Public Value - Copenhagen Business School

 Program for MPA International Summer School, Kraków, Poland, 16th – 21th August 2015. Theme: Public Value – What, where and how? August 16 Sunday A R R I V A L Check in PLEASE NOTE! Program begins at 4 p.m.: ‐ Introductory lecture ‐ group work ‐ icebreaker August 17 Monday Chair Denmark Theme Public value & Political astuteness Intro 09.00‐09.15 Chair’s introduction Time 09.15 –10.15 John Benington (Warwick Business
School) Mobilising Public Value Break Time Lunch Time 10.15 – 10.30 Tea /coffee 10.30 – 11.30 Jean Hartley (The Open University Business School) Leading with Political Astuteness 11.30 – 12. 30 Group work – preparation of questions/comments for the mini‐
plenary sessions 12.30‐13.30 Lunch 13.30 – 15.00 2x mini‐plenary sessions with John Benington and Jean Hartley 15.00 – 15.30 Coffee & tea 15.30 – 18.00 Group work 15.30 – 16.00 Coffee/tea 16.00‐19.00 ‐ Introductory lecture by Søren Obed Madsen: On translation ‐ group work ‐ icebreaker 19.30 Dinner 18.00‐19.30 Faculty and Reps meeting/ free time August 18 Tuesday Norway Public value in context 09.00‐09.15 Chair’s introduction 09.15‐10.15 Martijn van der Steen (Dutch School of Public Management NSOB): Pop‐Up Public Value: public Leadership in a divergent public domain
10.15‐10.30 Tea/coffee 10.30‐11.30 Johan Burger (Stellenbosch University): Sustainability as Public Value – The Shrink & Share Sacrifice 11.30 – 12. 30 Group work – preparation of questions/comments for the mini‐plenary sessions 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch 13.30‐15.00 2x mini‐plenary sessions with Martijn van der Steen/Johan Burger 15.00 – 15.30 Coffee & tea 15.30‐18.00: Group work 18.00 – 19.30 Faculty and Reps meeting/ free time August 19 Wednesday UK Public value in practice 09.00‐09.15 Chair’s intro 09.15‐10.15 Rasmus Byskov‐ Nielsen (Head of development and strategy in Holstebro Municipality, DK) To be announced August 20 Thursday South Africa Public value & performance 09.00‐09.15 Chair’s introduction 09.15‐10.15 (including discussion and coffee) Berit Irene Vannebo (Nord‐
Trondelag University): Performative Effects of Performance Measurement 10.15‐10.30 Tea/coffee 10.30‐11.30 Lukasz Mamica (Cracow University of Economics) Innovation of economy as a public value 11.30‐12.30 Mini‐plenary sessions with Rasmus Byskov‐Nielsen and Lukasz Mamica 12.30‐13.30 Lunch 13.30 – 18.00 Excursion: Auschwitz or free time in Cracow City To be announced: Tea/coffee 10.45‐11.30 Mike Rowe (University of Liverpool): Critical perspectives on social enterprise 11.30 – 12. 30 Group work – preparation of questions/comments for the mini‐
plenary sessions 12.30‐13.30 Lunch 13.30 – 15.00 2x mini‐plenary sessions with Berit Irene Vannebo, Geir Hyrve, and Mike Rowe 15.00‐15.30 Coffee & tea 15.30 – 18.00 Group work 15.30 – 18.00 Group work 18.00 – 19.30 Preparation of farewell party Time to change for dinner Dinner 19:30 Dinner 19.30 Dinner No Dinner (Dine Out!) participants can dine out with group. 19.30 Dinner & Farewell Party August 21 Friday PL Our Results 09.00 – 09.15 Chair’s introduction 09.15 – 11.00 Presentation from the groups: two by two (2x45 minutes) Tea & Coffee 11.15 – 11.45 Final Certificate Ceremony and end of Summer School 11.45 Lunch & Departure