CCNA ANNUAL CONVENTION INTERNET DANGERS AND SOLUTIONS Prepared by Donna Rice Hughes (Presentation Copyrighted) September 1, 2001 Overview Internet Dangers (vs. Benefits) Access to Pornography Cyber-Sex & Addiction Pedophiles’ Access to Children An Overview of Preventative Solutions Recovery and Healing Interceding for the Body of Christ INTERNET ACCESS *57 million Americans have Internet access (MSNBC, 2000) *17 million youth ages 12-17 years online in 1998 & expected to grow to more than 42 million by 2003 (Time Magazine May 10, 1999) *95% of parents surveyed have Internet access at home (FamilyPC Survey, 2000) INTERNET DANGERS (A tool used for good or evil) 1.Free and easy access to inappropriate and illegal content in homes, schools, libraries, businesses and churches: -Pornography (child porn, obscenity, harmful to minors) -Violence -Bomb-making -Hate speech 2. Predators have easy and anonymous access to unsuspecting kids THE CYBERSEX INDUSTRY Online pornography is the first consistently successful e-commerce product (C-net, 4/28/99) Forbes Magazine reports Internet porn at $1.5 billion (Forbes, 6/14/99) Commercial porn sites post free “teaser” images to entice the viewer UNINTENTIONAL ACCESS •Misspelled Words- (shareware vs. sharware) •Innocent Searches- (toys, boys, pets, etc) •Stealth Sites- (;;;; •Brand Name Misuse (Disney, Nintendo, Barbie, Levis, etc) •Unsolicited E-mail- 30% of all spam is from pornographers •Chat Rooms & Instant Messages Pornographer’s Use of Brand Names • 26 popular children’s characters, such as Pokemon, My Little Pony & Action Man, revealed thousands of links to porn sites • 30% were hard-core (Envisional 2000) • 25% of porn sites are estimated to use popular brand names in search engine magnets, metatags and links- Disney, Nintendo, and Barbie (Cyveillance Survey, 1999) • COFFEEBEANSUPPLY.COM Free Teaser Images in each Category Animal; stories; gay; anal;; oral;;; teen; pictures; gals; pics; chicks; indian; black; with animals; ****;stories; interracial; pictures; hot; pics; lesbian; group; hardcore; asian; adult; cartoon; dog; live; phone; preteen; teenage; etc YAHOO! and CHILD PORN Yahoo’s Clubs, Members Directories and Geocities sites host child porn and encourage child sex abusers Yahoo! Family Incest Club Yahoo! Rape Club Yahoo! Incest Directory Yahoo! Child Pornography Crimes Directory ... STATISTICS • 1 in 4 youth ages 10-17 had unwanted exposure to porn in the last year (Online Victimization, NCMEC, June 2000) • 62% of parents are unaware that their children had accessed objectionable sites (Yankelovitch Partner Survey, 9/30/99) • Mouse-trapping HARMS *Affects attitudes, choices and behavior *Demeans children, women and men *Counterfeit for love, intimacy & commitment *Tool of Satan to distort God’s plan for sexual intimacy CYBER-SEX COMPULSIONS MSNBC/Stanford/Duquesne Study, 2000 – 60% of all web-site visits are sexual in nature – Sex is the # 1 searched word online – 25 million Americans visit cyber-sex sites between 1-10 hours per week. Another 4.7 million in excess of 11 hours per week. MSNBC/Stanford/Duquesne Study, Washington Times 1/26/ 00) Men & Women Keep Cyber-Sex Habit Secret- 70% WOMEN – Favor chat rooms 2X more than men – Slightly lower rate of sexually compulsive Internet behavior MEN – Favor visual erotica 2X more than women STUDENTS & CYBERSEX Students were most at risk for cybersex compulsions Due to a combination of increased access to computers, more private leisure time, & developmental stage characterized by increased sexual awareness & experimentation. (All stats from MSNBC/Stanford/Duquesne Study, 2000) CYBER-SEX & CHRISTIANS 17.8% of born-again Christians have visited a pornographic website (Focus, March 2000) 1 in 7 calls for Focus’ Pastoral Care Line is about Internet porn (Focus, March 2000) 51% of pastors say cyber-porn is a possible temptation. 37% say it is a current struggle (Christianity Today, Leadership Survey,12/2001) 4 in 10 pastors have visited a porn site (Christianity Today, Leadership Survey,12/2001) None are immune, “If you think you can’t fall into sexual sin, then you’re godlier than David, stronger than Samson, and wiser than Solomon.” (Pastor Bill Perkins) Stages of Sex Addiction Stages of Sex Addiction -Objectification -Desensitization -Addiction (drug of choice; skinner box effect) -Acting out (public safety issue) Levels of Sex Addiction 1-Fantasy, Pornography, Masturbation 2-Live Porn, Fetishes, Affairs 3-Minor Criminal Offenses, Prostitution, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism 4-Severe Legal Consequences, Molestation, Incest, Rape – (“When Sex Becomes An Addiction”, Stephen Arterburn) MARKS OF ADDICTIVE SEX Addictive Sex is: – Done in Isolation – Secretive – Devoid of Intimacy – Victimizing – Ends in Despair PREDATORS ONLINE •Pedophiles’ & Predators’ Anonymous Access to Children •Easy Access to Child Pornography •Virtual Validation •Virtual Molestation •Trade Secrets & Teaching Tools • Avoidance of Law Enforcement Detection Child Pornography 345% increase in child pornography sites between 2/2001 - 7/2001 (N2H2 press release, 8/01) New child porn sites at rate of 8/day (N2H2 press release, 8/01) There are in excess of 40,000 individual URLs containing child pornography, pedophilia and propedophilia content. (Safeguarding Our Children- United Mothers & CyberAngels “Our Kids In Danger List”, 2000.) Online Victimization: A Report on the Nation’s Youth 1 in 5 received sexual solicitation or approach in last year 1 in 33 received AGGRESSIVE sexual solicitation (Asked to meet, called them via phone, sent mail, money or gifts) 25% of youth who received sexual solicitation told a parent Less than 10% of sexual solicitation and 3% unwanted porn exposure reported the incident to authorities (Sample of 1,501 youth ages 1-17 who use Internet regularly) Who are the perpetrators? Juveniles 48% of overall solicitations 48% of aggressive solicitations Adult solicitors Most of the “adult” solicitors were ages 1825 24% of solicitations 34% of aggressive solicitations TOOL OF TODAY’S PEDOPHILE • 1 in 4 kids participate in Real Time Chat (FamilyPC Survey, 2000) • 13 million youth use Instant Messaging (Pew Study reported in JAMA, 6/01) • 89 % of sexual solicitations were made in either Chat rooms or Instant Messages (Pew Study reported in JAMA, 2001) PORNOGRAPHY- Tool used by Pedophiles to arouse the child, to lower the child’s inhibitions, to demonstrate to their victims what they want them to do, to communicate that a particular sexual activity is okay. PREVENTION: THREE- PRONG SOLUTION •A shared responsibility between the Public- Parents, Schools, Libraries, Businesses, Churches Technology Industry Legal Community- Law Enforcement & Public Policy •Each provides an essential layer of protection PUBLIC PRONG ROLE OF PARENTS, TEACHERS, & LIBRARIANS -Awareness, education and empowerment -Safety Rules and Software tools- Both are essential, one without the other is ineffective -Schools and libraries must take appropriate measures to protect kids online. Acceptable use policies must be combined with filtering software. (CIPA passed 12/00) HOME Parents are first line of defense, but can’t do it alone 1 in 2 parents don’t use protective software (FamilyPC, 2000) 58% prefer parental guidance instead of protective software (SafeKids/NetFamilyNews, 2001) PUBLIC LIBRARIES -Public Libraries had 82 million Internet sessions- annual porn incident rate of between 400,000 and 2 million (Dangerous Access, 2000) - The pedophile monitoring group has confirmed that on-line pedophiles are telling each other to use public libraries to download child pornography (Lake Oswego, Oregon) - 7,000 porn sites accessed in 2 days in Chesterfield, Va’s 9 public libraries. Board of Supervisors voted to filter all terminals (June 2001) Filtering in Schools 90% of public schools are connected to the Internet (President Bill Clinton, Democratic National Convention, 2000) 1 in 4 parents think their child’s school is using protective software (FamilyPC, 2000) 75 % of schools use filtering (Consortium for School Networking, 2001) SAFETY RULES • Keep the computer in a public area and monitor Internet use • Spend time online with your children • Know your child’s online friends and activities • Teach your children never to give out personal information such as their name, school, address, phone number or picture • Instruct your child never to plan a face-to-face meeting with someone that they have met online SAFETY RULES (CONTINUED) Do not allow your children to have an online profile Only let your children in chatrooms under your close direct supervision Only let your children use instant messaging with people you know and approve Utilize protective software tools TECHNOLOGY PRONG WHAT CAN THE TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY DO? •Develop technological solutions •Implement technological solutions •Corporate family friendly policy •Choose not to offer newsgroups offering child pornography & obscenity •Cooperate with law enforcement TECHNOLOGY TOOLS Desktop solutions - filtering, monitoring Server based filtering- (FamilyClick) “Go lists/Suggest lists” - (Internet Kids & Family Yellow Pages) Closed white lists- Pre-approved sites Safe Search Engines - ( Content Rating - (ICRA) Filtering solutions are not 100% effective Server based Real-time Scan Multiple access levels Daily Human Review Mail Block Filtered E-mail Anti-Spam Customer Support Family Click Surf Watch Yes Yes 6 Yes Proprietary Yes Yes 9a-9p EST No No On/off Yes No Limited No 9a-9p EST Cyber Sitter No No On/off Yes No Limited No 8a-4p PT $20/2 years Cyber Patrol Net Nanny No No No Yes No No No 8a-6p CT No No On/off No No No No $2.95 per minute Acting Out 11/98- 11-year-old Josh had been looking at graphic violent porn on the Internet for 20 minutes immediately before stabbing 8-year-old Maddie Clifton to death. 6/29/98- 13-year-old (boy) was in the Phoenix Burton Barr Library viewing porn on the Internet. He followed 4 year old into the bathroom and asked the younger boy to give him oral sex. (Dangerous Access 2000) LEGAL PRONG GOVERNMENT & LAW ENFORCEMENT •No Internet obscenity prosecutions under Reno •Aggressive enforcement of current laws (child porn, obscenity, child stalking laws) •Federal, State, & Local cooperation •Law enforcement training •The public should not have to shoulder the burden of protecting against illegal content and criminal activity Operation Avalanche (August 6, 2001) Largest online child porn ring busted 250,000 subscribers Operated out of Fort Worth 100 subscribers arrested Owner sentenced to 1,335 yrs DOJ, US Postal Inspector Service and Dallas Police joint effort Legislation in the Courts – Child Online Protection Act (COPA)-Adult verification required on porn sites-ACLU, ALA challenge-enjoined – Child Pornography Protection Act- Extend law to include computer-generated child porn. Supreme Ct to hear Fall 2001 – Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA)-Requires Schools & Libraries to filter-ACLU & ALA challenge New Laws and Rulemaking: Spam, Deceptive Marketing Tactics, Mousetrapping RESOURCES- Equip the Saints – Home – Affinity partnership for churches Kids Online: Protecting Your Children in Cyberspace (English, Korean, Spanish) Sex Addiction Resource List – – – – Abbreviated version of Kids Online Resources for parents, educators, gov’t officials Resources for sex & pornography addiction Reporting cybercrime SPIRITUAL BATTLE Satan cannot create or procreate… attack on human sexuality Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, powers, forces of darkness & spiritual forces of wickedness.Take up the full armor of God to resist in the evil day and having done everything to STAND FIRM. (Ephesians 6:1-19) Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world. (I John 4:4) Take back the ground. Sexual Brokenness and Healing Idolatry- worship of body and sexual organs Confession, Repentance, Accountability (2 Chron. 7:14) Strongholds- deal with original woundedness and lies. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments &every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,”2 Cor. 10:4 Challenge Deal with issue in our own lives and family. Prevention and/Deliverance/ Restoration Encourage prevention- Rules and Tools Minister to others in the body who are struggling. (1 Cor. 12:26, If one member suffers, all suffer…) Minister to spouses Intercede for the Body of Christ-Stand in the Gap
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