The Business of the Sustainable Development Goals Peter White Chief Operating Officer Why is this important for business? The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a CEO-led organization of forward-thinking companies that galvanizes the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment. Key Facts 200 Global member companies $9tn Aggregate revenue of members 19m Employees in WBCSD member companies 67 Countries Global Network partners Sustainable Development Goals 1. End poverty in all its forms 2. End hunger, achieve security & sustainable agriculture 11. Make cities & human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 4. Ensure quality education and promote lifelong learning 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women & girls 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine 6. Ensure availability and management of water & sanitation 7. Ensure access to sustainable modern energy 8. Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth 9. Build resilient infrastructure 10. Reduce inequality resources 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnership for sustainable development From MDGs …….. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) • • • • 2000 – 2015 8 goals 21 targets Developed with input mostly from governments ……to the SDGs • • • • 2016 – 2030 17 goals 169 targets Developed with input from governments, CSOs, private sector, international organisations, and other non-state actors Vision 2050 9+ billion people All living well Within the boundaries of the planet Vision 2050: 87 TODAY Starting with the science Action2020 Priority Areas Informed by Stockholm Resilience Centreled scientific consultation Informed by work of international organizations, research organizations and the Action2020 Project Team Action2020 Science-based actionable priorities Facts Priorities Prioriti Trends 1 es 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Must Business haves solutions Sustainable Development Goals 1. End poverty in all its forms 2. End hunger, achieve security & sustainable agriculture 11. Make cities & human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 4. Ensure quality education and promote lifelong learning 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women & 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine girls 6. Ensure availability and management of water & sanitation 7. Ensure access to sustainable modern energy 8. Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth 9. Build resilient infrastructure 10. Reduce inequality resources 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnership for sustainable development The implementation of the SDGs - the role of the private sector? • Why a role for the private sector in the implementation of the SDGs? • What is that role? • Why would companies be interested in playing such a role? • What are global business organizations doing to engage companies in the implementation of the SDGs? What role for companies? Role of Business in sustainable development not new: • ILO Tripartite Declaration • OECD Guidelines for MNEs • UN Global Compact Principles • UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Many businesses delivered against MDGs. Delivery of SDGs will require involvement of all actors SDGs provide both Opportunity and Responsibility Concern both WHAT a company does, and HOW it does it. Why would companies be interested in implementation of the SDGs? The SDGs: • • • • • • • • Provide global roadmap & momentum Redirect & focus investment flows Identify new markets Define trends & future policies Provide a common language Opportunity to strengthen a company’s license to operate Shared framework across all dimensions of SD Platform for multi-stakeholder efforts & partnerships What are global business organizations doing to engage companies in the implementation of the SDGs? • WBCSD; Aligning activities and measurements • SDG Compass (UNGC, GRI, WBCSD) • SDG Commission SDG Compass SDGs are perceived as important for business, but there is an knowledge gap How important are the SDGs in informing your business strategy? * How well informed are you about the SDG process? * 2% 20% 43% 14% 55% Critical for strategy process 66% Very informed Broadly aware Hardly aware * Illustrative poll, results not assessed for statistical significance Source: Entry poll at SDG Compass plenary breakout session, WBCSD Liaison Delegate Meeting, April 2015, Montreux SDG Compass Project objectives Guide companies in impact assessment, KPI selection and goal setting to help achieve the world’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Partners Development Guide to be launched 26th Sept. 2015 SDG Compass - 5 step model 1. Understand SDGs & Commit to take action 2. 5. Communicate and Report Assess SDG impacts and define priorities 4. Implement goals 3. Set Goals A guide for business Impact assessment (relevance + materiality) Existing tools and methodologies to understand impact mapped against SDGs KPI selection Business Indicators mapped against SDGs and targets Goal setting and communication Ambitious goals and effective communication SDG Compass Consultation Jul 2015: Public consultation Please find 2nd draft at: Launch event • UNHQ, NYC, 26th September 2015 Deliverables • SDG Compass Guide for Business • Online resources: o Business Indicators mapped against SDGs o Impact Assessment Tools mapped against SDGs Helping make more sustainable companies more successful WBCSD Strategy ACTION2020 TO REACH SOCIETAL MUSTHAVES Business Solutions PRIORITY AREAS Today Improve Business Case Survey Hvad sker der på bæredygtighed og business i de kommende år? Giv os dit besyv med - svar inden kl. 15 Efter pausen - Find din Break out session 1. Bæredygtighed som driver for innovation og forretningsudvikling Tietgensalen – højre side midt på på Børsgangen 2. Partnerskaber for bæredygtig udvikling og bæredygtig business Komitésalen – venstre side nederst på Børsgangen 3. Mål og måling af effekt inden for bæredygtighed Børssalen PAUSE OG NETWORKING Vi ses til break out sessions kl 14.40 BREAK OUT 3 Mål og måling af effekt inden for bæredygtighed MÅL OG MÅLING AF EFFEKT - INDEN FOR BÆREDYGTIGHED Birgitte Mogensen & Pernille Risgaard 7. september, 2015 Om mål og måling af effekt • Konkrete mål skaber retning - og driver handling • Fokus flytter sig fra input og output til resultater og effekt – for virksomheden og for samfundet • Krav og forventninger øges 7. september, 2015 Side 32 I dag stiller vi skarpt på … Fra SDG'erne til mål for virksomheder Ole Lund Hansen, FN's Global Compact Arla Foods' erfaringer med måling af miljømæssig effekt Jan Dalsgaard Johannesen, Arla Foods Novo Nordisk's erfaringer med måling af sundhedsmæssig og socialøkonomisk effekt Yulia Ivanova, Novo Nordisk 7. september, 2015 Side 33 Dialog & spørgsmål - om mål og måling af effekt inden for bæredygtighed 7. september, 2015 Side 34 Tak & nu … er der pause 7. september, 2015 Side 35 PAUSE OG NETWORKING Vær venligst på plads i Børssalen kl. 15.58 DEL 3: KOMMUNIKATION OG RAPPORTERING AF BÆREDYGTIGHED Bæredygtighed som kilde til innovation – effekt for Mærsk og samfundet Annette Stube, Head of Group Sustainability, A.P. Møller - Mærsk Uddeling af CSR Prisen 2015 Optakt ved Charlotte Jepsen, adm. direktør, FSR – danske revisorer og Birgitte Mogensen, formand for CSR-udvalget, FSR - danske revisorer Prisoverrækkelse ved H. K. H. Kronprinsessen TAK FOR I DAG!
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