Health Management Information system in Nigeria Dr AA Abubakar Department of Community Medicine

Health Management
Information system in Nigeria
Dr AA Abubakar
Department of Community Medicine
Ahmadu Bello University Zaria
Learning objectives
• At the end of this lecture you should be
able to:
• Define Health Information system (HIS)
• Describe the National HMIS in Nigeria
• Effective and efficient planning, monitoring
& evaluation of health services depends
on reliable data
Definition of HIS
• A mechanism for the collection,
processing, analysis and transmission of
information required for organizing and
operating health services and also for
research & training
Historical development of the National
Health Management Information
System (NHMIS)
• Since 1960s
– FMOH medical statistics system in place: Health
manpower, Hospital activities, mortality & morbidity
data, records of birth & deaths in hospitals used to be
published annually or quarterly
• 1988
– Reorganization of the civil service led to creation of
the Department of Planning, Research & Statistics
– Adoption of the first National Health Policy which
called for establishment of a national health
information system by all levels of government
National HMIS
• Operational in 1999
– Data collection forms not accurately & completely
– Forms were complex & cumbersome
• Reviewed in 2004
– Health Sector Reforms highlighted the inadequacies
of the NHMIS
– NHMIS needed to be repositioned to track the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Focus of the 2004 review of the
• Review of the NHMIS policy
• Agreement as regards to the role &
functions of the Technical Working Group
that would provide technical assistance to
the NHMIS process
• Assessment & review of health indicators
& health data systems
Focus of the 2004 review of the
• Revision of routine NHMIS forms, registers
& manuals
• Donor/Partners resource mobilization
• Advocacy & sensitization at all levels of
health care delivery
• Training of stakeholders on NHMIS
• Budgetary line & release of funds by all
tiers of government for the NHMIS
Focus of the 2004 review of the
• Community Health information
incorporated into the health facility based
Health Information system
• PHC information system streamlined into
the HMIS to give a unified system
Goal of the NHMIS
• The establishment of an effective NHMIS
by all levels of government in the
Federation to be used as a management
tool for informed decision making at all
Objectives of the NHMIS
Provision of information:
• To assess the health status of the population
• To identify major health problems
• To set priorities at LGA, state & national levels
Objectives of the NHMIS 2
• To monitor the progress towards stated
goals & targets of health services
• To provide information for decision
makers, those who provided data & the
general public
Problems with the NHMIS
Shortage of staff
Shortage of materials
Inadequate coordination of data flow
Complexity & overlap of data collection
• Lack of feedback to peripheral levels
• Huge backlog of unprocessed data
Revised NHMIS forms
A. Routine Data collection summary forms
1. NHMS 000: Community based summary
used by community Village Health worker to
summarize activities at monthly intervals
sent to the health facility through the Community
Health Extension worker (CHEW)
Revised NHMIS forms 2
2. NHMIS summary forms 001A & 001B
Health facility community outreach forms
– Used by the health facilities to summarize
community outreach activities at monthly
– Aggregate transferred to health facility form
Revised NHMIS forms 3
3. NHMIS summary form 001
Health facility based forms
– Used by health facility to summarize activities
in the health facility at monthly intervals from
a daily register
– Sent to the LGA
Revised NHMIS forms 4
4. NHMIS summary form 002
– Used by the LGAs to summarize data from all
health facilities in their area at quarterly
– Sent to the SMOH, HMIS unit
5. NHMIS summary form 003
– Used by the state to summarize data from all
– Sent to the Federal NHMIS every 6 months
Questions ????