner day vil andkunne have sikre, few vegetarian offerings, further raising our expectation of a daily dose of meat. 0 A high-pressure lifestyle is making us lose our taste 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 for vegetables, and we are forgetting how to cook them, even though a vegetarian or low-meat diet CMe hvede 1,300 L Slagtning per land, de fire største, 2011, antal dyr 15.7 A thirsty industry 15.5 Kødforbruget vokser 1,500 L mælk 35 108 100 USA kvæg og bøfler 1,000 L æbler 700 L øl 300 L kartofler 255 L tomater 184 L gulerødder 131 L 46 193 000 Kina 21 490 000 Indien 8 954 959 000 USA 5 370 102 000 Brasilien 39 100 000 Brasilien 59 735 680 Tyskland 110 956 304 USA Et badekar indeholder ca. 140 liter vand svin 649 11 080 000 000 Kina fjerkræ 000 000 2 049 445 000 Indonesien 273 080 000 661 702 976 Kina 44 270 000 Vietnam får og geder 84 110 000 Kina Indien 38 600 000 28 980 000 Nigeria Bangladesh FAOStAt 19.1 16.8 sukker WAteRFOOtPRINt.ORG okse, kalv svin fjerkræ får, geder NIPPON HAM 2010– 2012 2022 Finally, the treatment of animals in slaughterand are largely defenceless against the compahouses is subject to criticism on two fronts. The nies’ demands. Back in the 1960s, labour unions animal welfare movement objects to frequent vioin the meat industry were still strong; in the last lations of regulations and cruelty to animals, such two decades they have had a much harder time. as long transports, inadequate anaesthesia, or Workers have little say in their work conditions, and the beatingaf of alle animals theyCrown are driven thedem og er verdens største svine collective are unknown most Vandforbruget stiger dobbelt så meget som befolkningstilvæksten, og hvis forbruget ikke begrænses, er der wage agreements 10 firmaer står for in 88% af slagtningen svin.when Danish er etin af of the world. risiko for, at vandforsyningen kollapser. Landbruget bruger 70% af jordens tilgængelige ferskvand,parts og især kødseksportør. Mange stederslaughterhouse. foregår slagtning af dyr – ofte på brutal vis – væk fra byerne, så folk bliver The animal rights movement, on the other In most industrial countries, the slaughterhousproduktionen af animalske fødevarer bruger meget vand. Det kræver omkring 15.500 liter vand at produskånet for brutaliteten. Antallet af slagtedyr er enormt, og især antallet af høns, der We må lade livet, er tårnhøjt. severed hand, criticizes the mass-slaughter of animals es have been relocated from the cities to the rural cere bare et enkelt kilo konventionelt oksekød. En konventionel ko bruger mere vand end en ko, der går på Dyrevelfærden i konventionelt landbrug bliver ofte kritiseret, fordi dyrene lever et link sørgeligt liv under kumthe between as a matter of principle: it says that meat properiphery. The cruelty of slaughtering and images græs, og den har også en større negativ klimaeffekt. Samtidig mangler 1,1 mia mennesker adgang til rent merlige forhold. Mange af dem ser aldrig dagslys, de har ingen plads at bevæge sig på, bliver living animals and kastreret duction is always associated with violence of blood and squealing animals have to be hiddrikkevand. udenand bedøvelse, fårrefl afklippet hale oganimals. næb, bliver får sår, lever på kolde beton- eller trægulve, against Animalmishandlet, rights activists do not den from consumers’ eyes ears. This ects the packaged transporteret sammenklemt opreform til flereslaughter; timer, bliver og vokser så hurtigt, at deres skelet ikke wanti to theystressede want to abolish a modern social norm:bliver violence is banished from products kanand følge med. are made it altogether. They say that the meat industry republic view. slaughtering butchery gards animals as mere products, whereas society invisible for the majority. The connection between should recognize their individuality and capacity for the meat and the living animal that is trucked to suffering. town and dies in the slaughterhouse has been severed. What most consumers now see is only a vac- Løber vi tør for rent vand? 11 Mindre dyrevelfærd 35 35 35 2 45 2 2 70 arealforbrug 45 45 vandforbrug energiforbrug 70 70 indkøbte pesticider arealforbrug arealforbrug vandforbrug vandforbrug energiforbrug energiforbrug indkøbte pesticider indkøbte pesticider 8 90 90 90 ammoniakudledninger ammoniakammoniakudledninger udledninger 8 8 75 75 75 af udledning ozon-skadelig udledning af methylbromid udledning af ozon-skadelig ozon-skadelig methylbromid methylbromid drivhusgasudledning drivhusgasudledning drivhusgasudledning 40 70 1 1 1 70 nitrogenoxid 70 40 40 metan kuldioxid nitrogenoxid nitrogenoxid metan metan kuldioxid kuldioxid Vandforurening: Vandforurening: Vandforurening: 30* 80* 80* 80* i nitrater overfladevand nitrater i nitrater i overfladevand overfladevand 70* 70* 70*i fosfor overfladevand fosfor i fosfor i overfladevand overfladevand 70* 70* 70* i nitrater grundvand nitrater i nitrater i grundvand grundvand 50* 50* 50* fosfor i grundvand fosfor i fosfor i grundvand grundvand Miljø og66 klima bliver ødelagt 30* 30* nitrater i kystfarvande nitrater i nitrater i kystfarvande kystfarvande OeCDOeCD 6 Landbrugets påvirkning af miljøet i industrialiserede lande resulterer i forurening af vand og jord, udledning af drivhusgasser og begrænsning af levesteder for både dyr og planter. Kvælstof, som udledes til vandmiljøet, kan forårsage iltmangel og fiskedød. Udvaskning af nitrat kan være sundhedsskadeligt, hvis det ender i vores grundvand. Begge eksempler er resultater af et overforbrug af gylle og kunstgødning på landbrugsjordene. Forkert brug af gylle og kunstgødning kan også resultere i, at næringsstofferne fordamper og ender i atmosfæren. Ifølge Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri står landbruget i Danmark for 16% af landets samlede udledning af drivhusgasser – og så har ministeriet ikke medregnet klimapåvirkningen fra produktion af sojafoder, kunstgødning og andre hjælpestoffer. Stor efterspørgsel af kødprodukter – og dermed foder til dyr – kræver øget foderproduktion, hvilket resulterer i rydning af regnskov og andre naturområder, når områderne inddrages til landbrugsjord. Konsekvensen er tab af biodiversitet og reduceret lagring af CO2, som derfor ender i atmosfæren. Det skønnes, at alene det danske landbrugs efterspørgsel efter foderproteiner giver anledning til udledning af drivhusgasser i en mængde, der svarer til udledningerne fra over 80% af de danske personbiler. Hvad kan meat duandgøre? be carried into consumers’ kitchens. But of the WHO, “notorious globe-trotters”. The imprudent use of antibiotics in one part of the that is not the only way that humans can be exworld thus poses a threat not only to the local posed to such superbugs. Resistant bacteria can 3 tips, hvis du vil gøre en forskel: human population, but endangers the health of be blown several hundred metres by exhaust fans • Spis mindre kød og mere plantebaseret protein - få proteiner gennem fx bønner og linser people in other parts the world as well. of kød livestock houses. bacteria are abundant in • Spis økologisk hvor du undgårThe rester fra pesticider og antibiotika, støtter dyrevelfærd ogofdyr, manure, which is spread on fields as fertilizer. Once der ikke har indtaget genmodificeret foder in the soil,mad the bacteria can be washed into rivers • Spis lokalt produceret and lakes. Bacteria interact both on farms and in MEAT ATLAS MEAT ATLAS Bente Hessellund Andersen, Anita Geertsen og Nanna by Langevad Clifforth, juni type 2014, of opdateret How far we are – antibiotic resistance pathogen and meat juni in 2015 Germany Forfatterne kan kontaktes på NOAHs Sekretariat, tlf.: +45 3536 1212 Percentage of samples. Many pathogens in these groups of bacteria can Böll in humans leadogtoFriends serious diarrhoea and Europe even death Figurer: Heinrich Stiftung of the Earth 100 NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark Nørrebrogade 39, 2200 København N www.noah.dk [email protected] 80 Salmonella 60 5041 0339 TRYKSAG eMA * maksimal værdi * maksimal værdi Industrielle lande (OeCD medlemmer), 2007–9, % Industrielle lande (OeCD medlemmer), 2007–9, % OeCD * maksimal værdi Industrielle lande (OeCD medlemmer), 2007–9, % Landbrugets andel af den samlede miljøpåvirkning Landbrugets andel af den samlede miljøpåvirkning 408 Cyprus Factory farms are inevitably breeding dangerous new strains of bacteria KØDatlas Fakta og figurer om de dyr vi spiser BVL Landbrugets andel af den samlede miljøpåvirkning Theofcause of was this marine desolation lies in the a lack oxygen interfering with their enzyme European sales of antimicrobial agents for food-producing animals balance. over-fertilization of the Mississippi basin, where balance. The cause of this marine desolation lies in the 6 almost the United States’ desolation feed production The all cause of this marine lies in and the over-fertilization of the Mississippi basin, where Sales in milligrams per kilogram of meat stock industrial farms of arethe concentrated. and over-fertilization Mississippi nitrogen basin, where almost all the United States’ feed production and 24 biomass, 2011, including horses phosphorus washed down theproduction river into and the almost all theare United States’ feed industrial farms are concentrated. nitrogen and Gulf. There thesearenutrients stimulate the growth industrial farms concentrated. nitrogen and Finland phosphorus are washed down the river into the of algae, aquatic plants and bacteria, which phosphorus are washed down the river into use the Gulf. There these nutrients stimulate the growth 66 up theThere oxygen dissolved in the seawater. litre of Gulf. these nutrients stimulate theA growth of algae, aquatic plants and bacteria, which use seawater holdsand around 7 milligrams of of algae, commonly aquatic plants bacteria, which use antibiotika anvendes systematisk til up the oxygen dissolved in the seawater. A litre of 35 Estonia dissolved oxygen; aroundin thethe mouths of theAMissisup the oxygen dissolved seawater. litre of at bekæmpe sygdomme i landbruget seawater commonly holds around 7 milligrams of Latvia sippi it holds less thanholds 2 milligrams. only organseawater commonly around The 7 milligrams of dissolved oxygen; around the mouths of the Missisisms active here are those that do not depend on 42 dissolved oxygen; around the mouths of the Missis120 sippi it holds less than 2 milligrams. The only organoxygen to live. sippi it holds less than 2 milligrams. The only organisms active here are those that do not depend on Lithuania Us here marine Peter Thomas says ismsThe active are biologist those that do not depend on bakterier forsvarer sig selv ved oxygen to live. that around 250,000 square kilometres of coastal oxygen to live. at mutere, og bliver således resisThe Us marine biologist Peter Thomas says waters suffer from severe seasonalsays oxTheworldwide Us marine biologist Peter Thomas tente over for antibiotika that around 250,000 square kilometres of coastal ygen deficiency. In Asia, pig kilometres and poultryoffarms in that around 250,000 square coastal waters worldwide suffer from severe seasonal oxcoastal China, Vietnam and Thailand pollute the waters worldwide suffer from severe seasonal ox44 ygen deficiency. In Asia, pig and poultry farms in south China sea In with nitrogen. Thepoultry northern part of ygen deficiency. Asia, pig and farms in coastal China, Vietnam and Thailand pollute the Slovakia the Caspian seaVietnam is loadedand withThailand nitrogen that comes coastal China, pollute the resistente bakterier kan trænge south China sea with nitrogen. The northern part of down Volga. of the seas south the China seaMany with nitrogen. Thesurrounding northern parteuof ind i menneskets krop, når man the Caspian sea is loaded with nitrogen that comes rope are affected: the Baltic the Black sea, the Caspian sea is loaded withsea, nitrogen that comes spiser kød 192 down the Volga. Many of the seas surrounding euthe Irish the spanish the Adriatic down the sea, Volga. Many of thecoast seas and surrounding europe are affected: the Baltic sea, the Black sea, 104 all have zones. problems are Black causedsea, not rope aredead affected: theThe Baltic sea, the the Irish sea, the spanish coast and the Adriatic Hungary only by nitrogen and phosphorus also the Irish sea, the spanish coastpollution, and the but Adriatic all have dead zones. The problems are caused not antibiotika der anvendes by potassium, drug residues, disease-causing orall have dead zones. The problems are caused not Bulgaria only by nitrogen and phosphorus pollution, but also til behandling af menneganisms and heavy only by nitrogen andmetals. phosphorus pollution, but also by potassium, drug residues, disease-causing orsker er ineffektive mod It is not justdrug the residues, seas: industrialized livestock by potassium, disease-causing organisms and heavy metals. de resistente bakterier production harms land too. slurry and manure ganisms and heavythe metals. It is not just the seas: industrialized livestock fromIt livestock-producing are applied, often is not just the seas:areas industrialized livestock production harms the land too. slurry and manure indiscriminately, the land soil. They can pose even production harmstothe too. slurry and an manure from livestock-producing areas are applied, often greater threat than the overuse of applied, mineral often fertifrom livestock-producing areas are indiscriminately, to the soil. They can pose an even lizer, especially on well-drained nitrates are indiscriminately, to the soil. They soils. can pose an even greater threat than the overuse of mineral fertiwashed down into thethe groundwater, can fertilead greater threat than overuse ofwhich mineral lizer, especially on well-drained soils. nitrates are to contamination of our drinking water damage lizer, especially on well-drained soils. and nitrates are washed down into the groundwater, which canKød, lead mejeriprodukter og æg fra konventionelle husdyr kan indeholde rester af medicin og pesticider, hvilket our health. In our they can bewhich converted into washed down intobodies the groundwater, can lead to contamination of our drinking water and damage er skidt for din sundhed. af antibiotika for atanimal undgå receives sygdomme og hurtig vækst thefremme environment. Theyi husdevelop further and reprosibleOverforbruget to ensure that every single nitrosamines, which aredrinking suspected to cause cancer to contamination of our water and damage our health. In our bodies they can be converted into dyr resistens over for medicin til behandling af infektioner hos mennesker. of oesophagus and they stomach.over-fertilization ourthe health. In our bodies can be converted intogør, at bakterier udvikler duce, exchanging genetic information. In doing so, a sufficient dose of the drug. Diagnostic tests are nitrosamines, which are suspected to cause cancer threatens the which habitatare of suspected nearly all the endangered nitrosamines, to cause cancer of the oesophagus and stomach.over-fertilization they enlarge the pool of bacteria that is resistant to rarely used to check whether the right kind of antispecies on the Red and List stomach.over-fertilization compiled by the Internaof the oesophagus Huller i forskningen betyder, at der er uvished om, hvilken effekt sprøjtegiften Round-up har på vores helbred. threatens the habitat of nearly all the endangered once-powerful antibiotics. biotic is being used. tional Union Conservation nature. excessive threatens theforhabitat of nearlyofall the endangered species on the Red List compiled by the InternaRound-up bliver brugt bl.a. ved dyrkning af genmodificerede sojabønner. Disse sojabønner udgør så godt use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides andInternaherbispecies on the Red List compiled by the The production of animals and meat is globally Resistant bacteria can pass from animals to tional Union for Conservation of nature. excessive som cides harms for organisms in theofsoil and water, andalt proteinfoderet i det konventionelle landbrug i Danmark. tional Union Conservation nature. excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbiconnected with trade and transport links spanning humans in many ways. An obvious link is the food damages ecosystems. use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides harms organisms in the soil and water, and the globe. These links enable resistant bacteria chain. When the animals are slaughtered and procides harms organisms in the soil and water, and damages ecosystems. damages ecosystems. MEAT ATLAS to spread rapidly. superbugs are, in the words cessed in an abattoir, the bacteria can colonize the Tryk: Frederiksberg Bogtrykkeri A/S the Mississippi, some 20,000 square kilometres of Escherichia coli Number of classes of antibiotics to which pathogens are resistent : 4 or more 3 2 35 35 35 2 45 2 2 70 arealforbrug 45 45 vandforbrug energiforbrug 70 70 indkøbte pesticider arealforbrug arealforbrug vandforbrug vandforbrug energiforbrug energiforbrug indkøbte pesticider indkøbte pesticider 8 90 90 90 ammoniakudledninger ammoniakammoniakudledninger udledninger 8 8 75 75 75 af udledning ozon-skadelig udledning af methylbromid udledning af ozon-skadelig ozon-skadelig methylbromid methylbromid drivhusgasudledning drivhusgasudledning drivhusgasudledning 40 70 1 1 1 70 nitrogenoxid 70 40 40 metan kuldioxid nitrogenoxid nitrogenoxid metan metan kuldioxid kuldioxid Vandforurening: Vandforurening: Vandforurening: 30* 80* 80* 80* i nitrater overfladevand nitrater i nitrater i overfladevand overfladevand 70* 70* 70*i fosfor overfladevand fosfor i fosfor i overfladevand overfladevand 70* 70* 70* i nitrater grundvand nitrater i nitrater i grundvand grundvand 50* 50* 50* fosfor i grundvand fosfor i fosfor i grundvand grundvand Miljø og66 klima bliver ødelagt 30* 30* nitrater i kystfarvande nitrater i nitrater i kystfarvande kystfarvande OeCDOeCD 6 Landbrugets påvirkning af miljøet i industrialiserede lande resulterer i forurening af vand og jord, udledning af drivhusgasser og begrænsning af levesteder for både dyr og planter. Kvælstof, som udledes til vandmiljøet, kan forårsage iltmangel og fiskedød. Udvaskning af nitrat kan være sundhedsskadeligt, hvis det ender i vores grundvand. Begge eksempler er resultater af et overforbrug af gylle og kunstgødning på landbrugsjordene. Forkert brug af gylle og kunstgødning kan også resultere i, at næringsstofferne fordamper og ender i atmosfæren. Ifølge Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri står landbruget i Danmark for 16% af landets samlede udledning af drivhusgasser – og så har ministeriet ikke medregnet klimapåvirkningen fra produktion af sojafoder, kunstgødning og andre hjælpestoffer. Stor efterspørgsel af kødprodukter – og dermed foder til dyr – kræver øget foderproduktion, hvilket resulterer i rydning af regnskov og andre naturområder, når områderne inddrages til landbrugsjord. Konsekvensen er tab af biodiversitet og reduceret lagring af CO2, som derfor ender i atmosfæren. Det skønnes, at alene det danske landbrugs efterspørgsel efter foderproteiner giver anledning til udledning af drivhusgasser i en mængde, der svarer til udledningerne fra over 80% af de danske personbiler. Hvad kan meat duandgøre? be carried into consumers’ kitchens. But of the WHO, “notorious globe-trotters”. The imprudent use of antibiotics in one part of the that is not the only way that humans can be exworld thus poses a threat not only to the local posed to such superbugs. Resistant bacteria can 3 tips, hvis du vil gøre en forskel: human population, but endangers the health of be blown several hundred metres by exhaust fans • Spis mindre kød og mere plantebaseret protein - få proteiner gennem fx bønner og linser people in other parts the world as well. of kød livestock houses. bacteria are abundant in • Spis økologisk hvor du undgårThe rester fra pesticider og antibiotika, støtter dyrevelfærd ogofdyr, manure, which is spread on fields as fertilizer. Once der ikke har indtaget genmodificeret foder in the soil,mad the bacteria can be washed into rivers • Spis lokalt produceret and lakes. Bacteria interact both on farms and in MEAT ATLAS MEAT ATLAS Bente Hessellund Andersen, Anita Geertsen og Nanna by Langevad Clifforth, juni type 2014, of opdateret How far we are – antibiotic resistance pathogen and meat juni in 2015 Germany Forfatterne kan kontaktes på NOAHs Sekretariat, tlf.: +45 3536 1212 Percentage of samples. Many pathogens in these groups of bacteria can Böll in humans leadogtoFriends serious diarrhoea and Europe even death Figurer: Heinrich Stiftung of the Earth 100 NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark Nørrebrogade 39, 2200 København N www.noah.dk [email protected] 80 Salmonella 60 5041 0339 TRYKSAG eMA * maksimal værdi * maksimal værdi Industrielle lande (OeCD medlemmer), 2007–9, % Industrielle lande (OeCD medlemmer), 2007–9, % OeCD * maksimal værdi Industrielle lande (OeCD medlemmer), 2007–9, % Landbrugets andel af den samlede miljøpåvirkning Landbrugets andel af den samlede miljøpåvirkning 408 Cyprus Factory farms are inevitably breeding dangerous new strains of bacteria KØDatlas Fakta og figurer om de dyr vi spiser BVL Landbrugets andel af den samlede miljøpåvirkning Theofcause of was this marine desolation lies in the a lack oxygen interfering with their enzyme European sales of antimicrobial agents for food-producing animals balance. over-fertilization of the Mississippi basin, where balance. The cause of this marine desolation lies in the 6 almost the United States’ desolation feed production The all cause of this marine lies in and the over-fertilization of the Mississippi basin, where Sales in milligrams per kilogram of meat stock industrial farms of arethe concentrated. and over-fertilization Mississippi nitrogen basin, where almost all the United States’ feed production and 24 biomass, 2011, including horses phosphorus washed down theproduction river into and the almost all theare United States’ feed industrial farms are concentrated. nitrogen and Gulf. There thesearenutrients stimulate the growth industrial farms concentrated. nitrogen and Finland phosphorus are washed down the river into the of algae, aquatic plants and bacteria, which phosphorus are washed down the river into use the Gulf. There these nutrients stimulate the growth 66 up theThere oxygen dissolved in the seawater. litre of Gulf. these nutrients stimulate theA growth of algae, aquatic plants and bacteria, which use seawater holdsand around 7 milligrams of of algae, commonly aquatic plants bacteria, which use antibiotika anvendes systematisk til up the oxygen dissolved in the seawater. A litre of 35 Estonia dissolved oxygen; aroundin thethe mouths of theAMissisup the oxygen dissolved seawater. litre of at bekæmpe sygdomme i landbruget seawater commonly holds around 7 milligrams of Latvia sippi it holds less thanholds 2 milligrams. only organseawater commonly around The 7 milligrams of dissolved oxygen; around the mouths of the Missisisms active here are those that do not depend on 42 dissolved oxygen; around the mouths of the Missis120 sippi it holds less than 2 milligrams. The only organoxygen to live. sippi it holds less than 2 milligrams. The only organisms active here are those that do not depend on Lithuania Us here marine Peter Thomas says ismsThe active are biologist those that do not depend on bakterier forsvarer sig selv ved oxygen to live. that around 250,000 square kilometres of coastal oxygen to live. at mutere, og bliver således resisThe Us marine biologist Peter Thomas says waters suffer from severe seasonalsays oxTheworldwide Us marine biologist Peter Thomas tente over for antibiotika that around 250,000 square kilometres of coastal ygen deficiency. In Asia, pig kilometres and poultryoffarms in that around 250,000 square coastal waters worldwide suffer from severe seasonal oxcoastal China, Vietnam and Thailand pollute the waters worldwide suffer from severe seasonal ox44 ygen deficiency. In Asia, pig and poultry farms in south China sea In with nitrogen. Thepoultry northern part of ygen deficiency. Asia, pig and farms in coastal China, Vietnam and Thailand pollute the Slovakia the Caspian seaVietnam is loadedand withThailand nitrogen that comes coastal China, pollute the resistente bakterier kan trænge south China sea with nitrogen. The northern part of down Volga. of the seas south the China seaMany with nitrogen. Thesurrounding northern parteuof ind i menneskets krop, når man the Caspian sea is loaded with nitrogen that comes rope are affected: the Baltic the Black sea, the Caspian sea is loaded withsea, nitrogen that comes spiser kød 192 down the Volga. Many of the seas surrounding euthe Irish the spanish the Adriatic down the sea, Volga. Many of thecoast seas and surrounding europe are affected: the Baltic sea, the Black sea, 104 all have zones. problems are Black causedsea, not rope aredead affected: theThe Baltic sea, the the Irish sea, the spanish coast and the Adriatic Hungary only by nitrogen and phosphorus also the Irish sea, the spanish coastpollution, and the but Adriatic all have dead zones. The problems are caused not antibiotika der anvendes by potassium, drug residues, disease-causing orall have dead zones. The problems are caused not Bulgaria only by nitrogen and phosphorus pollution, but also til behandling af menneganisms and heavy only by nitrogen andmetals. phosphorus pollution, but also by potassium, drug residues, disease-causing orsker er ineffektive mod It is not justdrug the residues, seas: industrialized livestock by potassium, disease-causing organisms and heavy metals. de resistente bakterier production harms land too. slurry and manure ganisms and heavythe metals. It is not just the seas: industrialized livestock fromIt livestock-producing are applied, often is not just the seas:areas industrialized livestock production harms the land too. slurry and manure indiscriminately, the land soil. They can pose even production harmstothe too. slurry and an manure from livestock-producing areas are applied, often greater threat than the overuse of applied, mineral often fertifrom livestock-producing areas are indiscriminately, to the soil. They can pose an even lizer, especially on well-drained nitrates are indiscriminately, to the soil. They soils. can pose an even greater threat than the overuse of mineral fertiwashed down into thethe groundwater, can fertilead greater threat than overuse ofwhich mineral lizer, especially on well-drained soils. nitrates are to contamination of our drinking water damage lizer, especially on well-drained soils. and nitrates are washed down into the groundwater, which canKød, lead mejeriprodukter og æg fra konventionelle husdyr kan indeholde rester af medicin og pesticider, hvilket our health. In our they can bewhich converted into washed down intobodies the groundwater, can lead to contamination of our drinking water and damage er skidt for din sundhed. af antibiotika for atanimal undgå receives sygdomme og hurtig vækst thefremme environment. Theyi husdevelop further and reprosibleOverforbruget to ensure that every single nitrosamines, which aredrinking suspected to cause cancer to contamination of our water and damage our health. In our bodies they can be converted into dyr resistens over for medicin til behandling af infektioner hos mennesker. of oesophagus and they stomach.over-fertilization ourthe health. In our bodies can be converted intogør, at bakterier udvikler duce, exchanging genetic information. In doing so, a sufficient dose of the drug. Diagnostic tests are nitrosamines, which are suspected to cause cancer threatens the which habitatare of suspected nearly all the endangered nitrosamines, to cause cancer of the oesophagus and stomach.over-fertilization they enlarge the pool of bacteria that is resistant to rarely used to check whether the right kind of antispecies on the Red and List stomach.over-fertilization compiled by the Internaof the oesophagus Huller i forskningen betyder, at der er uvished om, hvilken effekt sprøjtegiften Round-up har på vores helbred. threatens the habitat of nearly all the endangered once-powerful antibiotics. biotic is being used. tional Union Conservation nature. excessive threatens theforhabitat of nearlyofall the endangered species on the Red List compiled by the InternaRound-up bliver brugt bl.a. ved dyrkning af genmodificerede sojabønner. Disse sojabønner udgør så godt use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides andInternaherbispecies on the Red List compiled by the The production of animals and meat is globally Resistant bacteria can pass from animals to tional Union for Conservation of nature. excessive som cides harms for organisms in theofsoil and water, andalt proteinfoderet i det konventionelle landbrug i Danmark. tional Union Conservation nature. excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbiconnected with trade and transport links spanning humans in many ways. An obvious link is the food damages ecosystems. use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides harms organisms in the soil and water, and the globe. These links enable resistant bacteria chain. When the animals are slaughtered and procides harms organisms in the soil and water, and damages ecosystems. damages ecosystems. MEAT ATLAS to spread rapidly. superbugs are, in the words cessed in an abattoir, the bacteria can colonize the Tryk: Frederiksberg Bogtrykkeri A/S the Mississippi, some 20,000 square kilometres of Escherichia coli Number of classes of antibiotics to which pathogens are resistent : 4 or more 3 2
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