Moderator: Niels Tanderup Kristensen, Director, ACRM
11.45 – 12.30
Registration, light lunch and networking
12.30 – 12.40
Welcome address
Thomas Bustrup, Deputy Director General, Confederation of Danish Industry
12.40 – 12.50
How is Greenland attracting FDI in the mining industry?
Jørgen T. Hammeken-Holm, Permanent Secretary of State, Ministry of Mineral Resources in Greenland
12.50 – 13.10
Joint investments in the high North
Frode M. Nilsen, Managing Director, LNS Group
13.10 – 13.30
From prospect to deposit – Investing in mineral resource development
Jesper Kofoed, President & CEO, Greenland Resources Inc.
13.30 - 13.50
Kvanefjeld – Moving towards mining activity in Greenland
John Mair, Managing Director, Greenland Minerals and Energy
13.50 - 14.00
Q and A
14.00 - 14.30
14.30 - 14.50
From concept to reality - Investment in large scale projects
Símon Thorleifsson, Associate Partner, Capacent Iceland
14.50 – 15.30
Chinese perspectives on Greenland - Large-scale financing and project management
Jenny Yang, Vice President, General Nice Development
Q and A
Moderator: Peter B. Hansen, Senior Partner, ChinaCabinet, China Representative
15.30 - 16.20
Investment scenarios and models – panel discussions
Moderator: Niels Tanderup Kristensen, Director, ACRM
Christian Motzfeldt, CEO, Vækstfonden and Chairman, Greenland Holding
Martin Kviesgaard, CEO, Grønlandsbanken
Claus Lyngdal, Head of Alternative Investments, Pension Denmark
Rikke Søgaard Berth, Partner, Horten
16.20 - 16.30
Concluding remarks
Henrik Leth, Chairman, Business Greenland
16.30 - 17.00
Refreshments and networking