Besøg fra Barcelona! 3 piger har byttet plads med 3 af vores 3g`ere

Besøg fra Barcelona! 3 piger har byttet plads med 3 af vores 3g’ere. Her er deres beretning om de 9 dage,
de har været elever på GG:
Being in Gribskov Gymnasium has been an amazing experience! Although the weather here is not as good
as in Barcelona, we are glad to have taken this opportunity. The students are really friendly and they have
made us feel comfortable. Thanks to the teachers, we believe that we will do an excellent project.
Our high school is very different. First of all your classes are longer and more interactive than ours.
Secondly there are more study programs and you can choose whatever you like. And also you can do a lot
of extra activities. We wish we could stay more time because we have had a great time!
Marina, Júlia and Mar, Joan Boscà, Barcelona.