1. Title Page 2. Table Of Contents 3. Intro 4. Amendment One 5. Amendment One 6. Amendment One 7. Amendment One 8. Amendment Two 9. Amendment Three and Five 10.Amendment Six 11.Amendment Seven 12.Amendment Four and Eight 13.Amendment Nine 14.Amendment Ten 15.Amendment Eleven 16.Amendment Twelve 17.Amendment Thirteen 18. Amendment Fourteen 19.Amendment Fifteen 20. Amendment Sixteen 21. Amendment Seventeen 22. Amendment Eighteen 23. Amendment Nineteen 24. Amendment Twenty 25. Amendment Twenty- One 25. Amendment Twenty-Two 26. Amendment Twenty- Three 27. Amendment Twenty- Four 28. Amendment Twenty- Five 29. Amendment Twenty- Six 30. Amendment Twenty- Seven Cartoon Network and The Amendments Cartoon Network wants to help you learn the 27 amendments of the Constitution. The first 10 amendments are part of the Bill of Rights. Pay attention to the rights and actions of the characters. The story begins on the next page… 3 Amendment 1 The First Amendment is all about your freedoms. Bugs Bunny has the right of speech. This means that he can say what he feels. No one can stop you from saying what you feel, but this doesn’t mean that you can say bad things that could get you into trouble. Ehh, What’s up, Doc? 4 The next Freedom of the 1st Amendment is the Freedom of Press. Tweety Bird works for a big newspaper, “The Looney Toons Times”. He was very upset with Mayor Scooby and wanted to voice his opinion through the press. Tweety bird could say what he wanted, but again he doesn’t want to get into trouble. 5 A historical landmark was being torn down in the local park. Daffy Duck and the Sylvester the Cat were not very happy and they wanted to do something about it. They decided to assemble and start a petition. They had the right to protest and voice their opinions. Save the monument in the Park! 7 The last freedom of the 1st Amendment is the Freedom of Religion. This freedom allows anyone to practice their own religion. No one can tell you which religion to practice or follow. For instance, Daffy Duck goes to church, while Taz goes to a mosque. 7 Amendment 2 8 Amendment 3 and 5 We can do whatever we want!!! We are soldiers!!! We didn’t give you the right to stay in our house!!! Tweety Bird and Sylvester are soldiers who need a place to stay while they are waiting to be transferred. They decide to pick Shaggy and Scooby Doo’s house to stay at, but they didn’t get approval from Shaggy and Scooby. When Shaggy and Scooby came home from a long day of solving mysteries, they see Tweety Bird and Sylvester in their living room watching TV. Shaggy and Scooby know this is violating their rights against Amendment 3. They report to the police. According to the 5th Amendment, Tweety and Sylvester have the right to a defense lawyer, a jury trial, “double jeopardy”, they can’t be forced to testify against themselves, and they can’t be in jail or lose their property except through proper legal actions. Jury Trail 9 Amendment 6 Scooby Doo and the Gang have killed the Night Phantom and the city is safe again, but they were arrested. Although the Night Phantom was causing trouble to the citizens, Scooby and the Gang did not have the right to kill the Night Phantom and now must to go trial. Even though they killed the Night Phantom, Scooby and the Gang have the right to a trial. Scooby and the Gang are also supposed to be told of what they were in trouble for. The Scooby Doo gang has the right to a lawyer. Hopefully, the trial will say that Scooby and the Gang are innocent of killing the Night Phantom. 10 Amendment 7 Not only did Scooby Doo and the Gang have a criminal trial but they also were being sued because they destroyed people’s houses and businesses when trying to kill the Night Phantom. Some of the townspeople were not happy when Scooby and the Gang killed the Night Phantom because they also destroyed their property. Although Scooby and the Gang are allowed to have a jury, it might not be a good thing because some of the people on the jury may have had their property destroyed too. 11 The 4th And The 8th Amendment Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck search the Mystery Machine without a search warrant, they are breaking the Mystery Gang’s rights of the 4th amendment. The Mystery Machine can’t be searched without a search warrant. When the Mystery Gang discovers what has happened they go to the police. Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are then charged with a fine and punishment. They feel the fine and punishment is very unreasonable, so the rights of the eighth amendment are violated. The 8th amendment doesn’t allow cruel and unusual punishments. 12 Amendment 9 The ninth amendment is about the Rights retained by the people. In this Amendment , some rights aren't listed in the Constitution. The rights that aren't listed in the Constitution are kept by the people. For example Tom the Cat has the right to privacy even if it isn't a right in the Constitution. The right to privacy is kept by the people, or Tom the Cat. PRIVATE 13 Amendment 10 The Toons of ToonTown need to fix the roads and buildings ruined in a car chase. The government of the real world won’t help them. What can they do? According to the 10th Amendment, they can raise their own money to fix the roads and buildings. The Toons of Toon Town can add tax to the toys in the stores, so they can raise money for the construction. The powers that aren't given to the federal government, are given to the state government. 14 Amendment 11 I was injured in Michigan!!! I want to sue the state of Michigan!!! You can’t sue us!!! You are from Texas, a different state!!! Taz is from Texas and he wants to sue the state of Michigan for causing him an injury, but if he does this he violates the 11th Amendment. According to the 11th Amendment, people can’t sue a state in federal court if they are citizens of a different state, or of a foreign country. Although Taz has the right to be treated as an American citizen, he still can’t sue the state of Michigan. 15 Amendment 12 Vice-President Election Presidential Election Daffy Duck is running for president and Freddy is running for vicepresident. Their elections are separate, not together. The 12th Amendment says this and allows the same political party (democrat and republican) to win the elections for both president and vice-president. 16 Amendment 13 Scrappy Doo is on a new adventure but he needs more help. He decides that instead of just asking for help, he is going to make people work for him. He won’t pay them because their payment will be that the bad guys are getting caught. This all sounded good until Velma discovers that this is illegal and a form of slavery. It was illegal because slavery and forced work is not allowed. Instead, they ask people to help and if they said no, they don’t have to work. You have to work for me! No I Don’t!!!! 17 Amendment 14 Amendment 14 is all about your civil rights. This amendment gives any citizen these rights. All citizens have to be treated equally, including former slaves. Bubbles from the Power Puff girls and Johnny Test might look different but they have the same rights. One of those rights is they both have the right to vote for the President. Rights 18 Amendment 15 Amendment 15 tells you about your voting rights. Even though people look different, any citizen can vote. No one can take this right away from you. Taz, Scooby , and Blue are all in line to vote, even though they are different they can all vote. 19 Amendment 16 Daffy duck works for the government, and he and Congress have the right to make taxes. He can make taxes on things like tea, toys, coffee, and more. 20 21 Amendment 18 The Toons needed to make money because the Toons don’t have any money. So they decide to make and sell adult beverages (alcohol) to the people on the other side of the wall. This is illegal because you are not allowed to sell adult drinks. 22 No Women are Allowed To Vote!!!! Well that’s not fair! According to the 19th amendment we are allowed to vote!! The Mystery Gang goes to vote, but once Daphne and Velma try to take their turn, Bugs Bunny refuses to let them vote. This is violating their rights of the 19th Amendment. State and national governments can’t deny people the right to vote, no matter what their gender is. 23 Amendment 20 The terms of the President and the Vice President shall end at noon on January 20th, and the terms of Senators and Representatives end on January 3rd, at noon. These dates are when the president and the representatives have to end their term. This means that they are out of time, they have to leave their job as president or representative. The president only has two terms, or 8 years. 23 Amendment 21 Bugs Bunny and the senators have decided to stop the Toon Town bad guys from selling the adult drinks illegally. Bugs Bunny took away the 18th amendment, so they can sell the adult drinks legally. 25 26 27 Amendment 24 Scooby Doo wanted to help elect the incoming president. He is a United States citizen and the electors told him he couldn’t vote because he wouldn’t pay unfair taxes. He was against this and he said that it violates his rights of the 24th amendment. The electors checked, and finally realized that Scooby was right. Then, he was allowed to vote just as he had wanted to. 28 Amendment 25 Bugs Bunny died when he was president, and he obviously couldn’t carry out his duties. Tweety bird then had to take over for him because he was vice president. 29 30 Amendment 27 The Congress is not allowed to change the pay of the representatives. Congress is allowed to change the pay of the representatives and senators after the next election. 31 32 Arthur. Sylvester the Cat. Digital image. Arthur's Sylvester Clipart. Feb. 2009. Web. 2012. <http://www.arthursclipart.org/justforkids/sylvester/page_01.htm>. Blue. Digital image. My Boys and Me. Web. 2012. <http://www.myboysandme.com/?m=201003>. Bubbles Power Puff Girls. Digital image. Wikia. Web. 2012. <http://powerpuff.wikia.com/wiki/Bubbles>. Buggs Bunny. N.d. neatorama.com. N.p., n.d. 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N.d. picgifs.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2012. <http://www.google.com/ imgres?q=s ylvester&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=829&tbm=isch&tbnid=y8axUfh1vF8_vM:&im grefurl=http://www.picgifs.com/clip-art/sylvester/ &docid=pCLl8mnJYIlJkM&imgurl=http://www.picgifs.com/clip-art/cartoons/sylvester/ clip-art-sylvester-602582.jpg&w=381&h=383&ei=QPYWT7rcF46LsALc7aiMAg&zoom=1&iact=h c&vpx=179&vpy=496&dur=578&hovh=225&hovw=224&tx=138&ty=83&sig=10336309009344001 3&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=142&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0>. Taz. N.d. tazworld.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2012. <http://www.google.com/ imgres?q=taz%5C&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=829&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=RKh2mHulh13PyM:&img furl=http://www.tazworld.com/taz/ &docid=2RTBmz1XW11_hM&imgurl=http://www.tazworld.com/taz/ t29.jpg&w=301&h=300&ei=dvUWTqfPK2msQLRzbyjAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=313&sig=10336309 0093440019373&page=1&tbnh=152&tbnw=153&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0&tx=108 &ty=73>. Tweety Bird Pictures, Photos & Images. Web. 19 Jan. 2012. <http://www.freeextras.com/search/1/tweety+bird.htm>. Voters Booth. Digital image. Return to Biblicism. Web. 2012. <http://biblicism.wordpress.com/category/cultural-issues/>. Voxmarketising - the Audio'connell Voice Over Talent Blog and Podcast. Web. 19 Jan. 2012. <http://blog.audioconnell.com/2008/04/23/the-poles-are-now-open/>. 35 Glossary Citizen-a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection. Amendment-an alteration of or addition to a motion, bill, constitution. Jury -such a group selected according to law and sworn to inquire into or determine the facts concerning a cause or an accusation submitted to them and to render a verdict to a court. Mosque-the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. Retained- to continue to hold or have. Tax-to demand a tax in consideration of the possession or occurrence of (income, goods, sales, etc.), usually in proportion to the value of money involved. 36 Glossary Bill of Rights-a formal statement of the fundamental rights of the people of the United States, incorporated in the constitution as Amendments 1–10, and in all state constitutions. Terms- a period of time to which limits have been set. Violate- to break a rule Elect- to choose or select by vote, as for an office: to elect a mayor. Legal- permitted by law Double Jeopardy- a person can`t be trailed for the same crime again Search Warrant-a court order authorizing the examination of a dwelling or other private premises by police officials, as for stolen goods. Slavery- the keeping of slaves as a practice or institution. District of Columbia- this is the area of Washington 37
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