Undertegnede / I the undersigned
Ansøgers navn / Applicant’s name
Ansøgers fødselsdato / Applicant’s date of
ansøgers adresse / Applicant’s address
Evt. ansøgers personID eller CPR-nr. / The applicant’s personal ID or CPR no., if applicable.
giver hermed / hereby grant
Fuldmagtshavers navn / Name of holder of
power of attorney
Evt. firma / Company, if relevant
Styrelsen for International
Rekruttering og Integration
The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration
Fuldmagtshavers adresse / Address of holder of power of attorney
Fuldmagtshavers CPR-nr. eller CVR-nr. / CVR no. or CPR no. of the holder of power of attorney
Njalsgade 72C
DK-2300 København S
T: +45 72 14 20 00
fuldmagt til at repræsentere mig som partsrepræsentant under behandling af min ansøgning om opholdstilladelse i Danmark hos Styrelsen for International Rekruttering og Integration / power of attorney to represent me during the processing by the Danish Agency
for International Recruitment and Integration of my application for a residence permit in
Det betyder, at fuldmagtshaveren blandt andet får ret til / This means that the holder of
the power of attorney among other things has the right to,
at indgive ansøgning om opholdstilladelse på mine vegne / submit an application
for a residence permit on my behalf,
at få aktindsigt i min sag / receive right of access to the documents in my case,
at afgive udtalelse til brug for behandling af min sag, og / submit statements for
use in the processing of the case, and
at modtage fortrolige oplysninger om mine forhold, herunder mine private forhold
/ receive confidential and personal information contained in the application and in
my case.
Fuldmagten falder bort, når Styrelsen for International Rekruttering og Integration har
afsluttet behandlingen af denne ansøgning om opholdstilladelse. Jeg kan dog når som
helst selv trække fuldmagten tilbage ved at give besked til Styrelsen for International
Rekruttering og Integration / The power of attorney ends when the Danish Agency for
International Recruitment and Integration has finalized the processing of this application
for a residence permit. I am, however, at any time able to withdraw the power of attorney
by informing the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration of this.
Sted og dato / Place and date:
Ansøgers underskrift / Applicant’s signature: