Holistic and Optimized Life-cycle Integrated SupporT for Energy-Efficient building design and Construction Elisabetta Delponte D’Appolonia S.p.A Genova, Italy 1 2 HOLISTEEC concept The main objective is to design, develop, and demonstrate a BIM-based, on-the-cloud, collaborative building design software platform, featuring advanced design support for multi-criteria building optimization, taking into account external neighbourhood-level influences Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice 3 HOLISTEEC & Sustainable Places 2014 PAPER TITLE Energy-related KPIs at building and neighborhood scale for optimization of building’s design PAPER AUTHORS Carolina Ferrando D’APPOLONIA, GENOVA [email protected] Elisabetta Delponte D’APPOLONIA, GENOVA [email protected] Michele Di Franco D’APPOLONIA, GENOVA [email protected] Sylvain Robert CEA, PARIS [email protected] Catherine Guigou CSTB, MARSEILLE [email protected] Keywords Multi-criteria decision analysis; Key performance indicators (KPIS); Design for sustainability Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice 4 Presentation summary Concept behind HOLISTEEC methodology Methodology features description Design tools Key Performance Indicators Multi-criteria analysis & engine Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice 5 Concept behind HOLISTEEC methodology Building design process: AS-IS PROCESS Simulation tools FEASIBILITY CONSTRUCTION PHASES DESIGN PHASES OPERATION Building design process: TO-BE PROCESS BIM-based HOLISTEEC PLATFORM KPIs scoreboard + Multi-physical simulation engine Benchmark tool FEASIBILITY Simulation tools DESIGN PHASES Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice Simulation tools CONSTRUCTION PHASES Simulations vs. Monitored performance OPERATION 6 Methodology features description Collaborative approach Performance-based methodology BIM since early design stages Design tools since early design stages Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice 7 Performance-based methodology Performance based design approach emphasizes the setting of project targets as functional targets of end product (building) and evaluation of fulfillment of these targets during design, construction and operation (CIB, 1982) HOW BUILDING PERFORMANCE is considered within HOLISTEEC BIM-based software platform DEDICATED CALCULATION ENGINES for building performance SIMULATION MULTI-PHYSICAL SIMULATION ENGINE enabling the combination of the results coming from the different calculation engines by means of a multi-criteria analysis, thus providing the platform end-users with a quantitative measurements of the quality of the implemented design solution Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice 8 Dedicate calculation engines Currently experience and knowledge of the designers are used as a basis to choose design global optimum the goal for HOLISTEEC is to transfer designers’ knowledge and experience in the software design decision tools, in order to provide recommendations to designers based on empirical, formalized design expertise. Simulation tools starting from concept design phase • Energy calculation engine • Acoustic calculation engine • Environmental impact engine • Lighting calculation engine Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice 9 Key Performance Indicators Assessment of the process performance Comparison among different performances Communication in a concise and understandable way process achievements In the framework of HOLISTEEC BIM based software PLATFORM: Strategic importance of KPI in order to assess the quality of the results coming from the building performance simulations Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice 10 HOLISTEEC Key Performance Indicators 1 Considering HOLISTEEC project, definition of strategic Key Performance Indicators at different scale Link Editor Building scale Neighborhood scale Solar Renewable Energy gain Environmental noise, Natural daylight gain Building approach Building neighbourhood approach The domains included in the project evaluation framework are: Acoustic comfort Visual comfort Indoor air quality Thermal comfort and energy efficiency Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice 11 HOLISTEEC- Key Performance Indicators 2 Boundary conditions Building simulation Urban simulation Solar potentials Rooftop solar gain Façade lighting Energy Lighting Environmental impact Façade noise 4 engines in parallel Acoustic Urban noise Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice 12 HOLISTEEC- Key Performance Indicators 3 BUILDING SCALE ECOLOGICAL KPI SOCIO-CULTURAL KPI ECONOMIC KPI Energy consumptions Indoor comfort Maintenance Environmental impact Visual comfort (Air flow rates- Room temperatures and (Heating/Cooling loads- humidity) Energy from renewable, Fossil fuels use) (Greenhouse gas emission, Total primary energy consumption ) NEIGHBORHOOD Energetic SCALE interaction with neighborhood (Exploitation of local resources wind, sun, water..) Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice Costs Operational cost (Day Lighting Factor , Annual availability (Energy and non-energy related) of daylight ) Acoustic comfort (Reverberation time, Airborne sound insulation) - Social interaction with neighborhood Cost development of buildings/neighborhood (Accessibility to the building, Pedestrian paths ) 13 Multi-physical simulation engine Multi-physical simulation engine completed by a design assistant, providing online recommendations to the designer, enabling a semi-automated approach to design. This tool will be based on a multi-criteria analysis enabling the assessment of the building with respect to the identified KPIs for each domain of interest. 14 KPI Scoreboard Will provide assistance during design (options, missing data, risk analysis…) Intuitive visualization of performance indicators of the various design options HOLISTEEC SCOREBOARD PROJECT DETAILS 3D VIEW Will offer 2D/3D views ALTERNATIVES COMPARISON Sustainable Places 2014, October 1-3, Nice 15 Thank you for the attention! [email protected] [email protected] 16
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