A CHRISTMAS CAROL Lesson 1: Introduction

Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson
we know who Charles
Dickens was, and what
life was like in England
during his lifetime.
Who is Dickens?
What do you know about Charles Dickens?
A Brief History on Charles Dickens
Please click here
to watch a clip
about Charles
Life in Dickensian England
In your table groups, discuss the following
 What do you suppose life was like for the
average child during Charles Dickens
 How would things be different from our
lives now?
 Let’s share our ideas with the class, and
compile a group answer.
Life in Dickensian England would have
Would you survive?
Please click here to
play an interactive
game about surviving
in Dickensian England.
Could you survive
life in Dickensian
If you were asked to do a research project, what steps
would you take in conducting your research?
and so on......
Note taking
Taking clear and
efficient notes is very
important when
conducting research.
You want to be able to
know what your main
points are, and then be
able to back them up
with details.
Note taking
One thing to remember while taking notes is that
you can copy down important ideas, but you should
not cut and paste the text directly.
You must get into the habit of putting information
into your own words.
Take point form notes. Do not copy word-for-word!
Copying and pasting is called plagiarism, and it
is illegal. It can result in you getting a zero, and
could get you into a lot of trouble.
Plenary Task
Questions are due NEXT
On your own, you are to conduct research into life in
England in the 1800s.
Childhood/Family Life
Role of Men
Role of Women
Living conditions
London/City life
You will be
assigned three of
the following
topics to research.
After compiling research notes, you are to create 5
trivia questions, in a ‘Who Wants to be a
Millionaire’ style (which means with four possible
answers, only one of which is correct).
All questions, will be give to Miss Carson, who will
then create a ‘Who Wants to be a Dickensiannaire’
style quiz.
We will complete the quiz, in teams, in a later
Lesson 2: Intro to the Story
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson
we will have made
predictions about the text,
and have started reading
the first chapter.
In table groups,
come up with a list
of things that you
typically associate
with the following
themes at
Table 1 – Food
Table 2 – Drink
Table 3 – Entertainment
Table 4 – People
Table 5 – Plants
Table 6 – Weather
Table 7 – Animals
Table 8 – Gifts
Table 9 - Activities
With the list of things you’ve created as a group,
come up with a haiku poem about Christmas.
What is a haiku?
It is a non-rhymed verse
poem, conveying an
image or feeling in two
parts spread over three
lines, usually with a
seasonal reference.
There are 5 syllables in
the first sentence,
7 in the second
and 5 again in the last
Waking up early,
Brewing coffee for my Dad,
Gifts are taunting me!
share some
of our
Haiku’s with
the class!
A Christmas Carol
What do
you know
about the
What’s in a name?
What are your expectations of the following
characters, based on their names:
What has the name ‘Scrooge’
become associated with, since
Dickens created the
What does this tell us about
the importance of the story
we are about to read?
What’s in a name?
What are your expectations of the following
characters, based on their names:
What’s in a name?
What are your expectations of the following
characters, based on their names:
What’s in a name?
What are your expectations of the following
characters, based on their names:
Chapter 1
As a class, read and listen to the text as read here
 (link in to downloaded part
http://www.audiobooks.org/Books/A_Christmas_Carol.html )
 As you are listening, highlight any unfamiliar words in your
 Using a dictionary, try to find the definition of the words.
 Why do you suppose you were unfamiliar with some of the
words used by Dickens? What does this suggest about the
English language?
Lesson 3: Characterization
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this
lesson we will have
studied how Scrooge is
Choose one of the following emotions, and write a
description to embody the emotion as a person.
If LOVE were
a person,
what would
he/she look
If RAGE were a
person, what
would he/she
HAPPINESS look like?
If GREED were a person,
what would he/she look like?
Be sure to include:
Facial expressions and features, body shape and size,
clothing, posture, body language and gestures.
Let’s read!
Please follow along
Pay close attention to how
Scrooge is described.
How is Scrooge described?
Looking back at the section of the text in which Scrooge
is described, what sort of words are used? Let’s compile
a class list here:
Using the words used to describe Scrooge, and
what we know of him from our reading so far,
sketch an image of Scrooge in your workbooks.
Label him with the features described by Dickens.
Last lesson we discussed how ‘Scrooge’
has now become linked with grumpiness
and a dislike for Christmas. Therefore it
can be said he personifies these type of
 How does Dickens effectively show us that
Scrooge is a grumpy old miser in his
description alone?
What is Scrooge’s
attitude towards
 How can his
attitude be linked
to Victorian
attitudes at the
Lesson 4: Stave 1
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson
we will have written an
empathetic response as
Create three questions that you
would want to ask
Scrooge about his feelings at this
point in the novel.
The encounter with his
How he feels in general about
About his general outlook on
Ask the questions to SCROOGE!
Scrooge MUST give realistic answers
based on evidence from the book!
(on your own):
What three adjectives
could you use to
describe Scrooge best?
Find two quotes that you could use
from the book to support your
points about Scrooge.
Let’s read!
Follow along with the
next section of the
Questions to consider
We stop reading as Scrooge is locking up the
shop, and heading home.
Imagine what Scrooge would be thinking on his
way home – about the events of the day; about
Christmas; about his life.
Write a monologue as Scrooge, starting with…
Let’s have some volunteers read their monologues
Which monologues did you
feel were most effective?
What qualities did the
effective monologues have?
Lesson 5: Finish Stave 1
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson we
will have learnt what pathetic
fallacy is, and commented on
how Dickens creates tension
and suspense in the novel.
What is pathetic
Pathetic Fallacy
The treatment of inanimate objects as if
they had human feelings, thought, or
There has fallen a splendid tear
From the passion-flower at the gate.
 For example:
She is coming, my dove, my dear;
She is coming, my life, my fate.
The red rose cries, "She is near, she is
And the white rose weeps, "She is
The larkspur listens, "I hear, I hear;"
And the lily whispers, "I wait."
Stave One
Let’s continue our reading
of Stave One, up to the
point with the knocker.
 How is the knocker an
example of pathetic
 Continue reading until the
end of the Stave.
Questions to consider
How does Dickens build a sense of
tension and suspense, prior to the
appearance of Marley’s ghost?
 What does Marley’s ghost look
like? Sketch an image of Marley.
 Why does he wear chains? What
do the chains represent?
Questions to consider
Is Marley happy in
death? Why or why
 What message does he
have for Scrooge?
 What message is
Dickens trying to give
to society?
was my
The common
welfare was
Questions to consider
What prediction
does Marley’s
ghost make for
 How does Scrooge
react to the visit by
Marley’s ghost?
In your table groups, re-read the last section of stave
one (starting with the ringing of the bells).
As a group, write a script for the end of the stave.
You should be sure to focus on sound effects that
could be used to give dramatic effect to the action of
the novel.
*The sound of bells ringing*
*Clanking sounds, as if chains are being dragged*
*The ghost emerges*
Scrooge: “Its humbug still! I won’t believe it!”
*The ghost faces Scrooge*
What is
Scrooge feeling
at the end of
Stave One?
Lesson 6: End of Stave One: Recap
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson we
will have considered the type
of narration used by Dickens,
and compared a film
adaptation of the story to the
First person narration
What does it mean?
The story is told by only
one character at a time,
who explicitly refers to
him-or herself using words
and phrases involving "I“
and/or "we”.
What advantages does first person
narration provide?
Third person narration
What does it mean?
Each and every
character is referred to
by the narrator as "he",
"she", "it", or "they“. The
story is told from a
‘god-like’ point of view.
What advantage does third person
narration provide?
What style of narration
does Dickens use?
What’s happened so far in the novel?
 What is the purpose of Marley’s visit to Scrooge?
Consider the
following quote 
How could we
devise a
paragraph, using
P.E.E. Around this
Complete handout
entitled ‘Marley’s Ghost’
Question to Consider...
How does
Dickens hook
the reader into
the story, in
Stave One?
What makes
you want to
read on?
A Close Analysis
Turn to page 9 of your text, and find where the text
starts with ‘The door to Scrooge’s counting-house was
open...’ and read to ‘Bah!’ said Scrooge, ‘Humbug!’
Write down in your books the impression
the text gives you of:
1)Scrooge’s treatment of Cratchit
2)How Cratchit feels about his
A Close Analysis
Let’s recap Scrooge’s nephews arrival at the
Return to page 9, where we left off. We’ll need one
person to read all of the speeches made by
Scrooge and one to read all the speeches made by
Fred. We shall only read to page 10.
What impression does Dickens want
you to get of Scrooge, based on his
interaction with his nephew?
Text vs Film
How do you suppose a film version of the
novel will differ from the text?
 What could they illustrate effectively in a
 What could the text give an audience, that
a film version cannot?
Charting the similarities and differences
between the text and the film
Marley’s ghost
Let’s take a close look at how the ghost is described
(page 17):
Marley in his pigtail, usual waistcoat, tights, and boots; the
tassels on the latter bristling, like his pigtail, and his coat-skirts;
and the hair upon his head. The chain he drew was clasped
about his middle. It was long, and wound about him like a tail;
and it was made (for Scrooge observed it closely) of cashboxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds, and heavy purses
wrought in steel. His body was transparent...he felt the chilling
influence of its death-cold eyes, and marked the very texture of
the folded kerchief bound about its head and chin...though the
Ghost sat perfectly motionless, its hair, and skirts, and tassels
were still agitated as by the hot vapour from an oven.
ghost: Do you
get a better
impression of
the horror of
the ghost in
the film or in
the text?
Write a letter to David Jones, the director
of this version of A Christmas Carol, stating
whether or not you think he has done a
good job of bringing the novel to life. You
should comment on:
The good points:
Were there any things you felt the film did
more effectively than the novel?
Setting, characters, the portrayal of emotion,
special effects
The bad points:
Were there any things you felt the novel did
more effectively than the film?
Setting, characters, the portrayal of emotion,
special effects,
Be specific.
You’ve taken
notes on how
characters and
events are
Make reference
to how Dickens
described each
character and
how the film