Links Inc. Arlington (VA) Chapter Strategic Plan 2011-2015 Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Vision Statement Vision Statement To be a premier organization of professional women promoting friendship and providing services to improve the quality of life in the Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia communities. Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Mission Statement Mission To promote civic, cultural, and educational programs for the benefit of its members and the Arlington and Alexandria communities and to enrich the lives of its members by working to promote friendship and to develop interest in common goals of achievement. Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Goals • National Priority 1: Deliver and Sustain Transformational Programs (This area involves designing and conducting programs that are community relevant and have a positive, long-term impact. The community is engaged in the design, implementation and delivery.) • Goal 1 – Update the community needs assessment results by surveying partners and community stakeholders on needs of community by December 30, 2012. • Goal 2 - By program year 2012, increase the participation of students by 20% in the national poster art contest in the Arlington and Alexandria Public Schools. • Goal 3 – By the end of program year 2013, increase the financial literacy of women in Arlington and Alexandria through the “Wallet Wise and Links Academy” Initiatives by 30% and of girls through the “Young Finances and Life” Programs by 20% as evidenced by pre and post test results • Goal 4 –By program year 2013, increase opportunities for residents in Arlington and Alexandria to learn about heart disease and healthy living and increase the number of participants in health program by 10% • Goal 5 –By the end of program year 2012, provide humanitarian outreach to people from Haiti and African countries including health care, education and basic Human needs by donating $10,000 by December 30, 2012 • Goal 6 -By the end of program year 2013, increase Literacy and creative writing skills of seventh graders at Hammond middle school by 20% through poetry writing programs. Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy - National Priority 1 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 1. Update the community needs assessment results by surveying partners and community stakeholders on needs of community by Dec 30, 2012. Meet with community stakeholders and participants to determine community needs. Administer community survey to program participants. Carla Johnson, Program Chair and Facet Chairs 2. By program year 2012, increase the participation of students by 20% in the national poster art contest in the Arlington and Alexandria Public Schools. Inform community youth and implement a local poster contest. Janette Hoston Harris, Marion D. Spraggins, Denise Bailey Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy - National Priority 1 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 3. By the end of program year 2013, increase the financial literacy of women in Arlington and Alexandria through the “Wallet Wise and Links Academy ” Initiatives by 30% and girls through the “Young Finances and Life” Programs by 20% as evidenced by pre and post test results Implement program that begins with a pretest to determine baseline level of knowledge, program intervention, and posttest to determine post program knowledge Cheryl Jackson Lewis, Maia Jackson 4.By program year 2013, increase opportunities for residents in Arlington and Alexandria to learn about heart disease and healthy living and increase the number of participants in health program by 10% Implement program that begins with a pretest to determine baseline level of knowledge, program intervention, and posttest to determine post program knowledge Nicholette Martin 5.By the end of program year 2012, provide humanitarian outreach to people from Haiti and African countries including health care, education and basic Human needs by donating $10,000 by Dec. 30, 2012 Implement program that begins with a pretest to determine baseline level of knowledge, program intervention, and posttest to determine post program knowledge Link Bridget Bailey Lipscomb, Link Keisha Boggan 6. By the end of program year 2012, increase Literacy and creative writing skills of seventh graders at Hammond middle school by 20% through poetry writing programs. Implement program that begins with a pretest to determine baseline level of knowledge, program intervention, and posttest to determine post program knowledge Julia Pollard, Felecia Phillips-Welch & Wendy Bostic Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Goals • National Priority 2: Enhanced Member Services and Engagement (This area focuses on ensuring that members get what they need, when they need it, in the manner that is appropriate and most effective for their utilization at all levels of the organization. It involves embracing friendship, engaging in training, and communicating effectively.) – Goal 1 By 2012 Chapter assessment will be conducted on 100% of chapter members in August of each program year to review member satisfaction and opportunities for enhanced engagement – Goal 2 Hold Chapter retreat in August of each program year with 75% participation in 2012 Chapter retreat and increase participation by 10% each year – Goal 3 Beginning in 2012 and each year until 2014, chapter members identify a member services initiative at the Chapter retreat and endorsed by at least 75% of the membership to implement during the program year (ex: increased fellowship opportunities, alumna celebration day, healthy links buddy etc.) – Goal 4 By the end of 2012, 100% of chapter members who have been in the chapter for less than 3 years will be partnered with a seasoned chapter member to structure membership engagement opportunities and assist in maintaining chapter profile – Goal 5 Disseminate chapter newsletter and information on chapter events to 100% of alumna members by 2012 – Goal 6 100% of alumna members will be partnered with an active chapter member by the end of 2012 – Goal 7 By the end of 2013, 100% of alumna members will be engaged and attend at least one chapter meeting and one chapter activity – Goal 8 By the end of 2013, 100% of chapter members will express satisfaction with their involvement in the Arlington Chapter Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy – National Priority 2 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 1. By 2012 Chapter assessment will be conducted on 100% of chapter members in August of each program year to review member satisfaction and opportunities for enhanced engagement Update the survey to include questions targeted to chapter member engagement. Disseminate survey to all members on August 1 and analyze data to present to the members. Use the information as a tool for discussion and chapter planning. Kimberly Jeffries Leonard, Lavern Chatman Brown, Membership Committee Chair Evelyn Brown 2. Hold Chapter retreat in August of each program year with 75% participation in 2012 Chapter retreat and increase participation by 10% each year Plan membership retreat for members. Membership Committee Chair Evelyn Brown, Membership Committee Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy – National Priority 2 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 3. Beginning in 2012 and each year until 2014, chapter members identify a member services initiative at the Chapter retreat and endorsed by at least 75% of the membership to implement during the program year. Based on information in the membership survey and from member recommendations at the Chapter retreat, identify three potential member services initiatives for members to choose from. A 75% endorsement of the membership present will be needed to adopt the initiative. Action plans will be delineated at the Retreat for implementation and midpoint and end of the year assessment tools will be put in place to determine success of the initiative. Evelyn Brown, Membership Committee, Retreat Committee, Lavern Chatman Brown, Kimberly Jeffries Leonard, Communications Committee. 4. By the end of 2012, 100% of chapter members who have been in the chapter for less than 3 years will be partnered with a seasoned chapter member to structure membership engagement opportunities and assist in maintaining chapter profile The Vice President of Membership and the Chapter Leadership Team will use the Chapter survey to partner newer and more seasoned Links as buddies. Buddies will be charged with submitting ideas for member engagement and submitting relevant member information to the Vice President of Membership in order to develop and maintain the Chapter Membership Profile. The Vice President will utilize the information to structure member engagement activities and to develop a Chapter membership profile document that delineates the attributes of the Chapter membership. This will be posted on the Chapter website. Vice President Evelyn Brown and Chapter Officers. Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy – National Priority 2 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 5. Disseminate chapter newsletter and information on chapter events to 100% of alumna members by 2012 Identify ways in which alumna members receive information and disseminate chapter newsletter and chapter information to members in appropriate format. Alumna member buddy follow up with alumna member to ensure that the alumna Link has received the information. Corresponding secretary 6. 100% of alumna members will be partnered with an active chapter member by the end of 2012 Vice President will assign active members to buddy with Alumna members. Buddies will be charged with maintaining contact with the alumna member. Vice President Evelyn Brown 7. By the end of 2013, 100% of alumna members will be engaged and attend at least one chapter meeting and one chapter activity Alumna member buddies will engage the alumna member and identity at least one chapter meeting and one chapter activity for the member to attend. The buddy will ensure transportation needs are met and other needs as necessary. Vice President Evelyn Brown and alumna member buddies (active chapter members) 8. By the end of 2013, 100% of chapter members will express their satisfaction with the Arlington Chapter. Chapter survey will be disseminated to determine member satisfaction with the Chapter. This will be done in August of each program year. Vice President Evelyn Brown and Survey Chairs Kimberly Jeffries Leonard and Lavern Chatman Brown. Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Goals • National Priority 3: Fund Development and Fiscal Responsibility (This area involves ensuring that the organization has adequate resources to support its strategic priorities at all levels. It focuses on transparency, accountability and good stewardship.) – Goal 1 – To Have 100% retention of chapter records by 2012. – Goal 2 – Train 100% of the membership on IRS procedures to ensure that all guidelines and standards are adhered to. – Goal 3 – Produce clean financial audits FY2011 -2015. – Goal 4 – Develop an overall sponsorship tool to increase program partners by 20% to support and sustain chapter programs for 20112015. – Goal 5 – Develop corporate sponsor brochures for fundraising events; Golf, Monte Carlo, Holiday Party for 2011-2012. – Goal 6 – Increase 2009 profits by 10% for our main fundraiser “Monte Carlo” in March, 2012. Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy – National Priority 3 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 1. To Have 100% retention of chapter records Pull all records together, determine what to keep, how long to retain, and format. Archives Chair, Lula Lang Jeter 2. Train 100% of the membership on IRS procedures to ensure that acting guidelines and standards are adhered to. Use chapter meetings, chapter newsletter and other email communications to update and train the membership monthly. Treasurer, Evelyn Gee 3. Produce a clean audit 2011 -2015 Maintain chapter records and work with auditor to complete timely and clean audit. Treasurer, Evelyn Gee 4. Develop an overall sponsorship tool to increase program partners by 20% to support and sustain chapter programs for 2011-2015. Design and develop with a graphic artist a professional brochure, pamphlets, and handouts on chapter programs. Corp Sponsor Chair, Lavern Chatman & Committee Members Use the model and template used for Ethics training of all chapter members. Engage members for prospective sponsors. Meet with prospective program partners to solicit funds and support for chapter programs. Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy – National Priority 3 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 5. Develop corporate sponsor brochures for fundraising events; Golf, Monte Carlo, Holiday Party for 2011-2012. Design and develop with a graphic artist a professional brochure, pamphlets, and handouts on chapter programs and fundraising opportunities. Corp Sponsor Chair, Lavern Chatman & Committee Members Engage members for prospective sponsors. Meet with prospective corporate partners to solicit funds and support for chapter programs. 6. Increase 2009 profits by 10% for our main fundraiser “Monte Carlo” in March, 2012. Engage membership in 2012 Monte Carlo Fundraiser. Hold successful Monte Carlo event March 2012. Monte Carlo Chairs, Emily Bryant & Evelyn Brown & Committee Members Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Goals • National Priority 4: Organizational Assessment and Alignment (This area involves evaluating all aspects of the organization, including but not limited to membership, leaders, programs, partners, funders, chapters, staff, etc. The data is used to facilitate connecting all aspects of the organization.) – Goal 1 – Update chapter demographic survey to include new members by December 30, 2011. – Goal 2 - Update chapter history and archives by April 30, 2012 – Goal 3 - Develop process to select up to seven charities/nonprofits to ensure they align with the chapters mission in order to be recipients of our funding grants by December 30, 2012. – Goal 4 - Have 30% of chapter members participate in the health walk and collaborate with other chapters on October 18, 2012. – Goal 5 - Collaborate with four local Link chapters ,The Northern Virginia Urban League, two Boule groups on our Red Dress Heart Health activity February 2012, and increase to seven Link chapters by Feb 2013 – Goal 6 - Deliver refresher Ethics Training to 100% of membership by April 30, 2012. Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy – National Priority 4 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 1. Update chapter demographic survey to include new members by Use the survey monkey tool that was established two years ago to update and add new members. Membership Committee Chair, Evelyn Brown, Survey Chairs, Lavern Chatman & Kim Jeffries Leonard 2. Update chapter history and archives by April 30, 2012 Engage Archive Committee. Use Links, Inc. tools and templates to gather history and archives. Archive Chair, Lula Lang Jeter and Archive Committee Members 3. Develop process to select up to seven charities/nonpro fits to ensure they align with the chapters mission in order to be recipients of our funding grants by 12/12. Form Committee to access and evaluate current nonprofit partners. President, Shirley Bowden, Facet Chairs and final vote by membership. Dec 30, 2011. Award grants to current charities December 2011. Develop criteria and process for members to nominate nonprofit partners for 2012. Have membership vote on all partners to receive grants for 2012. Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy – National Priority 4 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 4. Have 30% of chapter members participate in the health walk and collaborate with other chapters on October 18, 2011 Use chapter newsletter to inform members of health walk. Chair Health & Human Services, Nickie Martin Use chapter meetings to have members sign up for health walk. Assign members to carry chapter banner at health walk. 5. Collaborate with four local Link chapters , the Urban League, two Boule groups on our Red Dress Heart Health activity February 2012, and increase to seven Link chapters by Feb 2013 Meet with area chapters to save the date and collaborate 6. Deliver refresher Ethics Training to 100% of Incorporate into monthly meetings ethics training, skits, questionnaires to engage and reach old/new members. membership by April 30, 2012. on Feb 2012 activity. President Shirley Bowden, Health & Human Services Chair, Nickie Martin, National Trends Chair, Cheryl Lewis Plan and implement 5th Annual Red Dress Heart Health event. Have all members sign off on ethics training by end of program year, April 30, 2012. Ethics Chair, and Ethics Committee Members Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Goals • National Priority 5: Leadership Development (This area involves training leaders at all levels of the organization including chapters, area, and national. Members are prepared to lead within the organization to ensure consistency, continuity and manage intergenerational opportunities. – Goal 1 – Support chapter members running for area and national leadership positions 2011- 2013. – Goal 2 – Use Chapter Demographic survey to have chapter officers and committee leadership reflect age range of membership by December 2013. – Goal 3 - Ensure at least 10% of chapter officers participate in the Eastern Area leadership forum September 2012. – Goal 4 - Conduct Protocol Training to 100% of chapter members by April 30, 2012 – Goal 5 – Have at least 30% of chapter membership participate in Links, Inc., 65th Anniversary activities. Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy – National Priority 5 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 1. Support chapter members running for area and national leadership positions 20112013. Encourage members to join area and national committees. Chapter President, Shirley Bowden, Vice President, Evelyn Brown and all chapter members. 2. Use Chapter Demographic survey to have chapter officers and committee leadership reflect age range of membership by Dec. 2013. Use surveymonkey instrument to update member demographics. 3 . Ensure at least 10% of chapter officers participate in the Eastern Area leadership forum September 2012. Use chapter newsletter, emails and meeting to inform members about leadership forum. Support members who are participating on area and national committees. Encourage members to read area and national newsletters and attend area and national conferences. Survey chairs, Lavern Chatman and Kim Jeffries Leonard Send out surveymonkey to new members with deadline of December 2011 to complete survey. Compile membership information annually and present summary to chapter. President, Shirley Bowden and VP, Evelyn Brown Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy – National Priority 5 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 4. Conduct Protocol Training to 100% of chapter members by April 30, 2012 Place protocol training on two meeting agendas. Protocol Chair, Julia Pollard, Parliamentarian, Karen Johnson Use monthly chapter newsletter to publish protocol tidbits 5 . Have at least 30% of chapter membership participate in Links, Inc., 65th Anniversary activities. Use monthly chapter newsletter to make members aware of all 65th Anniv. events. Move chapter meeting time so members can participate in 65th Anniv. events. Charter a bus to transport member to 65th Anniv . events. President, Shirley Bowden Transportation Chair, Julia Pollard Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Goals • National Priority 6: Promote Links Brand (This area includes reaching consensus about who we are, what we do and the value we bring. We communicate and collaborate effectively both internally and externally.) – Goal 1. Increase awareness of Arlington Chapter by 50% at chapter programs and sponsored events for 2011-2012. – Goal 2. Donate $100 to Yo-Kids to have imprinted bags for our youth programs 2011-1012. – Goal 3. Complete “Reflections of the Arlington Chapter of The Links, Inc. booklet by June 2013 to include 100% of membership. – Goal 4. Launch and maintain chapter website by October 2011 – Goal 5. Produce monthly chapter newsletter 2011-2012. Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy – National Priority 6 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 1. Increase awareness of Arlington Chapter by 50% at chapter programs and sponsored events for 20112012. Distribute promotional items at chapter sponsored events and to our community partners. PR Committee, Michelle Bailey, Lauren Parker 2. Donate $100 to Yo-Kids to have imprinted bags for our youth programs 2011-1012. Distribute bags to youth at Hoffman-Boston school for multicultural night. 3. Complete “Reflections of the Arlington Chapter of The Links, Inc. booklet by Jun3 2013 to include 100% of membership. Continue data collection of new members, transfer members to include in reflections book. Form Marketing Committee to work on all promotional items. Have consistent branding on all materials reviewed by the marketing committee Carla Johnson, Debra Long Doyle, Michelle Bailey Distribute bags to youth and parents to events at all schools supported by chapter programs Compile list of area partners and locations to distribute reflections book in the community. Keisha Bogan, Wendy Bostic, Lauren Parker, Maia Jackson Arlington (VA) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Implementation Strategy – National Priority 6 Goal # Action Plan Responsible Parties 4. Launch and maintain chapter website by October 2011 Design chapter website Wendy Bostic and PR Committee Compile sponsorship language into website Print website address on all program materials 5. Produce monthly chapter newsletter 2011-2012. Solicit monthly articles from membership and distribute to members and alumnae members. Lauren Parker
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