A Haunted House by Virginia Woolf By: Heriberto Alvear

A Haunted House by Virginia
By: Heriberto Alvear
About Me
• Hi, My name is
Heriberto Alvear. I
am 15 years old. I
attend Sharpstown
International High
• Haunt house
• Is the ghost good
or bad?
• What's to main
• In my annotations I saw symbolism, imagery,
and irony because it said that “The ghosts will
find the buried treasure, but the ghosts have
been there for a very long time but they still
haven't found the buried treasure.’’ which is
New Vocabulary
• They’re looking for it; they’re drawing the curtain, “one might say,
and so read on a page or two.
Curtain-A piece of material suspended from top to form a screen.
• And then, tired of reading, one might rise and see for oneself, the
house all empty, the doors standing open, only the woods pigeons
bubbling with content and the hum of the threshing machine
sounding from the farm.
Pigeons-A stout seed or fruit-eating bird with a small head, short
legs, and cooling voice.
• And then, tired of reading, one might rise and see for oneself, the
house all empty, the doors standing open, only the woods pigeons
bubbling with content and the hum of the threshing machine
sounding from the farm.
Threshing-Separate grain from plant, typically with a flail or by
action of a revolving mechanism.
• Haunt house
• Is the ghost good
• They are occupied
or bad?
with a ghost couple • What's to main
• And a living couple
• What are the
Ghosts looking for.
Summary of Haunted House
• The short story of a Haunted House is about a ghost couple, husband
and wife, who walk around the house that was once theirs. Their
reason for being there is because they are searching for a buried
treasure. And whenever you’d wake up there would be a door
shutting. As the people of the house hear the doors and windows
opening and shutting they know that there are ghost in the house but
she is not scared of the ghosts causing harm to them. The ghosts are
scared that the couple now living in the house might have already
found the treasure. The ghost couple searches every single room of
the house, going back and forth, double-checking everything. The
climax of the story is when the ghost couple comes to the conclusion
that the couple occupying the house has never found buried treasure
and it could possibly be in the garden. The ghost couple also realizes
that the treasure is actually safe and is still in fact theirs.
Plot Diagram
The ghost conclude that the couple of
the house have never found the
treasure and it could possibly be in the
garden. The ghost couple also realizes
that the treasure is actually safe and is
still in fact theirs.
What I think about the story
• I think that the story was a good story because
It talks about two couples that want to find a
treasure. Its funny because they been their
looking for the treasure for a long time and still
haven't found it and think the living people have
found it.
• I will keep reading to improve because I need
more help to make a better grade in my classes
and so I can get a better grade in the STAAR.