IGCSE Revision Tutorial

IGCSE Revision Tutorial
• This session focuses on the Depth
Study (Germany 1919-1939)
• The Learning Aims include
– The early beliefs of the Nazi Party.
– Weimar Germany in the key years of
1923 and 1929.
– How Hitler became Chancellor.
– How the Nazis controlled Germany.
– How the Nazis won support.
– Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian
• Nazi Image
Key dates in the early Nazi Party
1919: Adolf Hitler joins the
German Workers Party
(led by Anton Drexler).
Drexler places Hitler in
charge of propaganda
and political ideas.
1920: Party renames itself
the National Socialist
German Workers Party
(Nazis) and releases 25
Point Plan
How many of the Nazi policies and
beliefs from 1920 can you name? List
them below:
Highlights from the 25 Point
Programme (1920)
Union of all Germans into a greater Germany
Annul (cancel) the Treaty of Versailles
Demand more land
Jews have no right of citizenship
Large industries must share their profits
Improve old age pensions
Property can be confiscated without compensation if it is
for the good of the nation
• Freedom of religion as long as it does not endanger the
position of the state. Jewish religion is opposed.
• All immigration of non-Germans to stop immediately.
• Strong central government
Source Work Practice
“The programme of the National Socialist German
Worker’s Party is unchangeable”
Speech by Adolf Hitler, 24 February 1920
“In the late 1920s Hitler amended the policy to
only allow for confiscation of property owned
by Jews”
British text book, 2006.
Does the second source mean Hitler was lying in
the quote?
Factors to consider in your answer:
Provenance: The purpose, intended audience
and ‘time’ of each source.
Source B shows us that…
HINT: Are the disagreements between the
sources ONLY due to ‘lying’ or is there
a more to it than simple deception?
Answer in bullet points below….
• Disagreement over the “unchanging” nature of
Nazi Policy.
• Source B shows us that policy did change.
• Source A says that it was unchangeable.
• Hitler was trying to show Nazis as
uncompromising to gain support.
• Also changed policy to gain support.
• Shows Hitler was prepared to change policy.
• More than simple lying – if policy had been
popular he would not have changed it!
1920-1921: Key events in Nazi History
• Hitler placed in charge of propaganda
and ideas by Anton Drexler.
• Nazi programme released.
• Party name changed.
• SA formed (1921)
Why would it take 12 years for Hitler to
became the German Chancellor?
The Munich Putsch (1923)
Hitler felt that violence was the
only way to gain power.
In 1923 he led the Munich Putsch,
an attempt to overthrow the
government of Bavaria and
then overthrow the Weimar
Why did Hitler decide 1923 was the right time?
1923: A good year for a Putsch because:
Weimar government (Stresemann) had called off
passive resistance to the French occupation in the
Ruhr. This was resented by many Germans.
Weimar government distracted by Ruhr/Hyperinflation
Hitler had 3000 SA members who were looking for
He also had the support of Ludendorff – a war hero
from World War One!
What happened in Munich?
• Hitler and 600 SA (Stormtroopers) took over
Bavarian Government buildings.
• Hitler chose Bavaria because the region had
a lot of right-wing groups angry at the
Weimar government.
But…the army turned on the Nazis. Hitler
escaped in a car…
How far was the Putsch successful?
Success because…
Failure because…
1923: A turning point for the Nazis
The Putsch failed
16 Nazis were killed
Hitler and other leading Nazis
were arrested and tried for
The Nazi Party was banned.
Hitler used the publicity
surrounding his trial to draw
attention to the Nazi Party.
Newspapers reported every word of
the trial.
The trial proved that Weimar judges
favoured the Right wing:
Ludendorff was freed and Hitler was
only sentenced to 5 years in prison.
The recommended sentence for
treason was life.
Hitler only served 9 months and
used that time to write Mein Kampf
(My Struggle)
Hitler switched strategies, from the
use of violent force to seizing
power through the democratic
The Putsch failed because Weimar Germany
had partially recovered and stabilised since
“How FAR had Germany
recovered by 1923/24?”
A = Reasons for people to feel
more confident or secure.
B = Reasons for people to
resent Weimar or support
right-wing parties.
“How far had Weimar recovered by
1923/1924? End of Extremism?
• Extremists losing popular
– Most working people supported
Ebert’s Social Democrats
(Communists never had more
than 15% of votes in elections).
– Right-wing lacked strong
– Kapp Putsch (Berlin, 1921)
showed that working people
would rise up against the Right
to protect the Weimar
– Neither the Nazis nor the
Freikorps had the support of
the German people (seen as too
extreme and violent)
– Army did not trust early Nazis
(too extreme!!)
Still in trouble?
Right-Wing still resented Weimar
– “Stabbed in the Back” myth
– Many Germans still angry about
the Treaty of Versailles!!
– Reparations amount released in
1921 – shocked the German
– Loss of valuable land and
colonies had made business
more expensive – this affected
the German economy and
caused anger and resentment!
– Army restrictions still a sore
point (wounded pride!)
“How far had Weimar recovered by
1923/1924? Effective Government?
When Ebert asked Germans to
use passive resistance
against the French in the
Ruhr – people obeyed!!
When Stresemann replaced
Ebert he took decisive action
• He called off the passive
resistance, burned the old
currency and issued the
Rentenmark . Each step he
took helped to solve the
Hyperinflation crisis…..
Still in trouble?
Middle classes troubled by
Hyperinflation. Many
Germans blamed it on
reparations (they ignored the
impact of Ebert’s decision to
print more money).
Weimar Government blamed for
the Hyperinflation crisis
because it had accepted the
TOV in the first place!!
Balance of Power not on the side of the
The Nazi response to failure in
• Organise.
• Target the anxious middle classes,
businessmen and farmers.
• Propaganda, Propaganda, Propaganda!
Nazis in the Wilderness: 1924-1929.
Brown shirts became the uniform, the Swastika
became the symbol of the Nazi Party.
 Local parties set up throughout Germany.
 Hitler Youth Groups established.
 Enlarged the SA (100,000 members by 1928).
 Formed the SS (Elite bodyguard/military).
 First Nazi rally held in town of Weimar.
Hitler “hit the ground running”
when he left prison!
What was the purpose of these actions?
Target the middle class, business
and farmers (1924-1929)
Most Germans were workers – why not target
• Many workers supported the Social
Democratic Party (SPD) of Ebert. The SPD
supported Weimar Democracy.
• Most industrial (factory) workers were doing
well in the 1924-1929 period.
• Radical workers were more likely to support
communist parties than Right –wing parties
like the Nazis!
Target the middle class, business
and farmers (1924-1929)
Why appeal to the middle class and
businesses – aren’t they usually LESS likely
to support extremists?
• Middle class people had been shocked to see
their savings disappear during the
Hyperinflation crisis. They felt vulnerable.
Another economic crisis and they might seek
more radical solutions (HINT!)
• Small shop-owners lost customers to large
department stores (which were often owned
by Jews)
Target the middle class, business
and farmers (1924-1929)
Why would the Nazi Party target farmers? Surely
farmers are practical people who were less likely to
be impressed by Hitler’s hysterics!
• Farm incomes had dropped. Farmers had increased
production during the war to feed soldiers but were
now producing too much.
• Farmers despised the permissive culture in Weimar
cities. The permissive sexuality, racial mixing
(German girls dancing to Black Jazz music!) and
disturbing art shocked and repelled rural Germans.
• Hitler appealed to rural values and saw the ‘Ideal’
German as a person who was “born of the land”
On the left is a painting by Adolf Hitler in 1919. On the right is a painting
by Ernst Kirchner. The Kirchner painting shows prostitutes in Berlin in
Propaganda (1924-1929)
1925: Goebbels put in charge of Nazi
What did Goebbels believe were the keys
to successful propaganda?
• Feelings not logic!
• Slogans not detailed policy!
• Range of methods – not just one or
How many methods of Nazi Propaganda
(1924-1929) can you name?
Radio Broadcasts
“Use clever, concise, large and striking posters. In most
areas they should regularly use the same colors. In so far
as the police allow, the preferred color is the familiar red of
the National Socialist posters in Munich. Despite the high
cost, effective public posters are by the best and most
effective method of announcing a meeting, and therefore
the cheapest as well. For examples of poster texts, see the
appendix to Book I of "Mein Kampf.”
Quote from 1927 Guidebook for Nazi Propaganda Writers
What does this source tell us about the use of
propaganda by the Nazi Party in the 1920s?
How did all these activities affect
the ballot box?
Guess the % of votes cast for the Nazis
in each of these years….
May 1924
6.6% (32 seats in the Reichstag)
December 1924
3% (14 seats in the Reichstag)
May 1928
2.6% (12 seats in the Reichstag)
Enough to make an ambitious leader take a
long bath and wait for a miracle to happen!!!
What stopped the Nazis gaining
popular support in the 1920s?
Weimar Germany during the
Stresemann Era (1923-1929)
Gustav Stresemann was Chancellor for a few months
in 1923. As Chancellor he:
– Called off Passive Resistance in the Ruhr
– Issued the Rentenmark and burned the worthless
German Currency
…ending the Hyperinflation Crisis!
Weimar Germany during the
Stresemann Era (1923-1929)
For most of the 1920s (he died in 1929) Stresemann was the Foreign
Minister for Germany. His job was to negotiate treaties and
agreements with other countries. He was VERY good at his job…
A few things helped him succeed:
He was smart. Stresemann had studied philosophy and literature at
Berlin University and had a PhD in economics.
He was from the Right-wing (but moderate) Liberal Party so he
appealed to a wide range of parties in the Reichstag.
The economies of many European countries were beginning to
recover from the war. This made countries less tense and more
willing to discuss potentially tricky issues.
America was going through an economic ‘boom’. France and Britain
owed the US money for wartime loans. Some US politicians wanted
to make sure that Europe recovered so that France and Britain
could pay back the money they owed!
Weimar Republic
Stresemann !!
Economic accomplishments of the 1920s
• 1924 Dawes Plan
– 2 Billion dollars of US loans pour into
Germany. Factories start opening,
unemployment drops, reparations start to
get paid and German exports increase.
By 1928 German Production had returned
to pre-war levels 
Weimar Republic
Stresemann !!
Economic accomplishments of the 1920s
• 1929 Young Plan
– Allowed Germany to extend the period over
which it repaid reparations.
Weimar Republic
Stresemann !!
Political accomplishments of the 1920s
• Locarno Treaties (1925)
– Accepted the Western borders of Germany
as detailed in the Treaty of Versailles.
– France and Belgium (the countries that
shared these borders) agreed to take any
future disagreements to the League of
Nations. There would be NO Ruhr
occupations in future.
Weimar Republic
Stresemann !!
Political accomplishments of the 1920s
• Germany joins the League of Nations
– Locarno proves that Germany is becoming
a good neighbour.
– Germany is admitted into the League of
Nations in 1926.
Weimar Republic
Stresemann !!
Cultural accomplishments of the 1920s
– The Kaiser had heavily censored art and theatre in Germany.
– During the Weimar Period Germany celebrated a new
openness and went through a dramatic and unprecedented
cultural revival.
– Berlin became a world capital of cinema, theatre, art, and
– Stars like Marlene Dietrich, film directors like Fritz Lang and
playwrights such as Brecht made Germany the centre of
avant garde (cutting-edge) culture. People flocked from New
York and London to witness the remarkable developments
going on inside Germany.
Stresemann Era
Of course, not all Germans benefited from or approved
of these developments. Weimar Germany had yet
to recover fully from the legacy of the war:
Resentment caused by the Treaty of Versailles
Fragility of the ‘Miracle’ recovery.
Anger about ‘decadent’ (obscene, indulgent)
Weimar culture.
Anger about the ‘Selling Out’ of Germany
Stresemann Era
1) Resentment caused by the Treaty of Versailles:
Many Germans still resented the reparations and loss of land.
The Dawes and Young Plans made repaying the reparations
easier but many felt that Germany should not have been
given the bill in the first place!
Germans also looked across their borders to land that HAD
been theirs and contained people who HAD been their
neighbours. This sense of a diminished Germany still caused
feelings of anger and resentment.
The military limitations imposed by the Treaty still angered
many Germans.
Stresemann Era
2) Fragile recovery
1. The ‘miracle’ recovery was based upon U.S.
loans. Some Germans were concerned
about the fate of Germany if the flow of U.S.
funds were to stop or if the American banks
demanded immediate repayment.
Stresemann Era
What is the message
of this cartoon?
The source is a Nazi
Party cartoon
from 1924. The
large figure
Germany. The
small figure is a
Jewish banker.
Stresemann Era
3) Anger about Weimar Culture
Many of the artists in Weimar Germany
had served in the army during
World War One and had been
horrified by their experiences of
war. They used their art to
criticise military values and
political leaders. More
dangerously, they blurred lines
of race and sexuality. Depictions
of homosexuality, the love of
‘black’ Jazz music and mocking
satire were key features of
Weimar culture.
This was too much, too soon for many
Germans who felt that everything
they valued in German culture
was being attacked by these
decadent ‘artists’
Stresemann Era
4) Weimar Government was betraying (“selling out”)
Nationalists (people who felt that the main goal of
politicians should be making Germany strong
again) felt betrayed by Locarno and the League of
Nations. Why?
Germany in October 1929: A tale of
two leaders.
Stresemann. Successful
Foreign Minister, Nobel
Peace Prize Winner in
Adolf Hitler. Rejected from
Art School. Party
polling at less than 3%.
Good public speaker.
October, 1929: The month that
changed everything!
October 3 1929
– Gustav Stresemann dies of a stroke.
October 29, 1929
– Wall Street Crash triggers Great Depression.
Germany’s recovery and stability is about to face
its greatest challenge yet…
The Great Depression (1929)
• It started in America.
• Wall Street is the street in New York where
people can buy shares in companies.
• The more confident people are about a
company the more the shares will rise in
• In 1929 in America people began to realise
that too many factories were producing too
many products – the American market was
filling up with products that nobody wanted to
• People realised that their shares in factories
were about to become worthless.
The Great Depression (1929)
• On October 29 people began selling shares to make money
before anyone else realised they were buying worthless
• Problem was – everyone was doing the same thing!
• The value of ALL shares ‘crashed’. This was the Wall Street
• American factories started closing.
• Banks realised that all the money they had lent to factories and
businesses was likely to be lost. They started to panic.
• They turned to loans made to other countries and started
demanding repayment.
• Germany had received large sums of money from US banks.
These loans had poured into Germany and been used to build up
the economy.
• Now the tide turned the other way. As American banks started
demanding their money back German factories had no choice
but to shut down and sell out.
Unemployment in Germany (1921-1939)
The impact of the Depression
• 6 Million unemployed (1.3 before the
• Industrial production halved.
• Banks collapsed wiping out the savings of
many German families.
• People were thrown out their homes and
many starved in the streets.
• Political parties in the Reichstag bickered
and refused to cooperate – no party
seemed to have a clear idea of how to
handle the crisis.
• In 1930 Chancellor Bruning CUT
government spending on work and
welfare – which made even LESS money
available to create jobs!
Nazi Propaganda
Nazi Propaganda used
striking images and
simple slogans.
This poster states
“Arbeit and Brot”
“Work and Bread”
How much did support for the Nazis rise during the
1929 Great Depression? “Before”…
May 1924
6.6% (32 seats in the Reichstag)
December 1924
3% (14 seats in the Reichstag)
May 1928
2.6% (12 seats in the Reichstag)
How much did support for the Nazis rise during the
1929 Great Depression?
September 1930
18.3% (107 Seats in the Reichstag)
July 1932
37% (270 seats in the Reichstag)
November 1932
33% (196 seats in the Reichstag)
March 1933 (Just after the Reichstag fire)
44% (288 seats in the Reichstag)
Why would unemployment lead to support for
the Nazi Party increasing?
From what you know of the period is it fair to
say that without the Great Depression the
Nazis would never have come to power?
Okay – one more question. Why were the Nazis able to
take advantage of the Great Depression?
Were they passive (taking advantage of anger) or
active (presenting reasons to be angry)?
Competing explanations for the
Nazi rise in the polls.
It is important to
remember that History
is rarely a case of A
leads to B leads to C
leads to Nazis!
1 Not helpful to the Nazis
As each of these causes
flashes up rank them
4 Very helpful, an important
cause of rising Nazi
2 Helped a little
3 Helpful but not essential.
5 Without this the Nazis would
still have been receiving
2.6% of the vote!
Multiple causes for the rise in support:
Nazi Strengths
Hitler’s speeches
• A powerful, charismatic
• Used film, radio and
records to spread Nazi
• In 1932 traveled by
plane to campaign in
Presidential election
(first politician to do
• An exciting, modern
leader (yet also a man
of the people)
Multiple causes for the rise in support:
Nazi Strengths
Propaganda campaigns
• Designed by Goebbels
• Generalised slogans
(hard to criticise)
• Posters and pamphlets
were everywhere
• Bold, striking images
Multiple causes for the rise in support:
Nazi Strengths
Violent treatment of
• SA (Stormtroopers or
Brownshirts) attacked
communists, often with
the support of police
and the army
• Impressed many
Germans with their
apparent order and
Multiple causes for the rise in support:
Criticisms of Weimar Government
Criticisms of Weimar
• Weak coalitions and Thirteen (!)
Chancellors (1919-1933) meant that
Weimar lacked decisive, effective
• Germans had traditionally favoured
strong, authoritarian governments.
• As the Depression impacted on
Germany criticisms of ‘Weak’
Democracy grew louder.
Specific Criticisms
• Chancellor Bruning’s spending cuts
(1930) caused more unemployment
and hardship.
• Weimar’s association with the Treaty
of Versailles became in increasing
cause of discontent.
Multiple causes for the rise in support:
Nazi Policies
Nazi Policies
• Twenty five points
appealed: large
businesses owned by
Jews would be
nationalized, old age
pensions would
increase, large
industries were to share
their profits
Multiple causes for the rise in support:
Business concerns about communism
Support from Big Business
• As the Depression really
impacted upon Germany
business became concerned
about German workers
seeking radical solutions.
• In particular, Business did
not want communists to gain
influence in the Reichstag:
Nazis were anti-communist
Multiple causes for the rise in support:
Treaty of Versailles and the memories of 1923
The Treaty of Versailles was still
despised by many Germans.
Many Germans felt that the treaty was
the cause of the 1923 Hyperinflation
The economic recovery of the
Stresemann era led to an uneasy
acceptance of the Treaty.
As Germans faced yet another
economic crisis (only 6 years after the
last one) old resentments resurfaced.
Weimar was forever going to be
associated with the Treaty of
Versailles (Reparations, Loss of land,
War Guilt, Reduction in Military).
The Nazi Party were promising to tear
up the Treaty of Versailles!!!
This poster (from 1938) shows
how Hitler has torn up each
term of the Treaty of
Which causes best explain the
rise of the Nazi Party?
The impact of the Depression
Hitler’s speeches
Propaganda campaigns
Violent treatment of opponents
Criticisms of Weimar Government
Nazi Policies
Business concerns about communism
Patterns: Crisis and response
Crisis: Treaty of Versailles.
Consequence: Political
Crisis: Great Depression
Consequence: Political
Nazi plan to seize
power: Munich
Nazi plan to seize
power: Turn
electoral support
into demand for
How did Hitler become Chancellor in 1933?
True or False: The Chancellor was the most powerful person in
True or False: Under the Weimar Constitution the leader of the
largest party in the Reichstag automatically became the
Both are false. The Weimar Constitution (1919) gave extraordinary
powers to the President (including the power to appoint and
dismiss the Chancellor).
The Chancellor was like a Prime Minister. The President was more
like a King. The President had the power under Article 48 of the
Constitution to shut down the Reichstag and “Rule by Decree”
(which means “What I say is the law, IS the law!”
Why was the fact that Hindenburg was the German
President in 1933 a problem for Hitler’s ambitions to
become Chancellor?
HINT: There were two main reasons why Hitler would have had
sleepless nights because of President Hindenburg…
Hindenburg was a genuine war hero who been Germany’s
military leader during World War One. He shared the army’s
suspicion of Hitler. In fact, he disliked Hitler intensely.
Hitler had challenged Hindenburg for the position of
President in 1933. Hitler lost by 19 million votes to 13 million.
This meant that Hindenburg would be President until 1940 (a
seven year term).
Even in 1933 there were signs that the worst of the Depression
was over. Hitler knew that if he had to wait until a change of
President to become Chancellor the chances are the Nazi
Party would no longer be around!
Why did Hindenburg appoint Hitler to the
position of Chancellor in 1933?
It is history, so there has to be more than
one reason 
Business Pressure
Leading industrialists and
businesses put pressure on
Hindenburg to appoint the staunch
anti-communist Hitler to the position
of Chancellor.
Restore Credibility of the Reichstag.
Hindenburg had already had to use
Article 48 to pass the unpopular
spending cuts proposed by Bruning.
Only the Nazi Party had the electoral
support to be effective in the
Why did Hindenburg appoint Hitler to the
position of Chancellor in 1933?
It is history, so there has to be more than one
reason 
Trouble in the streets
The SA were causing unrest. Battles
between communists and Nazis
convinced many Germans that strong
leadership was needed to restore order.
Scheming of Von Papen and
Hindenburg was still concerned about
giving too much power to Hitler. Franz
Von Papen was a former Chancellor and
close friend of Hindenburg. He came up
with the plan of making Hitler Chancellor
but appointing Conservatives loyal to Von
Papen in key positions in the Reichstag
Cabinet (the most important ministers)
With Von Papen as Vice Chancellor and Conservatives
in Cabinet they could surround and control Hitler!
A British Cartoon from
1933 “The Temporary
From Chancellor to Fuhrer
Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933. There are four steps he
needed to go from the insecure position of Chancellor ~ remember there were
13 from 1919 to 1933! ~to being the Fuhrer (Supreme Leader) of Germany.
Steps to Power
1. Reichstag Fire
2. Enabling Act
3. Night of the Long
4. Death of Hindenburg
Reichstag Fire
Reichstag Fire - 27 Feb 1933
• The Reichstag (the German
Parliament) burned down. A Dutch
Communist named van der Lubbe
was caught red-handed with matches
and fire-lighting materials. Hitler
used it as an excuse to arrest many of
his Communist opponents, and as a
major platform in his election
campaign of March 1933. The fire was
so convenient that many people at
the time claimed that the Nazis had
burned it down, and then just blamed
the Communists. Modern historians,
however, tend to believe that van der
Lubbe did cause the fire, and that
Hitler just took advantage of it.
General Election - 5 March 1933
General Election - 5 March
• Hitler held a general election,
appealing to the German
people to give him a clear
mandate. Only 44% of the
people voted Nazi, which did
not give him a majority in the
Reichstag, so Hitler arrested
the 81 Communist deputies
(which did give him a
• Goering become Speaker of the
Enabling Act - 23 March 1933
Enabling Act - 23 March 1933
The Reichstag voted to give Hitler the
power to make his own laws. Nazi
stormtroopers stopped opposition
deputies going in, and beat up anyone who
dared to speak against it.
The Enabling Act made Hitler the dictator
of Germany, with power to do anything he
liked - legally.
Hitler Used His New Powers To:
• Ban Nazi opponents and Jews from
government jobs and positions in courts or
• Ban Trade Unions
• Order the start of major public works
(roads etc).
• Take over local governments.
• Turn Germany into a one-party state (there
were no more elections in Germany until
the Nazis were defeated in World War Two).
Night of the Long Knives
Night of the Long Knives - 30 June
The SA were the thugs who Hitler had used to
help him come to power. They had defended
his meetings, and attacked opponents. By 1934
there were more than a million of them.
Historians have often wondered why Hitler
turned on the SA. But Hitler was in power in
1934, and there was no opposition left - the SA
were an embarrassment, not an advantage.
Also, Rohm, the leader of the SA, was talking
about a Socialist revolution and about taking
over the army. This was troubling business
leaders (who had supported Hitler) and the
army (who Hitler needed if his plans for
Lebensraum etc were to be achieved).
On the night of 30 June 1934 Hitler ordered the
SS to kill more than 400 SA men.
What is David Low’s message?
Death of Hindenburg
Führer - 19 August 1934
• When Hindenburg died, Hitler took over
the office of President and leader of the
army (the soldiers had to swear to die
for Adolf Hitler personally).
• Hitler called himself
• 'Fuhrer'.
Four steps: Four obstacles removed
Reichstag Fire
Use power of state (radio, posters, newspapers) to
spread anti-communist propaganda. Call for a clear
mandate to deal with communist threat to
Outcome: Voter support goes from 33% to 44%
(52% with support of Nationalist Party)
Enabling Act
Hitler uses threats and intimidation (including
banning and arresting Communist Party members)
to pass the Act (Law)
Outcome: Hitler has the power to “rule by decree” –
a Dictator!
Night of the Long
Hitler removes the threat posed by Rohm (who was
complicating relationships with business and the
army). SA brought under control.
Outcome: Opponents removed (including some
politicians), Hitler’s ruthlessness is revealed (sends
message to opponents), the army is impressed by
Hitler’s decisiveness, the fiercely loyal SS replace
the less reliable SA.
The death of Hindenburg removes the only rival for
influence in Germany at the time.
Outcomes: Hitler declares himself the Fuhrer. Army
swears a personal oath of loyalty to Hitler.
Rank these events in order from
MOST to LEAST significant
Reichstag Fire
Enabling Act
Night of the Long Knives
Hindenburg’s Death
Be prepared to EXPLAIN your choices!
August 1934: The Fuhrer (Leader)
Mein Kampf (1923) had
stated three clear
1. Tear up the Treaty
of Versailles
2. Lebensraum
(expand Germany)
3. Defeat Communism
The Nazis also wanted to create
a completely new society
The Nazis also wanted to create
a completely new society
Opposition =
Freedom of
Total State
Control =
Fascism = Belief (ideology) that the individual exists to serve the interests of the
state (government)
Key Beliefs in Nazi Fascist Ideology
All people must be loyal to Germany.
Aryans are superior – Jews, Gypsies and Slavs are inferior
Germany must be a strong military to secure Lebensraum
Loyalty to the Fuhrer is most important.
The Nazis had a total vision
1. Tear up the
Treaty of
2. Lebensraum
for Germany
3. Defeat
4. “Purify”
Germany of
inferior races
1. Nationalism
2. Militarism
3. Racism
4. Fierce
Loyalty to
the Fuhrer
Win support/loyalty
• Benefits
• Propaganda
• Education
Control Opposition
• Ban Political Parties
• Concentration
• Gestapo
What is a state which has total control of every
aspect of life called?
Totalitarian States have….
1. Official Ideology (“Mein Kampf”)
2. One Party (since the Enabling Act)
3. Police Control based on terror. German
police carried out Nazi Policy – even if it
was ‘illegal’ (e.g. Kristallnacht)
4. Total Control of Media. Goebbels was
Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda.
5. Total Control of Military. Hitler made the
army swear a personal oath of loyalty.
6. Control of the economy. The Nazis banned
unions and directed resources to wartime
Did the Nazis create a perfect totalitarian state?
1. Foreign journalists still operated until 1939.
Nazis did not control all media in Germany.
Criticism from inside Germany could still
be heard.
2. Sensitive to foreign criticism. Hitler reacted
to strong criticism from overseas. Some
Nazi leaders wanted to take stronger action
against churches but Hitler restrained
them. He was concerned about the reaction
of foreigners.
Did the Nazis create a perfect totalitarian state?
Sensitive to internal criticism. The Nazis bowed to
pressure from within Germany. When Germans
found out about the mentally ill being sent to
concentration camps they were horrified. The Nazi
government changed this policy.
Hitler was an ineffective leader. Hitler was lazy and
paid little attention to detail. He relied upon the
ambitions and loyalty of deputies. This resulted in
senior Nazis becoming involved an inefficient
struggle for the Fuhrer’s approval. This meant that
senior Nazis often saw each other as rivals rather
than allies – weakening and dividing the
Did the Nazis create a perfect totalitarian state?
Opposition remained
In spite of their best efforts not all Germans accepted and adopted Nazi goals,
values and methods.
Private Opposition
Thoughts of women who resented the loss of freedoms they enjoyed during
Weimar. Resentment of workers who resented the poor working conditions
and loss of union representation.
Public Opposition
Youth voted with their feet. In 1939 the Hitler Youth had to be made
compulsory because most young Germans showed little interest in the
military exercises and obsession with discipline. Some groups – Edelweiss
Pirates and Swing Movement – rejected Nazi values altogether. The Swing
Bandits listened to black music (jazz!) and the Edelweiss Pirates stole guns
and killed the Gestapo chief!
Violent Opposition
The JULY BOMB PLOT. As the war went from bad to worse a group of army
officers turned against Hitler. Colonel von Stauffenberg left a briefcase
bomb Hitler’s conference room. Hitler was wounded but not killed. He
rounded up 5000 ‘conspirators’ and executed them.
Of course, in 1933 the Nazis had
more immediate concerns than
how historians would judge their
efforts over the next 12 years!
If Hitler was to secure power there were
three things to consider carefully…
Germany was still dealing with the Depression.
Issue: Economic Recovery
German history in recent years had been one of unrest,
turmoil and violence. Potential opponents needed to be dealt
Issue: Control
Only 44% of Germans had voted for the Nazi Party in the last
election. Loyalty to the Fuhrer would need to be actively
Issue: Support
Economic Recovery
Strengthening the German economy was
critical for two reasons:
1. The Nazis had come to power promising to
end mass unemployment
2. Any expansion of German territory would
require a massive increase in factory
production of arms, vehicles etc.
What did the Nazis do to aid economic
The National Labour Service sent men
to build major new road and rail
networks (the famous autobahn
motorway networks were built at this
Banned Trade Unions and replaced
them with the Nazi-associated German
Labour Front. This meant that workers
could not go on strike for better
conditions or pay. This allowed the
Nazis to control the workforce without
fear of organised opposition.
What did the Nazis do to aid economic
Rearmament and Conscription.
Conscription was introduced in
1935 (reducing unemployment AND
expanding the army)
Hitler announced a FOUR YEAR
PLAN in 1936 to get the German
economy ready for war. Coal
mines, steel mills, engineering
companies were all needed to build
the weapons of war.
Was the Nazi economic policy successful?
• 5.5 Million Germans
were unemployed in
1932. By 1939 there was
a labour shortage (not
enough workers!)
• Important roads and rail
networks were built.
• National Pride was
• Unemployment was
falling before Hitler
became Chancellor so
the Nazis cannot take
all the credit.
• Wages remained low
during the 1930s and
many workers
complained that they
were better off in the
Nazi Germany: Control
“Control” is all about limiting the power of
opponents. 56% of Germans had voted for
other parties in the March 1933 election.
This was in spite of Hitler having huge
advantages going into the election:
• Appointed Chancellor in January 1933.
• Reichstag Fire in February 1933.
• Able to use State media to spread fear of
communist terrorists in the March election.
Nazi Germany: Control
Concerns about political opponents Enabling Act bans other parties
Concerns about the SA being out of Night of the Long Knives
Concerns about criticism inside
Germany and ‘troublemakers’ like
socialists, communists, trade
unionists and church members
Concentration Camps
established from 1933
Concerns about general criticism or Gestapo (Secret Police) and
their network of informers
Concerns about opposition in
•SS (Nazi fanatics loyal to Hitler). Their
job – run Concentration Camps and
destroy opposition
•Police and Courts. Only judges loyal to
Hitler were appointed. Police carried out
Nazi policy
•Propaganda: To ensure that Germans
accepted Nazi values and beliefs
Was the policy of control successful?
• Political opposition largely destroyed.
• The Gestapo were greatly feared and many Germans
were willing to act as informers.
• 3 million Germans were held in prison or camps
because of their political beliefs or resistance.
• Opposition among Jewish groups, communists and
other ‘unpopular’ groups was effectively controlled.
• There was no organised attempt to overthrow the
Nazis or mass protests.
Was the policy of control successful?
• Resistance continued in spite of Nazi methods. In 1937 800
church leaders were arrested because of their opposition to
Nazi interference in the Protestant Church.
• The Nazis were unable to turn the full power of the state
against some groups (particularly youth and some churches).
They were concerned about how the German people would
react if ‘their’ kind (instead of communists, Jews, unionists)
were targeted.
• As World War Two turned against the Nazis they began to lose
control. People refused to do the “Heil Hitler salute” and
hoarded food. Jokes about Hitler (illegal since 1933) became
• There were assassination attempts (July Bomb Plot)
So what can we conclude?
Nazi control methods worked well against unpopular
sections of the population or against formal, organised
opponents (such as political parties)
However, it failed to end resistance completely and
groups which had status or were important to German
people (churches and their youth) still continued to
resist the Nazis. In these cases the Nazis were reluctant
to use the methods that had proven so effective against
“undesirable” groups. As the war progressed active
opposition grew more widespread.
“Control” is not enough.
“Propaganda is a means to an end. Its
purpose is to lead the people to an
understanding that will allow it to willingly
and without internal resistance devote
itself to the tasks and goals of a superior
Who would have said this?
What does it mean?
“Propaganda is a means to an
end. Its purpose is to lead
the people to an
understanding that will allow
it to willingly and without
internal resistance devote
itself to the tasks and goals
of a superior leadership.”
What does this quote tell us
about the limits of
“controlling” opposition?
What do YOU know about
What position was he given in 1933?
Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda.
How many people worked in his Ministry by 1937?
What did his Ministry control?
All media
Newspapers (1600 were closed by 1934)
All art exhibitions (Nazi approval was needed)
The music you could hear (Jazz was banned)
So what is the purpose of
More effective than…
So what is the purpose of
To make the beliefs and values of every
German citizen the same as the values
of the Nazi Party.
To guarantee fierce loyalty to Hitler.
The Nazi Values
What were they?
Germany is a great country, destined to be greater.
Germany will expand through military strength and the use of
Ethnic Germans are superior to ‘inferior’ races such as Jews,
Gypsies and Slavs.
Hitler is the Fuhrer. A good German is a fierce follower of Hitler.
Describe method and message
Method: What was done?
• Nuremburg Rallies were
held annually.
• Massed numbers of
Nazis gathered in
• Orderly rows.
• Giant flags.
• Searchlights.
• Hitler and other Nazis
Message: How would this
‘sell’ the Nazi message?
• Emphasised order
(important following the
chaos of the Great
• Great Spectacles (a
source of Pride).
• Large scale (sense of
• Hitler’s speech was the
highlight (loyalty)
Describe method and message
1936 Berlin Olympics
Method: What was done?
• Built a new stadium to hold
100,000 people
• Lit by modern electric
• First use of television
cameras at Olympics.
• Stadium had largest clock
ever built.
• Stadium full of giant
Swastika flags.
• Germans used Nazi salute.
• Army and SS used to patrol
streets and enforced order.
Message: How would this ‘sell’
the Nazi message?
• Germany is efficient, modern
and wealthy.
• The German people support
the Nazis.
• Germany is an orderly
• Germany put on its ‘best
face’ for international media
(Anti-Jewish posters were
taken down)
Describe method and message
Books and art
Method: What was done?
• The Ministry of Enlightenment
and Propaganda banned many
authors (including Rosa
Luxemburg – the assassinated
Spartacist leader)
• Book burnings.
• Mein Kampf was promoted
• All Jewish artists were banned.
• Any art that did not support
German (Nazi) values was
• Exhibitions of ‘degenerate’ art
were used to shock the German
people with graphic and
‘offensive’ art.
Message: How would this ‘sell’ the
Nazi message?
• Nazis used painting of simple,
rural scenes to emphasise
‘traditional’ values of “Blood
and Soil”
• “Blood and Soil” paintings
emphasised the German
people’s connection to the land
(it is ours! – lets get some
• Sculptures emphasised
physical ideals (useful for
• Criticisms of war or depictions
of the horrors of war were
Describe method and message
Method: What was
supported the Nazi
message or they
were closed down.
Message: How would
this ‘sell’ the Nazi
“No news is good
news”. Germans
could not rely upon
newspapers to
present alternative
points of view.
Nazi newspaper showing Europe being
menaced by an evil Jewish figure…
Describe method and message
Cinema and radio
Method: What was done?
Nazis used newsreels to show
Nazi successes (more jobs!)
Nazi films emphasised the
glory of Hitler and Nazi
Foreign films were censored.
Cheap radios were made
available so Germans could
hear Hitler’s speeches.
You could be executed if you
listened to foreign
broadcasts (no BBC!).
Message: How would this ‘sell’
the Nazi message?
Even German leisure activities
spread Nazi values.
It was risky to seek out ‘foreign’
points of view.
Describe method and message
Method: What was done?
Simple, bold images
emphasising Nazi
strength or the ugliness
of opponents (Jews!).
Simple slogans.
Posters were
Message: How would this
‘sell’ the Nazi message?
Posters emphasised Nazi
(especially economic –
more jobs!)
They made Hitler into a
semi-religions leader
Emphasised racial purity.
Emphasised the injustices
done to Germany
(disarmament, the
Treaty of Versailles)
Describe method and message
Method: What was done?
• New festivals and
national holidays were
– Hitler’s Birthday on April
– Day he became
Chancellor (Jan 30)
• Festivals such as
Christmas were
celebrated as days of
German unity and
emphasised “Peace
through Strength”.
Message: How would this
‘sell’ the Nazi message?
• Encouraged a strong
sense of community
through shared
holidays and
• Festivals emphasised
significant days in the
life and career of Hitler.
“All nature is a gigantic struggle between strength and weakness,
an eternal victory of the strong over the weak” (Merry Christmas
from Adolf Hitler!)
Which of these methods was the
most important?
The Berlin Olympics
Literature and Art
Cinema and Radio
Pick the one you think
is mot important
and write a sentence
explaining your
Pick the one you think
was the LEAST
important method of
gaining support and
explain why.
What were the other methods
used to win support?
Providing Benefits
– Providing incentives to adopt Nazi
– Making sure that youth adopted Nazi
The Nazis targeted three main groups. Which
groups did they need to target to spread their
Into the home….?
Into the workplace…?
Into the future….?
Winning support of women and
• Generous welfare
payments for mothers.
• Aryan women were
given a “Marriage
Loan” so they could
afford to stay home. For
each child they had
25% of the loan was
paid off.
• Medals were given to
mothers (8 children = a
Gold medal)
• Germany’s birth rate
had been declining.
Hitler needed more
children for his armies.
• Hitler needed more
Germans to populate
the lands conquered
when Germany gained
Controlling women and families
• Married women doctors and
civil servants lost their jobs
in 1934.
• Childless couples had to pay
more tax.
• Employers were
discouraged from hiring
• Access to university
education was restricted for
• Aryans were ‘discouraged’
from using contraception.
“Kinder, Kirche, Kuche”
• Children
• Church
• Kitchen.
The Nazis believed the
woman’s place was in the
home, raising children.
They violently rejected the idea
of women working, smoking
and wearing men’s clothes
as a Jewish and Communist
idea to undermine Germany!
How successful was the Nazi
Policy on Women?
• The Birth Rate did
increase slightly (15
babies per thousand
adults in 1933. 20 per
thousand by 1939)
Not successful
• Many women resented
the loss of freedoms
they had gained during
• When the Nazis needed
workers during World
War Two they had to
abandon their policies
and ask women to
Winning support of workers
• Public works programmes
lowered unemployment.
• Propaganda praised the role
played by German workers.
• The Strength through Joy
scheme rewarded workers
with cinema tickets, courses
and sporting events.
• The Beauty of Labour
scheme improved working
conditions by installing lowcost cafeterias and better
• A strong Germany
needed a strong
• The armed forces
needed a loyal
workforce to produce
all the weapons needed
to secure Lebensraum
How successful was the Nazi
Policy on Workers?
• Ending unemployment by
rearming and building the
autobahn and large public
buildings (1936 Berlin
Olympics Stadium) was very
Not successful
• Workers lost their political
party (The Social Democrats)
and their right to form Trade
Unions. This was resented
by many.
• In 1933 all workers had to
join the German Labour
Front. This organisation
abolished the right to strike
for better conditions 
• Wages remained low (which
helped keep business costs
down). Many workers
complained by the late 1930s
that they were better off
under Stresemann.
What about farmers and
Farmers and Big
Business had been
loyal supporters of
the Nazi Party –
were they happier
than the industrial
(factory workers)?
Reasons to support Nazis
• From 1933 the Nazi regime
organised boards to buy all
the food produced by
farmers. This guaranteed
them a market and an
• Peasant Farms were
protected by law. Banks
could not seize them even if
the farmers failed to pay
their mortgage. This secured
farm ownership for peasant
Reasons to be critical
• Farmers had to sell their
food to the boards.
Enterprising farmers could
not market their own
produce directly to the
• Banks became less willing to
lend money to farmers.
• Under Nazi law the eldest
child inherited farms. This
was meant to keep people
on the land and stop it being
divided among too many
people. It also meant that
many younger children left
to find work in the cities.
Big Business
Reasons to support Nazis
• Large contracts for
construction work.
• Large contracts for
• No Trade Unions
• Workers lost right to
• Workers could not
leave if you were an
‘essential’ industry
Reasons to be critical
• If you disliked making
money this was a
horrible time to own a
large business.
• Businesses which did
succeed included
Mercedes Benz,
Volkswagen and Hugo
Boss (SS Uniforms)
Business, Farmers, Workers
Who benefited the most?
Who benefited the least?
Winning support of youth
• Nazi education policy emphasised
the racial superiority of Aryans (The
Curriculum included “race studies”
which presented ‘scientific’
evidence of Jewish inferiority)
• All subjects emphasised military
service (chemistry dealt with
chemical weapons)
• History emphasised German Heroes
of the past.
• The Hitler Youth provided physical
exercise, military training, the
opportunity to receive a political
education, songs celebrating Nazi
values and German Pride.
• Nazi inspectors checked up on
• Nursery rhymes were rewritten to
spread Nazi values (especially
about Jewish ‘monsters’)
• Nationalism
Education texts used military
imagery in all subjects.
Hitler Youth had military training,
marches, songs and physical
Education and Youth movements
emphasised German pride and
Community! Many German youth
joined the Hitler Youth because it
was exciting.
According to Nazi education you
were ‘special’ just by being Aryan.
Loyalty to the Fuhrer
Hitler was portrayed as the ‘Father’
of all Germans. Teachers who were
critical were dismissed (or worse!).
How successful was the Nazi
Policy on Youth?
• Some children did volunteer to join the Hitler Youth
in its early years (50% of boys in 1933, 15% of girls)
Not successful
• The Nazis had banned all other youth groups in 1933 so these
figures were not really that impressive.
• As the Nazis were expanding German territory in the late 1930s
the Hitler Youth became more disciplined. Many youth disliked
the new leaders. The new leaders were strict and
uncompromising (no contact outside the Hitler Youth!).
• In 1939 Membership was made compulsory (this tells us what?)
• Groups of youth such as the ‘Swing’ movement and the
Edelweiss Pirates resisted the Nazis
• In 1942 the Gestapo broke up 28 groups of Youth who were
causing problems for authorities.
• The Nazis hung 12 Edelweiss Pirate ringleaders in 1944.
What does this tell us?
Even the might of the
Nazi State found
teenagers difficult to
Also, persecuting the
youth of Germany
was likely to be an
unpopular move!
To summarise
• The Nazis attempted to create a Totalitarian state but were only
partially successful.
• They had limited success when it came to controlling
opposition (and their success lessened as setbacks in World
War Two from 1943 and the Allied bombing campaign began to
impact on support!)
• They used a range of methods to gain support.
• Support was based upon Germans adopting Nazi values with
complete conviction.
• Three groups were particularly important (women, workers,
youth). These groups controlled home, workplace, future.
• They had limited success in their attempts to gain 100%
support. Many groups resisted or resented the Nazis privately.
Some groups publicly opposed the Nazis.
How can we explain the Holocaust?
To put it another way: Why did the Nazis
persecute minorities?
True or False?
The Nazis invented Anti-Semitism (persecution of the
False: Jews had been persecuted throughout European
• Association with the death of Jesus Christ.
• Perception that they were controlled banking (this
was false)
True or False?
The Nazis only persecuted non-Aryans.
False: 72,000 people were executed because
they had mental illnesses. Many of these
were Germans.
True or False?
Persecution got worse for all groups as the
Nazi control of Germany grew stronger.
False: The Nazi regime stopped the execution
of the mentally ill in 1941. They stopped
because of the outcry from the German
So why did the Nazis devote so many
resources to the persecution of
• Nazi Germany had many of the characteristics of a
Totalitarian State.
• Totalitarian States have a shared ideology (set of
• The Nazi beliefs were based upon Mein Kampf
• In Mein Kampf Hitler described the ‘ideal’ German as
strong, Aryan and able to serve the nation.
• Nazi Values therefore defined a valuable human life
along racial lines (and also based upon how ‘healthy’
they were).
• ‘Weak’ people or ‘inferior’ races had no place in Nazi
Minorities challenged Nazi
People with hereditary illnesses
were sterilised (300,000 people
from 1934 – 1945)
72,000 mentally ill people were
exterminated (1939-1941)
Homosexuals were sent to
concentration camps.
Nazi values of militarism
and nationalism needed fit,
strong Germans.
Challenged the idea that
Germans were the Master
Challenged the Nazi belief
in ‘traditional’ family
6 Million Jews were exterminated. Nazi values of Aryan
5 out of 6 Gypsies in Germany
supremacy (Racism)
were exterminated.
called for a ‘pure’
The Persecution of Jews
• Unlike the persecution of mentally ill
Germans the persecution of unpopular
minorities (including the homeless,
alcoholics, criminals) was largely
• The Jewish people were the group who
suffered most at the hands of the Nazis.
What happened in these years?
What happened in these years?
Points to consider…
• Why the 1923 Munich Putsch failed.
• Why the Nazis were unable to gain support (19231929).
• The role of the Depression and other factors in the
Nazi rise to power.
• How Hitler became Chancellor.
• Whether Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state.
• How and why the Nazis controlled/gained the
support of Germans.
• How successful they were.
• Whether control or support was most important.
• Why the Nazis persecuted minorities.