Le Corbusier - What Moves Us…?

Le Corbusier - What Moves Us…?
Conference at the Aarhus School of Architecture, DK, 19 – 20 November 2015
Studsgade Auditorium, Studsgade 33, 8000 Aarhus C
Thursday, 19.11.2015
9:30 - 10:00
Registration & Coffee
10:00 - 10:15
Torben Nielsen: Welcome
Rector, Aarhus School of Architecture
10.15 – 11.00
Ruth Baumeister: Why talk about Le Corbusier and Asger Jorn today?
Prof. History & Theory of Architecture, Aarhus School of Architecture
11:00 - 11:45
Stanislaus von Moos: “Le Corbusier´s ruins”
Professor, The University of Zürich & Vincent Scully Visiting Professor at Yale
University, (Emeritus)
12:00 - 12:45
12:45 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:20
10 min Questions/Answers
Lunch break
Crossroads: Le Corbusier-Asger Jorn
Joan Ockman: “Color, Painting, Architecture”
Prof. History & Theory of Architecture, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Presentations of Call for Papers
20 min
Karl Schawelka: “Non finito: Jorn’s criticism of Le Corbusier and the possibility
of painterly architecture”
Prof. (emer.) History & Theory of Arts, Bauhaus-University, Weimar, Germany
20 min
Nicola Pezolet: "La Culture Humaine": Materialist Utopianism, Teleology and
Synthesis in Jorn’s Theories of Art and Architecture of the 1940s”
Prof. Art History, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
14:20 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:20
10 min Question/Answers
Coffee break
Presentations of Call for Papers
20 min
Klaus Müller-Wille: “Reinventing space – Asger Jorn and Le Corbusiers books”
Prof. of Scandinavian Literature, Zürich University, Switzerland
20 min
Daniel Naegele: “Scribble, scribble, scribble, eh, Mr. Jorn
Prof. of Architecture, Iowa State University, Ames, USA
15:15 - 15:45
17:30 - 18:30
10 min Question/Answers
Moderator: Joan Ockman
Bustrip to Asger Jorn´s Ceramic Mural/Statsgymnasium Aarhus
& “What moves us? Le Corbusier & Asger Jorn”, Museum Jorn, Silkeborg
Welcome by Jacob Thage
Director, Museum Jorn, Silkeborg
Karen Friis: Guided exhibition tour
Curator, Museum Jorn, Silkeborg
Dinner at the Museum, Bus transfer back to Aarhus
Le Corbusier - What Moves Us…?
Conference at the Aarhus School of Architecture, DK, 19 – 20 November 2015
Studsgade Auditorium, Studsgade 33, 8000 Aarhus C
Friday, 20.11.2015
9:30 – 9:45
9:45 – 10:30
Milestone: Le Corbusier: Artist – Architect
Welcome & Coffee
Anna Rosellini: “Le Corbusier - From the 'synthesis of the arts' to the 'espace
indicible' of the electronic age”
Prof. of Architecture, University of Bologna, Italy
10 min Questions/Answers
10:40 - 11:30
Presentations of Call for Papers
20 min
Mary Mc Leod: “Les Maisons “Murondins”: Le Corbusier’s Housing for World
War II Refugees”
Prof. of Architecture, Columbia University, New York, USA
20 min
Matthew Teismann: “CLOSED HANDS. Disembodiment in Le Corbusier´s
Post-War Paintings”
Lecturer, University of Technology, Sydney
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:45
12:45 - 13:30
13:40 – 14:30
10 min Question/Answers
Moderator: Anna Rosellini
Lunch Break
Transgressions: Le Corbusier in Danish Architecture& Urbanism
Johan Linton: “Le Corbusier and Scandinavia – A History to be written”
Prof., Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, and Luleå University of
Technology, Sweden
10 min Questions/Answers
Presentations of Call for Papers
20 min
Mogens Andreassen Morgen: “Bellahøj – skyscrapers in modern Danish
public housing”
Prof. of Cultural Heritage, Aarhus School of Architecture
with Jannie Rosenberg Bendsen, Ph.d., cand. Mag./ Birgitte Kleis, arch. MAA
20 min
Sidse Martens Gudmand-Høyer: ”Heritage or Construction?”
PhD Candidate, Aarhus School of Architecture
14:30 - 14:40
14:40 – 15:30
10 min Question/Answers
Coffee break
Presentations of Call for Papers
20 min
Glenn Harper: “A Graphic Tyrst: Le Corbusier, Jørn Utzon and the Sydney
Opera House, 1957-66”
Independent Researcher, Sydney, Australia
20 min
Poul Bæk Pedersen: ”Parallel Tracks”
Prof. of Architecture, Aarhus School of Architecture
15:30 - 16:00
Closing Discussion
Panel/Moderator (tbd): Stanislaus von Moos, Johan Linton, Anna Rosselini,
Joan Ockman, Ruth Baumeister
The conference is supported by