Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Today Facts & Achievements "Biochemistry brings molecular science to life" 1 2 Contents Introduction Education and Research – organizational structure Educational offer National and international visibility Resources Research directions and activities Our labor markets partners Perspectives 3 Introduction Since its establishment, 38 years ago, the Department has contributed to the teaching of numerous generations of undergraduate and post-graduate students in the fields of Biology. The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (DBMB) ensures annually the training of more than 100 undergraduate students and 40 PhD and Masters students. Our predecessors, including the most recent Heads – Prof Dr Ioan F Dumitru, Prof Dr Dana Iordachescu - have forged a unique spirit and promoted outstanding research. As our predecessors we continue to uphold excellence in the Department while maintaining its strength and competitiveness. Mission Statement & Commitment Our Mission Statement Our Mission is to increase current knowledge of the biochemical and molecular bases and to train highly qualified scientists who, through research, teaching and service, will continue to provide new insights into the biochemical, and molecular aspects. Why us? Biochemistry is a vibrant field of study that exists as a program at the interface of Biology and Chemistry in the effort to understand the molecular basis of life. Today, Biochemistry serves as the dynamic interface for various fields of the Life Sciences and the Physical Sciences in the 21st Century. Our Commitment To excel in Research, Teaching and Training of undergraduates, postgraduates and postdoctoral fellows in the field of Biology, Biochemistry specialization. What are the objectives of the DBMB? The prevalent objectives of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are: To increase the quality level of educational process in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology; To offer theoretical and practical education; To promote and implement quality in the research area; To offer high level competence and scientific expertise; To promote, apply for and manage research grants; To create a climate of scientific cooperation within the academic community based on decisional transparency and periodical evaluation of activities in the department. 4 Education and Research – organizational structure Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Teaching Unit Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research Center Research Projects and Structural Funds Management Unit Quality assurance division for research and teaching Genetic Biodiversity, Molecular Phyologeny, Genotyping (Microsatelites DNAmt) Molecular characterizati on of varrious human cancer pathologies: Dystrophinopat hies, Aging, Autoimmune diseases, Pulmonary fibrosis Molecular Toxicology 5 Tissular Engineering, Biomaterials Biocompatib ility Molecular Biotechnology Educational offer The whole structure of the curricula has been translated according to the Bologna process. According to the University of Bucharest strategy, the education structure offerd by DBMB meets the following rule: three years for the undergraduate level two years for master studies level, three years for PhD level. Our department has achieved the objectives of the Bologna process, and has created an educational structure fostering a strong research infrastructure. The realization of these programs is achieved with the collaboration of members of the academic and teaching staff of the University of Bucharest or/and the collaboration of specialists, visiting professors, research fellows, when and if this is considered necessary, according to the needs and the characteristics of each course. The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology provides many opportunities for students to get involved in research. Thus, postgraduate students (MSc, PhD) and outside researchers/ teachers can participate as researchers and, in some cases, graduate students can get involved in a project, as research assistants. After completing the curriculum for the 3-year Bachelor of Science degree, qualified students can further pursue an additional 2 years of Master of Science courses. They will then graduate with a Master of Science degree in Biology with specialization in Biochemistry and can continue thier formation in the PhD program under the superving of the two PhD coordinators. After completing a 3-years program they will be graduate with the PhD diploma in Biology with specialization in Biochemistry. 6 Bachelor of Science Program The undergraduate level is a study program which prepares students for a future career in teaching, research and clinical field. It was conceived as a study cycle tightly connected to the labour market by implementing practice stages and internships and supporting students’ extracurricular activities. 7 Master of Science Program The Master of Science (MSc) degree program requires two years of coursework, the completion of original research and the preparation of a research based thesis. Our masters program was restructured according to relevant qualifications for the European labour market and for increasing the mobility and the flexibility of masters graduates. Typically, MSc students present their findings at national meetings and publish their results in peer-reviewed journals. Some continue on to advanced graduate study, while others obtain research positions on the market. 8 General and specific skills acquired by the students Professional skills acquired: • the possibility to accumulate in-depth specific, state of the art biological and biochemical notions; • the possibility to understand and explain concepts, processes and mechanisms specific to the biological systems; • the ability to utilize techniques and instruments of identification and investigation of the biological systems. General skills acquired: • the capacity to analyze, synthesize, organize and plan; • the capacity to select and apply laboratory methods; • the capacity to solve problems and take decissions; • acquisition of elementary bioinformatic skills. 9 PhD Program At PhD level, a student becomes a real researcher. His/ her previous activity – results at national and international competitions, publications – develops into research projects which are the object of intense activity in research centers. Our PhD program is part of the Doctoral School of Biology which organizes all the activities provided for advanced academic training program, connected with European standards. Qualified students will be trained in advanced research techniques and conduct scientific research along with our M.Sc. and researchers, under the mentorship of full-time members of the departments. The research attachments in our well-equipped state-of-theart laboratories offer our students many opportunities to develop their organizing, analytical and problem-solving skills. They will participate in seminars and presentations aimed at developing communication and writing skills, and present their work via poster presentation and submission of a research PhD thesis at the end of the project. During their stage the PhD students benefit from scholarships and residences in national/ international universities with which the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has partnership agreements . Their research activities are financed from research projects which are ongoing into the Department and are under the teachers/postdoctoral researchers coordination. 10 Resources Human Resources Depending on their activity the academic staff is represented by 3 different groups: 1. Teaching staff: 3 Professors 6 Associate professors 4 Lectures 2 Universitary assistants Researchers staff: 1 Scientific researcher II 6 Scientific researchers III 13 Assistant researchers Non-teaching staff : 1 Economist Chemical engineer 5 Technical staff Non-teaching staff is in charge with many activities or operational area like administration and finance, education service, suport activities for research, teaching organization, human resorces, universitary evaluations. In the last years, working together, the academic staff increase theier vizibility by publishing the research activities results in pear-review journals and poster presentation at many congresses/ conferences. Articles publised in pear-review journals with ISI cotation 115 Articles publised in pear-review journals with CNCSIS cotation 47 Brevets (including gene sequences) 108 Citations of the published articles 81 Articles published in pear-review journals with BDI cotation 11 Monographies 7 Articles published in the international conferences proceedings 9 Poster presentation at national/ international conferences 195 11 Resources Human Resources Courses and research internships for academic staff Courses organized by TATAA BIOCENTER Courses organized by FEBS Courses organized by EMBO Courses organized by EBI Training Quality Management courses Project management Research internship in the European laboratories from: Paris, Franta, Padova, Italy, Stockholm, Sweden, Amsterdam, Holand Budapest, Hungary Trondheim, Norway 12 Resources Financial resouces Since 1994 our main objective was to improve the laboratory infrastructure in order to increase the quality of educational process and research activity. Tempus projects undertaken between 1992-1998 represented the first step in improving teacher training for PhD and research internships, and laid the foundations of a modern infrastructure for education and research in biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Bucharest. The open-mindedness was offered by the managerial vision of Prof. Dr Dana Iordachescu, who sent colleagues to specialize in the best European universities. The determination of those who returned to the Department, together with the belief that they can implement new concepts in education and research conducing to an infrastructure which allow us to increase the Department quality and visibility. Until 2010 the academic staff have been developed many research and infrastructure projects financed by National Authority of Research and Innovation, World bank and Structural Founds. In 2002 was established the "Research and training center in molecular biology” (BCUM-BM), under Prof. Dr Marieta Costache coordination, us a self-sufficient unit with organizing, exploitation, and utilizing autonomy of the material and financial resources. During years, the goals of the academic staff was to achieve a qualitative leap in the research field in institutions from Romania led to their striving to access further national projects (CNCSIS, PNCDI, CEEX PNII). The total value of investment in infrastructure is worth more than 8,890,000 lei (1.996.575 EUR) of which 7,000,000 lei (1.555.555 EUR) between 2005-2009. 13 Resources Financial resouces The 10 laboratories from which 4 laboratories are accredited ISO 17025/2005 are equipped with high tech equipment similar to those from European laboratories and allow us to perform research, consultancy and services at high level. In the field of Genomics, Proteomics and Transcriptomics, the Molecular Biology laboratories include infrastructure such as genetic analyzers, PCR equipments, Real-Time PCR and microarray platforms. Cell biology, cultures and microscopy laboratories have dual laminar flow hoods, CO2 incubators, microscopes, optical flow cytometers, cryotome, microtome, direct and inverted fluorescence microscopes, confocal, laser microdissection. In the 3 biochemistry laboratories we undertake qualitative and quantitative specialized analyses with UV/ VIS Spectophotometers, electrophoresis, blot, video/ photo documentation, FPLC and HPLC systems, all belonging to the latest generation. Research activities oriented towards epigenomic and genomic analysis (isolation and purification, molecular cloning, in vitro amplification, sequencing, gene fingerprinting, methylation, SNPs analysis by DNA Microarray and Real-Time) are interconnected with the molecular diagnosis (LOH, MSI, MLPA). High-performance facilities and staff specialization allowed the orientation towards transcriptomics and proteomics by combining modern techniques (RNA separation and purification, Real Time RT-PCR, in vitro transcription and translation, RNA interference, RNA microarray, HPLC, FPLC) with the collective experience of the research team with classical approaches (proteins and peptides purification, enzyme kinetics, single/ twodimensional electrophoresis). 14 Research directions and activities Knowledge is essentially the result of scientific research, one of the most significant indicators for ranking a university/ department in a hierarchy based on quality and prestige. Scientific research is meant to ensure knowledge in all sectors of social activity. The results of such an activity ensure economic growth and the vital knowledge transfer between the academic and economic environment. We are privileged to be part of the University of Bucharest, university of which entire research activity is authorized, thus, enjoying considerable advantages in developing MA and PhD programs as well in increasing the eligibility degree for EU grants. 15 Research directions and activities Now, we manage research grants from various sources that are to be invested in research, educational, training, and developmental projects, as well as other related services or activities which contribute to the establishment of linkages between education, research and the production market. A short analyses of our research activity reveals that during 2004 – 212 we have been developed a number of 114 research grants from which: 16 Research directions and activities International research grants: COST 844 - Apoptosis and programmed cell death: molecular mechanisms and applications in biotechnology, 1999-2005 COST B19 - Molecular cytogenetics of solid tumors, 2002-2006 COST B23 - Oral facial development and regenation, 2003-2007 COST B35 - Lipid Peroxidation Associated Disorders – LPO, 2004-2010 COST TD 0901 - Hypoxia Sensing, Signalling and Adaptation (2009 - 2013) COST 0902 - Understanding and combating porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome in Europe (2009 - 2013) MRE07/25 FP6 - Identification of men with genetic predisposition to prostate cancer: targeted screening in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers and controls (IMPACT study) COBIL Romania –Grece, 2003-2005 COBIL Romania –Cypru, 2007-2009 COBIL Romania –Belgium Valonne Community ,2010-2012 Micro and Nanotechnologies to EASTern Europe through NETworking (MINAEAST-NET FP6), Contract no: 510470, EUREKA/ERA-NET 2008/030/Ro - Romania-Franta (2008-2011): NanoBioAll: „Advanced Metallic Biomaterials, nano-structured, for implantable medical devices” Michigan State University - Evaluation of chemopreventive activities of botanical extracts and environmental tumor promoters in rodent and human cell lines using gap junctional intercellular comunication (GJIC) as a key biomarker 17 Research directions and activities Activities Infrastructure investments Between 1998-2012: 8.877.302 lei, out of which 7.000.000 lei between 2005-2009 wher used for laboratory reconstruction and modernization, and equipment acquisition Molecular biology Laboratories Sequencer, PCR, Real-time PCR Microarray Equipments Microscopy Laboratories Microdissection, Fluorescence Confocal microscopes 18 Research directions and activities Activities Biochemistry Laboratories Cell Culture Laboratory Laborator Double laminar aparatură specialăflow hoods CO2 incubators Inverted light microscopes fluorescence microscopes Flow-cytometer FPLC si HPLC Spectrophotometers Electrophoresis and Electroblotting systems and Bioinformatics and Documentation Laboratory 19 Research directions and activities Culture/ Apoptosis and Cell proliferation Achievements: • normal and pathological cells models : fybroblasts, keratinocytes,chondrocytes, osteoblasts, tumor cells morphology, proliferation, metaloproteinases • apoptosis: after retinoic acide, ceramide, H2O2 treatment in cancer melanoma (ISH) fish hepatocyte cultures apoptosis tests (ISH) Techniques • cell cultures • PCR • RT-PCR • immunohistochemistry • Elisa • Western blot • flow-cytometry Perspectives • expression of Bcl2, Bax, Bad, p53 proteins in keratinocytes and fibroblasts cell cultures after ceramides and retinoic acid treatment • expression of p53, Ki67 in colorectal cancer, ISH • expression of p53, Ki67 in breast cancer, ISH 20 Research directions and activities Cancer pathology Achievements • expression of tumoral markers APC, sPLA2 type IIA, β-catenin, EGFR, E-cadherin, etc in epithelial and skin cancer o protein expression o allelic disorders in human chromosomes • cell models for studying sPLA2 type IIA : o human cell cultures CHO o insect cell cultures Sf21 o tumoral cell cultures • purification of sPLA2 type IIA: o cell cultures Sf21+ • PGp protein expression : o biochemical characterization o molecular characterization Techniques • immunohistochemistry • cell cultures • allelic disorders • electrophoresis • Western blot • flowcytometry Perspectives • treatment improvement by personalized medicine • probiotics effect on colorectal cancer. 21 Research directions and activities Aquatic ecotoxicology Achievements: • in vivo studies regarding apoptosis in Carassius auratus sp.: the effect of Mn2+, microscopic studies enzymatic assay of SOD, GST, GR, CAT, LDH • cell models of studying oxidative stress in Carassius auratus sp.: fish hepatocytes cell culture Techniques • histochemistry • immunohistochemistry • cell cultures • methods of enzymatic assay Perspectives • in vitro studies regarding pesticides action on the oxidative status in fish hepatocyte cultures 22 Research directions and activities Taxonomy/ Phylogeny Achievements: • taxonomic biochemistry in different species (fish, amphybians,invertebrates):histological modifications, enzymatic profile, multiple molecular forms (LDH) • transfferine polymorphism in carp studies on the reproduction cycle in Polyodon spathula and Cyprinidae molecular phylogenetic studies on Cyprinidae : DNAmt, COX I and COX II, r RNA12S and 16S, Cyt b Techniques • histochemistry • imunohistochemistry • cell cultures • methods of enzymatic assaycell culture • RT-PCR • sequencing • FPLC Perspective • others genetic markers in fish •molecular modification in reproductive cycle of Polyodon 23 Research directions and activities Tissular Engineering, Biomaterials and Biocompatibility Achievements: • Analyses of implant materials from: •Metal and metal alloys •Nitrogen – implanted Ti and Ti alloys • Ceramics •Natural polymers • Evaluation of cellular survival • Microscopic evaluation of cell spreading and morphology • Investigation of cell adhesion • Organization of cytoskeleton proteins • Cell proliferation potential • Promotion of cellular differentiation • Extracellular matrix turnover • Tissue engineering from stem cells Techniques • histochemistry • imunohistochemistry • cell cultures • methods of enzymatic assay cell culture • RT-PCR • sequencing • FPLC Perspective • analyses of other matrix that can be used in therapy - hydrogel •Stem cell cultivation in order to achieve a tissue structure 24 Our labor markets partners The graduate/ MSc/ PhD students from the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology have the opportunity to continue apply their professional skills on various companies from market. The graduate/ MSc students can be employed by: Primary and High School in the field of Biology Companies for reagents and equipments distribution Clinical laboratories Or, can continue their formation in prestigious universities and research centers from Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Holland, Great Britain, Greece, Portugal, Spain The researchers can by employed by: Other national universities 25 and foreing Research laboratory national institutes from Research industry from laboratory Perspectives Master in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in English for foreign students ERASMUS-MUNDUS Doctoral School PROJECTS for Master Degree and Interregional and cross-border collaboration 26 Contact : University of Bucharest Faculty of Biology Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 91-95 Splaiul Independenţei 050095 Bucharest, 5 sector Phone: +40 21.318.15.75 Fax:+ 40 21 318.15.72; 27
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