EXPANDING THE TARGET: Increasing Your Reach And Penetration To Harness

Increasing Your Reach
And Penetration To Harness
The NP And PA Opportunity
Expand your target and reach
• Are your marketing efforts
adapting to changing market
• Is your target audience
• Are you finding the most
influential healthcare
providers and targeting
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What are the biggest factors impacting
healthcare in 2014?
Aging Population
Health Insurance Access
The millions of Americans age 65+ is set
to more than double
Dramatic increase in the number of
insured Americans in a very short
That's in
two years!
More than
32 Million
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And the biggest? COST
Over 1/2
of Americans
have one or more
chronic illnesses,
like diabetes, heart failure, cancer,
or chronic lung disease
costing over
$1 trillion per year
to manage.
Total US Healthcare Spending (in
Billion USD)
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It is estimated that
NP/PA directed care
Current projections tell us
by 2020
there will be an
estimated shortage of
primary care physicians.
costs up to
1/3 less
similar patient
satisfaction outcomes as
physician-directed care
The cost of
MDs vs NPs and PAs
is driving the demand for
NPs and PAs
NP & PA Ranks Expanding to Fill the Need
numbers have
in the past
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What role do NPs and PAs play in healthcare
delivery today?
NPs and PAs specialize like MDs, work autonomously and as part
of a primary-care health team:
overall patient
Write prescriptions
and recommend
OTC remedies
Order diagnostic
Educate patients
and manage
chronic conditions
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How can you tap into the NP and PA market?
RNsights offers targeted social media networks of NPs and PAs
• NPs and PAs log into RNsights to discuss clinical issues and read information
from medical experts or peers.
• Precision targeting by sub-specialty, geography and more
• Multiple venues to put client content in front of NPs and PAs without requiring
them to click through to another website.
• Repeat impressions deliver a message through multiple different interactive
experiences that are much more effective than an ad.
RNsights delivers the most receptive audience of NPs and PAs
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What do we deliver?
• Targeting by specialty
• Influence and mind share with NPs and PAs via RNsights’online communities
Proven Results Generating
Targeted Leads
Social Media Marketing That
Creates Trust
in a Brand
Market Research from Online
Decision Makers
Reach Thousands
Physician Assistants
States Represented
Average Time On Site
Nurse Practitioners
States Represented
Average Time On Site
• Members log on to RNsights often and stay over 5 min each visit - double
other websites’ average
• Members opt in excited to learn about products serving their profession
• One of the largest databases of NPs and PAs in the US
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Why NPs and PAs Love RNsights:
Social and Professional Network Just for NPs and PAs
• Interesting webinars & continuing
• Connect with peers & experts nationwide
• Share insights & evidence based solutions
• Learn about new products serving the
• Mobile enabled for easy access
this website”
“a helpful community
to bounce ideas off of
and learn from others”
How can I market to NPs and PAs using
Live and Recorded Webinars
Interact with our members. RNsights will host your
webinar or create one for you.
Promote products or sponsor Continuing Education
with prime visibility on RNsights.
Email Campaign
Experience double the average response rates.
Company or Product Webpage on RNsights
Capture leads and drive traffic to your site.
Build trust in your brand with a news story and link
about your product or company in our newsletters.
Sample Distribution
Reach NPs and PAs eager to try new products.
NP and PA Recruitment
RNsights can recruit attendees and thought leaders for
dinner presentations and other events.
Forum Posts
Become part of the conversation. Inform about
products and promotions.
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Promote, Educate and Inform
• Inform users about treatment options,
research, training and educational updates
• Provide and receive point-of-care
• Build awareness and trust in your brand
• Provide clinical trial updates
• Recruit for clinical trials
• Announce FDA findings or a new indication
• Provide disease state information
• Announce the availability of free samples
• Announce a new medical device,
promotion, program or service
• Offer support services to help nurse
practitioners, physician assistants, and
nurses with challenges
• Spread company news and press releases
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Social Media Marketing Studies
Why use targeted social media?
• 78-90% trust social media recommendations versus only 15% for traditional ads
• NPs and PAs are tuning into digital communication and using it as integral part of their
• 90% of NPs and PAs visit medical device or pharma sites and 83% recommend them
to others.
How can you use it?
• Position yourself as an expert authority in your market for a competitive edge
• Interact and engage with two way communication
• Quick and repeated brand exposure increases likelihood of converting leads
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Live and Recorded Webinars
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Page Sponsorship
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Product Webpage on RNsights
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Forum Posts
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Actionable Market Research
Reveal product, market and competitive
Determine brand sentiment and NP/PA
satisfaction regarding your products
Idea evaluation and concept testing
Develop messaging or positioning strategies
Review of protocols and procedures
Perform a safety analysis
Obtain disease state information
Understand NP and PA preferred methods of
receiving communications
Gain critical advantages
Reduce costs (recruiting, travel and hosting
expenses eliminated)
Faster than traditional research by weeks or
Precision targeting by specialty, subspecialty and
Learn about your competition and market trends
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Actionable Market Research
Quantitative and qualitative survey options
Virtual Focus Groups
Significant cost savings and ability to quickly
Choose if you’d like participants blind to the
products/sponsor or visible.
The first type of on-line focus group is a realtime moderated discussion.
The second type of on-line focus group is a
post-type discussion.
Face-to-face or Online Interviews
Advisory Panels
Community Building
We can create an online community of
professionals exclusively for your marketing
and market research use.
We can recruit members of specific
sub-specialties to join. Clients can then
utilize our market research services to
provide on-demand market research.
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Focus Group / Advisory Panel
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Webinar & CE Speakers Sample
Barbara Furry, RN-BC, MS, CCRN
Barbara is a nationally known speaker with over 30 years of experience. She holds a Masters of
Science degree in Health, and is American Heart Association immediate Past-Chair, Emergency
Cardiovascular Care and Board member with a variety of volunteer AHA leadership roles. She is an
ACLS, ACLS-EP and PALS Regional Faculty and instructor.
Mary Ann "Cammy" House-Fancher, MSN, ACNP, CCRN-CSC-CMC, PCCN
Cammy is a nationally known speaker with over 35 years of experience. She has an active practice
as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner at the University of Florida. Cammy brings clinical practice skill
to the lectures and provides invaluable tips for patient care. As well as lecturing across the country,
Cammy is a reviewer for several refereed journals and has numerous publications.
Jeff Solheim
Jeff brings a wealth of healthcare experience to the RNsights team. He was honored by the
Emergency Nursing Association with the "Nursing Education Award" and was inducted as a fellow in
the Academy of Emergency Nursing. Jeff is also an internationally recognized motivational speaker
and consultant. In addition, Jeff is the founder and director of Project Helping Hands - a third world
humanitarian effort which regularly takes medical teams into various third world countries.
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The Benefits of Using RNsights
Cost-efficient and proven effective way of
educating NPs and PAs about your products.
Online social media communication is the
present and future of marketing
78-90% who trust social media recommendations
User growth for niche social networks is exploding
(up 48% this year).
RNsights reduces costs and saves time because
with an online community, there is no travel.
Fast results and precision targeting capabilities
On line engagement runs longer than face to
face meetings and is much more interactive
than static ads.
Many members were referred to the site and
cannot be reached any other way.
Response rates double those of traditional
Increase market share, sales and profitability
“ We found the RNsights team to be responsive and innovative in their approach…
I would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone. ” Larada Sciences
About Us
RNsights hosts targeted online communities where marketers and researchers engage with
nurse practitioners, physician assistants and nurses with purchasing and prescribing power.
RNsights delivers fast and effective lead generation, marketing, market research and continuing
education. We connect you to an opt-in audience of healthcare professionals through our online
communities organized by specialty which include primary care, critical care, the largest online
group of school nurses, and more.
RNsights can help you access this critical market. Contact us for a tour of one of our online
communities or a free survey.
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Contact Us
Contact us to discuss how we can help your marketing
expand to these critical segments.
Jay Levenson
[email protected]
Thomas J. Ullian
[email protected]
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