Medicine and Illegal Drugs Click to add subtitle

Medicine and Illegal Drugs
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StimulantsAny drug that increases the body’s
– Stimulants cause heart rate and breathing to
speed up.
– User feels awake & alert
(possibly for days)
Types: caffeine, cocaine,
crack cocaine, &
Cocaine & Crack Cocaine
Crack Cocaine
Cocaine –
Powerful drug (stimulant) made from
the coca plant. Cocaine comes in a white
powder and inhaled through the nose.
Crack Cocaine (ROCK) –
Cocaine that is altered or cooked into a
different form, which can be smoked.
Effects are more intense and do not last as
long as cocaine.
• Both cocaine and crack cocaine cause intense
euphoria- physical and mental sense of wellbeing (exaggerated state of mind).
• Due to the short lived effects of both drugs
people must use the drug often to make the
effects last. High lasts about 10-15 minutes
followed by physical illness and depression.
• Addiction can lead to overdose which results
in heart attacks or strokes (brain damage or
Prolonged cocaine snorting can
cause scabs to form on your mucus
membranes, damage your nasal
septum and eventually make your
nose collapse
• A stimulant that is synthetic and comes in a rock
• Street Names: Meth, Crystal, Crystal Meth
• Ways that it is used: smoked, injected, or inhaled.
• Effects will last for hours and is extremely
• Short term-effects: euphoria, decreased appetite,
increased body temperature.
• Permanent kidney damage, liver damage, brain
damage, death.
• Meth users pick at their skin and
rot their teeth.
DepressantsAny drug that decreases activity in the body.
- Also known as sedatives.
– Heart Rate & Breathing slows down
– Blood Pressure drops
– Mild relaxation
– Deep sleep
– Very addictive
Types of depressants:
• Tranquilizers – mild depressants that help
treat anxiety.
• Barbiturates – makes you drowsy and
sleepy. Also used to treat
• Hypnotics – very powerful depressants,
causes sleep
• Overdose can cause coma, death and brain
• Interacts strongly with alcohol causing severe
An extremely powerful hypnotic depressant.
• Small white tablets, lasts for 8 hours
• Street names: roofies, roach, rope
• Effects: sleepiness, slurred speech, impaired
judgment, difficulty walking, loss of muscle
control, and BLACKOUT. Effects are increased
when mixed with alcohol.
• Blackout – is the inability to remember anything
that happened while under the drugs effects.
• Known as the “date rape drug”
Dried flowers & leaves of the Cannabis plant.
• Most abused drug.
• Known as the “Gate Way Drug”
• Street names: Grass, weed, pot, dope, Mary
Jane, green, bud, and reefer.
• Most of the time it is smoked, but it can be
mixed with food and eaten.
• THC – (tetrahydrocannabinol) chemical
substance in marijuana. Levels of THC may
vary based on the plant.
Long Term Effects of
• Decreases ability to think and concentrate
• Decreases desire and energy.
– “Lethargic”
• Because it is smoked marijuana use can
have similar effects as smoking cigarettes.
– Chronic bronchitis
– Respiratory problems
– Circulatory problems
Any drug that is produced from the milk of the
opium poppy plant (grows in Europe & Asia)
Extremely addictive (quickly addictive)
Develops a strong tolerance
Hardest addiction to break
Intense (painful) withdrawals symptoms:
cramps, vomiting, muscle pain, shaking,
chills, panic attacks.
Types of Opiates
• Prescription Opiates:
Used to treat pain, coughs, and intestinal
problems. These can be abused leading to
addiction with failure of following a doctors
Types of Opiates
• Heroin:
– The most powerful and addictive opiate.
– Made from Morphine.
– Inhaled through nose, smoked, or
injected (most popular way to take it is
to inject it).
Effects of Heroin:
• Euphoria, sleepiness, warm feeling in the skin,
shallow breathing, and nausea.
• Infections of the heart, liver disease, and lung
• Using dirty needles can lead to diseases such as
hepatitis or HIV.