Trade deficits in LDCs Ruth Tarrant The Open University and Peter Symonds College Outline • Issues facing (African)LDCs post WW2 • Independence and its implications for development • The size and funding of trade deficits for LDCs – Focus on Tanzania • African LDCs today The (African) colonies post WW2 Exploitation of primary products for reconstruction Foreign exchange generated by exports kept by colonial powers No import-substitution measures allowed. Colonies = markets for colonial powers Allied victory / creation of UN led to social pressure for independence and progress Colonial powers prevented secondary / tertiary education Independence Aid / trade dependent Diplomatic pressure Neo-colonialism Independence ‘developmentalism’ Nation ideology led to building / gain authoritarian authority governance ‘removal’ of ‘hostile’ leaders Heavy state intervention: banking, education, infrastructure Keynesian Mimic USSR: achieve growth INEQUALITY • basic needs not met • focus on capital intensive industry • rate of urbanisation > rate of wage growth PRIMARY PRODUCT DEPENDENCY • No manufactured X • decline in terms of trade = vulnerability • World Bank! NO TRANSFORMATION OF AGRICULTURE • urban – rural income gap • need to import food • no growth FAILURE TO ENCOURAGE ENTERPRISE • ideological aversion to entrepreneurship • education still lacking BUT RENT-SEEKING GOVERNMENTS • short-termism • inability to consider longer-term growth/development The ‘crisis years’, 1974-early 1980s • 1975-1983: only 3 years saw any positive growth, on average, in Africa • 1983: African economies’ GDP per capita fell on average by 5% • Why? – Falling commodity prices and falling demand • Recession in the developed world • Consequences – Balance of payments crises – Economic stagnation and decline The ‘crisis years’ – available policies • Option 1 – Accept BoP crisis as structural & longterm – Restructure economy – Change the development model • Option 2 – See BoP crisis as temporary – Borrow from abroad to finance the deficit – Advice and pressure from external lenders e.g. World Bank / IMF The adjustment years, early 1980s to mid 1990s • Option 2 ‘chosen’ – Copy East Asian model • Rely on markets, not gov’t intervention • Export orientation rather than import substitution is key – Slash public sector spending – Focus on primary product comparative advantage <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=" " height="331" width="400"><param name="movie" value=" Q" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /></object><br /><a href=" WyoGtoQ/The-End-of-Poverty-Trailer">The End of Poverty? (Trailer)</a> “While some aspects of this [Asian] model (for instance, greater political insulation of economic policy makers) could reasonable be achieved in African countries, the extensive co-ordinated economic interventions of the East Asian states are well beyond the administrative faculties of most African governments” Lewis, 1996 “ major expansion occurred in the diversity of products exported by most of the sub-Saharan African countries, although there one or two exceptions like Madagascar and Kenya. Indeed, the product composition of some of the African countries’ exports may have become more concentrated” Ng and Yeats, 2000 Far from supporting a minimalist approach to the state, these examples have shown that development requires an effective state, one that plays a catalytic, facilitating role, encouraging and complementing the activities of private businesses and individuals...History has repeatedly shown that good government is not a luxury but a vital necessity. Without an effective state, sustainable development, both economic and social is impossible” Wolfensohn, 1997 A familiar macroeconomic framework GDP = C + I + G + X – M GDP = (C + I + G) + X – M GDP = Domestic Absorption + X – M GDP + M – X = Domestic Absorption GDP + trade gap = Domestic Absorption So, if an economy spends more on final goods and services than it can produce, its imports will exceed its exports by the value of the excess expenditure over GDP. This ‘trade deficit’ must be financed i.e. paid for Tanzania persistently has a trade gap about 10% - 18% above GDP, although now shrinking LDCs and trade deficits • Very common in 1980s and 1990s! – Dramatic fall in commodity prices – Global recessions of 1981-82 and 1991-93 – Increased protectionism in developed world against LDC exports Financing trade deficits using current flows • Factor payments • Wages, rent, interest and profit • Transfer payment • Payments not made in return for providing factors of production – Official grants from govt’s, NGOs or international institutions – Money received from permanent overseas factors Tanzanian factor payments have a negative balance, and transfer payments historically fund around a quarter of the trade deficit Other methods • Draw on official foreign exchange reserves • Capital account transactions – Dealing in financial assets (public and/or private) – FDI from abroad • Requires good rates of interest! LDCs such as Tanzania hold very limited foreign exchange reserves. Small, low income countries also tend to have limited access to capital markets, as their economies are vulnerable. Historically, Tanzania found it difficult to attract FDI but rising tourism and demand for commodities from China is helping. Remaining options? GDP + trade gap = domestic absorption Now subtract Consumption (public + private)from both sides Savings + trade gap = Investment Rearranging, gives: Trade gap (i.e. M – X) = Investment - Savings This is the key relationship for many macro policy makers in LDCs Mean African current account deficit (% GDP) 1960 to 2000 Implications for LDCs Low income Low savings ratio Low absolute savings Investment cannot be funded domestically Aid is an essential source of finance for investment Aid used for investment in: - Import-substituting industry - Capital-intensive industry Investment managed by donors Foreign aid ‘matched’ by domestic spending - Gov’t had to print money! - Rising inflation - Falling real incomes -More aid = more inflation = more poverty Consequences Falling real income, overly rapid urbanisation, mass unemployment due to investment in capital-intensive industries, internal political strife Increasing trade deficit Even more aid! Worsened by falling terms of trade! 1987 - 2001 1. Export volumes increased by 9.9% p.a. 2. Exports of services (tourism) grew most quickly, and agricultural exports least quickly 3. Rate of increase in export volumes not matched by rate of increase in purchasing power of exports – negative for agricultural exports! ‘Reversion to the mean’ Shocks aside, most African current account deficits now appear to be stable (exceptions are Burkina Faso, Ghana, Lesotho, Mauritania and Senegal, which will become more reliant on international transfers) Attempts to reduce deficits (e.g. devaluation) will only have short-run, temporary effects – no difference to long run deficit Sound economic management Chinese FDI Rising purchasing power Incredible growth Rising terms of trade Shelter from financial crisis Chinese FDI Debt relief Political stability Recent Tanzanian key economic data 1998 2007 Gov’t spending as % of GDP 12.4% 20.8% Investment as % of GDP 14.6% 45% Consumption as % of GDP 82.8% 72.3% 80.5 152 Value of Exports (2001 = 100) 82 183 Value of Imports (2001 = 100) 95 178 GDP (2001 = 100) Conclusions • Shrinking trade gap • Reduced reliance on aid • Productive investment Hope! Thanks to... • Mark Holmes, Loughborough University • Thandika Mkandawire, the UN, the Open University, DfiD and the LSE • Marc Wuyts and Sam Wangwe, the OU
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